
The moment we get back to New York City, we give the second Alpha to Raphael. By that time, the word is out everywhere. We are once again front page of the Splash.

Everyone in the Angel world is speaking our names and a massive celebration is planned. However, we make Tony notify IM Trouble that we are not ready to celebrate until we are sure that every member of our team is one hundred percent recovered.

Rage took the longest time to heal, as his wounds were far more substantial. He was taken to the best Healers and had Ameana by his side every step of the way. While we waited for Rage to get better, Jay took the opportunity to spend some time with Miku.

They went off to do wedding related things because he really wanted her to focus on something other than the death of Rio.

I overheard Emmy on the phone with Alex. It sounds as if he really wants to see her. She has been putting it off saying she wants to make sure Rage is okay first. In my head, she’s putting off the date because she can’t see going out with anyone else. Yeah, I know it’s stupid but it’s something I need to believe in right now.

It takes nearly two weeks for Rage to fully recover. Thankfully Raphael has not appeared with the clue to finding the last Alpha. The Splash got a hold of the news that Rage is fully recovered so naturally, within hours, Angels all over the world have started their celebration plans. Our social calendar is filled with events in our honor.

Normally, I would say we skip them but the team really did need to blow off steam so we are attending a few of the parties. It’s nearly an hour before we are scheduled to leave for one hosted by the Ground Walkers’ union. Everyone is dressed and ready but before we head out of the house, we gather Rage and Ameana in the living room.

“What’s going on?” Ameana asks suspiciously.

“Well, the truth is we are sick and tired of the two of you and your heated, passion filled stares across the room,” Emmy says with a smile.

“What? We don’t do that,” Rage replies.

“Oh please, I need a Tam just to be in the same room with you guys,” Miku says laughing.

“The other day you guys nearly ran into a mountain because you were too busy making goo-goo eyes at each other,” Emmy recalls.

“No, we…that’s…so what, you guys are here to tell us that our relationship is distracting to the mission?” Rage asks.

“Yes, it is,” I confirm.

“So you want me off the team?” Rage says with more than a hint of disappointment.

“What? No you can’t do that,” Ameana shouts.

“That’s not what’s happening,” I assure her.

“Okay, so what is happening?” she asks, confused.

“Well we figure maybe you guys would be more focused if you got what it is you wanted—each other,” Emmy says.

“C’mon, you know we can’t touch,” Rage replies.

“Well, we have a gift for you; a way to fix your problem,” I inform him.

Miku hands Rage and Ameana a small black pillbox with the symbol of the Council. They open it and find a gold liquid capsule inside.

“Wait this looks like…no, no it can’t be,” Rage says.

“Yes, it’s a Scrambler,” Miku says.

“A Scrambler; as in the vial that enables you to hide your identity from any and all meters?” Ameana asks.

“Yes, this will make it impossible to detect if you are being touched by an angel, demon, or human. It will confuse the meter inside you,” I tell Ameana.

“There’s only two in existence. The Council outlawed it for fear a demon could use it to wreak havoc. How did you get this?” she asks, dumbfounded.

“We called in a few favors and let’s just say being the leader has its perks,” I reply.

“I can’t believe you guys did this,” Ameana says, embracing us.

“Now, you know how Scramblers work: You only have six hours. After that the meter inside you will be able to identify Rage,” I remind them.

“Are you okay only being able to touch her for six hours?” Miku teases.

Rage looks hungrily at Ameana. She blushes and shakes her head.

“Now you could come to the party with us or you could go off by yourselves. But I mean what would you guys do alone after you take the pill?” Emmy asks, clearly making fun of them.

“I’m guessing they would read to each other or play checkers,” Miku says.

The team laughs at the couple; they are still in a state of shock.

“Well, swallow the damn thing already,” I order.

They exchange a look of excitement and slight hesitation. It’s as if this is all too good to be real. I can understand that. Scramblers are out of most Angels’ reach let alone a demon. The fact that Rage has one makes this the first time ever a demon has had access to such a powerful tool.

Rage puts it into his mouth and swallows. He then shivers slightly as the mixture works its way into his system. His eyes give off a golden glow before turning back to normal.

The Scrambler is in effect. Rage and Ameana can touch for the next six hours.

I think we were all expecting them to paw at each other like crazy animals in heat. I for one, damn near expected them to leap through the window, break the glass and go off into the sky. But that’s not what happens.

