Combining the Senses
“There can be little doubt that we possess
an insatiable curiosity about the future.”
—scott cunningham
Psychic senses rarely are autonomous. Simply stated, they frequently work together, in tandem, to provide you with psychic insight. Seldom does it happen where only one sense will be used, though you may have one that’s more prevalent than another. For example, I may smell something sweet and then have an image of a birthday cake. That’s my clairalience and clairvoyance working together, or one right after the other, to provide a better depiction of what I’m tuning in to.
Sometimes multiple images are necessary to cement the idea or the impression you receive. For instance, using the same example, smelling something sweet in and of itself could mean anything. But if you smell something sweet and then receive an image of birthday cake, it could indicate your sister who has passed is wishing you a happy birthday from the other side because your special day is coming up next week. This is a frequent occurrence during my sessions; it is very unusual that I will only employ one of my psychic senses. It is not something I do intentionally, but it is something I leave myself open to having happen.
This combination of clairs helped me bring comfort to someone recently in a session. Morgan came in for a reading and was hoping to connect to a deceased loved one. She obviously knew who she wanted to talk to, but I didn’t. So, I had to use all my gifts to tune in, or rather, the person on the other side had to send me the information in such a way that I could use all of my psychic abilities.
After we were about half an hour into the session, I began smelling evergreen or pine trees, so I asked her if it meant anything to her.
“No, I don’t recall anything. Well, maybe,” she said, changing her mind.
“Oh, all right. What does it mean to you?” I queried.
“We have a few pine trees behind our house?” she responded, in question format.
Normally I let the client tell me what something means. After all, it’s regarding their life, not mine, so who am I to judge what they associate it with? This time, however, that just didn’t feel right.
“I don’t know if that’s what it is. Unless those pine trees are very significant in some way, I think it has to be more than that,” I told her.
“Hmmm. They are just trees in our backyard. I don’t think they are significant.”
“All right. I’m seeing an old-fashioned adding machine now, the kind where you push down on the number and it stays down until you pull the lever back. Is someone an accountant? Does that mean something to you?”
“No. I don’t know what that means,” she answered, frowning.
“Well, now, I’m hearing the words, ‘Every time a bell rings an angel gets her wings,’ which is from the movie It’s a Wonderful Life. Does that mean anything to you?”
“Nope. Sorry. I’m not understanding.”
Every time I do a reading, I always tell my clients to not try too hard to make things fit. Sometimes it’s difficult to not take that to the extreme.
“Let’s look at this all again. The pine scent, the adding machine, and It’s a Wonderful Life. This is definitely a reference to Christmastime, and someone who passed. It’s either got to be that someone close to you died in December around Christmas or their birthday was in December. It’s also got to be someone who did something with finances or accounting, because I’m seeing the adding machine. Finally, it’s supposed to be ‘Every time a bell rings an angel gets his wings.’ I heard her wings. So this tells me it’s a female. She’s working really hard to get you to recognize her,” I told Morgan.
All of a sudden it was as though a light bulb went on. I could see the wheels turning, and her eyes lit up. I knew she had figured it out. It was the person she was hoping to talk to—her sister.
“Wow! I’m sorry. I wasn’t getting it! She died in December and worked at a bank!”
“No apologies necessary! I’m just glad it makes sense. She says to wish you a Merry Christmas this year. She doesn’t want you to be sad. She wants you to be happy,” I shared.
“That’s awesome. Thank you so much,” Morgan replied sincerely. She got what she wanted: her sister had come through. It took a little while to understand the clues, but there she was.
Exercise: Tuning In to a
Combination of Abilities
Learning how to tune in to a combination of psychic senses is really not that difficult. After all, you’re not limiting the way you receive the information by only psychically listening or seeing. For this exercise, you will allow all of your psychic senses to be wide open to receive.
Breathe deeply while calling upon your circle of protection. Then think about someone who’s passed—someone you may have had a significant connection to. And sit back and relax. Allow all thoughts, images, sounds, smells, etc., to come. Be open to any impressions you receive. Sit with yourself fully accepting for at least five minutes, longer if you’re up to it to give yourself time to communicate.
