Clairaudience (Clear Hearing)
“Inner guidance is heard like soft music in the night
by those who have learned to listen.”
—vernon howard
Clairaudience, or clear hearing, is the ability to hear things psychically without the use of your physical ears. Does hearing something that’s not physically there make you crazy? Or does it simply mean that you are tuning in to the other side? We all hear something that isn’t there at some point in our lives. Learning how to decipher those sounds or those messages is what keeps us from feeling like we are going insane. It separates us from those who don’t tap into their intuition. Sometimes those interpretations can be a little off, even for someone like me who reads for people professionally.
“Is there somebody in your family who was a cowboy?” I asked my client Jen.
“No. Not that I can think of,” she responded.
“Really? Because I can’t help but think that I’m picking up something to do with cowboys,” I continued.
I kept hearing a song repeat over and over in my head, but I couldn’t quite get a grasp on what song it was. The melody was evading me. I knew, however, it had something to do with cowboys or the Wild West.
“Are you sure you didn’t have someone pass who was a cowboy? It feels like a father figure to me,” I carried on.
“Honestly, I can’t imagine what you’re talking about. There were no cowboys in my family,” Jen insisted.
“I keep hearing the theme song from that old TV show Rawhide, and I’m hearing the name John Wayne,” I told her. “So it either has to do with cowboys or it has to do with one of my uncles who were named John and Wayne.”
“Oh my goodness. I know exactly what you’re talking about! My father was always watching old Westerns. It was something that he was known for. It makes perfect sense that you’d be hearing that song. He loved those kinds of movies!” she exclaimed excitedly.
“I knew there had to be a reason that it kept playing in my head. This is his way of coming through to let you know it’s really him,” I told her, relieved that we were able to figure it out.
She understood the message in the nick of time. I was just about to ask her about role-playing in the privacy of her bedroom! I couldn’t for the life of me figure out what else it could’ve been. Yeehaw!
Hearing songs or lyrics is very common with clairaudience. Often there are people who are associated with specific songs; people in your family or people you are friends with. This is their way of letting you know that it’s really them coming through.
Hearing a song does not necessarily mean that you hear everything about the song or that you hear the full song. You may just hear the lyrics to the song, or you may just hear the melody to the song. Often, this may be an indication that someone from the other side is around you. Take, for example, my mom in her younger years. She loved the band Boston. Anytime I hear “More Than a Feeling” or another song by that band, I identify that it’s her way of letting me know everything’s good and that she’s around. That’s not the only music she’s known for though.
While driving home from getting our family Christmas tree a few years ago, we were flipping through CDs and my husband popped one in the stereo. Andrea Bocelli started belting out his version of “O Holy Night” and I began crying.
“Mommy, it’s okay,” Samantha, my younger daughter, said.
“She always cries for this song, especially because it’s Andrea Bocelli,” Molly, my older daughter, responded, as there was no way I could speak.
When she was a teenager, my mom and her high school choir recorded their Christmas concert and “O Holy Night” became the official start of Christmas during my childhood. Then, as my mom got older, she let go of everything wrong or negative in her life while listening to Andrea Bocelli. Now, if I hear his incredible voice or that magical song with my psychic hearing, I tear up because I know that it’s more of a specific message from her that she loves me.
More often than not the music that reminds you of somebody will come through just to let you know that they are okay and they hear or see what you’re going through. You may hear the music in your head to help you make a choice or a decision. It doesn’t really matter whether you hear the lyrics or the actual tune, as long as you’re able to recognize what the song is and what it means.
My husband, Tom, is very big on asking me if his business is going well. He is a custom cabinet maker and works with many high-end clients building beautiful kitchens, libraries, living rooms, and more. He has never advertised and gets all of his jobs by word-of-mouth. This also means there are times when his business is slow; never so slow that he would close up shop, but slow enough that he becomes a little concerned. That’s when he asks the dreaded question, “What do you get about the business? Is more work coming in?”
“I keep hearing the song ‘Everything’s Gonna Be All right’,” I usually respond. This has become the norm for us. As long as I hear that song, I know that everything will work out. He’s also begun hearing that song. Whether it’s for new jobs coming in or it’s more general regarding our financial situation, if either of us hears the lyrics to that song we know that everything will work out in time and we need to just keep going.
The music itself isn’t important. What is important is knowing and understanding that a particular type of music or song represents an answer, a person, or a loved one from the other side. It may be a song from the radio or a song that you used to dance to that you remember from when they were alive. This is obvious and makes perfect sense.
