Chapter 11
The Noosphere and the Etheric Energy Field of Earth
Juliano, the Arcturians, and Chief White Eagle
Greetings, I am Juliano. We are the Arcturians. The noosphere is the mental energy field around Earth. It is part of the etheric energy field and exists in another dimension. The etheric energy field is, of course, also connected and anchored into the third dimension. It has quite a dramatic and important effect on the events manifesting now on Earth.
The etheric energy field also contains the collective unconscious. The term “collective unconscious” was in part developed by the Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung. He used this term to describe the ancient Earth archetypes and symbols that are used by cultures around the globe. The work on archetypes has been continued by other psychologists as well as anthropologists, and now you are beginning to see interest in the galactic archetypes and the galactic collective unconscious.
Earth’s interactions with extraterrestrials have occurred physically and also etherically. Of course, many of you know that there have been extraterrestrial manifestations, for example, the Nephilim, who are referred to in the Hebrew Bible in Genesis as “the fallen ones,” or “those who came from above.” Our studies reveal that the Nephilim interacted with Earth’s energy field and decided to incarnate on Earth. When you interact with a planet’s etheric energy field, you can choose to manifest from that field onto the planet. This is exactly what the Nephilim did.
Once you incarnate on the planet, you realize that you become involved with its incarnational cycle. For this reason, the Arcturians chose not to incarnate on this planet. However, in some cases, it is possible to interact on the etheric energy field of a planet without manifesting on it.
The Power of Higher Thought Patterns
The human energy field has many similarities to a planetary energy field. For a moment, visualize your aura and your energy field. You might become aware of it and realize that it is vibrating. Your energy field has multiple layers. You have layers of spiritual energy, mental energy, physical energy, and emotional energy. You are multidimensional beings. Many of you struggle to understand what it means to be multidimensional. Being multidimensional includes interacting with the etheric energy fields. The planet has an aura just like the human aura, but the planetary aura is filled with vast energies from the collective history of the planet and all its beings. This includes all the animals and plants as well as numerous other sources of energy.
The biosphere, for example, is also related to the etheric energy field of the planet, which can be described as the aura of a planet. It is divided into etheric layers that are uniquely related to the existence of humans inhabiting the planet. In comparison, the aura of a planet like Mars is different from Earth’s aura. The main difference is that there is a collective energy field of human thought and energy stored throughout history within Earth’s aura. This means that the thoughts, energies, emotions, and other emanations from the human spirit fill Earth’s aura. Earth’s aura is similar to the akashic records, the collective library of all thoughts and events for all beings throughout the galaxies.
Earth’s energy field consists of layers. One layer is Earth’s mental energy, which includes the collective unconscious. The collective unconscious includes many transgenerational animalistic and cultural symbols. This means that they occur in multiple generations across many cultures.
Visualize Earth’s energy field in layers as I have just described. We are coming to the point of the mental layers, which contains higher thought and a higher level of light energy. You can readily understand that a mental thought could be higher than, say, an emotional thought of fear or anger. Mental thoughts are usually reserved for more evolved beings like humanity.
There is a special layer of energy in the mental layer of Earth’s aura called the noosphere. This layer of energy is related to higher energy and higher thoughts. The noosphere is directly related to the overall evolutionary process of the human species. It has a relationship with the collective unconscious as part of the thought energy field of Earth.
The noosphere contains a special section of thought patterns that are related to higher light and to humanity’s higher evolution. Higher thought patterns directly influence the evolutionary process, relating to such concepts as the fifth-dimensional Earth, the just society, the planetary cities of light, and the etheric crystals.
The Arcturian Etheric Crystals
We have downloaded and placed twelve Arcturian etheric crystals throughout this planet. They are in strategic locations directly related to the work of the starseeds. The starseeds understand on a deeply intuitive level that the etheric crystals have a special power to influence Earth’s higher evolution. In fact, the etheric crystals bring in fifth-dimensional energy to Earth on a continual basis.
