Chapter 13. Objects of Arrays

In the previous chapter, we defined a class to represent cards and used an array of Card objects to represent a deck. In this chapter, we take additional steps toward object-oriented programming.

First we define a class to represent a deck of cards. Then we present algorithms for shuffling and sorting decks. Finally, we introduce ArrayList from the Java library and use it to represent collections of cards.

Decks of Cards

Here is the beginning of a Deck class that encapsulates an array of Card objects:

public class Deck {
    private Card[] cards;

    public Deck(int n) { = new Card[n];

    public Card[] getCards() {

The constructor initializes the instance variable with an array of n cards, but it doesn’t create any Card objects. Figure 13-1 shows what a Deck looks like with no cards.

Figure 13-1. Memory diagram of an unpopulated Deck object

We’ll add another constructor that creates a standard 52-card array and populates it with Card objects:

public Deck() { = new Card[52];
    int index = 0;
    for (int suit = 0; suit <= 3; suit++) {
        for (int rank = 1; rank <= 13; rank++) {
  [index] = new Card(rank, suit);

This method is similar to the example in “Arrays of Cards”; we just turned it into a constructor. We can use it to create a complete Deck like this:

Deck deck = new Deck();

Now that we have a Deck class, we have a logical place to put methods that pertain to decks. Looking at the methods we have written so far, one obvious candidate is printDeck from “Arrays of Cards”. Here’s how it looks, rewritten as an instance method of Deck:

public void print() {
    for (Card card : {

Notice that when we transform a static method into an instance method, the code is shorter. Here’s how we invoke it:


Shuffling Decks

For most card games, you have to shuffle the deck; that is, put the cards in a random order. In “Generating Random Numbers”, you saw how to generate random numbers, but it is not obvious how to use them to shuffle a deck.

One possibility is to model the way humans shuffle; for example, we could divide the deck in two halves and then choose alternately from each one. Humans usually don’t shuffle perfectly, so after about seven iterations, the order of the deck is pretty well randomized.

But a computer program would have the annoying property of doing a perfect shuffle every time, which is not very random. In fact, after eight perfect shuffles, you would find the deck back in the order you started in! For more on this, see Wikipedia’s “Faro shuffle” entry.

A better shuffling algorithm is to traverse the deck one card at a time, and at each iteration, choose two cards and swap them. To outline this algorithm, we’ll use a combination of Java statements and English comments. This technique is sometimes called pseudocode:

public void shuffle() {
    for each index i {
        // choose a random number between i and length - 1
        // swap the ith card and the randomly-chosen card

The nice thing about pseudocode is that it often makes clear what other methods you are going to need. In this case, we need a method that chooses a random integer in a given range and a method that takes two indexes and swaps the cards at those positions:

private static int randomInt(int low, int high) {
    // return a random number between low and high, 
    // including both

private void swapCards(int i, int j) {
    // swap the ith and the jth cards in the array

Methods like randomInt and swapCards are called helper methods, because they help you solve parts of the problem. Helper methods are often private, because they are used only by methods in the class and are not needed by methods in other classes.

The process of writing pseudocode first and then writing helper methods to make it work is a kind of top-down design see Wikipedia’s “Top-down and bottom-up design” entry. It is an alternative to incremental development and encapsulation and generalization, the other design processes you have seen in this book.

One of the exercises at the end of the chapter asks you to write the helper methods randomInt and swapCards, and use them to implement shuffle.

When you do the exercise, notice that randomInt is a class method and swapCards is an instance method. Do you understand why?

Adding Recursion

To make mergeSort work recursively, you have to add a base case; otherwise, it repeats forever. The simplest base case is a subdeck with one card. If there is only one card, it can’t be out of order, so we consider it sorted. And if it is already sorted, we can just return it.

And it will turn out to be convenient if we handle another base case, a subdeck with zero cards. By the same logic, if there are no cards, they can’t be out of order. So we consider an empty deck to be sorted, and return it.

With these base cases, a recursive version of mergeSort looks like this:

public Deck mergeSort() {
    // if the deck has 0 or 1 cards, return it
    // otherwise, divide the deck into two subdecks
    // sort the subdecks using mergeSort
    // merge the subdecks
    // return the result

As usual, there are two ways to think about recursive programs: you can follow the flow of execution, or you can make the leap of faith (see “The Leap of Faith”). This example should encourage you to make the leap of faith.

