
“Psychic ability is part of everyone’s birthright.”

—william w. hewitt


What do you mean?” my client Sara asked me during a reading about five years ago.

“Well, I have an image in my mind’s eye of you walking down the aisle with a wedding dress on, and I’m hearing ‘forty,’” I responded, knowing she wasn’t going to much care for the answer to her question. She’d asked when she would meet the man she would marry.

“Hmmm. That doesn’t make sense to me. I’m only thirty-six now. Maybe he’s forty,” she replied, hoping this was true.

“Maybe. But I’m hearing forty. Don’t worry, it’ll be worth the wait!” I exclaimed. “I can also tell you that you will meet him through mutual friends and it has something to do with bicycles.”

“Okay, but I’m going to assume it’s he who will be forty. I am not planning on waiting that long!” she insisted.

Five years later, she’s back in my office.

“So, guess what? You’re never going to believe it,” she laughed.

“Oh, I think I will believe it,” I chuckled back.

Sara, now forty, tells me she is about to walk down the aisle, having met the man she is marrying when she walked into a bicycle store. Mutual friends introduced them. I had seen and heard her wedding intuitively, using my psychic senses. I can honestly say, even though I’ve been practicing for almost two decades, it still amazes and fascinates me each time I get a psychic hit so accurately.

Everyone, that’s right, everyone has some type of natural intuitive sense. For some, it’s stronger and comes with a desire to develop it. If you’ve picked up this book, you have that desire, or at the very least you are curious about how your psychic senses work. From curiosity stems knowledge and the hope that there is more out there. Hope is what keeps us going, what motivates us to continue. Hope that we will be happy. Tuning in to your psychic senses will help give you hope that a wonderful existence is yours for the taking.

We are all intuitive beings. Believing in our abilities is the first step toward living an extraordinary life and being privy to all the guidance the universe has to offer. “When we embrace our psychic potential, we embrace our soul’s potential—the potential to use our innate ability to connect with the natural forces that lie beyond the material world, beyond the five senses.” (Chestney, 2004) Our psychic senses are not physical, they are spiritual. Once we’ve accepted that, we can hold the keys to the universe.

In the Beginning

Many, many years ago it felt like I was hit over the head, and I heard the words, “You have to do this work now.” Being a logical and rational person, I was never going to just start advertising as a “psychic,” so I set out to learn everything I could about my intuitive abilities. I began taking classes and offering free psychic readings so I could sharpen my instincts. Along the way, I learned what psychic senses were and how they present in real life for me and for others. As the late humanitarian writer Maya Angelou said, “All great achievements require time.” I spent many years practicing until I felt comfortable and proficient enough to offer sessions professionally.

I never realized, though I knew I could always read people, that what I did was any different from what anyone else did. I didn’t know that most people didn’t see spirits such as Henry, our family ghost, passing by me down the stairs as I scaled the molding above like a monkey. This, I recently found out, really did happen to my sister as well. Other than that particularly nonchalant ghost, I was pretty normal.

I am a psychic and a medium (yes, I talk to dead people). I read my clients’ energy to glean information about their past, their present, and their future. I enjoy seeing the light in someone’s eyes when I connect to their loved ones on the other side. Even more exciting is when their dead relatives assemble together and come through in full force. What I love even more is the aha moment—that second when I’ve said something I have no possible way of knowing that means so much to my sitter that I have to figuratively help them pick their jaw up off the floor. It is in that exact instant when they are truly open to receiving messages.

I have been lucky; I’ve been able to tap into my greatness, the energy that connects me to others. That very prolific message I heard—“You need to do this work now”—changed the direction my life was headed. That psychic bat to my head jump-started my career and created a turning point that helped me bring comfort and direction to others as well. Along with reading for my psychic clients over the phone and out of my Ridgefield, Connecticut, office, I teach regularly, mentor others, hold gallery events, and am certified in hypnotism, reflexology, Reiki, and hypno/life coaching.

I am a professional psychic, not just because I developed my abilities, but because I was able to recognize my innate gifts. I slowly began to comprehend that by raising my own vibrational frequency I connected to the energy of the universe, which allowed me to begin utilizing this psychic knowledge. We all have the capacity to extend our vibration upward, toward our own highest personal frequency. The greater we expand upon this energy, the more we will connect to the other side or our ESP (see this chapter’s Where It All Began section).