The music you hear may even have something to do with their heritage. Take for example the bagpipes. Quite often if I’m trying to psychically receive a location or talk about a vacation destination or even connect to somebody who’s passed, I may hear the bagpipes to indicate Ireland or even Scotland. It doesn’t necessarily mean that the person had to play the bagpipes or that they ever even listened to bagpipe music. Instead, it’s just a reference for me. Whether it’s a song from the radio or a musical instrument, deciphering it becomes easier with practice.
Daphne was in my office recently for a reading. Normally when I do readings, I channel information before my client even arrives and I write it all down. Describing and talking about these messages I’ve received usually takes up the full hour’s session and can run the gamut from hair color of the sitter to specific communications from their dead relatives. Often, the messages I get mean absolutely nothing to me, but I record it because I know what may be meaningless to me probably means something important to them. Such was the case with Daphne.
I was given all types of information, but one thing that stood out was the song “Hot N Cold” by Katy Perry. I kept hearing it over and over again with my clairaudience. I realized, as I began telling Daphne about it, that it wasn’t any of the other lyrics that were significant; rather, it was the title—it was all about what was going on with her. It described her personality as well as her relationship. That helped us get right to the root of the reading.
Physically hearing the music when you’ve asked for some kind of a sign or symbol to let you know that your deceased love ones are around you is also a form of recognition. Once you’ve discovered what the music or song is, you may find yourself beginning to notice that particular music playing when you are thinking about them or that the music plays and it reminds you of them. This just helps to reinforce your connection to them and the possibility that they are trying to connect to you.
Be sure you are somewhere that’s very comfortable and where you will not be disturbed. Also, try to be somewhere that’s quiet—you don’t want to be distracted by other sounds, noises, or vibrations for this exercise. Close your eyes and take a nice deep breath.
As with the previous chapters, imagine a beautiful, bright bubble surrounding you and protecting you from any negativity. Allow that bubble to expand farther and farther, and as it does imagine that there is a warm energy buzzing through you and around you, stimulating your senses and opening you up to receive messages. As that warm energy fills you, allow it to push that bubble out; stretching and protecting you even more.
Think about one of your closest friends. Imagine being with them and listening to the radio. Watch them as they use their hands to change the station and tune in to the perfect melody for them. It’s okay if they have to press a couple buttons or change their iPod or cell phone to play just the right song. Allow yourself now to use that clear hearing to listen to the music that is playing. Do you hear the lyrics? Do you hear just the melody? Or can you hear the whole song? Do you get only a snippet of information or is the entire musical selection being played out in full?
Go ahead and open your eyes now and get out your journal. Write down the name of your friend and the song that you heard. Does it make sense to you? Is it a song that’s familiar to you? Is it a song that would normally make you think of your friend? Or is it a song that is entirely different from one that you would’ve expected? There is no right or wrong answer. If you heard more than one song, make sure you record everything. Write down whether you heard the lyrics or the music or the entire song. Did it sound like it was coming from inside your head? Or did it sound like it was coming from somewhere outside your body?
Now, close your eyes again and think of someone who’s passed, someone who’s on the other side. This could be a family member, a friend, or someone else you knew. Open up your clairaudience—focus on the spot right above your physical ears. Allow the person to send you a song or music. Pay attention to the type of music that you hear. Was it a church choir? Was it a big band? Was it a song from the radio, or was it somebody playing the piano? Were they singing to you? Perhaps it was even somebody playing the bagpipes.
Don’t worry if you don’t hear anything right away. Just keep your clairaudience open at least a full five minutes to give it time. If you still don’t hear anything, try again. You may finally hear a song from your memory of them, and that is fine, too. For this exercise, you are trying to become familiar with and recognize the music that makes you think of that particular person.
When you feel you are done, try it again with somebody else. Think of a different loved one who’s passed or another person that you’d like to be able to recognize. Go ahead and think about them and allow your clairaudience to open up and tune in to whatever song or music relates to that particular person.
When you are all done, open your eyes and write everything down in your journal. How did it feel to you? Did it feel good? Was it easy? Was it difficult? Did you enjoy this exercise? Were you able to recognize the music? Did you even hear the music?
Feel free to go back and try this exercise anytime. Remember, you need to do what feels good to you, what feels right, even if it feels difficult at the time.
His Name Was What?
Hearing music is not the only way to experience clairaudience. Those voices inside your head may be real. It might be time for you to stop shaking off the feeling that you are crazy and instead embrace it. The voices you hear are not always your imagination. But just like with your clairvoyant abilities, you need to practice your clairaudience to be able to recognize the sounds and words as well.
