Candle Magic

Candles are more than just decorative lighting for dinner parties and romantic evenings. The flame of a candle emits universal energy. It also brings light into our lives, not only so we can see in the dark, but for our spirit to communicate with the heavens.

The flame of a candle can be likened to the human spirit. No matter what the circumstances, we all have a living flame within. This flame dwindles at times when we lose hope and our future seems dark and uncertain. But we can rekindle the flame over and over again, and it will burn until our work here is done.

Humans have often used fire to pay homage to higher powers. It’s now time to pay homage to ourselves, for in reality we are the higher power. We are the ones who can bring creation or destruction into our lives.

Candle-burning unites our spirit with the candle’s flame. With visualization and concentration, a candle can act as a beacon, sending messages to the universe. When you visualize your desires, try to do it in a positive manner, and respect the destinies of others—they are not yours to change or play with.

Candle-burning can become complicated because of the different colored candles used. I have made this type of ritual as simple as possible, but there are things you must know before you start.

When partaking in the rituals that follow, you may want to find a special place where you will not be disturbed. You will need a medium-sized card table covered with a white or purple cloth. This will be your altar. You will also need candle holders and an oil burner that you may purchase at any outlet that carries aromatherapy oils and essences.

Your altar will always have two candles on it for the day of the week. The altar candles will change color depending on the ritual being done. In each ritual, I will tell you which colors you need.

In many spells I have not specified how long a spell should last; that depends on you and your time. Just remember that the more concentration and visualization you put into any of the spells, the better the outcome of your intent.

Use the list below as a general day-by-day guide. You can also use the candles for times when you want to enhance the specific attributes that the color of the candle represents. For example, if you want to nurture strength and passion, burn a red candle. You can burn it on any day of the week; it doesn’t necessarily have to be on its designated day.


Yellow to aid healing of the self and for learning something new.


White for purity and protection.


Red for strength and passion.


Purple for wisdom and family communication.


Blue for patience and tranquillity.


Green for love to grow in your life.


Black to rid negativity from the week that has just passed, and to promote positivity for the week that is coming.

In a lot of the rituals you will need to use a candle of the color associated with a person’s astrological sign, called an astral candle. For this, refer to the following list.


March 21–April 19



April 20–May 20



May 21–June 21



June 22–July 21



July 22–August 22



August 23–September 22



September 23–October 22



October 23–November 21



November 22–December 21



December 22–January 19



January 20–February 18



February 19–March 20


Once you decide on a spell, purchase tapered, colored candles that burn the same color from beginning to end. The whole candle must be the color nominated, that is, don’t use candles that are white inside.

The candle is divided into two parts. From the middle up toward the wick is called the North Pole, and from the middle down is known as the South Pole. Now that you know this, you can start to dress the candles before the ritual. To do this, search your kitchen for some olive oil, vegetable oil, wheat germ oil, almond oil, or coconut oil. Rub a small amount of oil in your hands, pick one candle up at a time, and with your right hand rub up toward the North Pole, and with your left hand rub down toward the South Pole. Never rub the candle in an up and down motion. As you do each candle, visualize your needs and wants and why you want to do the ritual.

Some of these spells may continue over a few days, but if it is not specified, you should finish the spell on the same day. There is no need to purchase more candles unless some of your candles burn quicker than others. If you do need to purchase another candle, dress it accordingly. Never blow a candle out for you will blow away the candle’s energy. Instead, use a snuffer or your fingers.

Once you have finished your spell you may still have some candles left over. Never use these candles again for a new spell. You may use them around the house, but not for an intent. And whatever is left on your altar cloth, dust it to the wind.

Also, be aware of fire hazards. Never leave candles unattended or alone with children.

Candle-Burning Spells

Attain success spell

Light two blue altar candles on a Thursday night, and burn three drops of lime essential oil in your oil burner. In a small bowl place some crushed nutmeg, and sit back and visualize your intentions for success.

