Regions (DEVA)

Two roads cross the center of the park diagonally making a large ‘X’. The southeast leg includes Furnace Creek and Badwater. The southwest leg consists of Stovepipe Wells near the center of the ‘X’ and Panamint Springs along the park’s western boundary. The northwest leg follows Death Valley up to Scotty’s Castle.

Furnace Creek: The most popular region of the park offers the widest variety of natural landscapes, scenic vistas, hiking trails, and visitor accommodations. Harmony Borax Works, Golden Canyon, Devil’s Golf Course, and Natural Bridge provide hiking opportunities through otherworldly terrain. Artist’s Drive and Twenty Mule Team Canyon allow motorists to drive past a few of Death Valley’s more remote wonders. Zabriskie Point is a popular perch to watch the sunrise. Dante’s View serves up the valley’s most breathtaking vista. Badwater is the lowest point in North America. Visitor Center, camping, lodging, food, gas, wi-fi, and postal service are available at Furnace Creek.

Stovepipe Wells: Mesquite Flat Sand Dunes crease and curl just north of CA-190. Mosaic Canyon, Salt Creek, and Titus Canyon are here waiting to be explored. Lodging, camping, and gas are available.

Panamint Springs: Darwin Falls, Father Crowley Vista, Lee Flat Joshua Trees, Wildrose Charcoal Kilns, and Aguereberry Point are the main attractions at your disposal. Lodging, camping, dining, bar, showers, RV hook-ups, and gas are available in the area.

Scotty’s Castle: A lavish “castle” built by a desert rat for his wealthy financier from Chicago, a 300-year old volcanic crater, 700-feet tall sand dunes, and an eerie mesa where rocks move on their own accord highlight this region. Racetrack Playa is one of the creepiest and most befuddling sights in all the national parks (high-clearance 4WD vehicle or mountain bike required).