There are twelve etheric crystals. Their names and locations are (1) Lago Puelo in Patagonia, Argentina; (2) Volcán Poas, near San José, Costa Rica; (3) Serra da Bocaína, near São Paulo, Brazil; (4) Mount Shasta, California; (5) Mount Fuji, Japan; (6) Copper Canyon, Mexico; (7) Lake Moraine, near Banff, Canada; (8) Bodensee, Germany; (9) Istanbul, Turkey; (10) Montserrat in Spain; (11) Lake Taupo, New Zealand; and (12) the Blue Mountains (Grose Valley), near Sydney, Australia. We have downloaded these etheric crystals with the help of the starseeds. These crystals are in a configuration directly influencing the noosphere.
The twelve Arcturian etheric crystals are now part of the noosphere. The purpose of these etheric crystals includes creating and holding a thought energy field of higher evolution for humanity. The etheric crystals have a special ability to be transdimensional, which means they can interact with fifth-dimensional energies, energies that you on the third dimension cannot interact with alone.
The etheric crystals have the ability to receive the input, light, and even instructions from the fifth-dimensional guides, masters, and teachers. These etheric crystals are like highly developed computers that are able to hold fifth-dimensional programs that can eventually be manifested into a third-dimensional reality.
We, the Arcturians, know about the importance of the relationship of the noosphere to higher manifestation. We know that what is occurring in the energy field or the aura of a planet like Earth directly affects what is manifested. But the aura — the etheric energy field — of Earth has low levels as well as high levels. This means that you must comprehend that all levels of Earth’s aura affect what is being manifested now. There are programs of a lower vibration manifesting on Earth. You are seeing many of these lower-vibrational manifestations now.
One of the layers on Earth’s aura has to do with lower beings. These lower beings have been called ghosts and discarnate spirits lost in the astral world. There are also other energies and spirits in the lower parts of Earth’s aura gaining strength and power that are able to negatively influence Earth manifestation.
One way to change lower Earth manifestation is to work with Earth’s etheric energy field. This includes purifying the lower astral world. To change the course of evolution of the planet, you must go to the noosphere layer. The higher energy of the etheric crystals helps to bring fifth-dimensional energy into Earth’s etheric energy field.
When you are able to connect to the etheric crystals, you can send them thoughts of high evolutionary healing. Then those thoughts are placed into Earth’s noosphere. The exercise of placing those thoughts into the noosphere through the etheric crystals is a high form of biorelativity. Biorelativity is focused on telepathically communicating with Earth. The etheric crystals can relate to the noosphere. Remember, you can personally relate your thoughts to the noosphere because it is part of Earth’s energy field. The noosphere’s higher thoughts will go directly to Earth’s feedback loop system and to the core of Earth’s spirit known as Gaia.
Planet Earth knows how to relate to her noosphere. In fact, the noosphere is a planetary energy field that relates to Earth’s evolution. You as planetary healers are working to ascend this planet, bringing it to a higher level. Therefore, the etheric energy field within the noosphere will help to manifest a higher reality on Earth.
Connect the Arcturian Crystals to Earth’s Noosphere
Crystals have special powers on Earth and in the etheric world. What are these powers? Crystals can hold thoughts as programs. All crystals have the ability to amplify thoughts. That means that the arcan power [an Arcturian term for measuring thought power] of each thought that goes into the crystal can be multiplied or increased, sometimes on quite a dramatic level. It can go up exponentially, depending on the strength of the crystal.
Crystals have the ability to be multidimensional, so they are able to experience energy from different dimensions simultaneously. Crystals are also inherently healing. That is, they resonate and send out higher energy. Crystals are able to communicate with other crystals and other planetary systems.
All twelve etheric crystals have these abilities. Equally important, these etheric crystals are now embedded in Earth’s noosphere. From the meditations that we have done, they are now part of a higher thought pattern. You have helped to instill these etheric crystals into Earth’s noosphere. Go now to the etheric crystal that you feel closest to. For the purposes of this exercise, I will use the Mount Shasta crystal.
Now connect with your thoughts, your third eye, and the Mount Shasta crystal (or the crystal that is closest to you). The crystal in Mount Shasta is rising up from the top of that mountain. As you visualize this crystal, you can remotely connect with it because it is in Earth’s energy field. Through your training and your sensitivity, you are able to connect easily with etheric energy and with the crystal. The etheric crystal is multidimensional because it connects from the fifth-dimension to you on the third dimension, and it holds energy for the noosphere in Earth’s aura. You cannot see fifth-dimensional energy at this point, but the crystal is able to receive that information and light.