Next, light your astral candle and around it light four orange candles. Sit or stand, and in your mind’s eye see the success you wish to have. Every five minutes bring the orange candles closer to the astral candle. After the candles are grouped, spread out your arms, look up at the heavens, and finish the ritual by saying, “Flame of these candles, I reach out to the universe for strength to bring me success. I need it now. My intentions are to harm no one, and this is the only way I wish to gain it.” Let all the candles burn to the very end and repeat when success is needed.

For money

Light two blue altar candles on Thursday after dusk, and by the side of each place two bunches of fresh basil. Around each bunch of basil sprinkle poppy seeds, and imagine money walking through the front door in any shape or form.

Next, light your astral color candle in the middle of your altar table while still visualizing money. Then at each side of your astral candle light two green candles and say, “Hear me, oh Divine, I’m calling thee. With these candles I send you my money needs. Find it here or there, I really don’t care, but bring it to me so I may feed my money needs.” Do this for fifteen minutes, then snuff the candles. Repeat for five consecutive days, and as you do this every day move the green candles a bit closer to your astral candle so that at the end of the five days the three candles are as close as they can be and are working on your money needs.

Successful business spell

Light two blue altar candles on Thursday just before the full moon, visualizing your business and what it needs. Burn three drops of basil essential oil in your oil burner and light three frankincense tears (frankincense incense cones) on your censer to keep away negativity.

With your business still in mind, light five green candles if your business is open five days a week, six if open six days a week, and so on. Burn the candles every morning for thirty minutes for seven consecutive mornings, and watch your business grow. Repeat when things are slow or when you feel it needs another push.

Find the perfect mate spell

Light two green candles on a Friday night. On a charcoal tablet add a pinch of dragon’s blood powder (Daemonorops draco; Dracaena) and a bit of crushed cinnamon stick. While you do this, visualize your perfect mate.

Next, light your astral candle in the middle of your altar. Light four pink candles around your astral candle, and make sure that you place one of each of the pink candles to face north, east, west, and south. In the middle, sprinkle petals from pink flowers, preferably roses, then say, “I call all the corners of the world: north, east, west, and south. Hear me: I am looking for my mate, and I need your help to find him/her. Search for me, high and low, and I will be waiting with open arms for this person to come into my life.” Sit back and watch the candles burn in unison while the universe searches for your perfect mate. Let the candles burn right to the end.

To be asked by your lover
for your hand in marriage

Light two red candles on a Tuesday night. Burn three drops of rose essential oil in your burner, and on top of your altar table scatter the petals from two red roses. While you are doing this, visualize the way in which you would like your lover to propose to you.

With this in mind, place your lover’s astral candle in the middle of your altar and around it light three red and three pink candles alternatively in a circle. Say out loud, “As these candles burn, so alight my desire to wed. [Name of lover] and I have been together for a long time. We have talked about marriage and now with this spell I hope to initiate a proposal. There is a mutual love and respect between us, so if it is to be, let love conquer all.” Sit back and relax while visualizing the wedding day you have always dreamed you would have. When you are ready, snuff the candles and repeat for three consecutive nights.

To heal a marriage

Light two purple altar candles on Wednesday and tie a red ribbon around something you both shared that once brought you together in love and laughter. Place this item in the middle of your altar, and burn two drops of patchouli essential oil in an oil burner.

Next, light an astral candle for each of you, then light a red and an orange candle and place them on each side of your partner’s astral candle while visualizing strength and love. See your marriage as it is and what you would like it to be. See yourselves talking and coming to an understanding about what has gone wrong and how you can heal it. Then say, “I don’t know if I deserve the loneliness I feel. I am willing to work to heal whatever is missing. Our love still burns like the flames of these candles. Oh, Divine, make my love’s heart glow with happiness once again. Make me understand his/her sadness. By Lady Venus, I wish it be.” Relax and think of what you have just done. Snuff the candles. Do this ritual for three consecutive days, and always remember that communication is the key to a healthy marriage.

