Chapter 25 - Residuum


Planet of the Remaining - 2015


Prince Camcietti/Daviss, Hadra, Dranba, Morvina

Hadra glanced over at Daviss from her navigation station on their spaceship the Do’arth, her duties now complete. Dranba would soon follow the pre-landing route fed to him from the surface of the planet. Daviss was next to her brother, with a facial expression she couldn’t quite make out.

As always, he was anxious to fly their ship himself, but Captain Morvina insisted that her son, the Do’arth’s pilot, would carry out landings. ‘One day,’ she always promised him. Hadra knew that after years of travelling the galaxy he was excited to finally arrive at their destination.

Residuum, Planet of the Remaining, and a meeting with the legendary Leader of the Remaining: Countess Bor, and her daughter the Lady Metalinda.

After thirteen years with them, this strange young man of unknown origin had become an integral part of their crew. No, she corrected herself, part of their family. Since his rescue, he had helped them find remnants of civilisations destroyed by the Zerot, supporting them and encouraging them to travel to this planet, now a stronghold of those left in the wake of destruction of this menace to the galaxy. Here, the reunion of the Countess and her mother would take place, and the final step in a plan a millennium in the making would be complete.

Daviss put a hand to his head. Again, she thought. She put her hand on his shoulder.

‘Distant voices again?’ she asked.

‘Yes,’ Daviss replied. ‘In the back of my mind. It’s so frustrating that I can hear them, but so indistinctly. Muffled voices reaching out to me, but always out of reach.’

‘The boy again?’

‘No,’ he said, ‘a woman.’

‘You have a distant admirer,’ she smiled. ‘Try not to worry.’

‘I try not to,’ he smiled back. ‘Anyway, I’m excited to arrive.’

‘I’m also excited,’ Hadra agreed serenely. Emotional displays were not a characteristic of her people. ‘This is what we have been working toward.’

There would be a grand ceremony to welcome back the leader of the Rammor, the first race to be decimated by the Zerot. They were a symbol of hope for all who had suffered from the killers of planets – a promise made to drive the infestation from this sector of the galaxy.

But the Rammorians carried a profound and dark guilt. Known to all of the Remnant races, but never spoken of.

They were the reason for the Zerot.