Chapter Fourteen


Dakota walked down the hallway for what felt like the millionth time since this nightmare began. Each time, she swore it felt longer, narrower, more sinister. What would be next? How had this house changed this time? What new spirit─better yet, vampire─might be frolicking about at the next turn?

"One foot in front the other, lass. I'm right here," Leathan said softly.

When did she stop walking? Time to regain the bravado she'd taken pride in last night. Meltdown moment, as sweet as it had been with Leathan in the kitchen, was officially over. Time to snap back to the reality she wished would vanish.

"It hasn't changed too much," Leathan said as they entered the foyer. "How do you know Roosevelt was just elected?"

"The camera caught it."

Though it had to be late noon, or close to, the storm thrashed and scolded the Victorian, its winds increasingly more vicious. Snow fell so heavily and the sky veiled with such dark, ominous clouds, it could have been nighttime.

The furnishings had changed. Still incredibly Victorian in design, the upholstery on the settee and chairs was now a very pale shade of cinnamon. The lamps and accessories were classic and tasteful.

"The power's out," Seth mentioned.

"No surprise there," Leathan said.

A fire continued to burn on the hearth and a bunch of candles were placed sporadically around the room.

"Let's see what we have." Leathan pulled Dakota down on the settee next to him and waited for Devin to pull up on the laptop what they'd missed.

"Good thing for batteries, eh?" Seth grinned.

"Better yet, good thing all of our stuff stuck around to help us out," Andrea mentioned.

Dakota couldn't agree more. Imagine where they would be had the house decided to take the equipment as well. A room popped up on the computer screen. "Is that my bedroom?"

"Yep," Devin said. "Check this out." He hit the play icon on the laptop.

The people, spirits who appeared almost instantly, looked as solid as them. A woman sat on the edge of a bed. She tucked in a boy who couldn't have been much older than eight.

"When will father be home?" he asked.

"Soon, very soon," the woman replied.

Just then, audio recorded the sound. Slam. A door shut. Thump. Thump. Footsteps running up the stairs. A man, maybe in his late twenties, flew into the room. "I got the news. He's in, he's in!"

The boy sat up, smiling. The woman stood. The man pulled her into his arms. They started to dance around the room.

"Roosevelt's president, daddy! Really?"

The man nodded, scooped the boy up and they all resumed doing a jig around the room. Then they vanished, their laughter an echo heard through the audio.

"That's it," Devin said. "But enough I'd say."

Dakota hated this. Every twist and turn felt like a slap in the face. 1904? Too damned much and way too fast for her taste.

Devin shut down the computer, looked at Leathan and sighed. "I have no idea what to do next."

"As much as I hate to say it, there isn't much we can do but wait." Leathan shrugged. "And shovel."

"Shovel?" Dakota asked, taken aback.

Seth nodded slowly. A grin broke over his face. "Yeah, why not?" He produced the bottle of whiskey he had tucked under his arm. "But first, what say you to warming and thinning the blood a bit?"

Andrea giggled. "Doesn't quite work that way but I like how your delusional mind works, brother."

"Me too." Seth put the bottle on the coffee table. "Get started, I'll be right back. Heading down to the basement to collect any shovels I can find. Be prepared, in this day and age, I expect nothing less than a dirt shovel to work with."

Leathan looked her way. "Will you be all right without me?"

No! Why? Where are you going? "Of course, why?"

"I'm going to go help Seth look for shovels. Would you rather I stay?"

Yes! "No, no, go, please."

She understood Leathan felt he still needed to make amends with his cousins.


Remember lass, I can hear your thoughts on occasion.

Ugh, right. "Please, go. I'm fine, really."

Leathan offered a small, reassuring smile. "I'll be right back."

"Sure, go. Don't forget to take a candle."

With a nod he grabbed a candle and headed down the hallway after Seth.

After they left, Dakota said, "This whole shoveling thing is Leathan's way of boosting moral."

Devin nodded. "Aye, lassie, you're getting to know him well you are."

"Here." Andrea handed her the bottle of whiskey. "Take a small swig."

Yeah right. She took a few gulps, eyes watering as the burning liquid seared her throat. Why would anyone enjoy this stuff in real life? That's what she called it now. Real life. A life she no longer lived in. But, in this reality, if this booze could provide an "off switch" to current circumstances, she'd take it. Goodbye bravery, liquid courage would do just fine right now.

