• Acceptance sampling table
  • Accountant’s profit
  • Account payable
  • Account payable turnover ratio (APT)
  • Account receivable
    • aging
    • cash discount to speed up collection
    • credit control
    • credit evaluation
    • current liabilities management
    • definition of
    • by number of days outstanding
    • turnover
  • Account receivable aging
  • Account receivable turnover (ART)
  • Accruals
  • Acid-test ratio (QR)
  • Acquisition
  • Activity ratios, see Operational ratios
  • Actual to forecast (A/F) ratio method
  • Advertising
    • characteristics of
    • definition of
    • expenditures by media type
    • types of media
  • Alien corporation
  • Anchor stores
  • Angel investors
  • Appraisal and evaluation
  • Apprenticeship
  • Assembly line
  • Asset-based value
  • Assets
  • Authoritarian leader
  • Average earnings after depreciation and taxes (AEADT)
  • Average earnings multiple (AM)
  • Average rate of return (ARR)
  • Bad debt
  • Balance sheet
    • balances of
    • basic accounting equation
    • cash flow cycle
    • components of
    • definition of
    • formula
    • owner’s equity
    • sample
  • Balance sheet formula
  • Barometric forecasting
  • Basic accounting equation
  • Bonus
  • Book value
  • Book value per share ratio (BVPS)
  • Boutique layout
  • Branding
  • Brand name
  • Break-even analysis
  • Break-even graphics
  • Break-even point
    • and change in price
    • desired profit and
    • non-cash charges and
    • and pre-determined profit
    • and revenue fluctuations
    • and shifts in cost
  • Break-even quantity (BEQ)
  • Break-even revenue (BER)
  • Budgetary variance
    • small business
  • Budgeting
    • flexible
    • in product quality
  • Budgets
    • cash flow
    • control
    • definition of
    • operating
    • small business
    • types of
  • Bulk-asset buying
  • Bundling prices
  • Business description
  • Business grant
  • Business harvesting, see Harvesting
  • Business operation, see Operations
  • Business outlets
    • comparatively shopped goods and services outlets
    • regular goods and services outlets
    • seasonal goods and services outlets
    • special goods and collectibles outlets
  • Business ownership
    • cooperatives
    • corporation
    • joint venture
    • limited liability company
    • non-profit corporation
    • overview
    • partnership
    • professional service corporation
    • sole proprietorship
    • taxes and forms of
  • Business plan
    • contents of
      • appendix
      • background
      • business description
      • confidentiality statement
      • elevator pitch
      • executive summary
      • financial plan
      • functional plans
      • management plan
      • market
      • marketing plan
      • mission statement
      • operational plan
      • product
      • table of contents
      • title page
      • vision statement
    • critical risks
    • definition of
    • environmental impact
    • financing
      • angel investors
      • debt
      • equity
      • venture capitalists
    • grooming of
      • PowerPoint slides
      • written text
    • importance and rationale of
    • internal
    • measures of control
    • milestone chart in
    • potential risks, preparation of response to
    • presentation of
    • reviewing of
    • startup
    • succession plan
    • SWOT analysis
    • types of
    • updating
    • working
  • Business registration number (BRN)
  • Business risk, in investment project
    • economic sources of
    • internal sources of
    • management methods for
    • methods of risk management
      • risk-adjusted discount rate
      • risk-adjusted returns
      • statistical adjustment
    • political sources of
    • social sources of
    • sources of
  • Business startup
    • advantages of
    • disadvantages of
    • important steps for
    • legal requirements of
    • new-new project
    • new-old project
  • Business strategies
    • cost minimization
    • niche creation
    • product differentiation
  • Business valuation
    • business-related factors in
    • definition of
    • overview
    • price–earnings ratio in
    • techniques for
      • capitalization approach
      • first Chicago method
      • multiplier approach
      • traditional venture capital method
    • tools for
      • book value of assets and shares
      • capitalization of variables
      • market price of shares
  • Business value
    • asset-based value
    • capitalized earnings–based value
    • cash flow–based value
    • financial ratios–based value
    • market-based value
  • Buy-in
  • Buy-out
  • Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM)
  • Capital budgeting
  • Capital expenditures
  • Capitalized earnings–based value
  • Capitalized rate of return
  • Capital rationing
  • Capital structure
    • debt capital
      • definition of
      • intermediate debt
      • long-term debt
      • short-term debt
    • debt versus equity financing
    • definition of
    • EBIT–EPS approach to
    • equity capital
    • Modigliani–Miller approach to
    • optimal
    • risk indication