Afterward, write down everything that came through, whether you believed it to be a true message or you felt it was your imagination. Did the messages make sense? Did you receive visions? Symbols? Words? Scents? Other types of impressions? Which psychic abilities do you think you received information through? Was it the first time you ever got communications using any of the psychic senses that helped you today? Did you like the process? Did it bother you? Were you comfortable or uncomfortable? Would you do it again? Did you feel you didn’t receive anything? Did it make you happy?
Helping Another to Live On
Cindy came in to see me. She and her family were devastated by the loss of her sister. She had been brutally beaten to death by her boyfriend, who, rather than live the rest of his natural life with what he’d done, committed suicide immediately afterward. I picked up on all of this during her session. Her sister, Michelle, sent evidence to let Cindy know it was really her. In order to tune in to the evidence, she sent it to me in a number of ways.
I knew something had changed at Cindy’s work because my claircognizance was kicking in.
“Maybe, I’m always making changes,” she told me.
“No, something is different,” I replied.
Now I was seeing an image with my clairvoyance of something to do with fashion—a hat or a hairnet or something on her head.
“Did you get a new hairnet or something? Do you wear one for work? Because I can hear Michelle laughing about it!” I chuckled, having heard her with my clairaudience.
“Yes! Oh my God, she would laugh about that!”
“That’s not all she’s laughing about. I’m feeling kind of giddy about the Broncos beating the Giants. So, either she was a Broncos fan and you’re a Giants fan or my clairsentience got something wrong,” I continued.
“Wow! That’s exactly right!”
We were batting a thousand. Her sister Michelle was coming through loud and clear. Giving me messages utilizing all of my psychic abilities was allowing me to share the communications more completely with Cindy.
“Aw. Did someone have a baby? She’s talking about a name and I’m seeing the cuteness. She told me she’s honored,” I kept going, still using a variety of senses.
“Yes, our cousin named her new baby after her. They gave her Michelle as a middle name. That makes me happy that she knows they honored her in that way,” she smiled.
So far Michelle had come through with flying colors. She was able to share so many things with Cindy that there was no possible way she wouldn’t be acknowledged. By communicating with me through all of my psychic senses, I was able to give her a more comprehensive reading. Most of the messages were just minutiae, little details that really didn’t mean much, but they absolutely signified so much. They were the evidence Cindy needed to confirm her sister’s presence. What I received next, however, was incredible.
I kept hearing “red rocks,” which made me think of when I went out to Sedona, Arizona.
“Is there an Arizona connection?” I asked Cindy.
“Umm, no. She lived in Colorado before, though. That’s kind of close?” she responded.
“I don’t know. I’m seeing stones or rocks.” And I started drawing a stone wall.
What happened next was kind of strange. I became acutely aware of my lungs, as they expanded and contracted, breathing in and out. I could feel the breath and how it was sending life through my body. So I shared this with her—and she cried.
“Is there another M name? I’m picking up that she’s with him?” I wasn’t sure what this meant, but I felt all of it together was very significant.
“Wow. Michelle had marked ‘organ donor’ on her license. Mark, a stonemason who lives in Arizona, received her lungs because he needed a transplant. She is always with him.”
It was my turn to be honored. The goose bumps were flying up and down my body. I was awed by the magnitude of what I had just received. Michelle was an incredible spirit; even in death she lived on to save another soul. I was blessed to have been able to share this little bit of her.
Take inventory of yourself. Understanding what would connect you to people you know may help you understand what connects other people to their friends and loved ones. What are some things that stand out about you? If you needed to make yourself known, without actually being there, what would you do? Would you try and make someone hear something about you? What would that be? Would you show them something? What would you show them? Would you make them feel something about you? What would it be? Would you have them just know something? What would that be?
What details about you or your life would stand out enough so that people would know they were tuning in to you?
Psychic amnesia is a term coined to describe when a psychic or intuitive channels information that a client or partner cannot readily identify or acknowledge. This does not happen because the information you are receiving from your guides, angels, or deceased loved ones is inaccurate. Rather, it occurs because the person getting the reading is so focused on one or two particular items or connecting to a certain dead person that they have psychic blinders on and don’t recognize anything else in the moment.