When you use selectionSort to sort the subdecks, you don’t feel compelled to follow the flow of execution. You assume it works because you already debugged it. When you make mergeSort recursive, you just replace one sorting algorithm with another. There is no reason to read the program differently.

Well, almost. You have to think about the base cases and make sure that you reach them. But other than that, writing the recursive version should be no problem. As an exercise at the end of this chapter, you’ll have a chance to finish off this example.

Static Context

Figure 13-3 shows a UML class diagram for Deck, including the instance variable, cards, and the methods we have so far. In UML diagrams, private attributes and methods begin with a minus sign (-) and static methods are underlined.

Figure 13-3. UML diagram for the Deck class

The helper methods randomInt and merge are static, because they do not read or write any instance variables. All other methods are instance methods, because they access the instance variable, cards.

When you have static methods and instance methods in the same class, it is easy to get them confused.

To invoke an instance method, you need an instance:

Deck deck = new Deck();
deck.print();  // correct

Deck with a capital D is a class, and deck with a lowercase d is an object.

Say you try to invoke print like this:

Deck.print();  // wrong!

You get a compiler error like this:

Non-static method print() cannot be referenced from a
static context.

By static context, the compiler means you are trying to invoke a method in a context that requires a static method.

On the other hand, if you have a Deck object, you can use it to invoke a static method:

Deck deck = new Deck();
int i = deck.randomInt(0, 51);  // legal, but not good style

This is legal, but it is not considered good style, because someone reading this code would expect randomInt to be an instance method.

Another common error is to use this in a static method. For example, say you write something like this:

private static Deck merge(Deck d1, Deck d2) {
    return;  // wrong!

You get a compiler error like this:

Non-static variable this cannot be referenced from a
static context.

The problem is that cards is an instance variable, so it is nonstatic, so you can’t access it from a static method. In general, you can’t use this in a static method, because a static method is not invoked on an object.

For beginners, error messages about nonstatic context can be confusing and frustrating. We hope this section helps.

Piles of Cards

Now that we have classes that represent cards and decks, let’s use them to make a game. One of the simplest card games that children play is called War.

Initially, the deck is divided evenly into two piles, one for each player. During each round, each player takes the top card from their pile and places it, face up, in the center. Whoever has the highest-ranking card, ignoring suit, takes the two cards and adds them to the bottom of their pile. The game continues until one player has won the entire deck.

We could use the Deck class to represent the individual piles. However, our implementation of Deck uses a Card array, and the length of an array can’t change. As the game progresses, we need to be able to add and remove cards from the piles.

We can solve this problem with an ArrayList, which is in the java.util package. An ArrayList is a collection, which is an object that contains other objects. It provides methods to add and remove elements, and it grows and shrinks automatically.

We define a new class named Pile to represent a pile of cards. It uses an ArrayList to store Card objects:

public class Pile {
    private ArrayList<Card> cards;

    public Pile() { = new ArrayList<Card>();

When you declare an ArrayList, you specify the type it contains in angle brackets (<>). This declaration says that cards is not just an ArrayList; it’s an ArrayList of Card objects. The constructor initializes with an empty ArrayList.

Now let’s think about the methods we need to play the game. At the beginning of each round, each player draws a card from the top of their pile. So we define a method to do that:

public Card popCard() {
    return;  // from the top of the pile

popCard removes the Card at the beginning of the ArrayList, which we think of as the top of the pile. Because we use ArrayList.remove, it automatically shifts the remaining cards to fill the gap.

At the end of each round, the winner adds cards to the bottom of their pile. So we define a method to do that:

public void addCard(Card card) {;        // to the bottom of the pile

ArrayList provides a method, add, that adds an element to the end of the collection, which we think of as the bottom of the pile.

To know when to stop the game, we have to check if one of the piles is empty. Here’s a method to do that:

public boolean isEmpty() {

So far, these methods don’t do very much; they just invoke methods on the instance variable, cards. Methods like these are called wrapper methods because they wrap one method with another.

Finally, to start the game, we need to divide the deck into two equal parts. We can do that with subdeck from “Subdecks” and a new method, addDeck:

public void addDeck(Deck deck) {
    for (Card card : deck.getCards()) {;

addDeck takes a Deck object, loops through the cards, and adds them to the Pile. Notice that it does not remove the cards from the Deck, so the Deck and the Pile share cards. But that won’t be a problem because cards are immutable.