    • three plans for
    • traditional approach to
  • Carrying cost
  • Cash
    • in checking and saving accounts
    • definition of
    • on hand
    • petty
    • required minimum
  • Cash accounts
    • checking
    • objectives of
    • saving accounts
  • Cash balances
  • Cash–current liabilities ratio (CCL)
  • Cash cycle
  • Cash discount, for prompt payments
  • Cash flow
    • cash inflow
    • cash outflow
    • cycle of
    • definition of
    • diagram of
    • net
    • net income (profit) and
  • Cash flow–based value
  • Cash flow budget
  • Cash flow per share ratio (CFPS)
  • Cash inflows (CIF)
  • Cash management
    • cash balances
    • required minimum cash
    • strategy for
  • Cash on hand
  • Cash outflows (COF)
  • Cash turnover
  • C-corporations
  • Certainty-equivalent (CE) amount
  • Certainty-equivalent coefficient
  • Classified advertisement
  • Closing
  • Cobranding
  • Coefficient of variation
  • Collection float
  • Collection period (CP)
  • Commercial papers
  • Commissions
  • Comparatively shopped goods and services outlets
  • Compensating balances
  • Compensation and benefits
    • bonus
    • commissions
    • family and medical leave
    • job benefits
    • job incentives
    • optional benefits
    • regular payments
    • required benefits
    • social security
    • spiff payments
    • unemployment compensation
    • worker’s compensation
  • Competitor’s matching prices
  • Composite index
  • Confidentiality statement
  • Conforming projects
  • Consolidation
  • Consumer loyalty
  • Contribution margin (CM)
  • Control chart
  • Controlled disbursement methods
  • Control quality
    • statistical methods to
    • statistical process control
  • Conversion franchise
  • Cooperatives
  • Copyright
  • Core charge prices
  • Corporate finance
  • Corporation
    • advantages of
    • alien
    • board of directors in
    • capital in
    • C-corporations
    • certificate of
    • definition of
    • disadvantages of
    • domestic
    • double taxation in
    • foreign
    • justifications for creation of
    • liability in
    • longevity in
    • S-corporations
    • shareholders and
  • Cost minimization
  • Cost of financing (COF)
  • Cost-reduction projects
  • Costs, inventory
    • holding
    • ordering
  • Cost–volume–profit analysis
    • break-even quantity
    • break-even revenue
    • contribution margin
    • definition of
    • objective of
    • total cost
    • total revenue
  • Credit control
  • Credit evaluation
    • FICO score
    • five Cs of
      • capacity
      • capital
      • character
      • collateral
      • condition
  • Crossover point
  • Crossover rate
  • Cross training
  • Cumulative discount
  • Current assets
  • Current liabilities
  • Current liabilities management
  • Current ratio (CR)
  • Customer contact businesses
    • high
    • low
  • Customers, target
  • Customer’s place
  • Debenture
  • Debt–asset ratio (D/A)
  • Debt capital
    • definition of
    • intermediate debt
    • long-term debt
    • short-term debt
  • Debt–equity ratio (D/E)
  • Debt financing
  • Debt ratios
    • debt–asset ratio
    • debt–equity ratio
    • operating income-fixed payments ratio
    • solvency ratio
    • times interest earned ratio
  • Decision tree
  • Degree of combined leverage (DCL)
  • Degree of financial leverage (DFL)
  • Degree of operating leverage (DOL)
  • 360-Degree technique
  • Delegation of authority
  • Delphi method
  • Demand goods
  • Democratic leader
  • Depreciation
  • Design patent
  • Dictionary of Occupational Titles (DOT)
  • Diffusion index
  • Directing
  • Disbursement float
  • Discipline
  • Discount factor, value for discount rates and periods
  • Distribution channels
    • definition of
    • determinants of
  • Divestiture
  • Dividend per share (DPS)
  • Dividend yield ratio (DY)
  • Domestic corporation
  • Double taxation
  • Downtown stores
    • and vendors
  • Due diligence
    • definition of
    • steps of
  • Dumping prices
  • DuPont model
    • basic premise of
    • net profit margin in
    • objectives of
    • return on equity in
  • Earning power
    • definition of
    • equation of
    • profitability and
    • status of
  • Earnings after interests and taxes (EAIT)
  • Earnings after taxes
  • Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization (EBITDA)
  • Earnings before interests and taxes (EBIT)
  • Earnings multiple
  • Earnings per share ratio (EPS)
  • Economic order quantity (EOQ)
    • annual carrying cost
    • annual ordering cost
    • annual total cost
    • objective of
    • for production-run model
    • for quantity discount
  • Economic profit
  • Effectiveness
  • Efficiency ratios, see Profitability ratios
  • Electronic Fund Transaction (EFT)
  • Elevator pitch
  • Employee attendance and tardiness
  • Employee evaluation
  • Employee exit rate
  • Employee Stock Option Plan (ESOP)
  • Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP)
  • Employees training
    • apprenticeship
    • cross training
    • education
    • e-training
    • field rotation
    • internship