Often during our normal, everyday interactions, we don’t enunciate our vocabulary. We have a tendency to talk quicker and sloppier because we’re comfortable and relaxed. Interestingly enough, when we receive clairaudience messages they too can sound underenunciated.
Imagine when your radio station isn’t 100 percent tuned in. You end up hearing static and white noise in the foreground as well as the background. Trying to communicate with the other side is like this. You need to tune in and focus on the pronunciation of the words that are coming through. In order to hear what’s being said, you need to be on the same frequency or wavelength. Our messengers from the other side are constantly trying to update and change the way they communicate with us. But one thing remains consistent—their desire to send us messages in a way that we can understand. They will send us words that we’re familiar with, and they will try and make it as simple as possible.
Years ago, I was with some friends at my sister’s house. We were hanging out and talking about our upcoming books, as we are all authors. We began discussing how psychic ability exists and how to tune in to our intuition. Lynn took it a step further and asked for an off-the-cuff reading.
“Do you get anything about me?” asked Lynn.
“I see you are going to write a ton of books,” my sister, Tammy, replied.
“Oh that’s great!” Lynn replied. “How about you, Melanie? Do you get anything?”
“I’m hearing that Tammy is right. You’ve got a lot of books coming out. You’re channeling them right on through and that’s not going to slow down anytime soon,” I answered.
“Oh, that’s awesome! That’s exactly what it feels like. It’s as if I have to get them out as quickly as possible. Who do you think is giving you this information, Melanie?” asked Lynn.
“I’m not really sure. I keep hearing Herman, but I also hear an F,” I responded, not quite sure exactly what it was I was getting.
Lynn began laughing, almost hysterically. She thought it was the funniest thing. I, however, wasn’t too sure what was happening. I couldn’t quite figure out if she was laughing at me or at something I had said. So of course I had to ask her.
“What is going on? What is so funny?”
“Oh, sorry. I am not laughing at you, I’m laughing at your confusion. You are actually 100 percent accurate. I totally understand the name you’re trying to hear. It’s my grandfather trying to come through,” Lynn exclaimed.
“Okay, was his name Herman? Why am I getting an F ?”
“His name was Ferman! That’s why it was so funny! I’m sure you’ve never heard that name before!” Lynn replied, amazed.
This is a common form of clairaudience—hearing words or parts of words. Ferman sent me his name in a way I could interpret, or rather Lynn could interpret. I knew it was relevant, but I had no idea why I was hearing what I did until she translated it for me. When you are tuning in to your psychic hearing, it may seem as though your radio station is kind of fuzzy. Just keep adjusting your antenna and eventually you will hear things more clearly. This is not to say that every time you receive a clairaudient message you will understand it fully—you may not. But it does mean you will sharpen your reception a bit.
Being able to hear sounds not audible to your physical ears can take practice. Not everyone is born with this inherent psychic ability. For some of you, however, it may be your strength. Either way, working on your physical hearing helps to improve your understanding of clairaudient messages because it affords you the opportunity to decipher the words you are listening to on this plane before trying to perceive them from the other side.
Exercise: Do You Hear the Words
That Are Coming Out of My Mouth?
For this exercise, you should be prepared to go somewhere. Go to the mall, the park, a restaurant, or a coffee shop where you can sit and listen. You need to go where people are talking, so steer clear of the library!
Normally, we try and tune out conversations and ignore them if we know they don’t pertain to us or our life. This time, you are going to try and tune in to the words and train your brain to hear physically with much more clarity than you’ve ever attempted before.
Sit where you are comfortable and don’t worry about looking out of sorts. If necessary, give yourself a prop or two by opening your journal and bowing your head so no one will notice you. Then, take five long, deep breaths and close your eyes.
Let yourself hear the chatter all around you. Ideally, you should’ve picked a place that is densely populated so you have to really listen. Start off with an easy conversation. Pick someone who is sitting next to you at the closest table. Really focus on what the person is saying.
Can you hear her/his words? Are you able to make them out clearly? Listen for at least a few minutes to get your mind focused in and then switch it up. Eavesdrop on someone else’s conversation and continue doing this with people who are farther and farther away from you. Be sure to really task yourself to meet the challenge and snoop on conversations that are happening a great distance away. The more difficult, the better.
While eavesdropping is not something you should normally try to excel at, practicing it for the sake of helping your clairaudient abilities is perfectly acceptable. (At least I think so!) The better you become at listening and deciphering with your physical ears the words that people are saying, the more apt you will be to recognize the words that are sent to you clairaudiently.