My client Barbara was in yesterday for a session. We were discussing destiny and karma and our beliefs in those areas. We talked about our choices and how they affect us and how karma is not just negative but positive as well (see chapter twelve). This led to a conversation about extrasensory abilities and whether we are each predestined to be either psychic or not. While I believe we can reach our full potential in all things, I explained to her that even though not all of us will excel, we all have natural intuition and we need to trust in the feelings we get. There is a difference between knowing and acknowledging the psychic path is there and walking down that psychic path. That’s a choice.

Not everyone will decide to become a professional psychic intuitive. Actually, most people won’t. But all of you—and all people—have the ability to develop, for your own well-being, your intuitive gifts. Becoming acquainted with your talents will open up a whole new understanding of the world and those who live in it. Once you are comfortable with this new energy, feeling at home with this increased level of receptivity, it is easier to exist in this extraordinary state of awareness. The benefits of tapping into this incredible vibrational frequency are immense: a greater understanding of who you are, an increase in pure, unadulterated joy, an obtainment of powerful wisdom and insights previously overlooked, and so much more. With practice, you will discover the most important thing—who you truly are.

Believing psychic ability is genuine is the first step on your journey to spiritual development. I always encourage people to gain their own understanding of intuition rather than trying to prove to them that it’s real. Shutting your eyes to the possibilities only shuts down your personal intuition; it doesn’t prove that it’s nonexistent. Opening to your potential will be proof enough that psychic powers exist.

I am a skeptic, a healthy skeptic, but one nonetheless. Being a skeptic does not mean I’m a nonbeliever. It simply means I don’t believe all events have a paranormal connection. Sometimes the toy in the room started talking simply because the batteries surged, or the dog was barking while looking to the top of the stairs because he watched a bug fly up. There is not always a mystical reason for everything.

However, I also know that psychic ability is authentic. I’ve experienced it. I’ve had numerous e-mails, phone calls, and messages from clients saying what I’ve predicted has come to pass or what I’d told them during their reading that they were unable to validate in that moment was proved to them within days of their session with me. I’ve been connected to my clients’ deceased loved ones who have come through with evidence, things that I never could have known, including names, dates, events, etc., to provide guidance or to simply extend messages of love and encouragement. All of these occurrences were made possible through the use of my psychic senses.

Where It All Began

Extrasensory perception, or ESP, has been around since the beginning of time, though it was not always recognized as such. The old sages, priests, oracles, and trusted advisers of kings and leaders were said to have prophesied many events for their rulers. From when to plant the crops to whether or not to go to war and everything in between, these mostly trusted psychics were consulted on a regular basis.

Nostradamus is one of the more modern and famous psychics. He predicted more than 6,300 events; mostly natural disasters, murders, and wars. Though he didn’t date them, believers and scholars are able to relate most of his prophecies since his death in 1566 to actual events throughout history up to modern times, although some claim there are numerous interpretations to be made, which of course there are.

Edgar Cayce, hailed as the father of holistic medicine, was known as the “sleeping prophet” and had been a psychic since childhood. He communicated with his late grandfather and played with “imaginary” friends. As he grew older, he began to use trance as his mode of receiving psychic information. He would lie down on the couch, close his eyes, fold his arms over his abdomen, and meditate, hence the “sleeping prophet” moniker. While his readings for others focused mainly on holistic health and diagnosing and often healing illness or disease, his sessions included numerous insights about ancient history and the alterations of land, many of which have now been proven to be true. He devoted his life to studying and teaching others about ESP, spiritual growth, philosophy, dreams, the Akashic Records, reincarnation, and more. There are hundreds of books written about him and his readings. In 1931, before his death in 1945, Cayce began the Association for Research and Enlightenment (A.R.E.) in Virginia. It is there you will gain access to more than fourteen thousand of his actual readings.

Exercise: Where It Began for You

Get yourself a journal or a notebook to use for the many exercises to come in this book. This way you can record everything you work on and keep it to refer back to. You can also repeat the exercises and compare how far you’ve come!

This first exercise is simple. As I said, intuition and psychic senses have been present for as long as we’ve been around, but for us, as individuals, there is usually an aha moment or that time when you were truly curious about what just happened or how you could’ve known something. That was your beginning—that time when you became aware that there was more to life than what you could understand with your physical senses.