She sat back and let her thoughts wander. They didn't go far. Leathan's previous statement rose up in her mind…"So you see I'm developing feelings for you? Trust me. It's nothing to be afraid of."

How could he think for a second that everything developing between them wasn't something to be afraid of? Was he out of his mind? Dakota had never been more terrified. Of his feelings for her. Of her feelings for him. How had they come so far in such short time? It had to be the circumstances. What if it was all part of the spell, or curse, they seemed to be under in this house?

Resting her head on the back of the settee, Dakota closed her eyes. For a split second, it all felt surreal, as though none of this was really happening. That same feeling of dreaming took over. Fleeting, the feeling passed. It was happening all right. Thank God for that! Where had that thought come from? But she knew. Her mind, not Leathan's this time. And she knew why, as shocking as the revelation was. Or was it really that shocking? If this house had not pulled her into its terror, she would have never sought out the Worldwide Paranormal Society.

And would have never met Leathan.

Sure they might have eventually met via the internet but would it have been the same?

It occurred to her then, clear as day; she would have dealt with a thousand haunted Victorians for a chance to have met him. A zillion villainous vampire ghosts if she knew he would come to her rescue. Yes, she'd acknowledged previously her feelings had grown for Leathan, yet this feeling, this blinding certainty, was brand new.

And undeniable.

Andrea had been right.

She was falling in love.

"They knew how to labor back in the day, plenty of shovels," Seth said, reentering the room with a hand full of shovels. Leathan entered behind him, more shovels in hand.

Lifting her head, Dakota opened her eyes, which naturally connected instantly with Leathan's. He'd been worried about her in that short amount of time.

"Who's ready to tackle this storm?" Leathan said.

Needing no further prompting, she stood, eager to…shovel!

Seth took a swig of whiskey. Leathan did not.

All eager to escape, even if it was a fruitless venture, they bundled into their jackets, gloves and hats. Dakota grabbed a shovel from Leathan and smiled. When he pushed against the front door, it didn't budge. Laughing, he stepped back and lunged forward. The weight of his body moved it forward a scant two feet. Snow fell in through the opening.

"How high is it?" Seth sidled in beside her, eyes roaming up and down the opening in anticipation.

"Looks to be about three feet," Leathan said.

"No!" Dakota said. "Three feet?"

Seth didn't wait but shoved past them. The minute his body hit the door, the air crackled, black sparks shot around his frame then vanished. It swung wide open. Snow blew outward, a wide arc of white, wispy dust.

"I think I like your gift," Leathan said.

Seth plunged forward and bellowed with laughter. "I know I do!"

Everyone started laughing. As Seth moved forward, a shovel became a totally obsolete notion. His form alone blew the snow aside, black sparks shooting off him, until a path, with walls easily three feet tall, followed in his wake.

"Too cool!" Andrea yelped and plunged after him.

It felt as if her spirit became lighter and Dakota headed out after her, "I totally agree!"

Tossing aside the shovel, she ran after them until they met water. It didn't take long to see that the ocean lapped at the gate in front of the house. What a sight! Seth, a force to be reckoned with, had blown an alcove that created a semi-circle at the end of the walkway consisting of a wall of snow with the ocean lapping at its outer edges. Snow and wind still whipped but in their own little room created by Mother Nature and…Seth, they had, for at least a few moments, escaped the terror they'd lived in for days.

"Holy hell," Seth breathed and turned. "Let's see."

"Let's see, what?" Devin asked.

"What else I can do."

Leathan shook his head but Seth had already looked skyward and flung up his arms. Did Seth's eyes just glow black? A roar started to build. It sounded like thunder. But it didn't stop. Rumbling, tumbling, it filled the air and ground, until the snow started to fall heavier, the wind, ferocious, lethal.

Snow built so quickly, heightening around them, layer upon layer, it was hard to believe. It must have hit over five feet tall when Seth slumped to the ground. Leathan and Devin rushed forward.

Andrea held Dakota back. "No, let them," she said.

"Damn." Leathan pulled Seth's head into his lap.

Devin fell to his knees beside them, patting Seth's chest and arms. "What the hell?"

Seth's eyes remained closed. Was he dead? Leathan and Devin prompted, prodded, and kept talking to him.

"Damn fool killed himself. Leave it to him to do it this way," Devin said.

