Chapter 9
The rest of the week flew by. Before Gina knew it, it was time for Friday’s game. She couldn’t wait to play again. She met Becca, Lara, and Rachel by the gym, and they all walked to the field together.
“I can’t wait to get out on the field!” Gina exclaimed.
“We’re so going to win,” Rachel added.
“Don’t forget the teamwork, ladies,” Coach Grant said, walking up behind them.
“Can’t forget that!” Gina agreed.
The Raiders saw the other team, the Panthers, already on the field. Everyone hurried to get into position as well.
The Raiders took the kickoff, and Gina dribbled the ball down the field. The heat was on, and the Panthers’ players were on her heels.
Gina quickly looked around the field and made eye contact with Becca. Gina kicked a chip pass over the other players to her. Becca knocked the ball down to the ground with her chest.
The crowd cheered as Becca moved closer to the goal. She was almost there, but the Panthers’ defense blocked her. Lara was on it, swooping in from the outside to kick the ball in. 1-0, Raiders!
The Panthers wasted no time getting their feet on the ball. Gina watched as they used fancy kicks and footwork to move the ball toward the Raiders’ goal. The defenders worked to block the goal, but the Panthers’ forward managed to kick it in. The game was tied 1-1.
As they moved into the second half, Gina could tell the rest of the Raiders were anxious too. They wanted to win as much as she did. And they’d have to work together to do it.
The Raiders took turns dribbling the ball down the field. They got close to the Panthers’ goal several times, but the Panthers’ defense always managed to deflect the ball. Luckily for the Raiders, the Panthers were in the same position. The Raiders’ defense stopped them cold.
With only two minutes left in the game, the Raiders had possession of the ball again. This time, Carrie dribbled the ball down the field. Her feet moved quickly as they pushed the ball, but the Panthers swarmed in.
Carrie kicked the ball over to Gina, who knocked it to the ground with her chest. The seconds ticked away, and Gina ran down the field.
The goal loomed before her, and Gina could taste the win. The Panthers could too. They swooped in to steal the ball away, but Gina did a backward pass to Lara before that could happen.
Lara pulled her leg back to kick the ball into the goal, but a Panthers’ defender stood in her way. She quickly passed the ball back to Gina.
The clock flashed ten seconds. Gina looked around to see if there was an open teammate to pass to.
“Shoot!” yelled Becca. “There’s no time.”
Gina swallowed, pulled her leg back, and shot the ball high into the air. Goal!
Gina barely registered what had happened before the other Raiders swarmed her. Everyone was cheering with excitement.
“You did it!” Rachel hollered.
Gina grinned. This was what she’d wanted from the moment she joined the Raiders. But something was different now. She looked at her teammates and Coach Grant. She hadn’t scored that goal alone. They’d worked together up until the last second.
“No,” Gina said, “we did it — together!”