    • lectures, workshops, and conferences
    • methods of
    • on-the-job training
    • role playing
  • Employee’s Withholding Allowance Certificate
  • Employer identification number (EIN)
  • Employment agencies
  • Employment-related taxes
    • income tax
    • social security and medicare taxes
    • unemployment tax
    • worker’s compensation
  • Enterprise zones
  • Entrepreneur
    • characteristics of successful
    • definition of
    • partnership in start up new business
    • versus manager/owner
  • Entrepreneurial business
  • Entrepreneurial finance
    • definition of
    • highlights of
    • versus corporate finance
  • Entrepreneurial management, basic
    • business strategies
      • cost minimization
      • niche creation
      • product differentiation
    • controlling
    • organizing
      • delegation of authority
      • functional departmentalization
      • organizational structures, types of
      • range of control
      • task defining
    • overview
    • planning
      • concepts of
      • process
    • providing directions
      • leadership and leaders role in
    • staffing
  • Entrepreneurship
    • definition of
    • leadership and
    • and management phases
    • new business ideas and
    • stages of
      • development, start up, and early growth
      • increasing growth and maturity
      • steps for
    • versus management
  • Equity capital
  • Equity financing
  • E-training
  • Existing business, buying of
    • advantages of
    • disadvantages of
    • due diligence
  • Expansive projects
  • Expected payoff
  • Explicit cost
  • Explicit period
  • Expropriation risk
  • “Factoring”
  • Fair, Isaac, and Company (FICO) score
  • Family business
    • categories
    • challenging issues in
    • definition of
    • human resources challenge for
    • involvement in
    • survival of
  • Family and medical leave
  • Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
  • Finance
  • Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB)
  • Financial audit
  • Financial forecasting
    • barometric
    • basic steps of
    • Delphi method for
    • market research for
    • models of
      • judgmental models
      • non-structural models
      • qualitative models
      • quantitative models
      • structural models
    • opinions and polls for
    • role of
    • smoothing techniques
      • exponential smoothing model
      • simple moving average method
      • weighted moving average
    • surveys for
    • testing accuracy
      • mean absolute deviation check
      • mean absolute percent error check
      • root-mean-square error check
    • time series analysis
      • actual to forecast ratio method
      • adjustment for seasonality
      • cyclical fluctuations
      • decomposition process
      • dummy variables method
      • fitting of
      • random changes
      • seasonal variations
      • secular trend
      • simple average of errors method
      • time series and data variations
  • Financial leverage
    • definition of
    • degree of
    • trading on equity in
  • Financial management
  • Financial management, of working capital
    • account payable and trade discounts
    • account receivable
      • aging
      • cash discount to speed up collection
      • credit control
      • credit evaluation
      • current liabilities management
      • definition of
      • by number of days outstanding
      • turnover
    • cash management
      • cash balances
      • required minimum cash
      • strategy for
    • marketable securities management
  • Financial plan
  • Financial ratios–based value
  • Financial statement analysis
    • horizontal analysis
    • parties benefited by
    • ratio analysis
      • debt ratios
      • liquidity ratios
      • market-based ratios
      • operational ratios
      • profitability ratios
    • vertical analysis
  • Financial statements
    • analysis of. See also Financial statement analysis
      • horizontal analysis
      • parties benefited by
      • vertical analysis
    • balance sheet
      • balances of
      • basic accounting equation
      • cash flow cycle
      • components of
      • definition of
      • formula
      • owner’s equity
      • sample
    • definition of
    • DuPont model
    • income–expenses statement
      • dividend per share in
      • earnings before interests and taxes
      • earnings per share in
      • in-resources
      • net income in
      • out-resources
      • sample
    • overview
    • ratio analysis. See also Ratio analysis
      • debt ratios
      • liquidity ratios
      • market-based ratios
      • operational ratios
      • profitability ratios
  • Firm’s collaterals
  • Firm’s own business taxes
  • Fixed assets
  • Fixed asset turnover ratio (FAT)
  • Fixed cost (FC)
  • Flexible budgeting
  • Floats
    • collection
    • controlled disbursement methods for
    • definition of
    • disbursement
    • overdraft-zero balance account
    • playing
    • techniques
  • Focus group
  • Forecast
    • exponential smoothing
    • membership
    • sales
  • Forecast horizon
  • Foreign corporation
