
The importance of color in our lives is well known. We need color, and without color our lives would be very bland indeed. Color is part of our everyday lives, and the colors of our clothes are at the top of the list. Every morning we decide what to put on. Some days we like a certain outfit, but on other days that same outfit may not appeal to us. This is because of the energy we unconsciously put out. We don’t realize it, but our bodies scream for a certain color—and they let us know this by making that color attractive to our eyes.

Some colors, like red and orange, give out strong vibrations of warmth. Other colors, such as pink and light blue, give out passive vibrations that are soothing to the soul. Even many doctors have opted to swap their clinical white coats for blue ones, a move that has proven to lessen patients’ fears and even their blood pressure.

Also, and most important, color enhances the needs we want to convey to the universe. Color is an essential part of magic and should always be consulted. Each color has a powerful meaning, and this meaning enhances our magical needs—not to mention our psychological and healing needs.

I use color on a daily basis. When I feel that I need protection, I wear black. When I feel down, I wear red to help lift myself up. When I need money, I strap a green cotton band around my wrist and shout to the universe that I’m in need. Green is the universal color for money, since it represents growth and prosperity. I’m immediately in tune with universal forces because of the green band around my wrist, which colors my entire etheric field like a green light bulb and acts as a beacon, sending my needs to the universe.

I’ve found that color bands are an easy way to make my magical needs known. They are also easy to create. Just cut some cotton material in the color of your needs and wrap this material around your right wrist (or around your left wrist if you are left-handed). Wrap this material around your wrist three times, and each time say your needs out loud to the universe, visualize them like a television commercial, and then make a knot to keep the band in place. Don’t take the band, or bands, off until you feel your needs are being satisfied; make your color bands pleasing to the eye, as you may have to wear them for a few days.

Color bands on the go

To find peace: Light-blue band

To heal illness: White band

For luck, money, and growth: Green band

To heal the heart: Dark-pink band

To enhance learning and studying: Yellow or orange band

For strength: Orange or red band

Love: Pink band

To combat negativity: Black or red band

To avoid stress: Blue band

Protection: Black band and a red band

To work against depression: Red band and an orange band

Fertility: Orange—but wrap it around your waist only one time

To fight sadness: Blue and pink bands wrapped together

Attraction: Red—but don’t tie a knot, just a simple bow

Soul connection: Lavender band

Psychic workings: Purple bands around both wrists

To deal with anger: Light-blue band

Communication with angels: Gold band

To listen to your gut feelings: Yellow band

Women’s health issues: Orange band

Before exams: Bright yellow band

Astral travel: Purple band and a white band

To calm down a very active toddler: Light-blue band

For a job interview: Orange band and a blue band together, but don’t wear them—just stick them in your pants or jacket pocket.

To enhance the chakras: Get red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, and pink ribbons and make a plait out of them all. Once you’ve done this, wrap it around your wrist like a bracelet, and your chakras will always be in tune to your needs.

Protection for babies: For both girl and boy babies, tie a red ribbon to a safety pin and fasten it to the baby’s clothes where no one can see it.

Overall magical colors

White: Healing

Yellow: Psychic abilities

Red: Courage and strength

Purple: Communication and peace

Blue: Protection and calm

Pink: Love and relationships

Black: Protection against negative forces

Green: Healing, money, and spiritual growth
