Chapter 22
Ascension and Higher Consciousness
Juliano and the Arcturians
Greetings, I am Juliano. We are the Arcturians. The ascension is a quantum energy shift. For the ascension to occur, there needs to be a quantum interaction of light, electromagnetic particles, thoughts, and sacred energy. There also needs to be cosmic energy fields, which are part of the galactic energy field, through which Earth passes on its huge journey around the Central Sun. Another variable needed is the activation ability of the planet and the participants, or the inhabitants, of the planet.
It is difficult to talk about personal ascension without speaking of the planetary ascension. So you will find us speaking of both in an interactive way. During the history of this planet, there have been people who have ascended. Perhaps 100 to 200 advanced beings have each gone through an ascension process and have been able to leave the planet through this magnificent and wonderful energy field. There has not, to this date, been a mass ascension. I define mass ascension as one that involves 10,000 people or more simultaneously.
When studying the galaxy, I, Juliano, have observed other planets that have gone through a planetary ascension as well as a mass ascension. I know you are interested in both your personal ascension as well as the planetary ascension. In fact, many of you have experienced or are experiencing your soul mission related to both aspects.
Ascension Requirements
There are requirements that must be met for both kinds of ascension to occur. There must be a council of planetary elders overseeing the process through which a planet ascends. A planetary group of elders often includes ascending masters. This council also includes ascended masters from the planet who have been on Earth previously and are working for Earth’s upliftment.
One fundamental goal in the planetary ascension is to lift the planet as a unified energy field. This means that the planet has to go through a unification process that includes the energy fields on both a spiritual and a physical basis. It also directly relates to the energy work of the noosphere. So you see, Gaia has to participate in her ascension. The noosphere contains the akashic records — energy impressions — of Gaia as well as the entire history of all beings who have existed on the surface and currently exist on the inner planes as well.
The major objective is to create the unified energy field necessary for planetary ascension. There are specific spiritual tools we are teaching that are required for a planet to ascend. You have inner knowledge on how to work for planetary ascension. You have incarnated in this time to contribute your energy, your knowledge, and your work toward the planetary ascension. The main requirements for planetary ascension are that a planet must have a unified energy field and that there must be a council of elders.
Spiritual Technologies for Planetary Ascension
The energy field on Earth is third dimensional, which means that it is inherently dualistic, and it is comprised of many different opposites and polarizations. The unified energy field has to encompass a new consciousness, a new evolution in thought. The new unified energy field of the planet has to encompass the efforts of more evolved beings like you who are prepared to implement unity or unified consciousness on a planetary basis.
We have offered several spiritual technologies that will enhance the unified energy field for the planet, such as the ring of ascension, which is the halo around Earth that seeks to unify the energy field around the planet. The polarizations and the dualities can become merged into a higher unity. People experiencing the ring of ascension can feel the energies of harmony and enlightenment. Coincidentally, that energy greatly assists your personal ascension.
Other spiritual technologies we have shared with you include our extensive project called the planetary cities of light. We discussed at length the importance of the establishment of the cities of light around the planet. Each city of light has a fifth-dimensional energy field and contributes to the unified energy field of Earth. People have often asked about the cities of light versus the planetary cities of light. There is great enthusiasm for working independently and establishing the cities of light and creating higher energy fields. However, our work with you is for planetary ascension. The word “planetary” implies that the city of light is participating in the global network.
To achieve the planetary ascension, we must have a powerful network of planetary cities working together to create a spiritual energy field that meets the requirements of a unified energy field. The unified energy field is also a quantum fifth-dimensional concept. You see, there are discussions about chaos in the world of physics. Chaos occurs when there is a lack of unity and advancement.
A unified field overcomes chaos and entropy, and it moves to a holographic light. So, you see, for a hologram or for holographic energy to occur, there must be a participatory unified energy field. A unified energy field has qualities that can be defined in a simplistic way as the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. That means individually, each part may have a specific value. But when all of the parts form a unified energy field, it is far more powerful than the individual parts. This is demonstrated in the planetary cities of light project when the cities successfully unite their energies in the interactive, unified, quantum energy field. They become a powerful, magnetic, quantum energetic force for planetary ascension.
Another spiritual technology that contributes to the planetary ascension is the downloading and placement of the Arcturian etheric crystals. There are many powerful crystals on this planet. Some come from the Atlantean times, some come from the Lemurian times, and some have manifested from other dimensions. The etheric crystals originate from the etheric world. The fact that the etheric crystals exist in the etheric world means that they can interact directly with the planetary noosphere, which means they interface directly with the thought forms of both Earth and the fifth dimension and the fifth-dimensional thoughts of the starseeds.