  • Formal organization
  • Franchise
    • advantages of
    • business format
    • conversion
    • definition of
    • disadvantages of
    • legal aspect of
    • product distribution
    • 1979 Rule 436
    • trade name
    • types of
  • Franchise Disclosure Document (FDD)
  • Franchisee
  • Franchisor
    • advantages for
    • disadvantages for
  • Franchisor’s Disclosure
  • Free cash flow (FCF)
  • Free pattern layout
  • Freestanding and open shopping plazas
  • Functional departmentalization
  • Functional plans
  • Function (process) layout
  • Gantt chart
  • General partnership (GP)
  • Goal
  • Going public
  • Greek alphabet
  • Grid layout
  • Grievances and complaints
  • Grocery store layout
  • Gross profit
  • Gross profit margin (GPM)
  • Gross profit margin ratio (GPMR)
  • Gross working capital (GWC)
  • Harvesting
    • definition of
    • divestiture
    • leveraged buyout and
    • management buyout and
    • strategies for
      • acquisition
      • going public
      • outright sale
      • systematic liquidation
  • Help wanted signs
  • Higher value prices
  • High involvement goods
  • Hiring
    • employees training
      • apprenticeship
      • cross training
      • e-training
      • internship
      • methods of
    • legal side of employment
  • Holding companies
  • Holding cost
  • Home business
    • advantages of
    • definition of
    • disadvantages of
    • reasons for
  • Human resource management
    • employee attendance and tardiness
    • employee exit rate and
    • grievances and complaints in
    • job analysis
      • job application
      • job description
      • job satisfaction
      • job specification
    • material waste and
    • overview
    • personnel planning
      • appraisal and evaluation
      • compensation and benefits
      • discipline system
      • diversity and empowerment in labor market
      • hiring and orienting
      • human resources challenge for family business
      • recruiting
      • screening and selecting
      • terminating
    • work accidents and
  • Implicit cost
  • Implicit period
  • Impulse goods
  • Income
  • Income–expense statement
  • Income–expenses statement
    • dividend per share in
    • earnings before interests and taxes
    • earnings per share in
    • in-resources
    • net income in
    • out-resources
    • sample
  • Income tax
  • Independent projects
  • Informal organization
  • Initial public offering (IPO)
  • Intermediate debt
  • Internal business plan
  • Internal rate of return (IRR)
    • definition of
    • versus NPV
  • Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
  • Internet applications
  • Internship
  • Interval ratio (InR)
  • Inventory
    • ABC analysis of
    • costs
      • holding
      • ordering
    • definition of
    • economic order quantity
      • annual carrying cost
      • annual ordering cost
      • annual total cost
      • objective of
      • for production-run model
      • for quantity discount
    • functions
    • just-in-time inventory system
    • reorder point
      • lead time
      • safety stock level, determination of
      • service level in
  • Inventory cost
    • holding cost
    • ordering cost
  • Inventory turnover ratio (ITR)
  • Investment project evaluation
    • business risk and
      • management methods for
      • sources of
    • capital budgeting
    • cash flow in, patterns of
      • conventional pattern
      • non-annuity pattern
      • non-conventional pattern
    • decision-making in, approaches for
    • decision tree technique for
    • definition of
    • independent projects
    • investment purposes, categories of
    • mutually exclusive project
    • project selection in, steps for
    • scenario analysis
    • sensitivity analysis
    • simulation in
    • techniques for
      • average rate of return
      • capital rationing
      • crossover point
      • crossover rate
      • internal rate of return
      • net present value
      • NPV profile
      • payback period
      • profitability index
      • ranking reversal
      • sophisticated methods
      • value-adjusted
    • types of
  • Invoice price
  • JIT inventory system
  • Job analysis
    • job application
    • job description
    • job satisfaction
    • job specification
  • Job application
  • Job benefits
  • Job description
  • Job incentives
  • Job satisfaction
  • Job specification
  • Joint venture
  • Judgmental models
  • Just-in-time (JIT)
  • Laissez-Faire leader
  • Layout
    • convenient store
    • definition of
    • environmental considerations in
    • exterior/interior considerations in
    • function (process)
    • grocery store
    • manufacturing
    • one-spot
    • product line
    • retail
      • boutique layout
      • free pattern layout
      • grid layout
      • self-service layout
    • service
    • sight, sound, and smell considerations in
    • wholesale
  • Leader
    • authoritarian
    • democratic
    • Laissez-Faire
  • Leadership
    • definition of
    • responsibility of
    • types of
  • Leading economic indicators (LEI)
  • Leverage
    • definition of