Playing War

Now we can use Deck and Pile to implement the game. We’ll start by creating a deck and shuffling:

Deck deck = new Deck();

Then we divide the Deck into two piles:

Pile p1 = new Pile();
p1.addDeck(deck.subdeck(0, 25));

Pile p2 = new Pile();
p2.addDeck(deck.subdeck(26, 51));

The game itself is a loop that repeats until one of the piles is empty. At each iteration, we draw a card from each pile and compare their ranks:

while (!p1.isEmpty() && !p2.isEmpty()) {
    // pop a card from each pile
    Card c1 = p1.popCard();
    Card c2 = p2.popCard();

    // compare the cards
    int diff = c1.getRank() - c2.getRank();
    if (diff > 0) {
    } else if (diff < 0) {
    } else {  
        // it's a tie

If the two cards have the same rank, it’s a tie. In that case, each player draws four more cards. Whoever has the higher fourth card takes all cards in play. If there’s another tie, they draw another four cards, and so on.

One of the exercises at the end of this chapter asks you to implement the else block when there’s a tie.

After the while loop ends, we display the winner based on which pile is not empty:

if (p2.isEmpty()) {
    System.out.println("Player 1 wins!");
} else {
    System.out.println("Player 2 wins!");

ArrayList provides many other methods that we didn’t use for this example. Take a minute to read the documentation, which you can find by doing a web search for “Java ArrayList”.


The code for this chapter is in the ch13 directory of ThinkJavaCode2. See “Using the Code Examples” for instructions on downloading the repository. Before you start the exercises, we recommend that you compile and run the examples.

Exercise 13-1.

Write a toString method for the Deck class. It should return a single string that represents the cards in the deck. When it’s printed, this string should display the same results as the print method in “Decks of Cards”.

Hint: You can use the + operator to concatenate strings, but it is not very efficient. Consider using java.lang.StringBuilder instead; see “StringBuilder Objects”.

Exercise 13-2.

The goal of this exercise is to implement the shuffling algorithm from this chapter.

  1. In the repository for this book, you should find the file named Check that you can compile it in your environment.

  2. Implement the randomInt method. You can use the nextInt method provided by java.util.Random, which you saw in “Generating Random Numbers”.

    Hint: To avoid creating a Random object every time randomInt is invoked, consider defining a class variable.

  3. Write a swapCards method that takes two indexes and swaps the cards at the given locations.

  4. Fill in the shuffle method by using the algorithm in “Shuffling Decks”.

Exercise 13-3.

The goal of this exercise is to implement the sorting algorithms from this chapter. Use the file from the previous exercise or create a new one from scratch.

  1. Implement the indexLowest method. Use the Card.compareTo method to find the lowest card in a given range of the deck, from lowIndex to highIndex, including both.

  2. Fill in selectionSort by using the algorithm in “Selection Sort”.

  3. Using the pseudocode in “Merge Sort”, implement the merge method. The best way to test it is to build and shuffle a deck. Then use subdeck to form two small subdecks, and use selection sort to sort them. Finally, pass the two halves to merge and see if it works.

  4. Fill in almostMergeSort, which divides the deck in half, then uses selectionSort to sort the two halves, and uses merge to create a new, sorted deck. You should be able to reuse code from the previous step.

  5. Implement mergeSort recursively. Remember that selectionSort is a modifier and mergeSort is a pure method, which means that they get invoked differently:

    deck.selectionSort();      // modifies an existing deck
    deck = deck.mergeSort();   // replaces old deck with new

Exercise 13-4.

You can learn more about the sorting algorithms presented in this chapter at Toptal’s Sorting Algorithms Animations. This site provides explanations of the algorithms, along with animations that show how they work. It also includes an analysis of their efficiency.

For example, insertion sort is an algorithm that inserts elements into place, one at a time. Read about it on the website and play the animations. Then write a method named insertionSort that implements this algorithm.

One goal of this exercise is to practice top-down design. Your solution should use a helper method, named insert, that implements the inner loop of the algorithm. insertionSort should invoke this method n-1 times.

Exercise 13-5.

Find and open the file in the repository. The main method contains all the code from the last section of this chapter. Check that you can compile and run this code before proceeding.

The program is incomplete; it does not handle the case when two cards have the same rank. Finish implementing the main method, beginning at the line that says: // it's a tie.

When there’s a tie, draw three cards from each pile and store them in a collection, along with the original two. Then draw one more card from each pile and compare them. Whoever wins the tie takes all ten of these cards.

If one pile does not have at least four cards, the game ends immediately. If a tie ends with a tie, draw three more cards, and so on.

Notice that this program depends on Deck.shuffle, so you might have to do Exercise 13-2 first.