
Chapter 24



I didn’t realize how hard it would be seeing Garrett again.  The sight of him sucked all of the air out of my lungs.  The warmth of Brad’s hand and the sound of his voice brought me back.  He saved me from further humiliation.  He saved me from Garrett again.

I’ve felt so alone this past week.  When I saw Garrett, I didn’t think that Brad would be there to save me with the way he’s been acting lately.  He’s gotten better, but he hasn’t come around completely.  I miss the way he’d look at me when he thought I didn’t notice.  His gaze is now full of questions.  I miss the way he held me all night as we slept.  Sleeping next to him, feels cold and distant.

We’ve been going through the motions, putting on a show for everyone to see.  To our friends and family, we’re perfect, but we know different, and by the look that Brad’s mom gave me, she knows too.  She kept a watchful eye on me on the ride to her home.  I haven’t been around her much, and I trust her, but something like this is much too personal to reveal to her.  She’ll hate me for what I’ve done to her son.

I don’t have Lacy, Dad, or Emily right now, and Viv isn’t the best person to spring my problems on.  Maybe I could talk to Gin about it.  I wonder if she would judge me.  Would she understand why I slept with another man, or would she further convince Brad that I am not the one?

I need to talk to someone.  I can’t keep going with everything bottled up inside of me.

“Is everything okay, Samantha?”  Gin stops directly in front of me in their backyard.

The house is swimming with family members, all there to celebrate Brad’s accomplishment.  Everyone greets me with kindness and welcomes me with open arms.  I thought I was doing a good job of pretending until Gin approached me.

I’m not content.  I’m just existing.  I’ve been waiting for the one person to walk through that door who can make it all better.  I need to know that he’s okay, even if we aren’t on the best of terms.  He said he would be right behind us.

I glance over Gin’s shoulder and release the breath that I’d been holding when I see Brad walk outside.  My smile widens at the sight of him.

“I’m fine now,” I say to Gin.

She looks over her shoulder at the cause of my sudden excitement.

“I’ll let it go for now, but we need to talk before you leave.  I won’t take no for an answer.”  She winks discreetly just as Bad approaches, causing me to chuckle.

“Talking about me, I see.”  Brad steps up to me, placing a quick peck on my temple.

“What makes you think that?”  Gin asks.

“For starters, my girl is grinning from ear to ear, and you have that mischievous look in your eyes.”

Something inside of me melts with his words.  It’s been a while since I’ve heard him refer to me as his anything.  I hope it’s not a part of our show.  I want us to be real again.  I want him to look at me and know that it’s not out of obligation but rather sincerity.  I want him to love me, and I want to feel it pouring off of him once more.

“Maybe if you stop doing what you’re doing, we won’t have anything to talk about,” Gin replies slyly.

Brad glances my way, suspicious of what exactly we were discussing.

“Don’t look at her that way, BP.  I was just kidding.  She hasn’t revealed any of your secrets.  Not yet, anyway.  I’ll get it out of her by the end of the evening, though.”

Brad looks at me and squints his eyes.  I shake my head slightly, letting him know that I didn’t squeal, even though I’m leaning heavily on the side of doing so.

“By the way, did mom tell you that she invited Valerie and her mom?”

Both of our heads jerk in her direction, equally stunned by her comment.  When Brad told me about her, I wasn’t the least bit jealous.  After all, she was just an old girlfriend that I’d never get the chance to meet.  She’d moved away and out of Brad’s life.  Brad and I were as thick as thieves then.

Under normal circumstances, I would love to meet her, but my relationship with Brad is strained at the moment, and I feel like the slightest hiccup could send us over the edge.  I consider Valerie the perfect type of hiccup.  I can’t in good conscience, punish Brad for the way I feel.  I can’t let him know that I feel threatened by his past, especially when my past is lurking around every corner of this place.

“No, she didn’t.”  Brad takes in a long breath.

It’s clear that the news both frustrates and excites him, causing me to wonder which side of his emotional war I’m on.

“Are you okay with this, baby?”  Brad shakes me from my mental break.

“Yes, of course,” I lie, hoping they can’t see past my smile.  I can see that her presence makes him happy, and he cared enough about my feelings to ask my opinion.  If he wants her here for this, I can’t deny him that.  “I would love to meet her.”

“Are you sure, because...”

“I’m sure.  Don’t worry about me.  This is your day.  You should be happy.”