    • financial
    • operating
    • total or combined
  • Leveraged buyout (LBO)
  • Leverage ratios, see Debt ratios
  • Liabilities
  • Limited liability company (LLC)
  • Limited liability partnership (LLP)
  • Limited partnership (LP)
  • Line of credit
  • Line organization
  • Lining prices
  • Liquidation value
  • Liquidity
  • Liquidity ratios
    • acid-test ratio
    • cash–current liabilities ratio
    • current ratio
    • interval ratio
    • net working capital ratio
  • LLC Operating Agreement
  • Locations
    • overview
    • production plant
    • retail outlet
      • downtown stores and vendors
      • freestanding and open shopping plazas
      • shopping malls
    • selection of, factors affecting
      • clustered industry
      • competitive businesses
      • complementary businesses
      • demographic characteristics
      • enterprise zones
      • general factors
      • local incentives
      • operating cost
      • personal preference
      • proximity to right market
      • quality of life
      • resource availability and access
      • rules and regulations
      • specific factors
      • utilities and services availability
      • welcoming community
    • service outlet
    • site alternatives
      • downtown area
      • at home
      • shopping plazas and malls
      • throughout neighborhoods
    • site selection
      • adequate and proper parking
      • expansion consideration
      • good visibility
      • high customer contact businesses
      • low customer contact businesses
      • quantitative measures
      • radius of trading area
    • types of business outlets
      • comparatively shopped goods and services outlets
      • regular goods and services outlets
      • seasonal goods and services outlets
      • special goods and collectibles outlets
    • wholesale outlet
  • Long-term debt
  • Long-term effectiveness
  • Long-term liabilities
  • Low involvement goods
  • Magnuson–Moss Act of 1975
  • Management
  • Management buyout (MBO)
  • Management by objectives
  • Management plan
  • Manufacturing layout
  • Market
    • definition of
    • target
  • Marketable securities
    • common
    • definition of
    • motives of
    • treasury bills
    • treasury bond
    • treasury instruments
    • treasury notes
  • Marketable securities management
  • Market-based ratios
    • book value per share ratio
    • cash flow per share ratio
    • dividend yield ratio
    • earnings per share ratio
    • payout ratio
    • price–book value ratio
    • price–earnings–growth ratio
    • price–earnings ratio
    • price/sales ratio
    • Tobin’s Q
  • Market-based value
  • Market feasibility
  • Marketing
    • and customer’s decisions
      • consumer loyalty
      • evaluating alternatives
      • identifying needs/wants
      • making final choice
      • post-purchase stage
      • searching and collecting information on
    • definition of
    • marketing mix
    • objectives of
    • place in
      • channels of distribution and
      • for storage
      • transportation and
    • plan
    • price in
      • competitor’s matching
      • core charge
      • higher value
      • lining
      • peak and off-peak
      • penetration and dumping
      • prestige
      • pricing policy
      • psychological
      • skimming
      • sliding
      • strategies
      • two-part tariff
      • tying and bundling
    • product in. See also Product
      • commercialization of
      • life cycle
      • total
    • promotion
      • advertising
      • definition of
      • personal selling
      • publicity
      • public relations
      • sales
      • strategy
    • research, see Marketing research
    • strategy
    • target market tactic
  • Marketing mix
  • Marketing plan
  • Marketing research
    • definition of
    • face-to-face interview in
    • mail survey in
    • observational surveys in
    • phone survey in
    • primary data in
    • questionnaire for
    • secondary data in
  • Marketing strategy
  • Market mix
  • Market niche
  • Market price of shares
  • Market research
  • Market risk
  • Market share
  • Market value
  • Markup
  • Master limited partnership (MLP)
  • Master partner
  • Material requirements planning (MRP)
  • Material waste
  • Mean absolute deviation (MAD)
  • Mean absolute percent error (MAPE)
  • Merger
  • Meritocracy
  • Merit rating
  • Milestone chart
  • Mission statement
  • Modigliani–Miller approach
  • Mutually exclusive project
  • National Bureau of Economic research (NBER)
  • National Federation of Independent Business Foundation
  • Needed fund, and change in sales
  • Nepotism
  • Net cash flow
  • Net Cost Rate Factor (NCRF)
  • Net gain (NG)
  • Net income
  • Net present value (NPV)
    • profile
    • versus IRR for mutually exclusive projects
  • Net profit
    • steps to estimate
  • Net profit margin (NPM)
  • Net working capital (NWC)
  • Net working capital ratio (NWCR)
  • Net worth
  • New business, starting, see Business startup
  • New business ideas
    • definition of
    • nature of
    • sources of
      • accidents, incidences, and failures
