Strike Me Not

Strike me once, strike me twice,

but never shall you strike me

a third time around.

If a total stranger, or even someone you knew, came to your front door and for no reason suddenly slapped you in the face , how would you react? At first, you’d probably be confused about what had just happened. But before you had enough time to react, imagine that you got slapped once again. Now you’re no longer shocked and a hidden anger stirs deep within you. You ask yourself, “What have I done to deserve this?” when suddenly you see the hand ready to strike you once again. This time you are aware and ready to protect and defend yourself. This time you reach out and hold the hand before it has time to strike you, saying “Don’t you ever hit me again!”

Protection and defense magic works similarly. It kicks in when enough is enough and it’s time to start diminishing those negative energies by catching the bullet before it gets you. Protection and defense magic is not about revenge. It’s about looking after yourself when others are trying to harm you with magic.

When performing defense magic, you must always take karma into account. The laws of karma should be respected at all times. The universe is well aware of those inflicting physical or emotional harm against innocent souls by means of negative magic. When such an injustice is committed, it is known to the universe—and the perpetrator is paid back threefold.

Unfortunately, we don’t know when the universe will justify others’ wrongs. The process could take weeks, months, years, or it could even go toward that individual’s next lifetime. In the meantime, you sit and wait. While you do, the negative soul gets away with all types of injustices toward you or your loved ones.

You have every right as a member of the universe to protect yourself against these types of people; you don’t have to just sit there and take the injustice. Act wisely and use protective and defensive magic.

If you have a problem using this type of magic, think of it as an alarm system for your home to keep intruders from entering and taking what is yours. Remember that such people deserve no pity. They certainly have none for you when they start to use destructive forces.

Never feel guilty when using white spells. We are all human, and it is human instinct to protect our territory from danger and against negative individuals who only want to inflict emotional or physical pain. If your heart is pure, you could never do anything against the laws of karma or against a fellow soul member.

Positive thoughts create loving, healing energies while negative thought patterns can be classified as curses—curses that are potentially very harmful to any individual at whom they’re aimed. The funny thing about negative thought patterns is that the people who produce them are sometimes unaware of doing so, which means such negative thoughts are often transmitted very innocently to someone who doesn’t deserve them. Yet others are well aware of their negative thought patterns and transmit them very viciously in order to cause harm intentionally.

Such individuals carry with them a negative obsession to destroy whoever they “believe” has done them wrong. Their thought patterns are filled with malice but can only produce destructive energies when directed toward someone else. These people will stop at nothing to destroy you.

Their greed is driven very passionately by their egos in order to manipulate others whom they consider to be weaker. They do this to obtain control and to cause harm and destruction to anyone who gets in the way of their own goals.

Thoughts directed toward anyone in such a negative manner do penetrate the aura field, more so when physical defenses are down due to stress or illness. Such factors can make you even more vulnerable and susceptible to negative thoughts. You become like a sponge, unconsciously absorbing negative thought forms that are hanging over you just waiting to strike you down.

The sad part is that the person sending you all these negative thoughts has no moral conscience and doesn’t care about your well-being. Such a person might be disguised as your neighbor, one of your relatives or co-workers, or even your best friend. Always be aware. Your gut feeling never lets you down and you will know who the carrier of negativity is.

Eventually, you’ll begin to ask yourself what you’ve done to this person to make him or her act this way. Well, you may have done absolutely nothing. He or she may not even know what you have done but may nonetheless be filled with an unknown hatred toward you while battling with internal insecurities and jealousy. Such people are carrying a negative obsession against you, which has lodged itself in their corrupted minds, and they will stop at nothing until their negative thoughts result in physical or emotional harm.

During my years of experience helping others to protect and defend themselves against these types of injustices, I have come to the conclusion that people who seek this type of destruction toward another soul are often out to destroy happiness at any cost.

Unfortunately, if they aren’t able to accomplish what they set out to do with negative thoughts and actions, frustration sets in and it is at this point that some seek magic to finish the job. You may be asking, “What type of magic?” Well, in the world of magic, there are corruptive forces that I call “the malignant tumors of the occult.”