Leathan cradled Seth's head, expression grim.

Seth's eyes snapped open, blue eyes stared up at the sky. "Holy shit. That kicked ass!"

Silence descended.

Pushing his cousins aside, Seth sat up. "Fools, look!"

Dakota looked to Andrea. She shrugged.

Leathan and Devin appeared equally confused.

Seth stared at them all then let out a hearty sigh. "I'm fine but look around! See what I did all by myself."

Released from the fear of losing Seth, they did. Dakota, wide-eyed, couldn't believe it. Easily six feet tall, Seth had created a smooth surface, protective half igloo. It was amazing. The ocean, curious and whooshing made up one wall, the rest was a semi-circle of perfection. Ice and snow had formed into a half sheet of wall, with a doorway carved in the middle that led to a path to the front door of the house.

Seth clasped Leathan's arm. "This is how we can fill our time. We need to learn what we're capable of as warlocks!"

Leathan shook his head. "No."

"He might be onto something," Devin admitted.

Nodding, Seth turned his attention to Devin. "You try next. What is it you can do? Hear things no one else can? So at the very least, sound is your thing?"

Devin shook his head once. "I'd like to say you're out of your mind, but look at what you created."

"He is out of his mind," Leathan said. "Bad idea, all of this."

Dakota narrowed her eyes, hands on hips. "How could you say that after every damned thing we've all been through? Don't you see this wall of snow and ice around us? I know I do!"

Leathan looked at her and frowned.

"What?" she asked. "Are you seriously gonna stand there and say we should all keep a rational mind right now, not experiment a little?"

His stern expression faltered. "Actually, yeah."

Dakota took his hand and beseeched, "let's see if you boys can get in a little practice before the shit hits the fan in this house, okay?"

Leathan smirked. "Foul-mouthed wench. Fine, have it your way."

Dakota grinned. "Good boy."

His eyes narrowed. She winked.

"Okay then," Leathan declared. "Devin, you're next. Show us what you've got."

Devin nodded and grinned with excitement. "All right."

Walking to the center of the semi-circle Seth had created, he spread his legs, flung back his head, raised his arms and…stopped. His head and arms dropped. He grinned. "Any clue what I'm supposed to say?"

"Just plead inwardly, 'make it so,'" Seth provided.

"Make it so?" Devin asked.

"Yep, make it so. Just like that."

"Seems so bloody vague."

"Do it."

"Okay then, chum says I should make it so, then I will." Devin again closed his eyes, flung his arms wide and yelled at the top of his lungs, "Silence! Leave storm!"

Dakota tried, she really did, to keep a straight face, but who screamed like that to the sky? Seth certainly hadn't. Had Devin even listened to Seth's advice?

One of Devin's eyes opened and locked on her. "I see you're trying hard not to laugh, lass. What's so funny?"

Biting back a smile, she went straight-faced. "Nothing. I think you're on to something."

A strange sound came from Andrea. She glanced her way only to find her friend's face beet red. She too, was doing her best not to laugh.

"Seth, what made you do what you did? What were you feeling exactly? How did you tap into the 'gift'?" Leathan asked.

Seth shrugged. "I didn't really. I got excited, curious and plunged headfirst, all the while thinking to myself, 'make it so.' Once I made it to the end of the path and had your attention I knew through that feeling I could form the snow; make it more exciting, how I wanted it."

"Okay." Leathan walked forward and casually strolled around the circle until he came to the water. There he crouched, took off one glove and ran his fingers through the ocean water. "Come here, Devin."

Devin walked to Leathan and crouched beside him.

"Take off your glove," Leathan urged.

Devin didn't hesitate, the glove was off.

"Run your fingers through this water. Tell me what you feel."

He did. "It's cold, damned cold."

"What else?"

Devin ran his hand along the surface, and then plunged deeper. "There's a bottom."

"Exactly." Leathan wiped his hand on his jacket then slid it back into his glove. "What you need to find, what Seth's talking about, is at the bottom, it's at the heart of you." He glanced at Seth. "Am I right?"

Seth nodded.

Devin ran his hand along the bottom for a few seconds, deep in thought, before he pulled his hand free and stood. Dakota only had a glimpse of him turning their way before everything changed in such a way she staggered back.

A pulsing deep maroon light radiated from Devin. His eyes glowed the same color.