One way to distinguish if you or the person you’re reading is suffering from psychic amnesia is to notice whether or not you keep receiving the same impressions. Repetitive messages, even when they come through various psychic senses, generally point to a communication that’s not being identified.
This exact thing happened during a gallery event I was holding. It was a good night; a lot of messages were coming through and being delivered to the right people, until the little animals showed up. Yup, that’s right—the little animals.
“I’m picking something up about little animals. I keep hearing that I need to talk about the little animals. I think I’m over here, on this side of the room,” I stated out loud to the audience of well over 125 people.
The chatter began: “What kind of little animals does she mean?” I heard whispered.
“I’m talking about teeny little animals, though I’m not quite sure what it’s about,” I continued.
This time I had a few people in the general vicinity of where I was looking stake a claim to the little animals.
“Well, growing up we had mice? A lot of mice,” one person said, hopeful that it was for her.
“I think it’s more significant than that,” I responded.
“We had guinea pigs,” someone else shouted out. “They were little ones, not big.”
“Sorry, don’t think that’s it.”
Everyone comes to these events with the wish they will be read. We all want to hear from our loved ones on the other side. Naturally, people want to believe what the medium is picking up is for them.
“But they were really quite small for guinea pigs. People used to ask me why they were so small. That’s significant, isn’t it?” they challenged, hoping.
“I don’t think that’s what it is,” I asserted. “Sorry!”
As is often the case, the real little-animal person was not claiming them. So, figuring they’d lost their chance, I moved on.
“I’m still over here in this area. I am picking up something about clowns now. I suppose it could be me. I mean, my last name is Barnum and my father was actually in the circus. I’ve got clowns coming out my—!”
“Achoo!” someone sneezed.
I laughed. We all laughed. Perfect timing.
Again, no one was really claiming the clowns, but not for lack of trying.
“I don’t like clowns. Could that be it?” someone said.
“I had a stuffed animal clown growing up?” stated another person.
“Ah, well. I’m pretty sure I’m right up here, now,” I said, pointing to the front row. “I’m picking up a male figure. He’s showing me cancer.”
Finally, Tory, who was connected to the male, acknowledged it was for her.
“I think that’s me,” she said.
“Was this your father? I’m feeling like he was in construction or was a builder,” I continued.
“Yes it is, and yes he was.”
“I’m hearing he had his own business but that he also worked for someone else. He was a helper or a volunteer or something,” I said.
“Yup, he had his own business and he worked in the hospital. He always volunteered for things his whole life,” the woman answered.
“Great. He’s making me feel like the cancer was pinpointed in one area but that very quickly it had spread throughout his body,” I told her.
“You’re right,” she said, a bit teary.
“And does the letter W mean anything?”
“Absolutely does. His name was Warren.”
“Wow, okay. I’m getting the little animals and clowns again. Do you know what this is?”
“Nope. No idea.”
“Well, maybe I just need to move forward. Now I’m getting ice cream? Please tell me you know what that’s about!” I asked her.
“Sorry, but no,” she answered, kind of embarrassed for me.
“Really? I’m seeing ice cream cones?”
By now, I’m a bit embarrassed for myself. What the heck is happening? Why am I getting all of this gibberish? It doesn’t make any sense.
“Oh,” Tory exclaimed suddenly, “I think that’s for my cousin Cathy!”
“Great! Is she here?” I asked feeling like maybe we were finally getting somewhere.
“Yes, I’m right here!” I heard and looked to my right, at the front of the room.
It was my event promoter, Cathy. I think she was more shocked than I was.
“We are opening an ice cream place, my husband and I!” Cathy said enthusiastically.
“I’m hearing it’s going to take a bit more time than you’re expecting—just be ready for it!” I told her.
“Okay, thanks! Oh wait … oh my God. Don’t kill me! The little animals and the clowns are for me and Tory, my cousin, the one you just read for,” she exclaimed.
“Do you two carry them in your back pockets?” I joked.
“No, but her dad was my uncle. Both of our parents had little animals on a display shelf. They were these tiny little animals, just like you were showing us when you kept asking—little animals. My mom collected owls and also clowns, and she displayed them on a shelf in the living room. Her mom,” she pointed to Tory, “my aunt, collected skunks!”
