The Scents
of Oils

The magic of oils was part of our ancestors’ lives, and we can honor them by incorporating oils into our quick magical fixes. I’ve always had good results with essential oils. I keep all my little bottles of oils in a cedar box, which absorbs each and every single one of their mystical and magical scents. When I take out this box, my entire house is bewitched by the energies of the oils and their powerful fragrances, which automatically lets me know that I’m ready to start my magical workings.

Essential oils are derived from aromatic plants, which are processed to produce a particular oil. This oil is as pure as it gets and vibrates with earthbound energies. These aromatic oils are alive and filled with magical properties even after the distillation process.

People are becoming more aware of the healing and relaxing properties of oils by way of aromatherapy and invigorating massages that leave them feeling totally relaxed and re-energized. Just as you need real essential oils for these types of therapies, you also need the real deal when using essential oils for magic. Synthetics just don’t cut it!

Each one of these oils has its own properties, just as herbs do. These oils are so powerful that, with just a single drop, you can send your magical needs to the universe loud and clear. But be careful: some people are allergic to oils because of the strength they possess. I’ve known people to be allergic to the scent of pure lavender oil. These folks get sick to their stomachs because lavender oil can be so sickly sweet. A single drop can linger for hours in an oil burner. So take care when using these oils, and mind their powerful scents and the possible reactions they can produce.

The best and quickest way to get results from your oil burner is to place the oils on the burner first, and then light the candle and add hot—not cold!—water. As soon as the hot water makes contact with the oils, you will have an immediate magical connection with the universe.

You can purchase essential oils just about anywhere now; massage therapists, spas, and even supermarkets sell lavender and tea-tree oils. If you’re in doubt, the price tag will alert you to an oil’s authenticity. Real essential oils aren’t cheap, and the bottle is so little that it seems ridiculous to pay so much money for what can seem like a large tablespoon—but don’t forget you’re getting pure essential oils for your magical needs.

Essential oils on the go


Put three drops of lavender oil in your oil burner.

Finding sleep

Put one drop of jasmine and two drops of clary sage in your oil burner half an hour before bedtime, or sprinkle one drop of clary sage on your pillow one hour before bedtime.


Burn three drops of basil oil in your oil burner for your money needs whenever possible!

Happiness in the home

In your oil burner, place two drops of bergamot and one of neroli for a happy home environment.

Concentration at work

Place two drops of rosemary oil in your handkerchief and smell it every time you feel you need concentration or are about to fall asleep from a lack of motivation.

Homework alertness

Place two drops of peppermint oil and two drops of thyme in your oil burner for alertness and to help your kids concentrate.


Place one drop of chamomile oil on your index finger and massage the tips of both of your index fingers together before meditation. Gently rub this oil on your temples.


Do I need to say it? Wear rose oil whenever possible!


Burn in your oil burner two drops of frankincense and one drop of myrrh oil.

If you need a quick protection fix, get an old pot you don’t use anymore and fill it up with one liter of water. Bring the water to a boil. Now, take the pot away from the heat and add one crushed garlic clove, two drops of black pepper oil, two drops of frankincense oil, and three drops of rosemary oil. Then take this steaming protection smoke all over the house. Repeat three times, and each time bring the pot back to a boil.


Always burn lavender oil in your home and at work, in order to drive away disturbances and agitation. Or burn two drops of marjoram to keep the peace.


Before any magical workings, burn nutmeg oil in your oil burner. Just one drop will do the job.


To enhance sexual drive, burn in your oil burner one drop of vanilla and two drops of patchouli oil.

Keeping your man

Apply one drop of marjoram on his clothes and he will always be yours.


After an illness, burn sandalwood in your home. Two drops will be enough to bring health back into your world.

Happy essential oils

Bergamot, grapefruit, orange, clary sage, and basil.

De-stress essential oils

Lavender, chamomile, and ylang-ylang.

Protection essential oils

Basil, myrrh, frankincense, rosemary, and garlic.