“Great!  I’m glad you’re okay with it, Samantha.”  Gin cuts in.  “I was a little concerned when I found out.  Sometimes mom doesn’t think before she reacts, and she loves to spring surprises on us.  Usually, I go along with it just so I can see the look on BP’s face, but this... Even I think that mom went too far with this one.  She should’ve asked first.  This invite may have sent the wrong impression.  It’s been years since you’ve seen her.  Who knows what her mindset is?”

Brad stiffens at Gin’s words.  He coughs into his fist, a clear sign that he’s nervous about something.  I can’t imagine what that could be.  Was there a hidden message in Gin’s words?

“Maybe she’s here to steal you away.”  Gin wiggles her brows at Brad.  He, in turn, gives her a look of caution.  “Don’t worry, Samantha.  I’ve got your back.  I like Valerie, but I won’t let her waltz back in here to cause trouble.”

“She’s not here for me.”  Brad’s steely voice claims both of our attention.  I don’t understand how he can be so sure.  How does he know that she doesn’t have an ulterior motive?

“And how do you know that, BP?”  Both Gin and I wait for his answer.

“Trust me.  The last thing Val wants to do it cause trouble.  It’s not who she is.”  Brad clears his throat, causing me to feel all types of anxiety.

I knew she was important to him, but his reaction to this conversation is strange.  I’ve never known Brad to be shaken this way by anything or anyone but me, until now.  I take a deep breath and smile up at him.  I won’t allow myself to be upset over his protective nature.  It’s one of the things I love most about him.  I just wish it wasn’t thrown into my face at a time like this.

I wasn’t sure how this meeting was going to happen or if I wanted it too.  The decision is made for me when Brad guides me across the backyard toward her.  The butterflies in my stomach increase with every step I take.  The voices around me cease to exist.  I know it’s her when the stern look on her face turns into a genuine smile directed at my Brad, a smile that has me questioning my generosity.

She’s nothing like I imagined her to be.  I’m unnerved that Brad would downplay how beautiful she is.  I want to hate her, but she does something that quickly warrants my respect.

She turns her gaze away from Brad after a quick nod.  “You must be Samantha.”  She addresses me first, pulling me in for a tight hug.

It’s obvious that she knows more about us than I thought she did.  Her embrace doesn’t feel forced at all.

“Bradley,” she says cheerfully, stepping away from me.  “You’ve done well, my friend, and you certainly look happier than the last time I saw you.”  She pauses as she glances my way again and back to Brad.  “You were the last one I’d imagine would be caught up in a real relationship, but I’m glad that you’ve found someone.  You deserve to be happy.  And congratulations on your big day.”

I can only stare at her.  She doesn’t seem to have a nervous bone in her body.  Everything about her screams poise and confidence.  Though she doesn’t seem to pose a threat, the energy between her and Brad is palpable and gives me pause.

I begin to doubt myself again.  What if she really is here to try and take him away?  What if her show is just as strong as mine and Brads, and there’s a hidden agenda behind her facade?

I clear my throat and try to free my mind of those thoughts.  I have to stay positive.  I can’t let our issues cloud the big picture.

“Good to see you again, Val, Ms. Landon.”  Brad leans in to give them both a respectful hug.  “I didn’t think you would be here, but I’m glad you could make it.”  He speaks as if he knew they were back in the city.

“Of course, Bradley.  We didn’t have an excuse not to come, and your mother insisted,” Ms. Landon says.  “It’s hard to tell Laura no once she gets an idea in her head.”  She laughs.

“How long will you be in town?” Brad asks.

“For as long as it takes to sell the old house,” Ms. Landon replies.  “We have a couple of bids.  So, we’ll see.  Hopefully, by the end of summer.  I’m hoping to get back to my life before it forgets about me,” she jokes.  “Valerie was able to take a small leave, but I know she wants to get back soon too.”

Brad gives Valerie a questioning glance.  “Someone special waiting back at home?”

“No, but it is home now.  I’m finishing up my last year of school next term, and mom and I also co-own an interior design business that keeps us busy.”

Brad raises a brow, seemingly surprised by her answer.

“I know,” Valerie laughs softly.  “It’s not what I imagined I’d be doing either, but I love it.  It’s been therapeutic for both of us.”

They continue to exchange words, and Brad’s parents eventually join them in conversation.  I don’t recall half of what is said.  My mind is swimming with scenarios since I’ve met Valerie.  Her and Brad’s relationship is a stark difference from mine and Garrett’s.  There’s still so much positive chemistry between them, so much that it frightens me a little.