“Wow. And who’s the M name connected to the ice cream shop?”
“I don’t know,” Cathy answered.
“I’m hearing it again so it has to be significant,” I told her.
“I don’t … oh, wait. That’s my husband! Mike! Wow, I so was not expecting this!” she said, laughing because she had just been hit with psychic amnesia.
Tory and Cathy didn’t recognize what I was talking about because they weren’t expecting messages to come through in that way. I used all of my psychic senses to try and make the communication as clear as possible. Their case of psychic amnesia just made it necessary for me to utilize everything I had for clarity.
Boosting your memory on a regular basis will help you to avoid psychic amnesia. It will also be an asset when trying to recognize or identify symbolic or oblique messages when they come through using your psychic senses.
Get a deck of cards, preferably something other than regular playing cards. If you can use tarot cards or angel cards or the like, it will be better for the purposes of this exercise. Shuffle the cards and then deal out ten into a pile. Put the rest of the deck off to the side; you won’t need them for a while.
Take the ten cards and turn them over, one at a time, looking at them as you do. Once you’ve flipped every card over, go back to the first and flip it again so you are looking at the back of the card. Continue until all of the cards are turned backside up.
Now, pick up a pen and paper and write down every detail you remember from each card, beginning with the first. Do you remember what each was? If you don’t remember a specific card, tune in to your clairs and see what they tell you. Write it down, making a note next to that entry so when you go back you’ll know it wasn’t your memory, but a psychic impression that had you recording your impressions of that particular card.
When you are all done, flip the cards over again and compare. How did you do? Did you remember a lot of details? Did your psychic senses come in clearly? What methodology was prevalent? Were you able to accurately write down each card? Can you describe the colors and the pictures on the cards? Is there a title or number for each card that you’ve remembered?
After you’ve compared all of the information you’ve written down for each card, do it again. Shuffle the deck and deal out another ten cards. When you’ve completed the next round, match up what you’ve recorded versus what the actual cards were. Did you remember more this time? Did you need to call on your psychic senses to help you more or less? Were you accurate? Did you get more information right on this second attempt? Or less? How did it feel? Did it make you nervous or uncomfortable? Was it natural?
Do it again, but this time shuffle only the last ten cards and reuse them in a different order. Once you’ve finished recording everything, compare how well you did this time around versus the other times. Was it easier because the cards were more familiar? Or did it not make a difference?
Review all of your data. Do you feel your memory has been bolstered? Do you feel tired or energized? When you are all done, drink a lot of water. That will help you to refresh and cleanse any energy that was drained by tapping into your temporal lobes, the part of your brain that controls your memory function.
Multiple Senses for One Party
When I do private parties, I get really nervous. No matter how long I’ve been doing this work, I still worry that no one will show up—no one that’s dead, that is! I do gallery-event-style gatherings, meaning a dozen or more people will get together and I deliver messages to those in the audience. Worrying, even in this type of small venue, is what happens just about every time before I begin.
Getting up and speaking in front of the guests is not what concerns me; that I have no problem with. It’s what’s out of my control that I worry about, the loved ones that need to visit and come through. So, in order to better my chances with the powers that be, I employ all of my psychic abilities rather than trying to tune in with just one.
Yesterday, I did an event for a wonderful group of women. There were a lot of what we affectionately called “dead peeps” coming through from the other side. Using the full spectrum of psychic senses, I was able to channel loving and even healing messages for everyone. As a matter of fact, so much information came through when I opened up all of my senses that the session that was supposed to last one and a half hours ended up running almost three hours long! After much laughter and tears, we all agreed the dead peeps had come through for us; they did their thing and helped me share their messages through the utilization of all of my psychic abilities.
Take Care of Yourself
Psychic abilities are powerful. They can also be overwhelming on occasion if you are tired or if you are tuning in for a long time. This is another instance when it’s so important to be open to all of the intuitive gifts. When you allow the information to come through from the other side in whatever way is smoother or more natural, it’s easier and less work for you. By not blocking anything out, except of course negativity, it creates a more seamless opening for channeling, making it less taxing and, of course, more effortless to connect to the other side.