The other multifaceted ability of the etheric crystals lies in their unique talent to be embedded into Earth’s crust. Because the etheric crystals are fifth-dimensional, they are able to become great vessels for fifth-dimensional light, and they are able to download and hold fifth-dimensional light in the third-dimensional world of Earth. They are able, then, to help sustain a unified energy field on the third-dimensional Earth. The fifth-dimensional etheric crystals can hold the unity consciousness from the fifth dimension amid the duality and polarizations of this planet.
Other planets in the galaxy have ascended, namely Arcturus as well as Era in the Pleiades. There have also been planets in the Antares and Sirian star systems that have ascended. The ancient Egyptians were greatly connected to the Sirian star system. As an aside, there were lower and higher Sirian energy fields similar to what is going on with Earth. Earth’s energy fields hold some of the highest energy in this galaxy. You know even better than I do that the lower Earth energies are quite primitive, quite pervasive, and quite polarizing. Needless to say, you are now witnessing a deep level of polarization.
As you have experienced, this deep level of polarization is causing a great deal of social and political upheaval as well as Earth changes. Remember, the other planetary systems I mentioned have successfully overcome these types of problems and have ascended. We, the Arcturians, present these etheric crystals based on a dynamic thought form from the fifth dimension. This dynamic thought form has a special internal program. When we made etheric duplicates of this crystal and downloaded them (with your assistance) into Earth, we included planetary ascension programs.
The etheric crystals hold special codes and programs for the planetary ascension. Some of you might question whether the planetary ascension is an unreachable goal. It is reachable. The planetary ascension is part of our spiritual technology.
The etheric crystals were brought down in a specialized form and have been linked to the Kabbalistic Tree of Life. We have added two modifications to the Tree of Life so that its configuration will exactly fit the needs for a planetary ascension.
Twelve etheric crystals were brought down, each one corresponding to a certain sphere on the map of the Tree of Life. The importance of the etheric crystals is how they are configured to interact with each other. This is the same principle as the planetary cities of light: The whole is greater than the sum of its parts. The twelve etheric crystals align with the ten spheres on the Tree of Life. Their interaction creates the holographic energy field that permeates the entire Earth and its energy field. Earth’s energy field is then prepared for the ascension.
Use Biorelativity to Prepare for Your Ascension
Biorelativity is another important aspect of the planetary ascension. Biorelativity, as you know, is the ability to telepathically interact with Gaia. A planet cannot ascend by herself. A planet must have higher thought forms and higher beings on it. Biorelativity is the ability to interact with Gaia using higher consciousness. On one level, biorelativity can create unity consciousness and a unified energy field.
In our discussions of biorelativity, we sometimes lose sight of creating a unified energy field for the entire Earth because we usually look at a specific area of suffering. For example, when looking at the southwestern United States, you see that area is suffering from drought. The northeastern United States is suffering from too much rain. Both of these problems are examples of imbalance, of how there needs to be a rebalancing of Earth energies and unification. You don’t want to see too much rain in the Northeast or rain denied to other parts of the world. You want to see a balance. There is enough water on Earth for everyone.
In biorelativity, you seek to create a balance. At this time, focus on the balance of water throughout the world, in particular, the southwestern United States. Please picture this and send that thought to Gaia.
The next aspect for the planetary ascension is the aura of the planet. As we have explained, the vibrational properties of the energy field of a planet are similar to the vibrational energy properties of a person. You use the concept of the cosmic egg in your individual work. In planetary work, you can use the cosmic egg as the optimal shape for the aura around the planet.
When we describe the planetary aura, it has a consistent, smooth line. There should not be any breaks. Unfortunately, Earth has many breaks at this time. There should also not be any distortions. Negative energy fields can cause distortions or negative thought forms. Distortions can be influenced by other civilizations sending thought forms to Earth and by extraterrestrial beings who have come to Earth and created certain deformities in Earth’s aura.
You can evaluate Earth’s aura by asking questions. What is the pulse of Earth’s aura? Does Earth’s aura have any holes in it? Are we able to seal the holes? Some of the holes are caused by nuclear radiation. Some are caused by thought-time experiments that were not in accord with certain rules and regulations of interdimensional time travel. Some of the distortions and holes are affected by cosmic activity.
You normally think that imbalances on Earth are created only from Earth and from human activities. But the cosmos is a dynamic and sometimes dangerous place. It is well known that supernovas can reach a point at which they can emit gamma ray bursts. If these bursts reached your planet, you would be extremely destructive to your biosphere. Fortunately, gamma ray bursts occur hundreds of thousands and millions of light-years away, far beyond the Milky Way galaxy. Earth’s energy field has not been affected by a gamma ray burst from an exploding or dying star.
