Chapter Eleven
Seth pulled Alana’s small body up against him. For the first time in his life he was truly aware of a woman. He buried his face in her hair and inhaled the sweet smell. He ran his hand down her slender arm and marveled at the baby soft texture. In some small way, it felt like he was making love for the first time. In fact, it didn’t even occur to him that he hadn’t thought of it as sex.
The rain fell heavier, its mist blowing in on the warm wind and mixing with the slight friction between their bodies. Though the darkness seemed to increase outside, a fire felt as though it brightened in their fraction of reality.
Alana ran her fingers through his hair; her gentle lips parting as his tongue very lightly skimmed her neck then her ample cleavage. He sampled the deep alcove between her scrumptious breasts and braced his hands on her slim hips when she arched, gently but firmly pinning her in position.
His erection throbbed eagerly, ready to be free from the uncomfortable confines of his pants. But it wasn’t time. Not yet. Running a sure hand up her leg and thigh, Seth flicked his tongue up her neck feather-light before hovering over her lips. Eyes closed, her chest rose and fell quickly as if she enjoyed his lips so close but not touching. As if she enjoyed the sweet promise of what was to come. As if she enjoyed the taste of his breath in her mouth.
Slowly, carefully, he ran his hand up over her clothed thigh, belly, and then tenderly cupped her breast. Again, he marveled at how perfectly it fit in the palm of his hand, how amazingly round and firm it was. Ever so slightly, he rubbed the pad of his thumb over the protruding nub of her nipple beneath the fabric of her dress. Her eyelashes fluttered when he flicked his nail over it. But she wasn’t looking…just breathing him in.
It was incredibly provocative.
Fanning his hand over her chest, Seth felt the heavy thud of her heart beneath his palm and closed his eyes. When he did, the delicate silk of her lips touched his, so feather soft it felt like a flower petal brushing his lips. For the first time ever, his lips tingled, came alive… throbbed.
Alana’s hand covered his and her tongue entered his mouth. Slow, curious, she traced the outline of his tongue before she flattened and slowly wound around once. Remaining still, he relished the pure sensation of feeling her lips trembling against his. Bit by cherished bit, he ever so slowly joined his lips to hers because he had no choice. She tasted amazing. A swirl here, a twirl there, his tongue sucked her in and his lips fused to hers.
A low throaty moan rumbled from within her chest and vibrated beneath his palm. Clenching his hand over her chest, Seth suddenly wanted to hold onto this moment forever, hold onto her forever.
Nodding as if she’d heard his thoughts, Alana stood and swung her leg over his hips. Seth helped her pull up the dress so she could comfortably straddle him. Instead of giving him back her delectable lips, Alana stared intently. Her hair was damp, some tendrils clinging to her neck and face. Her eyes were large and dark in her pale face.
Neither talked.
Words didn’t belong here tonight.
Still her chest heaved as though she’d sprinted a mile, the delicate material straining against the ample mounds of her cleavage. Seth reached up and ran his finger across the small pearls of moisture on her skin then slowly licked it from his finger. All the while, her shadowed eyes watched his movement. Sexy, like a stormy siren, she reached beneath her skirts and touched herself. His mouth dropped open. As if she had all the time in the world and she ruled this moment, she continued to touch herself, her head dropping back in pleasure. Full lips parted, eyes closed, the sheer plane of her neck glistening with dew.
Never, ever, in all his time on Earth and with all the many women he’d been with had Seth seen something so incredibly alluring and erotic. He grasped her hips and involuntarily thrust against the warmth between her thighs. There stood a damned good chance he was going to pre-ejaculate in his pants.
She knew. A small smile formed on her lips and Alana pulled free her hand. So slowly he thought he was going to die with want, she brought her fingers to his lips. With near greed, he pulled her digits into his mouth and closed his eyes again. Sugary sweet, she tasted like perfection. Eventually, she pulled free her fingers and traced one gracefully around the outer edge of his lips. Then, one button at a time, she undid the front of his shirt as he reached around and nimbly undid her buttons.
All the while, he thrust up against her core, immensely pleased by the way she bit her lower lip. She was as eager as he. And he was almost certain she didn’t have on any sort of panties. As if to confirm his suspicion, she moaned and curled her fingers into the dark dusting of hair on his chest when he thrust a bit harder.
