
Many thanks (and much love) to my wife, Marcia, who made numerous suggestions, kept me on track and somehow managed to read the manuscript more frequently than I. Thanks also to Diana Flegal at the Hartline Literary Agency for support and criticism. I am also grateful to Joy and Russ Carroll for their comments, proofing and enthusiasm.

Rather than using a single biblical resource for scriptural quotations and paraphrases in this novel, I have used several popular resources, sometimes commingling their renderings for dramatic effect or readability.

The Israelites, by B.S.J. Isserlin, First Fortress Press edition, 2001, ISBN 0-8006-3426-8 has been an excellent resource for this novel. Any oversights, misapplications, errors or omissions contained in this fiction of its descriptions of the customs, lifestyles and living conditions in ancient Israel are not Isserlin’s, but my own.