The malignant tumors are not your everyday true practitioners; they are out there practicing destructive magic—that is, if the price is right. These people should not be categorized with those who have personal pride in their magical workings. Everyone who practices true magic is well aware of those who certainly do not.

We have all experienced sadness in life and all of us appreciate laughter when it comes around. Magic is the same way: black or white, positive or negative, you need to have experienced both to know the difference. For example, let’s say that you could wish death on a person by lighting twenty black candles, aiming destructive thoughts toward the person. With positive protective and defensive magic, the magic could work in reverse. You could light pink and white candles to wish a person peace within while also asking him or her to leave you alone. There is a difference; it’s how you practice magic that makes you a true practitioner, and without that understanding there can never be a balance to the soul.

Sadly, many people have the wrong idea about magic. The Hollywood image has been a damaging one and it is only beginning to change. We witches don’t have big noses covered in warts but are beautiful people with intelligence who possess goodness in our hearts. This reality is slowly coming across. Just because magic is practiced does not mean that it is negative, destructive, ugly, or evil.

I am deeply concerned when people approach me to conduct their dirty workings. An example: a few years ago, a lady who had been having an affair with a married man for about six months came to see me. The man had left this woman because he still loved his wife and wanted to make their marriage work. This woman was beside herself and wanted me to break up their marriage so he would go back to her. I tried to reason with this woman for more than an hour but she wouldn’t listen to anything I had to say and told me flat out, “If I can’t have him, neither can she!” and walked out. I heard through the grapevine a few weeks later that she paid five thousand dollars for someone to do her negative workings. I felt sorry for her, and the person who took her up on it, and sent protective loving energies to the married couple.

Like this woman, hundreds of thousands of people are out there looking for someone to do their negative workings. Once they find this person, they don’t ask moral or ethical questions. They only discuss destruction to an innocent soul and the cost involved to start the dark workings, money that is often paid willingly even when the price is a small fortune.

The most common form of black magic practiced is the application and manipulation of essence, when a part of someone—a piece of clothing, a strand of hair, nail clippings, a photograph, or another sort of personal item—is stolen and used. Such an item is taken to the person conducting the negative workings, who now has a piece of the subject’s essence and generally uses it to weaken the aura field. This is one of the worst types of manipulative magic as it works against one’s own energies, the essence of one’s soul.

When the manipulation of essence penetrates the aura field, it may manifest in lack of energy or sleep, a loss of finances, a sudden unexpected illness, disharmony in the home, bad luck, accidents, a feeling of being lost and unloved, hair falling out, or the end of a strong, years-long relationship.

Mental and physical strength is the first ground rule for working against negative forces. If you feel sick, act as if you’re on top of the world. If you know that someone is working against your own energies, then it’s not the time to seek sympathy from others. This is very important. If the negative source finds out you have been ill, then your defenses are down—and that is when they strike the hardest. The negative source may find out about your illness when someone you know, or the friend of a friend, feeds them the information. It could all be very innocent but, before you know it, the information gets back to the person working against you.

Some of the things that are done are horrific and hard to believe. I have witnessed some of the most sickening and selfish aspects of human nature, and there is no turning back once someone is on that path of destruction.

These people tap into spells that would make your hair stand on end: spells to bring illness to a victim, to separate a man and a woman or to break up a marriage, to attract another against his or her will, or to break a mother’s heart by turning her children against her. Or they might invoke curses to give someone an ulcerous tumor, to intentionally harm someone with the use of wax dolls, to destroy a business, to cause fights in the home, to force the loss of a home from lack of finances, to seek vengeance from someone, or to steal others’ psychic gifts. Others try out sexual curses to leave a man impotent, to bring bad luck, or to manipulate a lover. Some have even cast a spell to blind or silence a dog.

Now you can understand why protection is needed against these types of spells, which are dangerous to anyone they’re aimed at. Imagine if you had no way to fight back against this type of injustice; it would be like a home invasion during which you are helpless to retaliate and your life is at the whim of others who can, at the very least, leave you emotionally scarred forever.