The first thing Rage does when he is allowed to touch her: trace the markings on her arm with his fingers. He missed having contact with his son. Aaden glows brighter than ever. He knows his father is near and that seems to bring him a great deal of joy. Rage then whispers to his son:

“Say goodbye; Daddy needs to talk to Mommy.”

And Aaden’s glow slowly starts to fade. Once Aaden goes away, he studies Ameana closely as he pulls her towards him. The only thing more intense than his thirst and desire for her, is the level of care he shows before kissing her.

He studies her face with his hand and I’m guessing he recalls the number of times she nearly died on this last mission. And how he could not reach out and protect her. I’m also guessing what drove him crazy the most was not being denied sex but being denied something more important: holding her.

Rage having to stand by and watch the girl he loves in danger and not being able to help or even hold her, brought a special hell into his life; a hell I know too well. When they finally kiss, it’s a passionate, all consuming, lip lock that shakes the very foundation of the townhouse.

“YEAH, GET THAT YO!” Jay encourages Rage.

Rage does not hear Jay. In fact, I’m pretty sure, we no longer exist to Rage and Ameana right now. And what’s more, we won’t exist for the next six hours.

The temperature in the room seems to have risen by about a thousand degrees. Jay rubs the small of Pretty’s back. She purrs and leans on his shoulders. Emmy and I make eye contact and then quickly look away. Then without so much as a word, Rage scoops Ameana up in his arms, out the door and into the sky.

“Okay, well we better head out to the party,” I suggest anxious to get some fresh air.

Miku and Jay exchange a look that tells me they will not be making it to the party. In fact, I’m thinking they won’t be going out at all tonight.

“Really? You guys aren’t going either?” I ask.

“Me and lil’ mama, gonna stay here and have a heart to heart,” Jay says as he takes Miku’s hand and heads toward their bedroom.

“That’s not her heart you’re touching,” I shout as they disappear behind closed doors.

Emmy and I both laugh as the music starts to play in Miku and Jay’s room. We look over at each other and I can’t remember ever being more uncomfortable. I shift my weight needlessly. Emmy clears her throat. I look up at the ceiling and she looks down on the floor.

“So…um…I guess you and I should go to the party together then,” I tell her.


“—I didn’t mean ‘together’ together. I just meant since everyone backed out it would just be us,” I correct quickly.

“No, I get what you meant. I was just saying that Alex is going to swing by the party too. He wasn’t sure before so I didn’t want to say anything yet but he just texted me and he’s outside, ” she says carefully.

“Oh, you’re going with Alex. That’s good. I’ll catch up later.”

“Are you sure?” she asks.


“We could all go to the party; all three of us,” she suggests knowing it would be a terrible idea.

“Ah…no, it’s fine. You guys go. I’ll see you later,” I assure her.

She smiles warmly. She’s about to say something but then thinks better of it and remains silent. I watch her walk out the door, down the steps and into the awaiting limo with Alex…


You stand a better chance of finding Omnis playing laser tag that you do finding me at that party. In fact, I’m not even sure I will stay in the US. Right now, I just want to get away, I don’t even care where I end up. I just need to avoid the party at all costs.

I would head to the Green Mountains like I normally do but now even that place reminds me of her. Also Jay changed her Tracker so that it now follows her and shows the image back to my watch. That means no matter where she is; I’m there too.

I thought this would be a good thing and as the First Guardian, it is. I get to keep an eye on her for safety. But as her ex fiancée, knowing I could look at my watch and see her kissing another guy, really, really, sucks.

On one hand I desperately want to look inside my watch. On the other hand, I would give my soul to avoid seeing what’s in there. It’s crazy to want something and fear it at the same time. However the reality of it is, no matter how bad things look inside the watch, I have made up an even more disastrous scenario in my head.

It’s a short scenario that stars Alex and my girl. They are laughing, dancing, and oh yes,kissing; lots of kissing. And if that wasn’t enough, they are mocking the fact that he cando things I can’t. And that’s why she loves him. Yes, that’s right; in this scenario, Emmyloves Alex…

In my head, she’s sitting on his lap, feeding him strawberries and sipping whatever it ishumans sip nowadays.

“Why did you pick me over Marcus?” Alex asks her.

“Oh, for so many reasons. First of all, you’re alive!” she says cackling with delight.