The next throaty hum from her throat snapped the last of his restraint. With deft fingers, he unbuttoned his pants and allowed his cock much needed freedom. Alana breathed heavily and leaned forward, giving him the perfect opportunity to guide her where he needed her. Burying her face in his neck, she slowly sank. His cock twitched and he dug his nails into his thighs instead of slamming her into position.
A small whimper of pleasure erupted as she forced herself down further and further until…
“Holy hell!” He cried and grabbed her hips. The pleasure was so intense he nearly got off right there and then. Seth had never felt this before. His cock throbbed inside her as if he’d already let go. His whole body shook as he held her in position. If she moved even a smidge right now, he knew he’d blow. Head falling back against the cushion, he breathed deeply and tried to focus on the heavy rain, the steady mist blowing across his cheeks.
Carefully, as though she understood, Alana leaned forward and cupped his cheeks. Inch by inch, she angled his head until her lips met his…and kissed him for the first time. Or at least it felt that way. Almost in a chaste way, she kissed him. Angling, light, she kissed him. Her smooth lips pretended they were that of a virgin. Seth cupped her head and took the gentle offering. He took the reprieve she’d given him. Through the heavy blood rushing through his head he could hear the suckle of her kiss, the swoosh of her dress in the wind.
And it was only when she’d convinced him that her sweet kiss was enough that her hips moved.
Seth nearly gasped into her mouth.
Holding back was no longer an option.
Reaching under her skirts he grabbed her backside and thrust up harshly. Alana squeaked but didn’t shy away. Her hips twirled and she thrust back. Hands holding onto his shoulders, she began to ride. Seth ground his teeth and met her thrust for thrust. Her hair fell free and fanned around them. When her tongue snaked out and licked her lips, Seth nearly howled.
But not yet.
Abruptly, he stood and spun, then kneeled. This position pinned her back against the corner railing of the veranda, but still cushioned by the seat. Unable to grasp him anymore, she grasped the post above and behind her. With a sharp tug, he had the front of her dress down. While her breasts spilled free, he thrust again. And again. She cried out. He cried out. Somehow they slid down until he knelt on the floor and she sat on the cushion.
But even that wasn’t nearly close enough.
When she fell back on the seat he came over her. Rain and sweat steamed off of their skin. Her legs wrapped around him and he buried deeper, more evenly. The thrusts, the passion, all became more intense. Seth felt the soft plushness of her breasts press against his bare chest. He heard the increasing whimpers erupt from deep inside her. He felt the clenching tightness of her core around his overly sensitive cock. And when he thrust that final time and his body locked up in unbelievable pleasure, he heard the loud keen of her release. Even then he couldn’t push far enough into her. He couldn’t get enough of her grasping pleasure. The overly intense feeling of their hearts slamming against each other.
Seth wasn’t going anywhere but inside of her.
That was the last thought he had as the rain lulled him to sleep.
When he awoke, it might have been minutes later but he suspected it was several hours based on the lightened sky. But the light was very dim and rain still fell. Alana was curled up beside him, still dressed from the waist down. Damned if he wasn’t ready to have her again. Gently, so as to not wake her up, he pulled free the dress and admired the smooth planes of her body in the predawn light.
Shedding the last of his clothing, he once more lay beside her on the bench, his front to her back. Seth inhaled the scent of her skin as he ran his hand up her thigh, then over her hip. He liked the way her hip bone joined with the lean muscles of the side of her stomach. He liked the firm definition of her arms formed from mountain climbing and extreme activity. Dusting the back of his knuckles beneath her breasts he was again surprised by their size. An A or B cup would better suit her athletic body. Not that he was complaining. The C cup was fine. He peppered kisses over her shoulder and found his way to the delicate lobe of her ear where he gently nibbled.
Alana responded by pushing her ass back against his groin. Whether asleep or not, her body knew that there was an aroused male nearby. Moving back just a scant few inches, he let his knuckles walk slowly down the steps of her spine, as though every stair was treasured, new to the touch. As he knew she would, Alana arched, pushing her firm ass tighter against him.
“Seth,” she whispered.
A small knowing grin on his face, he cupped one cheek in his hand and squeezed. When her leg lifted in invitation, Seth turned her onto her belly and crawled over her. Before she could comprehend his intentions, he lifted her hips slightly and slid in from behind.
