Love and Magic
I asked a few of my friends what love means to them, but apparently that question is more difficult to answer than I thought it would be. I had expected that everyone would know what love means to them, but none of my friends had a spontaneous answer for me, leaving me totally bemused. After my friends had time to give the question some thought, though, I did receive answers:
Love is to trust someone completely and to care about their well-being above your own. Love is devotion and independence, admiration and respect. Love is having someone who brings out the best in you. Love is a connection that makes you smile every time you see the other person. Love is a comfortable feeling of well-being and affection.
Love is a deep desire to protect the one you love. Love is friendship, honesty, happiness, affection, and sharing. Love is contentment, companionship, passion, and desire. Love is finding that missing piece that completes you. Love is friendship, kindness, and the little things that matter. Love is pure happiness. Love is the feeling that you don’t want anything to change—ever! Love is when you find yourself mirrored in someone else. Love is everlasting and unconditional. Love is friendship, family, and children. Love is growing old together.
All of this is well and true, but what really is love? We keep asking ourselves this question over and over, and the only thing we know about love is that it feels no hate, it has no anger, and it sees no fault. Love is blind to defects and it speaks many languages. It sees no race or color except the color of the soul. Love brings happiness and laughter; it brings joy and enchantment. Love gives people strength, understanding, and courage—but most of all, love forgives and holds no hatred or malice.
When you first feel love, it’s like a hidden trigger that activates unknowingly and automatically. “Why am I feeling this way?” you ask yourself when you experience the alien sensations—the weakness in your knees, the butterflies in the pit of your stomach. You aren’t able to explain why you can’t eat or drink, why you can’t concentrate or make sense of your thoughts and feelings; you definitely can’t explain your inner hunger to see the other person again. But if you have all of these symptoms, the diagnosis is simple: you’re falling in love.
Some people say that love is nothing more than a heightened state of physical attraction, and it’s true that being alone and feeling lonely can manifest feelings of love for another. Are you sure you’re in love, or are you just lonely for companionship? This is a question you should ask yourself when you think you’re in love—because if it’s not real love, it won’t be everlasting.
An elderly couple walking down the street holding hands is, to me, one of the most beautiful sights there is. If that isn’t everlasting love, I don’t know what is. Imagine everything that couple has gone through together: the ups and downs of life, the everyday little niggling, their first fight, their first child—not to mention grandchildren and declining health due to age. We all want this type of love; we want the friendship, the companionship, and the “in sickness and in health” bit. The problem is how to find love like that, how to keep it and hold it for the rest of your life.
That’s the type of love I and others call romantic love. Romantic love has no gender limitations; it’s the love associated with relationships, and it’s invigorating, exciting, and emotionally exhausting. Romantic love can sometimes be hurtful, but it laughs because it holds no anger or resentment. The best thing about romantic love is that it can forgive over and over again wholeheartedly no matter how many times the same wrong was done by the one you love.
Romantic love can move mountains when it’s appreciated, when it’s treated with deep, unconditional affection and respect. It is responsible for the solid and durable happiness in our lives, and without romantic love we may feel we have no purpose. We can spend a lifetime trying to find a soul mate, vowing not to stop trying until we actually do find the romantic, everlasting love we’ve always wanted.
The older we get, the more we want romantic love, and the more we appreciate its endurance. Those who maintain that they don’t want this enduring love are only kidding themselves. Everyone wants someone else in their life; it’s part of human nature. We need love. We need to receive love and give love, but in order for us to exist in harmony with those around us, love must be given and received unconditionally. If we can accomplish this, the possibility that we’ll live a full and meaningful loving life is endless.
I remember watching an old black-and-white movie when I was younger in which one of the male characters said to a woman: “You are beautiful because you are loved.” That line of dialogue has stayed with me throughout my life—and the older I get, the more I appreciate the value of those words. “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder” may be an oft-used phrase, but that doesn’t make it any less true. When you are blinded by the beauty within a person and not necessarily by their exterior facade, you love that person unconditionally without scrutinizing their looks, faults, or material circumstances.
People obviously also worry about money, their jobs, and their families, but I can honestly say that at least 75 percent of the people who come to see me for spiritual guidance do so because of issues relating to love—such as how to find it, keep it, and heal it. And they ask me: can I use magic to get it?
Magic is what dreams are made of. Magic is the air we breathe and the memories we cherish. It’s an energy itching to manifest our innermost desires. Magic is the power of positive thinking. Magic can’t be seen, but it can be felt, and that’s what makes it mythical and mystical. Magic is the vessel that carries our wishes to the universe.
Why not project your desires of love to the universe and manifest the love you’ve always wanted? This can easily be achieved with positive visualization. Everyone consciously visualizes the unreachable and says, “I wish I could have that,” projecting their needs and wants with positive visualizations designed to cause intentional changes, a direction of will to accomplish goals and desires. When these goals and desires do manifest, people call it magic, because what they had thought was impossible has now come to be. These manifestations are indeed magic at its best, and by adding items such as herbs, a few candles, or even crystals to your positive visualizations, you create magical spells.
A spell is the reinforcement of a positive visualization. In spells, objects with natural energies are used, such as candles, herbs, or crystals. Each of these objects represents and reinforces the art of positive magic, and they are what I call “the tools.” Without these tools, a positive thought sent out to the universe is just a positive visualization.