      • changes in economic, social, and political norms
      • demographic trends and projected demand
      • family’s business tradition
      • necessity and need to change
      • personal interests and hobbies
      • savvy entrepreneurs
      • workplace and previous experience
  • New-new project
  • New-old project
  • New profit margin ratio (NPMR)
  • Niche creation
  • Non-cash charges, and break-even point
  • Non-profit corporation (NPC)
  • Notes payable
  • NPV profile
  • Objective
  • Off-peak prices
  • One-spot layout
  • On-the-job training (OTJ)
  • Operating budget
  • Operating income
  • Operating income-fixed payments ratio (OYFP)
  • Operating leverage
    • and business risk
    • definition of
    • degree of
    • fixed cost and
  • Operating profit
  • Operating profit margin ratio (OPMR)
  • Operational efficiency
  • Operational ratios
    • account payable turnover ratio
    • account receivable turnover ratio
    • fixed asset turnover ratio
    • inventory turnover ratio
    • total asset turnover ratio
  • Operations
    • definition of
  • Operations management
    • material and supplies
    • product quality
      • acceptance sampling for
      • budgeting
      • control chart for
      • quality control
      • statistical methods to control quality
  • Optimal input production (OIP)
  • Ordering cost
  • Organizational structures
    • formal organization
    • informal organization
    • line organization
    • pyramid organization
  • Organizing
    • delegation of authority
    • functional departmentalization
    • organizational structures, types of
    • range of control
    • task defining
  • Orientation
  • Other people’s money (OPM)
  • Outright sale
  • Overdraft-zero balance account
  • Owner’s equity (OE)
  • Owner’s taxes
  • Packaging and labeling
  • Partnership
    • advantages of
    • definition of
    • disadvantages of
    • general
    • information in standard contract of
    • limited
    • limited liability
    • master partner
    • partner in
      • dormant
      • nominal
      • responsibilities of
      • rights of
      • secret
      • senior and junior
      • silent
      • types of
  • Par value
  • Pass-through forms
  • Payoff matrix
  • Payout ratio (PYOR)
  • Peak prices
  • Penetration prices
  • Performance appraisal
  • Permanent working capital
  • Personal finance
  • Personal selling
  • Personnel planning
    • appraisal and evaluation
    • compensation and benefits
      • bonus
      • commissions
      • family and medical leave
      • job benefits
      • job incentives
      • optional benefits
      • regular payments
      • required benefits
      • social security
      • spiff payments
      • unemployment compensation
      • worker’s compensation
    • definition of
    • discipline system
    • diversity and empowerment in labor market
    • hiring and orientation
      • employees training
      • legal side of employment
    • human resources challenge for family business
    • recruitment
      • classified advertisement for
      • employment agencies in
      • external sources
      • help wanted signs in
      • internal sources
      • internet applications
      • schools and internship programs and
    • screening and selection
      • checking references and background
      • interviewing applicant
      • reliability of applicant
      • reviewing application packages
      • testing applicants
      • validity of applicant
    • termination
  • Petty cash
  • Piggy-backing
  • Place
    • definition of
    • distribution channels and
      • definition of
      • determinants of
    • for storage
    • transportation and
  • Plan
  • Planning
    • concepts of
    • definition of
    • process
  • Planning period
  • Planning process
  • Plant patent
  • PL-statement
  • Policy
  • Potential share of sales (PSS)
  • Precautionary balances
  • Predatory dumping
  • Prepaid expenses
  • Prestige prices
  • Price–book value ratio (PBVR)
  • Price–earnings–growth ratio (PEG)
  • Price negotiation
  • Prices
    • competitor’s matching
    • core charge
    • higher value
    • lining
    • peak and off-peak
    • penetration and dumping
    • prestige
    • pricing policy
      • company and
      • cost and
      • market and
    • psychological
    • skimming
    • sliding
    • strategies
    • two-part tariff
    • tying and bundling
  • Price/sales ratio (P/S)
  • Pricing-earnings ratio (P/E)
  • Pricing strategy
  • Procedures
  • Product
    • commercialization of
    • life cycle
      • decline stage
      • development stage
      • growth stage
      • introduction stage
      • maturity stage
      • saturation stage
    • total
      • branding of
      • copyright of
      • packaging and labeling of
      • patent of
      • trade dress
      • warranty of
  • Product commercialization
  • Product differentiation
  • Product distribution franchise
  • Product infringement
  • Production plant locations
  • Production-run model, EOQ for
  • Productivity and product quality
  • Product life cycle
    • decline stage
    • development stage
    • growth stage