This time she didn’t play coy or take it slow. This time she cried out and pushed back in ‘take-me-now’ welcome. The fact that she so adamantly wanted him back inside of her aroused him even further. Frenzied, he braced on his hands and thrust almost violently. Needy couldn’t begin to describe how he felt.
When Alana came within seconds, her cry muffled in the cushion, his cry wasn’t far behind. Seth came so hard he crushed her and couldn’t help it. His body was useless. But she’d come hard too based on the heavy clenching of her body. Exhausted, content, he fell beside her and pulled Alana’s sweat soaked body flush against his. Kissing the side of her neck, he closed his eyes.
“Seth,” Alana whispered. “Seth, are you awake?”
Heavy lidded, he pried his eyes open to daylight. Alana’s golden eyes looked back. At some point they’d faced each other and…cuddled? Seth blinked and found he didn’t really want to move. He kind of liked it here.
“I don’t cuddle,” he said softly. Now why had he said that?
A small smile started to blossom on her face before her eyes widened and she sat up. “Oh heck! We’re naked in my mother’s garden!”
Not nearly as concerned, he grinned and sat up too. “Oh no. Not that.”
Alana’s eyes widened further and she shook her head. “This can’t be good.”
“You’re an adult. One stuck in another time no less. Wouldn’t worry.”
“That’s not what I’m talking about.”
Seth looked in the same direction as Alana and froze. What the fuck?! He jumped up, pulled on his pants and stumbled out of the veranda. He couldn’t be seeing straight, could he?
Alana pulled on her dress and stumbled down beside him, her voice weak when she said, “Tell me we’re having the same nightmare. Please, tell me.”
The Tudor house was downright decrepit. For that matter, so was the garden and all the trees. He spun and looked at the forest. It was…dead? Not in a New England winter sort of way but in a horror movie on crack sort of way.
He closed his eyes then reopened them. Everything was the same.
“Seth, I’m scared.”
Bile rose up but he swallowed it. Alana didn’t need to see him afraid. He was the ghost hunter and warlock. This was his thing. Facing death was his thing. Straightening his shoulders, he turned her way and froze once more, his eyes widening.
“What is it?” Alana stepped back a fraction. “You look like you’re staring into the pits of hell, Seth. What is it?”
“Your necklace,” he murmured.
Alana’s hand came to her necklace and she frowned. “What about it?”
“Black rose,” he said. “It’s a black rose.”
Fingering the pendant, her frown deepened. “It wasn’t black last night. Why is it now?” She bit the wobble of her lip. “And why does this shock you?”
“I’m sorry. I should have told you. I just had no idea.” Seth made himself touch the pennant.
“What the hell are you talking about?” She tried to rip off the necklace. It wasn’t budging.
Seth stopped her and loosely gripped the rose in his hand. The night in the garden came back to him. When she had in another state and voice said, “Beware the black rose. It will rip from you your very center. It will take from you your heart.” When he’d asked Calum so recently what the black rose meant and he’d responded, “You’ll know very soon. And when you do, your life won’t be worth living.”
Staring at the rose centered pennant that had changed colors overnight he said calmly, “This has to do with why we’re here.”
She pulled away and paced a few steps, fear in her eyes. “What do you mean?”
Wiping a hand over his face, Seth shook his head. “I don’t know.”
Alana stood before him in an instant, her eyes fiery bright. “You have to know. You’re the warlock!”
With an even look, he continued to shake his head. “But I don’t. Sorry. I should have told you sooner about this. I didn’t want to frighten you more.”
Hair frazzled, dress falling off her shoulders, Alana placed her hands on her hips. “Too late for that. Tell me what you know.”
All of the romanticism of last night had vanished, as though it’d never existed. Then again, how the hell could he even for a second worry about that when the shit they’d been thrust into made it irrelevant. So he told her what she’d said in the garden and what Calum said not that long after.
Alana’s hands slid down her hips as though the resolve to keep them in place had vanished. He didn’t blame her. Heavy news. Because he wanted the defeated look off her face, Seth said, “It’s all part of the curse. We’re in this together and we’ll figure it out. You’re not alone.” And for good measure. “And I’ve got more power than most men.”
Tears clouded her eyes briefly before she blinked them away, looked at the sky then nodded once. With a tug at the sleeve that’d slipped over her shoulder, Alana turned her attention to the house and said, “It looks terrible. Everything does. We need to find Calum and Grace.”
