Kiy’s Day Out
The Ceremony - 2010
Bakta the Overseer, Salvia Kiy, Premier Gor
The 30th Decennial Ceremony – The Domeriette Designation – was a low key affair. The weather was miserable. Howling winds from the north battered the once majestic grounds of the Bala Verceti Palace of Ancestors. And that meant just one thing – rain, and plenty of it.
Bakta presided from the centre of the rosewood stage. The canvas hoarding held back most of the wind’s kinetic energy, though he was forced to keep a hand on his ceremonial headpiece. He was a shell of the man he had once been. To his immediate right, Princess Domeriette was the only Royal present. To his left, three High Councillors and the vacant seat of Bana Camcietti. His untimely death just over a year ago during a psychic ability enhancement session was still painful. A significant setback for the Council. On the verge of mastering the Quantum Quinary Psychic Vision programme, a breakthrough that everyone believed would swing the war in their favour.
At least the rain has eased off, thought Bakta. He looked out over the audience in the grounds of the Palace of Ancestors. Those present huddled in small groups, social patterns having changed radically over the past few years.
The TV crews were transmitting to all nine provinces of Verceti, but the service they were able to offer was minimal; no roving camera work and certainly no 3D holographic transmissions.
Bakta the Overseer, anxious to get things moving, rose to welcome everyone.
“The four Great Houses: Camcietti, Tauriar, Ventar, and Domeriette welcome you to the 30th Decennial Ceremony–The Domeriette Designation.
“Goodbye to our Domeriette Elder.
“Congratulations to our new Domeriette Councillor.
“Greetings to our new Domeriette Princess.
“The Council balance is reaffirmed today.”
The outgoing Elder, Bana Domeriette had promised to stay on following the death of Bana Camcietti who would have been the next Elder, but ill health now prevented this. The High Council would remain at three.
The ceremony was short. Bana Tauriar ascended to Elder, Bana Ventar to Median High Councillor, and Princess Domeriette, the only Royal, becoming the New High Councillor.
All that was left was the selection of the new princess. Bakta forced back his dour mood and added some joy to this last part of the ceremony.
‘And, the new Princess Domeriette will be… Cressmell of family Grouthon.’

An outer province, Trent, thought Salvia Kiy, noting the limited excitement in the crowd near the front of the stage where their dignitaries gathered.
She sat right in the middle of the east grandstand. Reaching below her seat for her shoulder bag, she took the opportunity to set an explosive device. The small silver tube would detonate after it lost her DNA signature. It would be rude not to. She smiled.
Random explosions were one of the Cadre’s most successful destabilising tactics so far. The Hanvac virus may have been deadlier, but Bondservants from the KBS leaving these small devices in public places throughout the provinces of Verceti caused havoc. Based upon the Trun AM Hover Darts, they had been modified by the Zerot so the grey matter – problematic to detect at the best of times – was nigh on undetectable. They removed the DNA readers from most of these devices as too expensive. Bondservants were expendable.
She exited the grandstand and turned down the lateral circulation corridor. When she crossed the point at which the device lost her body signature, a loud crack ruptured the air. She did not turn around; a small but deadly implosion would be consuming all living matter within a five-metre radius. Everyone inside would cease to exist. The globe of death would collapse in on itself into a small crater littered with the body parts of those unfortunates caught on its edge.
The few Vercetians in the circulation corridor rushed past Kiy, heading toward the detonation and subsequent screaming. She took the portable receptor plate out of her bag and centred her feet. She was past caring who could see.
Salvia Kiy materialised in a small, tear-shaped spaceship in high orbit over Preenasette. She queried the onboard computer: Trent Provence, Ceremonial Reception Hall. She had a one-time-only opportunity. Right there!
Kiy materialized inside her target room and eliminated a pair of service staff. Outside, ignoring any protests, she pushed in near the front of the queue waiting to touch the new princess, for luck.
Soon enough, it was her turn to touch the baby’s head and recite the ritual benediction.
She placed the palm of her hand on the baby’s forehead. ‘A thousand blessings to the new Princess.’ The baby girl flinched and started to cry. Kiy smiled.

‘Success?’ Gor asked her.
‘Of course,’ she replied. They put on breathing masks and were soon in the suite of dungeons from a bygone era.
The two Bellogorn shared a dirge-like wail at the arrival of their tormentors.
Kiy went to the younger and put her hand on the leathery mottled skin just above its eyestalk. Her nails dug in cruelly, drawing beads of green blood and a high-pitched shriek from the terrified being. ‘Your only task is to follow every movement of this organism.’ A psychic transfer occurred between Kiy and the small Bellogorn.
Gor put his palm on the large Bellogorn. ‘Teach your brother to carry out this task without error, or we shall subject him to pain like you have never felt.’ The larger Bellogorn moaned, helpless to resist.
As they departed, the guard wondered why they were both smiling.