Water and
Its Element

The first thing my mother used to tell me to do when I felt sick was to take a shower. “It’ll make you feel better,” she’d say. Today I tell my own daughter the same thing. Having a shower or a bath has always made me feel 100 percent better, especially when I sense negativity around me. I just get under the shower and wash it all off, and this method always works—with enduring positive results.

Water is associated with the emotions, and emotions are our greatest enemy. If our emotions are out of whack, our physical body will be out of whack as well. Unfortunately, when that happens we can’t function and we can’t possibly think rationally. The decisions we make in this state are governed solely by our emotional state of mind, and they are often decisions we end up wishing we hadn’t made.

The water element is miraculous in its own way. I have always visualized water as a rough sponge and the negativity in our bodies as dirt. Once water touches the body, it becomes more like a tool to scrub away negative energy than anything else—and our positive visualizations become the soap or detergent. The more you visualize, the more cleansing suds you make and the better your chances of getting rid of what’s bothering you, whether it be negativity from others or even from yourself.

Now, a bath is an excellent way to utilize the water element. Taking a bath is one of the most relaxing things anyone can do. Moreover, a bath oozes with positive, replenishing energies—energies that your body requires to replace what was taken away throughout the day.

Unfortunately, a bath by itself isn’t one of the quick fixes, but using the element of water whenever possible is absolutely essential. If you don’t have time for a bath, then try the bucket spells on the go. Okay, don’t laugh—the bucket works! These spells are great for those of you who don’t have a bathtub in your home or the time to relax in the tub.

Just get yourself a white bucket for your magical water connection with the universe. Once you’ve added to the bucket what is required by the spell, take the bucket with you and leave it outside the shower with the contents of the spell already in it. Take your shower as you would normally and when you finish, bring the bucket into the shower, fill it up with lukewarm water, and turn off the faucet. Then stand there naked, visualizing your needs to the universe. Place your hand inside the bucket and gently mix the ingredients while visualizing your needs. Once you’ve finished establishing your needs, hold the bucket up high and pour it over your head, gently letting the water run all over your body.

Once the bucket is empty, don’t rinse yourself off. Just step out of the shower and pat yourself dry with a white towel. By doing this, you are sealing yourself and ensuring the bad energy you just got rid of doesn’t come back. You’re also making sure that the new energy you just put in stays in.

Bucket spells on the go

Wash away stress

In your bucket, place three drops of lavender oil and half a cup of chamomile flowers—and your stress will be a thing of the past.

Wash away negativity

Place in the bucket one teaspoon of cumin powder, a few leaves of fresh basil, and one teaspoon of rock salt. The negativity you hold will be gone.

To attract money

Crush three cooking cloves together with a large cinnamon stick and sesame seeds. Once you’ve done that, place the mixture in your white bucket. You can do this as many times as you want, and it is best to do it on Thursdays.

After an altercation

Any type of disagreement or fight can leave us in a state of mental and emotional discomfort. To wash away these uncomfortable feelings, place in your white bucket a large tablespoon of salt together with a teaspoon of olive oil.

To attract love

To attract the love you need and want, place in your bucket the petals of a red rose, two drops of spearmint oil, and a bunch of fresh basil.

To stop nasty gossip about you

Fill your bucket with warm-to-hot water. Add in one large tablespoon of sage, one large tablespoon of rosemary, and a bunch of parsley. Let it all sit for about thirty minutes; just before your shower, mix it all together. Once you’ve finished your shower and the bucket spell, pick up the parsley from the floor of your shower and place it in your garbage can with the gossip.

Before bed

To have a good sleep, place in your bucket three drops of lavender oil and sleep you will find.

For a passionate evening

Place in your bucket all the petals of a fresh red rose, two drops of jasmine oil, and half a teaspoon of olive oil. Mix it all together and over your head it goes. Next, pick up the rose petals and place them inside a dry towel. Pat them dry, then place them under your pillow for the passionateevening you are desperately seeking.