Seth already knew Calum wasn’t here. He could feel it deep down inside. That wasn’t a good thing. Had they somehow traveled in time again? If so, where’d they go? Death itself?
“What’d you say?” he asked Alana.
“Almost.” She knelt and fingered a dead flower. “It almost had life and color in it. I could’ve sworn.”
“I see nothing but black,” he responded.
“Nevermind.” Alana stood and started to walk toward the back door.
“I didn’t mean to-“
“It’s okay,” she said over her shoulder. “Let’s go see.”
But he knew that they weren’t going to find anything. As they walked into the house it only got worse. It looked as though someone had spread several centuries’ worth of dust over everything. Strangely enough, it was even sadder than how it’d looked when he first saw it. Sheets covering years of neglect would’ve been preferable to this.
This was just…death at its best. As though sadness had swooped through and devoured everything. The gloom felt intense, like a heavy cloak that settled over his shoulders when he entered. A tear slipped free from his eye. Damn. Wiping it away he almost growled. Being depressed was about the furthest thing from his nature. This was the reaper at work.
“Grace! Calum!” Alana yelled as she went through the rooms. Again she yelled, “Calum? Grace?” and took the stairs two at a time.
Seth knew she’d find nothing. It was all gone…life, light, everything.
Eventually, Alana trod down the stairs, her skin even paler than normal. Sitting down beside him on the bottom stair she looked aimlessly around the vast foyer. Several minutes passed before she said, “What do we do now?”
He took her hand and squeezed. “I don’t know. I’m sorry.”
“Have you sensed the reaper? Is it here?”
“No. But then again, not really sure what I’m supposed to sense. Nothing’s jumping out.” Seth sighed. “All seems pretty…”
“Dead,” she whispered.
“Sad,” he said.
“Really sad,” she agreed. “Like I just want to cry and cry, then give up.”
“Same here.”
They sat that way for a long time, depressed, before Alana finally said, “I know this seems…I mean I know I always run…but can we leave, run, get out of here?”
Seth felt so listless that he really didn’t care. “Naw, why bother?”
“I just need to.” But even as she took a few steps, Alana slumped to the floor and stared aimlessly at the door.
While he knew that wasn’t like her he got it. Leaving his current position seemed a total waste of time. So he continued to sit and stare at the door like her.
Day turned into night. Night turned into day.
Eventually, Alana lay down and rolled a few times, putting herself closer to the door. “It just seems like… I dunno.”
Seth had long ago propped himself against the wall. He’d long ago ignored the rumble of his hungry stomach. “Huh?”
Laying on her back, knees bent, Alana stared at the ceiling high above. “Maybe it’d be better to look at the sky.”
With a wide yawn, Seth shook his head. “This works fine for me. I’m comfortable.”
“See.” She continued to gaze at the ceiling. “Me too. But why?”
“Why what?” he asked lazily.
Alana’s head lolled to the side and she narrowed her eyes. “Why are we so comfy? Seriously.”
“Um, isn’t comfy good?”
“Is it?” Her gaze returned to the ceiling. “Maybe you’re right.”
“Am I?” Seth wasn’t so sure but he was too damned relaxed to care.
Alana stretched and rolled a few more times toward the door.
“What’s with you all over the floor?” He asked, smiling. “Why not stand?”
Even as he said it he wondered. But as he wondered the curiosity faded. And faded. Until he really didn’t care.
Another day passed. Another night.
The next time he woke, Seth was surprised to find himself lying on the floor next to Alana, much closer to the door. He rolled over and cuddled up next to her. Alana shielded her eyes with one arm and pushed him away with the other. “No. No. No.”
Flopping uselessly aside, he shrugged. “Whatever.”
With arms flailed she grabbed the door jam and tugged herself over the eve. Seth watched her nonchalantly. As if she was a fish gasping for water, Alana started to buck and pulled herself further.
“No. No. No,” she blustered over and over again.
Heck, she’s wound up. About to roll over and nap, her voice grew louder, “No, Seth, no! Wake the hell up!”
Shit. He was about to cover his ears to her screeching when something hard hit the side of his head. Ouch! It barely occurred to him to lift his hand to his head.
“Seth, wake up! This house is screwed. Please wake up!”
House. Right. Screwed? Naw. Why would it be? It was her house.
