
I want to thank Derek Thurber and Anita Abbot for their diligence and enthusiasm, in assisting with research for this project. Also thanks to Mark Woodhouse of the Gannett-Tripp Library, Elmira College.

Polly Smith, Sayre & Nancy Fulkerson, David Lent, and Ted Marks all gave freely of their time and recollections of Elmira and Glenora, New York, during the time period of this novel; Raymond and Reta Thurber of Freeport, Nova Scotia, for a grand tour, the story of the burnt suit, and outstanding fish chowder; in Amsterdam, Henk van Amsterdam for his lovely apartment, the staff at the Amsterdams Historisch Museum, the staff at the Joods Historisch Museum, my editors at Prometheus (Holland), Hedda Sanders and Job Lisman, translator Peter Abelsen, and in Nijmegan, the staff of the Rijksarcheif Gelderland. Thanks also for support, of varying times, places, and means, to Petra & Rob McCarron, Dick & Sue Walton, John Evans, Richard & Lisa Howorth, Jamie & Kelly Kornegay, Chris & Bonnie Alexander, Andrea Tetrick, Penny McConnel, Gary Schall, Jean Palthey, Mark & Amy Rosalbo, and Donald Hall. For their attentiveness and support, David Forrer and Kim Witherspoon. Deb Seager, for putting up with me. Amy Hundley, for her keen eye, firm insight and gentle humor. And to Morgan Entrekin, whose patience and graciousness went far beyond any expected bounds.