All That Grows

Everything on this earth vibrates with beautiful, uninhibited forces. These innocent but strong, willful energies are found anywhere. Anything that is green and growing is filled with a strong sense of wisdom and strength. This wisdom and strength can be utilized to grow and prosper on a spiritual level. These energies can be anything from the bark of a tree to the grass under your feet; just because they can’t talk, it doesn’t mean they are dead or unworthy. On the contrary, they are very much alive, and believe it or not, they are waiting for us to seek their aid.

Some laugh at those who talk to plants as though they were people. But it has been proven that this interaction with plants has positive results, and more people are doing it; some people even sing and play music to plants.

I sometimes get a few stares when I hug a tree on my daily walks with nature, but I can’t help it—hugging trees makes me feel good. From strong, healthy trees I seek energy and wisdom, and for the ones that look a bit sad, I pass on healing energies through my touch. This is a wonderful experience. I’m not only out with nature, but I certainly feel a part of it.

Everything that is green falls into this wonderful category: plants, trees, herbs, and even flowers have a special purpose for their existence. Our ancestors knew this truth and they have passed it down to us—not just for medicinal needs but for magical needs as well. For example, not only did they use chamomile for colic, fevers, indigestion, and as a hair rinse to bring the natural highlights out, but they also used chamomile’s magical powers in love baths and in protection and purifying sachets.

I always have fresh basil and rosemary in my house. I make arrangements out of these herbs soon after I pick them from my garden. Rosemary is good for cooking as well as protection, and basil keeps the finances healthy and protected! These strong, powerful herbs can do no wrong, but you don’t need to blend them together; each one has its own special qualities and works rather well on its own to bring a much needed effect or change. I just like putting them together, and their scent really purifies my home.

In magic, all that is green is used to its fullest. We crush, burn, and dry everything for a purpose. We crush to blend, we burn to purify, and we can even dry all that is green to place in little drawstring bags for a specific purpose.

We are going to use these wonderful energies, and use them to their highest potential to enhance the needs and wants we hope to achieve. Let’s do the quick fixes by visualizing our needs, and making them happen by using a little bit of this and a little bit of that!

Herbs for protection
on the go

Protect your home
from unwanted entities

Sprinkle angelica all over the house on Saturday before sundown, and unwanted entities will no longer want to visit.

Keep thieves away

To ward away thieves, hang from your back door a little red drawstring bag and fill it up with caraway seeds. But be sensible: always lock your front door and back door when you’re not home.


To stay safe while you’re on vacation, take a cotton ball and soak it in witch hazel oil. Rub the cotton ball filled with the oil inside the shoes you will be wearing most often on your trip. Leave your shoes out on a full-moon night and seek protection from the moon and its light.

It’s best to do this on a Saturday, and protected you will be during your vacation.

Protect your home
from outside negative forces

When you are ready to mop your floors, add to the bucket a teaspoon of cumin powder and a tablespoon of rock salt; as you mop, visualize the protection you seek for your home.

Protection against gossip

In a little black drawstring bag, place a small handful of uncooked rice and a bunch of fresh rosemary leaves. Hold this little bag in your hand and visualize the gossip not getting near you. See it fading away like smoke.

Uninvited guests

Behind your front door, always have a large head of garlic. Anyone who wants to come in without an invitation will think twice before crossing the threshold.

Protection for your children

Under your children’s pillows, place a laurel leaf and visualize the protection you feel they need. Or get some fennel, crush it in a mortar and pestle, and sprinkle it in their shoes. Protected they will be without even knowing it.

Fresh protection

Make a bunch of herbal arrangements every Saturday. In a vase full of water, add rosemary, basil, parsley, and mint. Within this arrangement, place a few leaves from a fern to make it look good. Keep this arrangement on the center table of your living room. Protected you will be, and don’t forget to refresh the arrangement every week.

Herbs for love on the go

To attract the love you want

Eat an apple and pick out the seeds. Place the seeds on a white cloth and let them dry in a shaded area until they desiccate. Sprinkle lavender talcum powder on them and keep them under your pillow to attract the love you’ve always wanted.

To be loved

Take all the petals from a dry red rose and a dry white rose and mix the petals together. Add a dash of cinnamon and a star anise. Mix this all together and place it in a small pink box with a handwritten note that says you will be loved forevermore. Sign your name to the note and close the box.

For attraction

Carry with you three vanilla beans! And attractive to others you will be.

To heal a broken heart

Find an elm tree and wrap your arms around it. Wish it to heal your broken heart, and leave behind a coin on the ground as a healing payment.

To spice up the marriage bed

Crush patchouli and dill together. Two hours before bed, sprinkle this powder on the sheets. Wait and see, and the fun you seek will be.

For a night on the town

Before you go out on the town, sprinkle cinnamon inside your shoes. They will take you where the fun is and to the people you want to meet.

To find love

Always have with you a myrtle leaf inside your bosom.

To keep love

To keep the love you have, tie together two sandalwood sticks with a red ribbon and place them under the middle of your mattress.

To find out if someone
is in love with you

Write the full name of the person on a piece of paper. Cover the paper with a whole bunch of chestnuts, and that person will tell you yes or no.

To send a love letter

After you have written your love letter, sprinkle lavender leaves on it and let the leaves sit on top of the paper for a day or so. Make sure your mind has nothing but loving thoughts for the person for whom the letter was intended. Take the piece of paper outside and blow the lavender in the direction of the wind; then fold the letter, mail it, and you will see.

Herbs for luck and money
on the go

For a lucky home

Have lots of violet plants in your home.

To have money
in your purse or wallet

Sprinkle nutmeg between the bills and it will just multiply them evenly.

For wealth

Have a bowl of pecans by the front door but don’t eat them; if you do eat them, you will be eating your financial needs.

For luck

Carry with you a lucky hand root, and lucky you will be in all you do.

To make a business fruitful

Behind your business door always have a bowl of sesame seeds, and on top of them sprinkle a little bit of gold-dust powder.

To have success in life

For success, carry with you a piece of a ginger root and replace it with a new one every month and a day.

Money pillow

Make a little pillow with green cotton material and fill it up with Irish moss. Carry it with you at all times for your money needs.

To win the lottery

Put it out there that you want to win the lottery jackpot. Mix together ginger, nutmeg, and sage. Sprinkle the mixture on top of your lottery ticket and put your ticket high up, in a safe place, until the night of the drawing. Do this every time you dream about winning!

Nuts we are!

Always have out a bowl filled with mixed nuts. Every morning before you leave the house, take a nut with you for luck and, at the end of the day, leave it at the front door of your bank.

Coin jar

Keep a jar filled with coins and add to it saffron powder from the supermarket. The jar will keep multiplying the coins.


Hang from your key ring a small pinecone, and every morning dip it in rosemary leaves for your money and luck needs.