“The reaper, Seth. It’s got you. You’ve got to fight now. Right now.”
Oddly enough, the strange octave got through to him better than the yelling. The reaper? Got to him? But how?
“You’re lying on the foyer floor, Seth. You have been for a day. You would’ve been on the stairs all this time had I not dragged you.”
Tilting his head toward the door, Seth was momentarily blinded by daylight. Somehow, Alana was outside now, her tired body crumpled against the door, a hand held out beckoning. “Please, come to me. You have to. I can’t come get you. It’s too strong.”
What was she talking about? Seth yawned again. Maybe if he slept a bit he’d understand.
“If you go back to sleep I might never get you. Wake up! Get out now, Seth. For me, Leathan and Devin, for your family.”
Her? His family? Oh, they could wait. Seth was about to roll over when he swore he heard Adlin of all people say, “Listen to her, laddie. Hear me now. You’ll die if you don’t leave.”
Seth nearly rolled his eyes when he heard Alana’s low whimper. Blinking, he weakly shaded his eyes and looked back at the door. Was she crying? Why would she cry? Alana didn’t cry. It went against her tough ass exterior…didn’t it?
“Seth! Get the fuck out now!” She screamed.
Like a fire had been lit under him he instinctively started to roll toward the door. A loud screech started to fill the house, as if it came from the very walls, the very floor. Seth bit his lip until it bled and willed his limbs to pull him closer to her. Within feet of her the ground started to vibrate then shake and shimmied him backwards.
“Not. Yet. Bastard.”
Adlin’s voice almost hurt his ears it was so loud. As if a wave came from behind, the floor buckled and undulated and he was pushed right to Alana. She grabbed his arms and pulled him, her legs moving so fast that before he knew it she caught his chin on her kneecap seconds before his face landed in her lap.
Seth instantly wrapped his arm around her waist and muttered, “Grace, you saved me. You saved me.”
Alana cradled and rocked him in hers arms, tears running down her face. “Of course I did, Calum. Of course I did.”
If a complete mess had ever been made it was happening now.
Adlin, wizard, ghost and former chieftain of the MacLomain clan, stood over the two at his feet and shook his head, his gaze going from the front door of the Revival to the couple on the ground.
Without a flicker of a doubt, he’d thought he’d seen just about everything but apparently not. Calum, meddlesome warlock that he was, had gone and created himself something that even he himself couldn’t control. Had he expected that Adlin could?
Hands on hips and white robes billowing in a phantom wind, Adlin stared up at the dead house. Aye, indeed it was dead. As was everything around it. But not everything beyond that. Life still flourished, things still moved and breathed in this world he’d left behind.
He’d watched over Calum these last several years. Aye, he’d even helped him despite how opposed. But now? What to do. How to help? Calum had created a puzzle that had somehow involved his heart.
Adlin sighed. Calum was not totally at fault.
“Well then, what will you do now?”
With a small smile, he turned to his beloved, Mildred. She’d been a welcome part of his life with the MacLomains even though she was originally from the twenty-first century. “Now what are you doing here?”
Her shifting ghostly form shrugged. “Where else would I be when you are playing with matters of the heart?”
They shifted closer together and he said, “Perhaps I’ve gone a bit too far this time.”
Mildred gave a warm smile. “I doubt it.”
“Well, lassie, it’s a wee bit o’ a mess.”
“Is it now?” She glanced down at the couple sleeping on the ground. “Perhaps if you told them the truth, it wouldn’t be such a mess.”
“Ah, the truth.” Adlin sighed away his next words.
“Yes, Adlin, the truth. Because I don’t think Calum or Seth knows it, nevermind everyone else.”
Adlin arched a brow at her. “You know you’re not supposed to be in this story, right?”
A twinkle lit her otherworldly eyes. “Oh, I know. I couldn’t help myself. Besides, a woman’s voice in your ear never hurt anything, now did it?”
His heart skipped a beat and he winked. “I suppose not.”
She patted his hand and continued to the eye the couple. “You suppose right.”
Before he could once more tell Mildred how much he loved and adored her she nodded at the couple and vanished. He would see her again. After all, every MacLomain tale somehow belonged to her.
Adlin sat on a nearby rock, again so thankful for the life and afterlife that God and the Fates had given him. Soon it would be time to share something devastating…with his friend.