Though the ice recluse Seth had created remained, the sound changed. No longer did the howling mad wind beat down on them but a light breeze. The ocean ceased its roar and became a lapping, friendly comrade. And somewhere, as though way down the beach on a far off Caribbean island, the sound of steel drums met their ears. A low table heavy with exotic food appeared.

"I think I like your gift," Andrea said to Devin. "Very, very nice."

Devin took a deep breath and nodded. "Thanks."

"Interesting," Andrea said. "Looks like Seth's magical aura must be black, Devin's a dark red."

"Looks that way," Leathan said.

"So who's up for a snowball fight?" Seth asked.

"Not yet," Dakota said, though a large part of her didn't want to.

Andrea met her eyes. "She's right, not yet."

Dakota had to know what he was capable of. She had to face the Leathan who was "warlock." How could she not at this point? "Snowball fight after we discover what Leathan can do."

His sharp gaze met hers. "Can't we enjoy this?"

"No, we can't."

Walking to her, snow crunching beneath his booted feet, Leathan stopped. "Will you fear me when I─"

Dakota put a gloved finger to his mouth and shook her head. "I made a promise. I intend to keep it."

Never more studied within one's eyes, Dakota struggled to hold his gaze. At last he said, "I believe you. Let's see what I can do. I'll try to summon a little bit of everything you all would like to see here."

Leathan walked to the ocean's edge, as he had that first night they met. This time however, the ocean butted and demanded entrance. This time, Leathan wasn't mad at her for contemplating suicide. His gaze swung over all of them before his arms fell to his side peacefully, and he closed his eyes. Watching the ocean lap at his booted heels, the snow fall gently over his head, Dakota felt a great distance grow between them.

Wherever he went, he traveled far.

That same blue light from her dreams, the very light that haunted her that first night, started to twist around him. Twirling and mesmerizing.

Devin's face fell, and he stepped forward. Seth shook his head avidly and did the same. Fear flashed in Andrea's eyes.

What the heck?

Suddenly, one foot apart, six inches wide, recessed lighting emitted from the concave of snow. The ground turned to white, soft sand. The ocean turned a bright turquoise. The air warmed. Though it continued to snow, random and light, the sun shone through, like an eager light wanting to let them all know it still existed.

Leathan breathed deeply. More changed.

Seats carved of ice formed behind them. Though the sun shone through the snow, the moon and stars appeared behind them. Roses started to bloom everywhere, some bushes, others vines, wrapping around the seats.

Leathan fell to his knees.

Dakota rushed forward and fell to her knees in front of him. "Stop this now. No more!"

Deep red, cheerful yellow, roses continued to bloom. Leathan slumped further.

"Stop!" his cousins said in unison.

All ceased.

Dakota wrapped her arms around Leathan. "I'm sorry. I should have never pushed you."

"Aye." His heavy arms fell around her. "You should have."

What had she hoped to achieve? To see him for the true evil being he must be if he were a warlock? Nonsense. Angry, she pulled back and urged him to face her as best she could. "Get up, stand up. See what you did." Maybe she should throw in a zinger to help motivate. "Don't be a wimp."

"Wimp?" He gave a somewhat dopey grin. "Now we both know I'm not that."

He appeared completely out of it, drunk almost.

"Fine then, show me what you got, arrogant bastard, get your ass up," she insisted, trying to goad him into action, clarity.

His unfocused eyes rolled. "Am I falling in love with you? Hope not. You're a prickly damned indecisive thing, lass."

Before Dakota's shocked mind could comprehend what he'd said his cousins pounced like a flock of geese protecting their young. Seth took him under one shoulder, Devin the other. Andrea simply shifted in such a way Dakota had no choice but to step back as they sat him down.

Seth grabbed a chunk of snow and swabbed it over Leathan's face. That's all it took apparently. His eyes started to clear. When they did he pushed everyone away. "What the bloody hell?"

"What the bloody hell's, right." Andrea put her face directly in front of his. "Seems you may be a bit more powerful than Seth and Devin, or did you already know that?"

"What?" he said.

Leaning close, Andrea whispered in his ear. It was fairly obvious what was said. His expression didn't change though. In fact, he didn't appear all that surprised. Had Leathan been understating what he felt when they were in the kitchen earlier?