This moment in your life is very important because it was your opening. It doesn’t mean that you will remember it perfectly, or that you instantly became psychic. It just means you became aware of the possibilities. Write down this moment. Include where you were, who you were with, what you were doing, and what the moment was about. Describe it with as much detail as possible.

You may find that you have to record a more recent memory or event because you can’t seem to recall the first, initial, sensitizing event. That’s okay. You can go back and write down another, earlier one if it comes to you; and then, you can do it again! There is no wrong answer; it’s about your own personal awareness.

We Are All Intuitive

While not every psychic will become as famously known as Nostradamus or Edgar Cayce and not every intuitive will become a renowned psychic, every person does use their intuition on a daily basis. We use it when we have a visceral or gut reaction to something, when we feel we’ve already met the person we’ve just been introduced to, when we buy milk at the store simply because of an urge though when we left we thought we had plenty, and when we just know something but have no idea how we know it. We are all intuitive in some way.

I teach people to develop their own intuition. One of the most difficult roadblocks for most people to get past is determining whether the information they are seeing, hearing, feeling, or believing is real or an illusion. This, of course, makes perfect sense! Discernment is hard, even for professionals like me who have been doing this for a long time. I tell people all the time, “If you don’t feel like you’re getting anything psychically, imagine you are!” This is not because you should “fake it till you make it”; I’m not asking anyone to be phony. You need to believe in your intuition enough to acknowledge what you get. If allowing that maybe it’s only your imagination makes you feel more comfortable than admitting that you are getting psychic impressions, that’s okay. This is only the beginning!

Scientists and Psychics?

Contrary to what may be a popular belief, not all scientists are contraintuitive or, more specifically, skeptical when it comes to psychic abilities. Many, in fact, especially in the medical community, use their psychic senses on a regular basis. Nutritionists, nurses, and even doctors can tune in to their intuition to help them determine what types of foods their patients may need to eat in order to bolster their immune systems or their nutritional values.

For example, if a nutritionist has a patient come in who is looking to increase their daily energy, the nutritionist may tell them to lay off the red meat and increase their iron intake with green leafy vegetables instead. This is not rocket science, as most of us know too much red meat can cause lethargy. In general it is just good nutritional advice. In addition, the specialist may taste the flavor of coffee. Normally, coffee would not be something they might recommend, but in this instance they suggest it for the caffeine, which will help the client with energy as well as their attention deficit disorder. Telling their patient to have more caffeine may go against all of their nutritional recommendations, but by tuning in to their psychic senses they know it will be beneficial, at least in the short term.

Doctors may also tune in to their psychic abilities without recognizing it for what it is. Imagine their patient coming in with the same complaint of experiencing a lack of energy. They feel sluggish and tired more often than not. Where the nutritionist in the previous example may have recommended caffeine based on the phantom coffee taste, the doctor may pick up on something entirely different with his patient.

Knowing that he was already planning to run some tests, including a nutritional workup and a urine analysis, he feels comfortable trusting in the psychic flavor he is getting. He tastes copper. Copper is a very common taste associated with blood. So now, the doctor has an additional direction to go in. He may decide that the psychic hit he’s experiencing indicates he needs to get the patient into the hospital right away. There’s a definite possibility there’s something wrong with his blood; more specifically, his circulatory system, including his heart.

Though the examples I’ve used are entirely made up, they explain how simply, and possibly how easily, these medical professionals are able to utilize their psychic senses. Though there are many skeptics in the medical or scientific community, there are also many believers—whether they actively pursue it or not.

What Is It Called?

As you make your way happily through this book you’ll find some of the chapters will resonate more than others. Chances are your gifts will make themselves known through the exercises and the stories included in every section. And you will love how practicing can help you enhance the senses you are more in tune with as well as the intuitive abilities that haven’t been so strong.

This book will help you personally relate to your different psychic senses, and you will be able to identify which gifts come more naturally to you. You will also learn what your intuitive senses are called and what each one helps you with. The words for the psychic senses start with clair, which is French for “clear,” giving us clear seeing (clairvoyance), clear hearing (clairaudience), clear feeling (clairsentience), clear knowing (claircognizance), clear tasting (clairgustance), clear smelling (clairalience or clairolfaction), clear emotion (clairempathy), and clear touch (clairtangency). You will experience all of these senses in the pages to come. You’ll also have an opportunity to explore telepathy and psychokinesis in the final chapters.