Hearing Sounds
Hearing music or words is not the only way to experience clairaudience; hearing sounds is common as well. Think about how many unique sounds there are in the world. On any given day you may hear birds singing, children laughing, cars driving, computer keys typing, people walking, dogs barking, machines moving, garbage trucks grinding, and even sirens whistling. While each is its own sound, there is uniqueness within the resonance itself. For example, there are a variety of sirens for fire trucks and police cars. Every child’s laugh, though sharing the common theme of happiness, will have its own pitch. Each species of bird has a special tune, and all machines are different.
The sounds that are present in your physical world are also there to be utilized in your psychic world. Your clairaudient receptors, if you will, are able to recognize sounds because they are similar and at times even the same as the ones we hear with our physical ears. Distinguishing the sounds you hear externally or with your outer ear versus the sounds you hear psychically or with your inner ear can be a challenge. With practice, however, you’ll soon discover a whole world of exquisite noise and chatter. The cacophony of noise will become discernible, and you will be awarded with true psychic hearing.
I had a woman who traveled across the country from California to Connecticut to come in for a reading. During her session, she told me she needed to hear everything I was getting.
“There are many things I want to know about, but I want to see what you pick up,” Marjorie told me.
“I’m hearing something that sounds like chatter,” I told her. “I’m also hearing a hammer or something. It almost seems like a judge’s gavel striking down. Does that make sense to you?”
“It makes perfect sense,” she replied with a smirk.
“Hmmm. The chatter sounds kind of angry. I’m hearing something about your husband. Did he pass and leave you with nothing?” I continued.
“He did indeed! That son of a bitch! He’s miserable even after he died!” she exclaimed.
“Oh, I’m so sorry. That’s too bad. But I’m also hearing another hum. This time it feels more happy. It’s almost as if I’m in a kennel or something because it sounds like a bunch of dogs barking and yipping all at once? I get the feeling that some are alive and some have passed? I’m also hearing the name Henry, though I can’t tell if that was for your husband or your dog!” I laughed.
Marjorie laughed, too! After her miserable husband died, she got a new dog to add to her other two. She named him Henry after her late spouse thinking she’d at least be able to take her frustration out on her husband by yelling at her dog. What happened, however, as she explained to me, was she ended up loving the dog, wholly, and it changed the way she felt toward Henry, the expired human version. Hearing that I was able to hear the ruckus of all the dogs in her life, both alive and dead, made her day. They were a big part of how she had been able to cope with the loss of her husband.
In Marjorie’s case, I heard, using my clairaudience, two very distinct sounds that meant everything to her. The judge’s gavel helped her understand that her late husband was around, or at the very least he was somewhat apologetic for what he had done. He was able to share one of her most recent memories so I could relay it to her; the chatter of the courtroom. These identifying and distinct sounds helped her to process what had happened and to accept that I was connecting to the other side for her.
The other noise that came through, the barking dogs, brought her back from being sad, depressed, and even angry to being cheerful and showing outward joy. She loved her dogs and treated them as part of her family. They gave her the unconditional love she felt her husband denied her after he passed and helped her to know that, again, the other side was busy sending her happiness that she could appreciate.
Both of these messages came through loud and clear, channeled by me for her. They validated what she was feeling and allowed her to process her emotions swiftly, leaving her with the delight she felt with her canine companions as opposed to the misery she had been experiencing regarding her deceased husband. By trusting what I was psychically hearing, with my internal ears, I was able to share some very important information with Marjorie, all through the recognition of a couple of seemingly random sounds. If I had discounted what I heard, I never would have been able to bring that joy to her that, I learned later on, was a precursor to moving past having been slighted in Henry’s will.
It’s so very important to understand the sounds that you hear with your physical ears. In order to process any clairaudient noise, you need to discern what it is you may be listening to. That means sound recognition. Deciphering the sounds makes them familiar to you so you’re able to perceive them when they are sent to you psychically.
As with the previous exercise, you need to be present in the real world with activities around you. Take yourself out to eat or to the mall. Be outside in the city or even wander through a home improvement warehouse store. What you are looking for is somewhere there are many different sounds.
Now begin listening, and I mean really listening, to the noise around you. If you are inside a restaurant or café, you may hear sounds of people talking as well as utensils hitting plates. Once you become really tuned in, you might even hear the subtle sound of ice cubes melting and moving in a glass. Don’t just scan the room; listen to each distinct reverberation until you’re sure you are able to identify it and what it sounds like.