Meditation spell

Light two white altar candles on any day of the week. Burn three frankincense tears (frankincense incense cones) on a charcoal tablet, and for a little bit of inspiration add a pinch of crushed mandrake root on top. (Note: Mandrake root is poisonous; do not inhale.)

To open up your third eye, continue by lighting two purple candles. In the middle of them place a lapis lazuli crystal that has been cleansed with lavender essential oil. Start your meditation as usual, and repeat whenever you meditate.

To calm the anger of a loved one

Light two purple altar candles on a Wednesday in the name of the person you wish to calm down. Place a lotus root on your altar and visualize the tranquillity and peace you wish your loved one to have. (Note: It may be illegal to gather water lily [lotus] roots in some areas.) Burn three drops of lavender essential oil in your burner.

Next, light the person’s astral candle, and with seven light-blue candles make a circle around it. As you burn the candles, bring this person to mind. See him or her being angry, then becoming less and less so until you can bring a smile to his or her face. Send out thoughts of peace and love, imagining tranquil seas or a mountain calm and strong. Snuff the candles. Do this ritual every Wednesday for as long as needed.

Find love within spell

Light two green altar candles on a Friday night, and as you do this visualize the love you wish to cultivate within—a love without reservations or hate. Bring to your altar a bunch of fresh pink flowers and have them displayed in a vase. Feel the freshness and beauty they bring. Smell them and feel the peace.

Next, light five pink candles in a circle, and in the middle place a rose quartz cluster that has been cleansed with salt water (water with one teaspoon of salt added). Under the cluster place a piece of paper with your name on it. Visualize the flames warming your heart and say, “I am a good person, I love who I am. No longer will I feel anger or hate inside me, only gladness that comes from knowing and accepting who I am and what I will become.” Do this for about fifteen minutes, then snuff the candles. Repeat only on Friday for seven consecutive weeks.

For luck

Light two yellow altar candles on Sunday and burn three drops of vetiver essential oil in your oil burner. Sprinkle crushed nutmeg on your altar table and visualize bringing luck into your life.

Next, light a black candle and see all your bad luck being consumed with the flame. Then light two green candles for growth and hope, and see your luck changing. As you stand back, visualize your needs. Then lift your hands high and say, “Let luck come into my life, and may it change it. I am a simple soul, searching and wondering if I am worthy of all my goals. I mean no harm to others, I just want to get on with my life and leave behind all my bad luck.” After ten minutes, extinguish the candles. Repeat every evening for three consecutive days.

Overcome an illness spell

Light two yellow altar candles on Sunday and sprinkle crushed eucalyptus leaves on your altar table.

As you visualize yourself being healthy and on top of the world, light an orange candle. On each side of the orange candle light a red candle, then stand back, and watch the flames burn your illness away. Sense the strength within you to overcome your illness and say, “I will no longer thirst on weakness. My strength will help to heal me, and I will regain my health.” Snuff the candles and repeat every Sunday until a change in health can be seen by you and others.

To send healing energies
to a sick friend or family member

Light two yellow altar candles on Sunday. Crush a fistful each of dried calamus and peppermint leaves together until a powder is formed. On a charcoal tablet burn a quarter teaspoon of this powder while thinking of the person you would like to send well-wishes to. On a piece of parchment paper write down the person’s name and on top of it light his or her astral candle.

While still focused on the illness of your loved one, light four white candles and two red ones, and in front of them light a black one. With the black candle visualize the person’s illness melting away, with the white candles visualize him or her healing, and see the red one giving him or her strength. Snuff the candles, and if you wish, do this ritual every Sunday until you see the person getting well, then repeat once a month to help keep up his or her courage and strength.

End an addiction spell

Light two red altar candles on a Tuesday night. In the middle of your altar place the addictive substance that you would like to give up (e.g., a cigarette, alcohol, or some type of drug). Cover your addictive substance with a black cloth and around it wrap a black ribbon. Visualize yourself despising it with an intensity only an addict can have.