Chakras—What Are They?

Chakras—spinning wheels of energy in your etheric body —play a big role in tuning in to your psychic senses, and this book will help explain how they contribute to your intuition. There are seven major energy centers, or spiritual batteries, organized in a rainbow-colored line from the base of your spine, between your legs, all the way up to the top of your head. Each of these chakras corresponds to your psychic senses, and focusing on them may be of great assistance when trying to tune in.

The first three chakras are lower chakras. These are all linked to need, physical desire, and drive. All of your chakras are connected to your psychic abilities. The first chakra, or root chakra, is related to your foundation or your security. It corresponds to your stability, your family, and your sense of community. It is the base chakra, red in color, at the base of your spine. It is also connected to your claircognizance or clear knowing.

The second chakra, or sensual chakra, is orange and is located a couple of inches below the navel. This spiritual energy center is related to your sensuality as well as your sexuality. This chakra plays a role in your feeling or clairsentient abilities.

Your third chakra is your power center and is located in your solar plexus. This yellow energy center is where your gut instincts occur. It is the seat of your clairsentience, and is related to your self-esteem.


Chakra System

The upper chakras are more closely linked to spirituality and consciousness. Your fourth or green spiritual battery is in your chest and is also known as your heart chakra. This center is related to matters of the heart and love as well as healing of yourself and others.

Your fifth chakra is your communication center. This blue energy area is responsible for channeling messages from the other side and your clairaudience. It’s also related to communicating your wants and needs.

The sixth chakra, the indigo center, is your third eye. This is your psychic sight or clairvoyant spiritual energy center.

Finally, your seventh or violet chakra is known as your crown chakra. This important energy center is where your psychic gifts are linked and where your claircognizance sits. It’s where all divine guidance is channeled through and where you are connected to the universal energy.

All seven major chakras run smoothly together, feeding off of each other. The chakra system can become off-kilter, which can cause a barrier to opening up your psychic abilities. The system then needs to be realigned. Working with the chakra system while practicing using your psychic senses will help bring them into balance.

Let’s Go!

Knowing the terminology will help you label what it is you are tapping into. You don’t need to memorize the wording or even understand it right away. While you read this book, you will learn everything you need to know by exercising your psychic abilities. You will learn how to protect yourself from unwanted negativity, open yourself to positive energy, tune in to your intuition, connect to the other side, explore telepathy and psychokinesis, and even discover who you were in a past life! You will have fun, and even surprise yourself, all while enjoying more than sixty exercises. You’ve inherently got all the tools you need; now you know what to call them and, more importantly, how to utilize them to create a better and more fun life!

This is your time to shine—your chance to share what you already know to be true. You are a spiritual being living in a physical body. You’ll find that your intuition does not negate your logic, but that in fact, your logic helps to rationalize your intuition! Enjoy every moment of your intuitive life to the fullest.

Exercise: Protect Yourself!

Before starting any type of intuitive connection it’s important to protect yourself from any negative energy. The best and easiest way to do this is through meditation and visualization.

Sit somewhere comfortable with both feet firmly on the floor. Close your eyes. Feel the bottoms of your feet where they connect to the floor and the void where they don’t. Focus on the empty space.

Now, imagine the feeling of that empty space as it travels up and around your body, filling every nook and cranny, every curve, and the emptiness of matter. Allow this space to be filled with beautiful white light. As you visualize this light swirling next to you and around you, feel it getting warmer, brighter, and more expansive. Push it out farther, about five feet from your physical body. While you feel the energy growing, imagine it becoming even lighter and warmer, leaving no room for any negative energy or debris to remain or penetrate into your space.

Sit with this energy flowing around you for at least five minutes. When you feel comfortable, open your eyes and take a few deep breaths, allowing your energy to stay grounded but continue to surround you.

It’s Your Turn

Get ready now. Hold on and enjoy the ride. What you are about to do will surely change your perspective and expose you to a new level, a new dimension of reality. You will learn how to connect to your own intuition, which is more powerful than you can possibly imagine. You will receive guidance, not only from the pages in this book, but from your own personal helpers on the other side, who will enhance your life. Buckle up, it’s your turn!