In your journal, write down all of the different noises you are tuning in to and recognizing. When you feel you’ve completely heard every sound there is to decipher in that particular location, move on to the next place. Make a day of it. When you are all through, you may have well over a hundred different discernible noises or noise patterns recorded in your journal. These are crucial in interpreting messages you receive using your clairaudient sense.
My Ears Are Where?
For the most part, up until now, you’ve been using your physical hearing, one of your commonly utilized five senses. But to truly use your psychic ears, you need to tune in to your clairaudience. The chakra that helps you tap into this amazing psychic ability is not in the same spot your external ears are. Rather, the fifth chakra, or communication chakra, is located in your throat area and is responsible for your ability to relay messages using your voice as well as take delivery of messages with your clairaudience.
This throat chakra can be tricky. Because it is connected to your clear communication, it plays a big role in not only psychically hearing but also channeling what’s being sent to you. If there are any physical problems in the throat area, this can block the clairaudient messages from being understood. Sore throats or even thyroid issues can make it more difficult to tune in.
Acknowledging the voices you are hearing in your head can be difficult. It can be increasingly difficult because you are not experiencing the sounds through your physical ears, which may make it feel as though you are inventing the messages. Knowing the communication is really channeling through your throat somehow makes it easier to swallow—no pun intended! Learning how to access that chakra will help you receive and interpret the messages you hear with your clairaudience.
Tuning in to your fifth or communication chakra is easy, now that you’ve located it. You need to go somewhere quiet where you won’t be disturbed. Then relax. Get really, really comfortable. Position yourself so your neck is somewhat stretched out and open.
Now, breathe. Inhale. Exhale. Pay attention to how your throat feels as you continue to breathe in and out deeply. When you inhale, imagine breathing in a beautiful blue light and let that light travel into your neck and swirl all over and through it. On the exhalation, imagine every other color leaving your neck and throat area, taking with it any negativity or negative energy that’s been sitting there. Allow your breath to get rid of anything that no longer suits you or that’s been stuck in your throat.
As you continue to bring the blue light into your neck and pass the other colors out, imagine a spinning wheel in your throat. It may look like an old record turning without a turntable, or it may even resemble a pinwheel. Imagine now that the blue light is filling up that disk, making it the most brilliant color conceivable.
Allow this chakra to continue spinning—stronger, faster, bluer, and more clearly than ever before. Focus on this area and feel the warmth that spreads throughout it. This is your communication chakra, your clairaudient center, and it’s now open and ready to be used.
Acknowledge Me!
Sometimes it’s not just about acknowledging the voices you are hearing for yourself. Often, it’s about the client or friend understanding the message you are receiving for them. This can be difficult if it’s an unexpected communication.
More often than not, when clients come to my office for a reading they are not only looking for guidance in their personal life, they are also hoping to connect to someone who has passed on. Inevitably, they have almost a preprogrammed idea of who is going to come through, essentially based only on their own desire to communicate with that particular person. For the most part, this is great, as usually the one they want to talk with does make an appearance in some way and having the client reach out to them ahead of time can help to bring their energy closer, making it easier for me to connect. But often, other loved ones, maybe even twice removed, want to come through and clients are unable to acknowledge them because they are so focused on the other friends or relatives they can’t even think straight. Or we tune in with someone and after that the only people the clients can imagine are those possibly connected to the initial spirit that came through. Such was the case when my client Mary came in.
“I’m getting a bad headache and I’m hearing J, either the letter or the name. I feel like there is something wrong with this young man’s head. I’m feeling an impact of some sort with my clairsentience (see chapter four). I’m also hearing a car accident or something because I can hear the sound of breaking glass and a big impact. Strangely enough, he’s also telling me to say, ‘You’re the president!’ Does any of this make sense to you?” I asked Mary.
“Wow. I think so!” she replied. She went on to explain that her daughter’s friend Jason (J name) had recently passed from a car accident during which he had flown out of the window, breaking it on impact, and landed on his head, causing him to die.
“Okay, well, what’s the ‘You’re the president!’ thing?” I continued.
“Before he died they were playing a game and she was sitting on his lap. I’m not sure exactly what the game was, but it had to do with someone being named the ‘president.’ I can’t believe it,” she shared.
“Be sure to tell her he says hello!” I relayed. “I’m also hearing a name that sounds like ‘Coe’ or ‘Chlo’ or something like that. Does this make sense to you?”
“No. I don’t know what that means. It’s not his last name and he didn’t have a company or anything that would be Coe. I really don’t know,” Mary responded.