I, Juliano, with the Arcturians, am now downloading a heightened level of energy for higher evolution on Earth, and it is now going into the Mount Shasta crystal and the other crystals. Think of higher mental evolution. What does that mean? It means that there is going to be a release of higher thoughts and that omega light will now be downloaded into these crystals.
[Tones] “Omega light. Omega light.”
The crystals are filled with this higher-dimensional light. Now you can send your thoughts into the crystal, and say, “Let these higher thoughts of evolution and omega light permeate Earth’s noosphere. This higher layer of mental energy is only for higher evolutionary thought. Let the omega light and all higher evolutionary thoughts now go into the etheric crystal to be placed into Earth’s noosphere.”
Let each of these twelve crystals expand its influence into Earth’s noosphere. Use your arcan power to bring a great divine light for transformation and evolution from these etheric crystals directly into Earth’s noosphere. I, Juliano, send down very powerful energy now into each crystal, for we have a direct link, a direct binding of light between the fifth dimension, the etheric crystals, you the starseeds, and Earth’s noosphere.
To the best of your ability, visualize all twelve etheric crystals in Earth’s aura. You can see auras. Many of you can do that. You know what energy waves look like around an aura. These twelve etheric crystals exist in Earth’s aura. Now they are above you interacting with the fifth dimension, sending light into the noosphere.
Remember, the central aspect of humanity’s evolution lies in the fifth dimension. The key ingredient that will enable humanity to make the next evolutionary step is its connection to the fifth dimension. The ability of thought projection needs to be strengthened and expanded in the noosphere. Send that thought now into the crystal that you are working with. Send the thought of humanity incorporating the fifth dimension into its next evolutionary stage.
The codes of ascension are opened up in you. It means that higher emotions, higher light, and higher thought patterns can be received. It means that the reality of the veils can be removed so that people can see interdimensionally. The higher guides and teachers can interact more easily with you. It also means that humanity can resolve many of these dense Earth problems in a great new energy of healing and beauty. Send this thought, “Humanity is evolving toward a fifth-dimensional state of evolution. Repeat it: “Humanity is evolving toward a fifth-dimensional state of evolution.” As you send this thought into the etheric crystal, know that the thought is going directly into the noosphere.
Now we will do some specific healing for balance and removal of all contaminations in the environment.
Visualize a fifth-dimensional planet. What does a fifth-dimensional planet look like? A fifth-dimensional planet is pollution free. It does not have radiation contamination or any type of garbage or waste. A fifth-dimensional planet has no wars. There is a harmony that we call the “just society.” A fifth-dimensional planet has many temples, yet there is no religious division. The people live in harmony, peace, and spiritual light. Try to visualize other aspects of this fifth-dimensional planet.
Now, project the image of a fifth-dimensional Earth into the etheric crystal that you are working on. Use the images you experienced when you were visualizing an ideal fifth-dimensional planet. Remember that the fifth-dimensional planet also interacts with the galaxy and other parts of the Galactic Council and higher beings of light.
The etheric crystals have a beautiful connection to the noosphere and to the spirit of Gaia. One of the key functions is that Earth can attract the fifth dimension. Remember that the third dimension and the fifth dimension will be interacting. That point of interaction is the ascension, a great downloading of light and energy.
What does it take to make the attractive force of Earth and its noosphere strong enough so that it can attract the fifth dimension? It takes a strong noosphere, a strong thought pattern, and electromagnetic light.
Now, send this thought into the etheric crystal, “Earth’s ability to attract the fifth dimension is increasing.” Visualize the fifth dimension as a sphere. Visualize the third dimension as another sphere. Visualize that these two spheres are attracted to each other and interact.
Say, “Earth is able to attract the fifth dimension.” Send that thought into the etheric crystal you are working with. A fifth-dimensional planet is a planet that has fifth-dimensional light and is able to balance all weather patterns. All droughts are relieved, all volcanoes are put into rest, and all earthquakes are calmed. This is what a fifth-dimensional planet looks like. As a fifth-dimensional planet, Earth will become calmer and more balanced.