The tools needed in conjunction with a spell keep you focused on the task at hand. For example, imagine that a dear friend has recently gone through a relationship break-up. You wish her strength to cope with her broken heart, and you decide to turn to magic to aid her pain. As you start to gather the tools needed for the spell, your mind is already focused on one thing—your friend! This focus reinforces your intent, and you begin to build an energy that can’t be seen but is certainly felt and heard by the universe.
The universe is out there waiting for our wishes, and I can assure you these wishes do get seen to and are very much scrutinized. Remember that the universe is looking for sincerity in our spells, not just wants based on a whim. Love magic should not be used in any way to manipulate love. It distresses me to know there are people out there who will go to any length to manipulate love and who will stop at nothing to get it.
A few practice something very alarming, something I call dark love. I’ve been asked on numerous occasions to practice dark love on a person someone believes is their everlasting love. Unfortunately, those who come to me for this purpose don’t listen to reason. They want results for something I know will only bring sadness—and at times misfortune—to the innocent, and karmic retaliation against those who seek it.
I refuse to have anything to do with such manipulations, and I always remind people of the consequences. But there are those who are so infatuated with a particular individual that they are willing to do anything to obtain their love, a love that is definitely not reciprocated. Turning to dark love is an act that is not tolerated by the laws of the universe or by anyone who is true to their magical workings. The obsessions of those who desire it have blinded their better judgment, as they think they deserve to have someone else against that person’s will.
I tell those who seek it that this type of magic will never last—even if the universe decides to grant their desire due to one of many reasons, perhaps simply to provide a learning experience. I want to stress again that dark love never lasts. The bewitchment wears off! When that happens, the manipulator and the individual who conducted the dark-love spell for money must answer to the universe and the Goddess! A lesson should be learned here: don’t make a mockery out of love.
I always ask the ones who seek this type of magic, “If this person doesn’t love you, why do you want to pursue them?” If I were in that position, I know what I’d do! I’d put on my high heels and look for someone who does love me.
When two people come together, they come together because they were meant to do so. Dark love will never succeed, no matter how much its practitioners try to interfere, because those who try to break the bonds of another’s true love will never succeed. If a bond of true love is broken, it will only be broken for a short time; everything always goes back to where it should be—in perfect love and perfect trust for the one for whom the love was meant.
The difference between love magic and dark-love magic is very clear, and it’s a simple difference to identify. If you are very attracted to a particular person and you feel a connection, but the other person isn’t willing to come forward, then that’s an example of a time when it’s appropriate to practice love magic. Light a pink candle in the name of the person you like. Ask the universe for this person to come forward and tell you their feelings toward you.
If this person comes to you in the next few days and tells you they care for you as much as you care for them, then you’ll know it was meant to be; you just hurried along the inevitable. But if the other person tells you they don’t want to take it any further, then you must let them go, because that person is not for you.
Now, dark love works differently. If the person you like tells you your feelings are not reciprocated, but you aren’t willing to let this person go no matter what the universe says, then you are entering the world of dark love. People practicing dark-love magic may even go so far as to cowardly sneak into the home of another and grab that person’s most intimate essences, such as their hairbrushes or even unwashed underwear, in order to take those items to the practitioner of dark love, who will use the essence of the unfortunate love object’s soul to manipulate them into submission. The only rationale for this behavior is that the one seeking dark-love magic feels they were denied love—no, not love, but infatuation—from the person on whom they are now preying.
To love someone is to let that person go if they don’t want to stay. Nothing is more honorable than to walk away with your head high because you love someone so much that you are willing to let them go so they can find happiness with the person they want to be with. This is love at its best, and it’s behavior that should be modeled for those who aren’t willing to let go when their hearts are no longer wanted.
Always stay on the right side of karma, working together in unison with the universe. Use love magic in a positive way, to bring only good things to you and your wishes for love.
Anyone can do the fun and easy spells in this book. You can easily tap your love needs and send them to the universe; I can assure you that you will definitely find spells in this book that relate to your present circumstances.
As I’ve said before, the love spells you choose will be the vessels that carry your love needs to the universe. You have nothing to lose and only love to gain. Who in their right mind doesn’t want that?
In the first part of this book, you will learn how to love yourself, the main ingredient in finding and keeping romantic love—there can never be romantic love without self-love. Self-love is the love you have for yourself no matter if you weigh 130 pounds or 330 pounds. It’s the love that comes from the pit of your stomach, an unconditional love. Self-love is the acceptance of your decisions and actions, allowing you to attract romantic love. The good news is that a little love magic can help you learn to love yourself!
After you read this book, I predict you will find love and keep it. You will be able to understand love magic and use it to your advantage, always in a positive way. You will be able to do attraction spells, love spells, “honey-do” spells, and more. You will heal love and sexually enhance lovemaking. You will be able to heal a broken heart to accept the breakup of a relationship, and move on to make room for another. You will also learn spells for strengthening relationships, and love spells to keep your relationship interesting where it counts! Moreover, you’ll discover how to keep your partner happy—and help you with chores around the house.
Blessed be to all who look for love in the pages of this book. May you find it, keep it, and forever hold it.