Auric Plaque Can Burden Your Energy Field
There is an intense planetary healing work and energy occurring now. At the same time, there is an intense polarization that seems to counter the unified energy necessary for the ascension. But the unified energy is helping spiritual people work together. Remember, the whole is greater than its parts. Unity is more powerful than polarization.
Your personal energy field can become confined, contracted, and burdened by being on the third dimension. Even the most advanced souls will find that their energy fields are slower on Earth. This can be likened to a concept in modern medicine: plaque. Plaque is formed when bacteria and other energies (or certain lower densities) form on teeth. Eventually the plaque forms around the gums and creates a thin film. If the plaque is not removed, then there can be infection and eventually gum disease. The plaque can be removed by a dentist. Then your teeth can vibrate at the right frequency.
Plaque is also formed in the circulatory system. It can build up in the arteries, veins, and heart valves. Plaque can also build up in the brain, which is quite serious. It is related to neurological diseases, such as Alzheimer’s. Plaque can kill the brain cells and lead to serious mental problems known as dementia.
There are thin, contracted, dense energies that can attach to your aura. I will call these thin energies auric plaque. These energies come from many different sources. Certain contracted energies are part of culture, for example. There is a certain type of mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual indoctrination known as acculturation that you must go through to become a member of third-dimensional Earth society. Acculturation occurs through various media, including the ability to perceive television, listen to electromagnetic energy waves from radios, and operate smartphones and computers. A primitive person who never saw these devices would not be able to relate.
Acculturation creates a certain contracted force on your aura. Some of the cultural training you receive includes contracted negative forces based on duality and densities. They form a thin film that keeps you vibrating at a certain frequency so that you can stay in alignment with the general society. In other words, you are culturally trained to conform.
Everybody reacts differently to this. Some people refuse to be participants in society and drop out. They might become hermits and isolate themselves. Other people choose to stay in the society and become totally contracted by this energy. Some people struggle in both ways.
There are certain exercises that you must do for your ascension to free yourself of the auric plaque so that your energy field can vibrate at its natural frequency. You see, the plaque confines the vibrations of your energy field. One of the most important parts of the ascension is that you need a freely expanded, vibrating energy field. The etheric auric plaque must be removed.
Incidentally, the auric plaque on this planet does not affect the etheric crystals that were downloaded. That is another special characteristic of etheric crystals. Remember also that there is an etheric auric plaque around Earth. One of the things that planetary healers have to do is remove the etheric auric plaque around the whole biosphere so that Earth can vibrate at its true, free, fifth-dimensional light frequency.
Dissolving your auric plaque can be done through toning or through crystal work. It can also be done through connecting with the unified energy force field of a planetary healing group. You can achieve this energy vibration by connecting with the council of elders, as they focus on pure light and energy. Pure light and fifth-dimensional energy is the natural energy of your aura and of the planet.
Become aware now of your energy field, and become aware of a thin auric plaque. Do not be concerned about it, because we are going to help you remove it. We are going to free your energy field from this. Understand that part of the ascension process is to free your energy field from plaque. This will help you to expand to your true nature. It will help you expand to who you really are.
[Channel makes a series of sounds and tones.] Listen to these sounds, and you will be able to vibrate, shimmer, and feel the auric plaque being removed from your aura so that it can expand. Go into meditation now, and feel the etheric and the auric plaque being removed from your aura. State the affirmation, “My aura is now in a unified quantum energy field. I am connecting with my fifth-dimensional ascension.” Send the thought into Earth’s noosphere that Earth’s auric field is unified and filled with quantum fifth-dimensional light.
Earth’s Council of Elders
Other planets have ascended. Many of you know that the Pleiades once was in a very difficult situation because a scientific mishap caused the planet to be between both dimensions. Because of this scientific mistake, there was great disorientation. The planet could not be allowed to stay on the edge of the third dimension and on the edge of the fourth or fifth dimension because it was not sustainable.
The Pleiades had a council of elders and requested from the Galactic Council to ascend into the fifth dimension. Planet Earth needs a council of planetary elders to oversee its ascension and communicate with the Galactic Council and other higher beings in the galaxy that can assist Earth.
Earth does not have a council of elders for the ascension. You might ask, “Juliano, who could possibly do it? Do we have to find some special people close to being gurus or avatars who can serve as the council of elders for the ascension of planet Earth?” Among you are people who can participate on the council of elders for the planetary ascension. You might respond, “Juliano, I am not capable of that. I am not advanced enough, and I do not have the necessary skill level to be on the council of elders for the planetary ascension.” It is not required that participants on the council have to be gurus or ascended masters. You are aware of the ascension, and that awareness will bring the right light and energy for the council of elders.
I hope that you will be able to fulfill this part because somebody has to speak for the planet. Somebody has to speak for the planetary ascension and the unified energy field of Earth. Among you are people who can do that.