With this in mind, light your astral candle and around it light seven red candles for courage and strength. Stand by your altar and bring to mind the pain, the hurt, the lies, and the abuse that an addiction can inflict. As the candles burn so will your desire for the addictive substance. Snuff the candles and repeat every day for seven consecutive days while you go cold turkey. You may do this ritual for a loved one too.

Protection from evil spell

Light two black altar candles on a Saturday night, and crush one teaspoon each of blessed thistle and rue into a powder. Light a charcoal tablet and add the powder, but only a little at a time. Add two or three frankincense tears too (frankincense incense cones). While all this burns on your charcoal tablet, think of the evil you wish to be gone.

With this in mind, light two white candles to represent the purity and truth of your heart, and two red candles to give you strength and courage to fight the evil. Then light a black candle and feel the evil fade as the candle melts. As this is happening say, “I’m stronger than the evil around me. I’m pure and white with nothing to hide. May good overthrow evil at every turn.” Let the candles burn for half an hour, then snuff them. Repeat for two consecutive nights.

For an enemy to be gone

Light two black altar candles on Saturday, and as you do this visualize the wrongs your enemy has inflicted on you. Burn three drops of frankincense essential oil in your oil burner to clear negativity, and on a piece of parchment paper write the following: “Be gone my enemy [name of enemy]. Be gone and never set foot on my front door.”

Immediately light a black candle and place the parchment paper under it. Then light a pink candle and say, “[Name of enemy], find love instead of hate; find peace and love within your soul. Let me be, and stay away from me and my loved ones.” Sit back and visualize your enemy walking happily away, leaving you alone once and for all. Snuff the candles and repeat every day for seven consecutive days.

Calm the home environment spell

Light two purple altar candles on a Wednesday and burn three drops of lavender essential oil in your oil burner. While you are setting this up, meditate on the household concerns that are stressing you out.

Next, light a blue, pink, and orange candle, and as you do this visualize peace, tranquillity, and harmony being established between you and the people you are living with. Step back and watch the flames burn, then say, “Disharmony be gone, bring peace to this home.” Meditate for ten minutes on the love and peace your home needs, then snuff the candles. Repeat every night for a week.

To seek help from your guide

Light two white altar candles on any day of the week. As you do this visualize your guide being around you and say, “I need your guidance on this day.”

Once focused, place in the middle of the candles on the altar a vase full of fresh white flowers and say, “These are for you for always being here for me.”

Fill a glass with water and place it on your altar table and say, “This water is to bring you clarity and spiritual growth.”

Light two purple candles, then sit down and talk to your guide about what is troubling you. You will begin to feel a sense of peace that only your guide can bring, and before you know it you will have your answer. Visualize for as long as you wish, and repeat the ritual whenever you need advice or guidance from your spiritual guide again.

For stress

Light two white candles on any day of the week. Burn one drop of ylang-ylang and two drops of lavender essential oils together in your oil burner. Feel the peace around you as you relax and unwind for a few seconds.

Next, light two blue candles for peace and tranquillity, and between them place an amethyst cluster. Feel the energy of this crystal calm you.

Then, while still focusing on the peace and tranquillity that you greatly need, light an orange candle and see its color surround you and free the stress. Once finished, sit down, relax, and visualize all the stress leaving your body, going back to where it came. Let the candles burn right to the end. You may do this ritual as often as needed.

To help your child
on the day of an exam

Light two yellow altar candles and burn three drops of rosemary essential oil in your oil burner. Visualize your child sitting down with the exam papers, ready to begin.

With only thoughts of your child in mind, light an orange candle to give him or her courage and concentration to go through with the exam. Then light a blue candle and visualize your child relaxed. Last, light two yellow candles to enhance his or her intellect. Stand back and look at all the candle flames for a few minutes. Visualize your child reading and writing without hesitation as the questions are answered carefully and knowingly. Let the candles burn until your child gets home, then snuff the candles. If you wish, conduct this ritual every time a test comes your child’s way.