“Hmmm,” I continued, feeling like it was significant in some way. “I’m still hearing Coe or Chlo?”
“I really don’t understand that.”
“It doesn’t have to be related to Jason. It’s a woman, and she is insisting I keep going until you get it,” I told her, sure that it was a loved one coming through.
“Are you sure it’s not a different name? It doesn’t make sense to me,” Mary reiterated.
“I’m positive. She’s yelling at me now. ‘Tell her Chlo!’ she keeps saying. I’m sorry, but I’m not getting anything else with it other than she’s older.”
I know if someone from the other side keeps coming at me with information, I have to keep giving it to my client. I could feel the spirit energy getting a bit agitated that they weren’t being acknowledged, so I continued.
“One more time, she wants me to tell you her name began with or sounded like Coe or Chlo. She’s not giving up.”
“I don’t know what to tell you, I really don’t—” and Mary was cut off mid-sentence by the impact of my cell phone hitting the wall.
“What the—?” we both said at the same time.
My phone, which had been sitting on my desk, had flown off into the wall.
“Oh my God! What just happened? You must’ve had it on vibrate, right?” Mary asked, grasping for an explanation.
“No, it was totally turned off. Still is, as a matter of fact. Chlo says she did it!”
“It’s Chlotilde! My grandmother!” Mary exclaimed. The impact of the phone hitting had jarred her consciousness and allowed her to move beyond Jason and kind of regroup. In her defense, as it turns out, they usually called her Tillie instead of Chlotilde.
“Well, that explains the T name I also wrote down!” I laughed. “She wants you to let your mother know she loves her and she’s more than worthy and she apologizes for not recognizing that more when she was here.” Now that Mary had acknowledged her grandmother, I was able to deliver this important message.
A year passed and Mary came back for another reading.
“Tillie’s here. Do you understand that?” I asked her. I never remember readings and especially don’t recall loved ones who come through for people. Sometimes I feel like it makes everything flow and keeps me less cluttered, but other times it seems it would be providential to be able to pull up from memory the deceased loved ones I’ve already connected to for my clients.
“Yes, of course. That’s my grandmother; the same one who sent your phone flying across the room last year!” Mary replied with a giggle.
“Oh! I don’t remember that! Anyway, she wants to tell you that you need to tell your mother what she told you last time!”
“Oh my … I was going to tell my mother, but I thought it would make her way too upset, so I never passed on the message,” she admitted, a bit nervous.
This time, Mary went home and shared the message with her mom. It was in that moment she realized what a special gift it was—one her mother had apparently waited her whole life to hear. After coming to me for about six years now, she admits that anytime I tell her to pass anything on to someone, she immediately does. After all, the people on the other side have a broader understanding of what’s happening here and what we need. There is no denying that anymore for Mary.
For this exercise it is crucial you get out a pen and your journal. Write down everyone you have ever been connected to who has passed. Include deceased loved ones in your family as well as friends and even coworkers. Go all the way back to when you were a baby, and then keep going! Often, we decide just because we never met our grandfather he won’t come through. Not true. They are your relatives, not to mention you have their bloodline. You are absolutely connected, so don’t discount them.
Next, ask family members and friends questions about the people you’ve added to your list. Include names, dates, locations, physical attributes, etc. Gather as much information on each person as you can. Include any pets you had that have passed. They are part of your family as well.
Once you’re sure you have a pretty comprehensive list, sit down somewhere quiet and practice your protection meditation. Then, open up your communication chakra and your clairaudience by focusing on the color blue flowing through and around your neck and throat area. Do this for about five minutes.
Then listen. That’s right, simply listen. Allow any sounds, voices, names, initials, or messages to come through. Ask who is there and what they want to share with you. If they don’t answer right away, ask again. Then wait. Give it at least five minutes if you still don’t hear anything. Keep asking for any type of information, but be sure to tell them only positive energy is allowed to come through. You don’t want to communicate with anything other than energies with the highest frequencies.
When you feel you’ve received everything there is at this time, open your eyes and write it all down. Does it make sense? Do you understand what they told you? Do you know who shared the information? Was it someone from your list? Do you need to relay any messages to anyone else? Remember, as with Mary, don’t judge or censor what comes through. Your job is just to be the open channel.
Make a note of how it felt to use your clairaudience to connect to the other side. Did it feel right? Did it feel comfortable? Uncomfortable? Easy? Difficult? Write it all down and appreciate and validate the energies that worked hard to get you the messages!