When you work for a long duration with your psychic gifts, whether it’s for other people or clients or for yourself, you can drain your energy. If this happens, it can cause negative physical manifestations such as headaches, nausea, or even sore muscles. It’s important to ground yourself to revitalize your energy.
You’ve been practicing using so many of your psychic senses. You’ve done an incredible job tuning in and protecting yourself, but there is always room for more grounding. Feeling sick is a huge deterrent when it comes to wanting to utilize your intuition. After all, if something hurts you in some way it would be silly to continue beating yourself up, right? So, many people will stop practicing or step away from their psychic senses because they don’t know how to renew their mind, body, and spirit. Luckily for you, there is a simple way.
Now’s your chance to recharge! One of the simplest ways to do that is to go outside. Find a patch of grass or dirt and take your shoes off. Dig your toes in and relax. Just stay there, in this space, and breathe. Let any exhausted or negative energy drain into the earth, leaving you with only positive energy. Being at one with the earth is the easiest way to reboot your spiritual system, which in turn will invigorate your physical system as well.
Or find a tree. I don’t care where you have to go to do this; just find one. Once you’ve found it, it’s time to hug it. That’s right, just hug it. Connecting to the earth in this way helps release any negativity while absorbing positivity.
Nope, That’s Not for Me
This exhaustion hit me recently while I was doing a private party. I had been doing individual readings for twelve people in a row, fifteen to twenty minutes at a pop. Tapping into everyone’s energy, one right after the other, was definitely tiring. It was about ten p.m. and I still had about an hour and a half to go, four more people from what I understood.
When I do readings, even if it’s just quick fifteen-minute sessions, I try and take a couple minutes between and write down whatever information I tune in to. Because I was exhausted, I didn’t try to use any particular sense, I just opened my instincts wide and listed what I got. That’s why, during the next reading, I wasn’t 100 percent sure what I was intuiting was on point.
“Hello! Have you ever had a reading before?” I asked my next client, Gina.
“No, this is my first,” she answered, somewhat hesitantly.
“Okay, great! So you’re a reading virgin!” I exclaimed.
Usually, this gets a laugh out of people, breaking the ice and relaxing them. With Gina I got nothing, not even a slight upturn of the mouth. I decided it was going to be a long fifteen minutes.
“So, the first thing I wrote down is that you work diligently. I feel like you are not ecstatic about your current place in life, but everything is pretty much going okay. There’s nothing seriously wrong in any way,” I told her.
“That’s correct. I don’t really know why I’m here. I told Martha I didn’t believe in this, but she said to come anyway,” she confided.
This was great. Not only was I exhausted, but I had to prove to her I was for real.
“Well, let’s hope you have a good experience, then!”
I continued with the reading; there was nothing too exciting. Then I got down to the end of my paper. I had drawn an image.
“Does Christmastime mean anything? I’m seeing the image of a tree. Maybe it has to do with trees?”
“No. I don’t know what that means,” Gina responded, deadpan.
“Okay. I’m also feeling someone digging in the dirt? It may not physically be you but it has to do with you?” I continued.
“No. Again, I think you’re off.”
“Hmm. All right, well it has been a long night!”
I tried to loosen the atmosphere by chuckling. Her expression didn’t change. She just looked at me, waiting.
“What about horses? Does this mean something to you?” I tried.
“I don’t really know what you’re talking about. This is not about me,” she insisted. She was sure there was no way I could connect to her energy.
“Well, I saw trees, I feel like digging in the dirt, like a farm, and I’m hearing horses whinny,” I continued.
This time I was a little frustrated. Sometimes I’m off, but this time it felt like I was dead on.
“Are you sure this doesn’t have anything to do with you? Do you work on a farm? Maybe a tree farm?”
“Well, yes, I work at a tree farm, but I don’t dig in the dirt or ride the horses. I don’t take care of the trees. I do accounting inside,” she told me, serious as could be.
Really? None of it made sense to her? I was beginning to understand her skepticism. Some people just need everything to be perfectly spelled out in order to trust that it is for them. Gina was one of them. It didn’t matter how many impressions I shared with her. She couldn’t justify it—it seemed beyond logic to her. But I knew. I was dead on. I was tuned in to her energy. It was okay that she didn’t believe it. I was good with that. She thanked me, I thanked her, and we called it a night.