I feel the strong energy you are sending into the twelve etheric crystals. Those etheric crystals send energy to the noosphere. The noosphere then sends that energy into Gaia. Gaia responds because Gaia knows more strongly now that she has great powers of attracting the fifth dimension.
The etheric crystals will remain in their places above each of these locations, especially in the area of Mount Shasta. Let the balance of the drought in California be reversed so that more rain will come to California, the Northwest, and the Southwest. Let the cooling temperatures and calming weather from the Blue Mountains in Grose Valley be over Australia and New Zealand and over the entire planet. Know this Gaia.
In particular, as we look at the Fukushima area, know that there is a fifth-dimensional healing light helping to disperse, delete, and correct the damage to that area, Earth’s aura, and Earth’s energy. We, the Arcturians, send a special healing to fill up the hole that is over Earth’s energy there because of the extreme radiation leakages.
Now we are going to continue our work with the noosphere through the purification and energy work of Chief White Eagle. I am Juliano. Blessings to you all.
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[Chants] “Hey ya ho ya heyyyyy, hey ya ho ya heyyyy, hey ya hooooh.” All my words are sacred. Blessings to you all as I feel your power and your connection to Earth.
Purify with White Eagle Light
We know of the value of purification. Purification occurs on many different levels. There is a great need for purification on Earth now. That purification has been described in many different ways as great storms, fires, and earthquakes and are often called end-time events.
I would like to propose to you that the real purification first has to occur in Earth’s energy field and in Earth’s aura because they have accumulated over the centuries many negative spirits and many negative thoughts. Earth has accumulated a long reservoir of conflict and densities. We want to purify Earth’s unconscious, etheric energy, and aura.
I, Chief White Eagle, am speaking to you with the White Eagle Light. Yes, this is the source of my power, the white light from the eagle. The white light is a special light of purification. We can purify Earth’s aura, including the human thought patterns and the lower beings filling its dense parts. Then the great end-time events will not have to occur.
We go into our medicine wheel to help purify Earth’s aura. This is why we go into the sweat lodge; it is for self-purification. It is how we do purification ceremonies. This is why we are talking to you about the healing light of the planetary cities of light. All of this is related to creating the White Eagle Light. Today, we all are connected to a great healing power, the twelve etheric crystals that surround this planet.
Visualize the Blue Jewel, the planet, as you see her in the great pictures from the Moon, the way you see her on the cover of the film
The Blue Jewel. See the layers of Earth’s aura in this picture. Now you have x-ray vision, and you have the ability to see interdimensionally. You can see the energy fields, and you can see all of the dark spirits around Earth. I could describe them, but it is not necessary because you see the results of the wars and the darkness that continually fills Earth with lower light and lower energy.
From your third eye, send the White Eagle Light into Earth’s aura now. The White Eagle Light is the highest light of purification for Earth. The densities are diminished, and there is a new ray of hope and light in Earth’s energy field.
The White Eagle Light is going through the entire aura of Earth for purification. Now, we will go up to the next level of higher thought in the noosphere. Just visualize a White Eagle in the noosphere. In the concepts of the collective unconscious, there are certain animal symbols that carry a great deal of energy. Place all of your healing thoughts for Earth into the noosphere. Visualize again the White Eagle coming into the noosphere. See the White Eagle now.
You have helped place the White Eagle and its healing powers into the noosphere. The White Eagle Light represents the evolution and the highest light. The White Eagle is a higher animal; it is a higher bird. Only those with higher consciousness are able to see the White Eagle.
Now bring the White Eagle into Earth’s noosphere. All of the thoughts and all of the energy included in this healing are contained in this image of the White Eagle. Let the White Eagle come into your own energy field. Feel its power within you. Let the image of the White Eagle be placed in each of the twelve etheric crystals. The twelve etheric crystals now hold the energy of the White Eagle. The White Eagle Light is now filling the noosphere. It is in each of these etheric crystals and in your consciousness as well.
I am Chief White Eagle. Now you know of some of my powers of planetary healing. Good day. We are all brothers and sisters with the galaxy. Ho!