    • introduction stage
    • maturity stage
    • saturation stage
  • Product line layout
  • Product patent
  • Product quality
    • acceptance sampling for
    • budgeting
    • control chart for
    • quality control
    • statistical methods to control quality
  • Professional service corporation (PSC)
  • Profit
    • accountant’s
    • break-even point and desired
    • and cash flow
    • definition of
    • and earning power
    • economic
    • explicit cost and
    • gross
    • implicit cost and
    • net
    • operating
    • planning for
    • timing for collecting
      • break-even point
      • cost–volume–profit analysis and
  • Profitability (PT), see Profit
  • Profitability index (PI)
  • Profitability ratios
    • gross profit margin ratio
    • new profit margin ratio
    • operating profit margin ratio
    • return on equity ratio
    • return on investment ratio
    • sales–asset ratio
    • sales–net working capital
  • Profit and loss report
  • Profit margin
  • Profit planning
  • Profit-risk manipulation
  • Profit sharing
  • Pro forma analysis
  • Pro forma balance sheet
    • as generated by using sales
    • one year
    • and sales ratio
  • Pro forma income statement
  • Pro forma statement
    • balance sheet
    • income statement
    • one year
    • for startup venture
  • Project evaluation techniques
    • average rate of return
    • capital rationing
    • crossover point
    • crossover rate
    • internal rate of return
    • net present value
      • profile
      • versus IRR for mutually exclusive projects
    • NPV profile
    • payback period
    • profitability index
    • ranking reversal
    • sophisticated methods
    • value-adjusted
  • Project life cycle
  • Promissory notes
  • Promoting
  • Promotion
    • advertising
      • characteristics of
      • definition of
      • expenditures by media type
      • types of media
    • definition of
    • personal selling
    • publicity
    • public relations
    • sales
    • strategy
  • Promotional mix
  • Promotional strategy
  • Prospecting
  • “proxy”
  • Psychological prices
  • Publicity
  • Public relations (PR)
  • Purchasing
    • bulk-asset buying
    • buy-in option in
    • buy-out option
    • final steps in
    • price negotiation in
    • take-over option in
  • Pure franchise
  • “push money”
  • Pyramid organization
  • Quality control
  • Quantity discount
    • definition of
    • economic order quantity
  • Range of control
  • Ranking reversal
  • Ratio analysis
    • debt ratios
      • debt–asset ratio
      • debt–equity ratio
      • operating income-fixed payments ratio
      • solvency ratio
      • times interest earned ratio
    • liquidity ratios
      • acid-test ratio
      • cash–current liabilities ratio
      • current ratio
      • interval ratio
      • net working capital ratio
    • market-based ratios
      • book value per share ratio
      • cash flow per share ratio
      • dividend yield ratio
      • earnings per share ratio
      • payout ratio
      • price–book value ratio
      • price–earnings–growth ratio
      • price–earnings ratio
      • price-sales ratio
      • Tobin’s Q
    • operational ratios
      • account payable turnover ratio
      • account receivable turnover ratio
      • fixed asset turnover ratio
      • inventory turnover ratio
      • total asset turnover ratio
    • profitability ratios
      • gross profit margin ratio
      • new profit margin ratio
      • operating profit margin ratio
      • return on equity ratio
      • return on investment ratio
      • sales–asset ratio
      • sales–net working capital
  • Recruitment
    • classified advertisement for
    • employment agencies in
    • external sources
    • help wanted signs in
    • internal sources
    • internet applications
    • schools and internship programs and
  • Regular goods and services outlets
  • Reilly’s law of retail gravitation
  • Renewal projects
  • Reorder point (ROP)
    • lead time
    • safety stock level, determination of
    • service level in
  • Replacement projects
  • Replacement value
  • Resale number
  • Resource acquisition
  • Retailer’s cost
  • Retail layout
    • boutique layout
    • free pattern layout
    • grid layout
    • self-service layout
  • Retail outlet locations
    • downtown stores and vendors
    • freestanding and open shopping plazas
    • shopping malls
  • Return on equity
    • effect of interest rate on
    • in firms facing different rate of return
  • Return on equity (ROE)
  • Return on equity ratio (ROER)
  • Return on investment ratio (ROIR)
  • Risk. See also Business risk
    • definition of
    • expropriation
    • market
    • sources of
  • Risk-adjusted discount rate (RADR)
  • Risk-adjusted returns
  • Risk management
    • definition of
    • methods of
      • risk-adjusted discount rate
      • risk-adjusted returns
      • statistical adjustment
  • Risk premium
  • Road show
  • Root-mean-square error (RMSE)
  • Safety motive
  • Safety stock
  • Sales–asset ratio (SAR)
  • Sales budget
  • Sales–net working capital (SNWC)
  • Sales promotion