Gina’s reading took all of my psychic senses to perform, and even then it wasn’t easily validated. Every now and then that happens. We are all doubtful about things we don’t understand. I’m even skeptical at times. I don’t always accept everything as true, either.
Grab your pen and paper. It’s time to use your memory again. Write down any instances you can remember when you’ve had doubt about your or someone else’s psychic gifts or their ability to tune in. Not just a generalized intuition, but any specific occurrences.
After you’ve written down all you can remember, it’s time to revisit them. Do you still feel the same way? Do you think it was because of the person? Or did you doubt the validity of the psychic senses? Do you feel differently toward the person or psychic abilities now? If so, why? If not, how come? When was the last time you felt skeptical? Are you still skeptical?
Elaborate divination systems have been in place since the beginning of time. Your own intuitive gifts need not be any less elaborate. Think of all of the superheroes. There’s Superman, Spider-Man, Wonder Woman, Thor, Green Lantern, and many more. They all have a unique or a super power that makes them special. You have intuition. You are no less special than they are! And you are a real, living human, not a cartoon fantasy.
Your five physical senses can be supersized or enhanced through the use of your psychic senses. Think about what you can see with your physical eyes. Imagine if your sight could be improved using your clairvoyance. Or what if your hearing could be augmented through your clairaudience? The implications of joining the two separate, yet connected senses are vast, not to mention awesome. You may already be employing this in your daily life without even realizing it.
I have a difficult time driving at night. It’s even worse during bad weather. When it’s raining and dark, I cannot see. It’s even harder when there is a car coming toward me with its headlights on. I feel temporarily blinded by the bright beams. I have glasses, but even then there are times when I really just can’t see, and obviously you need to see to drive!
On one particularly bad night, I was driving in a snowstorm. I was doing okay until it really started coming down. The area I was driving in was pitch black; there were no streetlights. The only illumination was my car’s headlights. Every once in a while I would come head to head with another driver and, again, I was blinded. It got to the point that I was going to have to pull over in the middle of nowhere. The problem was the storm wasn’t supposed to be ending anytime soon, and I couldn’t just sit with my car off because it was way too cold.
So, I did the only thing I could think of to do. I pulled over and I asked my guides, angels, and deceased loved ones to allow my psychic sight to enhance my physical sight. Immediately after that, I felt goose bumps. I started driving again, and within minutes I had a car coming toward me. I got nervous, worried that I would be blinded, but almost as if in a time warp I saw everything clearly—the oncoming car, the snow, the road, the painted lines on the road. I was not blinded. Thankfully, my sight was enhanced by my clairvoyance.
Choosing to combine my psychic senses, as well as the critical issue that I actually had to see where I was going, seemed reason enough for the universe to help me out. I was fine during the rest of the drive home. Supersizing your psychic senses is a great thing; supersizing is only a problem with fast food!
Think of a physical sense that you’d like to enhance. Your hearing? Your eyesight? Your sense of feeling? Improving your physical senses will also help your psychic senses.
For this exercise we are going to focus on your eyesight. Pick a tree with leaves or something that has a lot of detail and stare at it. Focus on the details of it and then call in your clairvoyance to help you see it even clearer. It may seem the colors become brighter or more intense. It might seem like everything gets larger. Stay with this, focusing in for at least fifteen minutes.
Supposing it was a tree, did it change the way you saw the tree? Did it get brighter? Darker? More detailed? Larger? Smaller? Did it seem deeper? More three-dimensional? More flat or one-dimensional? Did you feel too close to it? Too far from it?
Try it again with a different object. Did it work better? Worse? Was it clearer? More detailed? Less detailed? Easier? Harder?
After you are all done, practice supersizing your other senses as well!
You Are a Superhero!
Combining all of your psychic senses and using them together or in tandem makes your intuition more accessible and more accurate. Letting go of all of the self-imposed restrictions regarding which psychic ability to use gives you the capacity to open up to the other side greater than ever before. Don’t worry about the process or how it works; just expect that you will utilize all of your gifts, just like a superhero. You have a boundless capacity to connect to all of your psychic senses.