Apparently he wasn't about to comment further. Pulling off his gloves, hat and jacket, he leaned back, hands braced in the sand behind him and stretched his legs, crossing one over the other. Gazing around, he managed to produce a rather languid, sexy grin. "I'd say we did pretty good guys. And I'm thinking I'm only a little bit stronger right now because I'm the oldest. Maybe you two still need to grow into the rest of your ability."

Devin sat slowly in one of the ice chairs and looked at Leathan curiously. "Are you okay?"

"Me?" Leathan pulled off his boots and socks. "Never better, why?"

Everyone started to pull off their gloves, hats and jackets. It had to be at least eighty degrees in their little warlock induced igloo. Devin shrugged. "No reason except I don't think I've ever seen you look so relaxed."

Seth kept a wary eye on Leathan as well. "He's right. You sure you're okay?"

Leathan nodded. "I am. Honestly, releasing all that energy, power, whatever it was, totally relaxed me." His eyes met Dakota's briefly. "Kind of like how you feel after sexual release, only more intense if you can believe it."

"I didn't get that sensation in the least." Seth frowned. "I pretty much felt like I'd run a marathon and needed to catch my breath."

Everyone looked Devin's way. "And you?" Andrea asked.

"Honestly?" He grinned and shrugged. "I was starving."

Leathan lay down, rested his head on his clasped hands and released a sigh of contentment. "I think I like my magical repercussions the best."

Devin snatched up a creamy pastry off the table and took a big sloppy bite. Groaning in bliss, he sank back in his chair and said through a mouthful of food, "I don't know. Kind of like mine better."

Seth, who was already nodding off in his chair muttered sleepily, "Mine's not bad either."

Andrea shook her head, incredulous. "If you want my opinion, you guys better learn how to handle this or you'll all be fat within a year!"

"I'm fine without your opinion." Devin bit into some sort of dark green fruit.

Leathan stretched his long body, a contented smile plastered on his face. "I agree."

Seth started snoring.

Dakota had little opinion about it. As far as she was concerned, Leathan seemed okay. For that matter, they all did. If they wanted to lounge, eat, sleep, enjoy what they'd created, so be it.

Not only was it warm, but a bit humid. What she wouldn't do for a tank top instead of this sweater. As soon as Dakota thought it, she wore it. Amazed, she stared down at the skin tight, white tank that fell right above her belly button. Her eyes flew to Leathan.

Upright now, he shrugged one shoulder casually and grinned. "What? You were hot. I cooled you down."

Cooling her down had been about the last thing he'd done and damned if he didn't know it. His blatant admiration focused entirely on her hardening nipples. Biting her lower lip, Dakota crossed her arms over her chest.

Playing shy? he said into her mind.

Play shy? Her? Never.

Standing, Dakota grabbed a handful of snow from the wall and started toward Leathan. With a nonchalant smile, she patted the white stuff into a smooth ball.

Instead of trying to flee, he lay back on the sand again, apparently more interested in how she'd look from that angle than exactly how frigid this snowball would be when it landed in his face.

"Aren't you brave," Andrea said.

"He is, isn't he?" Dakota decided Leathan was making this far too easy. Instead of whipping the ball at him, she stopped, a foot on either side of his thighs, fully intending to lean over and give him a white wash.

Leathan gazed up. His smiled vanished. Dakota gazed down. Her smile vanished. The snowball fell from her listless hand as she once again looked toward the ocean and noticed the white sand beneath them. This couldn't be happening. Knees weak, she sank down until she straddled him.

"This," she whispered. "It's just like my dream."

Propped up on his elbows, worry and confusion pulled his brows together. "Mine too. Just like my dream."

"You dreamt of this?"

"Aye, except─"

When Leathan stopped talking she tensed, a horrible sense of anticipation filled her. The igloo began to melt. Drip. Drip. It started to sound like water being poured through a strainer onto the ground.

"Andrea, get Seth and Devin into the house now!" Leathan said.

"What about you two?"

"Just go, please."

Body locked, Dakota watched Andrea shake Seth awake and pull Devin away from his food. Though confused, both complied and trudged up the path to the house. Obviously, the men were still under the influence of having implemented their magic because they were of no use to anyone right now.

"What's happening?" She tried so hard not to panic. "Why can't I move?"

Leathan put his hands on the side of her waist, breathed deeply and said in a surprisingly calm voice, "Because the vampire doesn't want you to."