“What else drew you to me and away from the Guardian?” Alex wonders.

“Well, you have a heartbeat and most of all, your mother didn’t kill you, so you’re notscrewed up.”

“Yes, I’m a wonderful human,” Alex replies like a prick.

Okay so maybe that’s an exaggeration but still. I’m sure the two of them are having a great time together…

I can’t lie; a hit of CP would be great right now. Or maybe even a glass of Coy. I roam the streets of London and find myself standing at the front of a dark building. Stumbling on to this place is great because I’m sure it will really give me a new and unexpected high.

I walk inside and I am surrounded by activity. People are coming back and forth, everyone is involved in something. I look around feeling slightly uncertain. Then a guy signals for me to come over to him.

I head over to him and tell him what I’m looking for. He grins and tells me I can find what I need up the stairs. I thank him and head right for my “pick me up.”

“Hi, the guy downstairs said you were short on volunteers,” I say to the middle-aged human at the front desk.

“Yes two of our regulars couldn’t make it today,” the lady says.

“Well, I’ve been meaning to help out for a while now…” I reply.

“Yes, we understand. Sometimes life gets in the way. Also helping out at a Veterans Hospital sometimes creeps people out.”

“Does it?” I ask.

“Yes, they don’t like seeing people with missing limbs. It upsets them. You’re not afraid of a few missing limbs are you?” she asks.

“I think I can handle it,” I assure her.

She nods and instructs me to go inside each of the patients’ rooms and make sure they have whatever they need. I head down the hospital corridors and it’s exactly what you think a VA hospital would look like. It has stark white walls, glossy floors, and is surrounded by patients in various stages of recovery.

Volunteering has always been Jay’s favorite thing to do aside from collecting cars; I can see why he loves it so much. In one instance, I enter a patient’s room and all he asks for is the magazine that is out of his reach. I hand it to him and look over at his missing right arm. He smiles back at me and says, “Don’t worry, I’m a lefty.”

I’m always amazed by human beings and their ability to keep going no matter what obstacles they face. Some of these soldiers have lost entire squads in battle. They have seen unimaginable horrors with devastating outcomes.

They’ve watched children get blown up, been caught in a hail of bullets and seen their friends vanish under a sea of flames by the latest human weapon. Yet, every soldier I spoke to would go back if they could. In the end, the more patients I meet, the more honored I am to be in their presence.

The “high” I’m looking for comes to me at once. I am able to stop thinking about my life and focus on the humans. It feels good not to screw up and get high with CP or Coy. It feels…gratifying not to give into my urges. Although I have the power of super strength it’s only now that I’m actually starting to feel strong.

I head to the last room of my floor and find a guy around his late 40’s without any legs, sitting in his wheel chair, falling asleep. I enter and ask if he wants me to help him get into bed or at least turn the lights out.

“Nope, I can’t sleep until I have my dance,” he replies.

“I’m sorry, I don’t know what you mean,” I confess.

“He means I promised him a dance and he’s waiting on me,” someone says behind me.

I turn and find one of the most beautiful Paras I’ve ever seen standing in the doorway.

She has long golden blonde hair that curls and flows down to her back. Her bright amber eyes sparkle and her smile defies you to look away. Her expansive wings dance gracefully behind her. Paras are normally beautiful but this girl stands out among them.

“I’ve been wait’n on you,” the former soldier says, perking up as soon as he sees her.

“Well, I had to make sure we had everything we need,” she replies.

She then goes over and plugs in a little speaker. She links it with his MP3 player. The room suddenly fills with classical music. She goes over to him and asks for a dance. He says yes eagerly.

I watch, not knowing how she’s going to dance with someone who has no legs. She gets hold of the back of his wheel chair and begins to slowly glide his chair around the room to the melody of the song.

“You’re an excellent dancer. You’ve done this before,” she says playfully.

“There’s a few women on this floor I’ve been around with,” he jokes.

“I thought you only danced with me?” she says faking a dramatic “heart breaking” sigh.

“There may be others but you’re the only one I really care about,” he vows with a charming smile.

They both laugh and continue to dance. A few moments later, he starts to fall asleep. She tells me it’s his meds that make it hard for him to stay awake. I help her put him into his bed and we turn off the light and as we make our way out of the hospital, I address the charming “dancer.”

“You were really great in there.”

“Thank you.”