  • Sales ratio, and pro forma balance sheet
  • Sales taxes
  • Scenario analysis
  • Schools and internship programs
  • S-corporations
  • Screening and selection, of employee
    • checking references and background
    • interviewing applicant
    • reliability of applicant
    • reviewing application packages
    • testing applicants
    • validity of applicant
  • Seasonal goods and services outlets
  • Secured sources
  • Self-service layout
  • Sensitivity analysis
  • Server’s place
  • Service layout
  • Service level, in ROP
  • Service outlet locations
  • Setup cost
  • Shopping malls
  • Short-term bank loan
  • Short-term debt
  • Simulation
  • Single equivalent discount (SED)
  • Site alternatives
    • downtown area
    • at home
    • shopping plazas and malls
    • throughout neighborhoods
  • Site selection
    • adequate and proper parking
    • customer contact businesses
      • high
      • low
    • expansion consideration
    • good visibility
    • quantitative measures
      • potential share of sales
      • Reilly’s law of retail gravitation
    • radius of trading area
  • Skimming prices
  • Sliding prices
  • Small business
    • advantages of
    • definition of
    • disadvantages of
    • failure rates of
    • by industry in the United States
    • options
    • owned by minorities in selected sectors
    • reversing disadvantages of
    • significance of
    • size standards for
    • survival rates of
  • Small Business Administration (SBA)
  • Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR)
  • Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR)
  • Social security
  • Social security and medicare taxes
  • Sole proprietorship
    • advantages of
    • definition of
    • disadvantages of
  • Solvency ratio (Sol)
  • Special goods and collectibles outlets
  • Speculative balances
  • Speculative motive
  • Spiff payments
  • Spontaneous sources
  • Staffing
  • Staffing plan
  • Standard deviation
  • Standard normal distribution function, values of
  • Startup business plan
  • Start-up cost budget
  • States of nature
  • Strategic plan
  • Strategy
  • Succession plan
  • Survey of Consumer Confidence (SCC)
  • Surveys of Business Executives (SBE)
  • Surveys of Consumer’s Expenditures (SCE)
  • Surveys of Inventory Changes and Sales Expectations (SICSE)
  • SWOT analysis
  • Systematic liquidation
  • Tactical plans
  • Tactic to differentiate
  • Take-over
  • Target customers
  • Target market
  • Tax avoidance
  • Taxes
    • considerations and strategies for
    • employment-related
      • income tax
      • social security and medicare taxes
      • unemployment tax
      • worker’s compensation
    • firm’s own business
    • and forms of business ownership
    • owner’s
    • paid under C-corporation versus S-corporation
    • sales
  • Tax evasion
  • Tax-improved corporations, see S-corporations
  • Temporary working capital
  • Termination
  • Times burden earned (TBE)
  • Time series analysis, for financial forecasting
    • actual to forecast ratio method
    • adjustment for seasonality
    • cyclical fluctuations
    • decomposition process
    • dummy variables method
    • fitting of
    • random changes
    • seasonal variations
    • secular trend
    • simple average of errors method
    • time series and data variations
  • Times interest earned (TIE)
  • Times interest earned ratio (TIE)
  • Tobin’s Q
  • Total asset turnover (TAT)
  • Total asset turnover ratio (TAT)
  • Total cost (TC)
  • Total on-credit sales (TCS)
  • Total or combined leverage
  • Total product
    • branding of
    • copyright of
    • packaging and labeling of
    • patent of
    • trade dress
    • warranty of
  • Total quality management (TQM)
  • Total revenue (TR)
  • Trade credit
  • Trade discount
    • cash discount for prompt payments
    • cumulative discount
    • definition of
    • quantity discount
  • Trade dress
  • Trademark
  • Trade name franchise
  • Trading on equity
  • Transaction balances
  • Transaction motive
  • Transferring
  • Transportation and
  • Treasury bills
  • Treasury bond
  • Treasury instruments
  • Treasury notes
  • Turnkey franchise
  • Two-part tariff prices
  • Tying prices
  • Uncertainty see Business risk
  • Unemployment compensation
  • Unemployment tax
  • Uniform Commercial Code (UCC)
  • Uniform Franchise Offering Circular (UFOC)
  • Uniform Partnership Act (UPA)
  • Unsecured sources
  • Upgrading
  • 1120-US Corporate Income Tax Return form
  • Utility patent
  • Value of residual (RES)
  • Variable cost (VC)
  • Venture capital firms
  • Venture capitalists
  • Vision statement
  • Warranty
  • W-2 form
  • Wholesale layout
  • Wholesale outlet locations
  • Work accidents
  • Worker’s compensation
  • Working business plan
  • Working capital
    • definition of
    • financial management of, see Financial management, of working capital
    • and financing strategies
      • aggressive approach
      • balanced approach
      • conservative approach
    • gross
    • net
    • permanent
    • and profit-risk manipulation
    • temporary
  • Working capital management