“I didn’t think I’d run into a Para here,” I tell her.

“Where would hope and light be needed if not a hospital?”

“Yeah, but I thought you guys only attended to the big things like world wars.”

“Maybe if we focused on the little human disagreements, we could stop the massive wars from even starting.”

“Makes sense.”

“Well you’re the only one who thinks so. Everyone in my family thinks I’m crazy because I spend so much time on small human issues.”

“Well, I don’t. I think you’re kind of amazing.”

“Yeah, I kind of am,” she jokes.

“And you’re humble,” I tease.

“Very much so,” she lies.

“I’m Marcus.”

“Hi, I’m Mia.”

“Mia, how come I haven’t seen you around?”

“I mostly hang around humans.”


“Humans are more fun. They don’t have wings so they improvise; they build airplanes. I mean really, how awesome is that?” she asks.

“I never looked at it that way.”

“Most angels don’t. I guess I’m…weird.”

“A little,” I admit.

As we walk down the street, she stops me and points to the sunrise.

“This is my favorite part,” she says.

We watch as the sun climbs higher into the sky. It brings with it a vivid palette of oranges and reds. We stand there silent, just watching the sky.

“My brother and I used to watch the sunrise all the time. I loved it,” she says sounding distant.

“You guys don’t do that anymore?” I ask.

“No. He’s…busy now.”

“Oh,” is all I say, not wanting to intrude.

“Marcus, can I ask you something?”

“Um…yeah, sure.”

“Do you wanna…hang out sometime?”

“Well I…see there’s this girl…and there’s a mission…it’s complicated.”

“Here’s my number. Call me if it ever gets…uncomplicated,” she says.

She then writes her cell number into the air with her finger. Then every digit she writes, floats into my palm and imprints itself there.

“How did…?”

“It’s an Allgen: A form of writing that is connected to your intentions. It will remain on your palm as long as you want it to. The moment you no longer wish it to be there, it will fade away.”

“Oh, okay,” I reply not knowing what else to say.

Just then I get a text from Ameana. She tells me that her and Rage are back. She also tells me that the six hours went by too quickly. I look at my cell, smile and shake my head.

“Mia, I gotta go.”


She smiles and starts to walk away. Suddenly she turns back and calls out to me.

“Hey Marcus?”


“Don’t let the Allgen fade,” she says with a shy smile.

I look in my palm and her number is printed there bolder than ever.


I enter the house fully prepared to make fun of the couple for no longer being able to touch each other. I look for Jay because I’m sure he would want to get in on teasing Rage and Ameana.

I call out for Jay but I get no answer. I knock on their door but no one replies. I slowly open the door and find no one in the room. I call out to Ameana and Emmy. They don’t answer. Immediately, I’m on high alert.

That’s when I see Rage out in the back yard. He’s unwrapping something but I can’t make out what it is from where I’m standing. I call out to him from the window.

“Where is everyone?” I ask.

“Ameana and Miku are trying to get as much shopping done as they can before the last mission,” he replies.

“Where’s Jay and Emmy?”

“Jay found a game of Runner Ball in Ireland, he should be back soon and Emmy is spending some time with her cat. I love that girl but really, her cat issues are not normal,” Rage replies, amused.

I walk out to the back yard where he’s pulling tissue paper out of a box.

“What’s in the box?” I ask.

“No idea. A shadow servant delivered it a few minutes ago with my name on it.”

Before I can replay, I get a text from Bianca.

“Sign. Or this will be just the beginning.”

“Hey, this is from your wife,” Rage says, surprised.


“It’s a Replay!” he says amused.

He then reads the card out loud.

“Please note this Replay is a memory not a fantasy.

Love, Bianca”

I run over to him and try to get it away from him.

“No, no, no. Not so fast. Did you and Bianca make a sex Replay? I don’t know why your wife is sending me this but I’m glad she did,” he teases me.

Dread and fear wash over me. I leap into the air to get the Replay away from Rage but he is slightly quicker and is able to hold on to the glass globe.

“Okay, Guardian, calm down.”

“Don’t look at that,” I warn him.

“Oh c’mon, I’m not gonna pass up a chance to make fun of you after what you guys did to us last night. Nope, let the jokes begin,” he says laughing.

He turns the Replay on expecting to see Bianca and I together in some embarrassing situation. But instead he sees Ameana and I having unremorsefully animalistic sex.