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Abbott, Alan, 15–16, 34, 54, 77n

ABC-TV News, 90–91, 457

Abernethy, R. J., 31, 33–34, 41, 45

Actors Lab, 201–202, 367

Actors Studio, 255–256, 259, 262, 268–269, 327

Acuna, Ross, 347

Adler, Buddy, 266, 369

Adler, Richard, 408, 410, 411

Adorno, T. W., 168

After the Fall (Miller), 287–288, 299–300, 312

Ahearn, James, 224, 277, 346, 347

Ainsworth, Helen “Bunny,” 183, 187–188

Albro, Mrs. Curtis, 223–224

All About Eve, 223

Allan, Rupert, 276, 278, 350, 351, 359–360, 404, 449

Allenberg, Mildred, 87

All My Sons (Miller), 227

American Civil Liberties Union, 37

American Russian Institute, 385

Anderson, Maxwell, 201

Angleton, James Jesus, 366, 435, 446, 447

Anna Christie (O’Neill), 268–269

Anti-Nazi League, 137–138, 139

anti-Semitism, 166–167, 169–170, 194

Antonovich, Mike, 70, 97

Arledge, Roone, 91, 92

Armstrong, Grover, 10, 13, 21

Arnow, Max, 203, 206, 210, 211–212

Arthur Jacobs Public Relations, 62, 265, 276, 277–278, 359

Arts, Sciences, and Professions Council, 138, 163, 201, 229, 370, 384–385

Arvad, Inga, 152–154, 326, 400, 416

Asphalt Jungle, The, 221–222, 351, 371

Associated Press, 3, 376, 423

As Young As You Feel, 226–227

Atchinson, Emma, 122


Bacall, Lauren, 239

Bacon, James, 10, 79, 339, 366, 376, 393

Baker, Jasper, 112–113

Baker, Robert “Jackie,” 13, 112, 114, 116–117, 121, 157

Barham, Patte, 96

Barker, Oner, Jr., 138, 385

Barris, George, 120, 429

Bates, John, 51

Baumgarth Calendar Company, 220, 234–235

BBC-TV, 89–90, 94, 100, 409, 455

Beck, Dave, 276–277

Bellonzi, Carl, 79

Belmont, George, 328

Belous, Juliet Greenschpoon, 169, 172, 173

Belous, Max, 173

Belushi, John, 27, 28

Berle, Milton, 257, 346

Berlin Psychoanalytic Institute, 167

Bernheim, Alain, 244

Bernstein, Walter, 201, 370, 405, 432

Beverly Hilton Hotel, 4, 51, 52, 91, 329

Biberman, Herbert, 394

Bioff, Willy, 197

Bliss, Lila, 204

Blue Book Modeling Agency, 160, 161, 176, 180, 198

Bolaños, José, 47, 48, 85, 87, 394–395, 435, 461

Bolender, Ida, 108–109, 110–111, 116, 118, 145

Bolender, Wayne, 108–109, 110–111, 145

Bradlee, Ben, 358

Brand, Harry, 234–235, 245

Brand, Phoebe, 201–202

Brando, Marlon, 259, 269, 335

Brecht, Bertolt, 166, 167

Breen, Patricia, 344

Bretherton, David, 418

B. R. Fox Company, 446

Bright, John, 394

Brown, David, 389

Brown, Finis, 45, 51, 52, 71

Brown, Joe E., 321

Brown, Kay, 286

Brown, Peter, 96, 100

Brown, Thad, 44–45, 50, 51–52, 70, 71, 84, 223–224

Budenz, Louis, 384–385, 395

Buñuel Luis, 394

Burke, David, 92

Bus Stop, 199, 267, 268, 269, 296, 306, 316, 359

filming of, 271–276, 277–281

Byron, Robert, 10–11, 57, 71, 79


Cal-Neva Lodge, 81, 354, 355, 439–444, 447

Campbell, Mary, 135–136

Capell, Frank, 65–66, 67, 163, 386, 388

Capote, Truman, 252, 255, 257, 266

Captain Newman, M.D., 169, 174

Carlson, Mike, 80

Carmen, Jeanne, 46–47, 85, 371–372, 382, 391, 392, 420, 436, 437, 452–453, 460

drugs and, 371, 452–453

JFK/MM seen together by, 376

Carnovsky, Morris, 201

Carroll, John, 204

Carroll, Ronald, 75–76, 86, 97

Cartier-Bresson, Henri, 352

Case, Archie, 224, 277, 346, 347

Cassini, Oleg, 186

Castro, Fidel, 365–366

MM’s diary entries about, 36, 60, 366, 437

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 36, 366, 394, 434, 435, 446, 447, 460

Century City, 424–425

Chandler, Norman, 223–224

Charisse, Cyd, 406, 414

Chase, Sylvia, 90, 91, 92–93

Chasin, George, 352

Chayefsky, Paddy, 226

Chekhov, Michael, 230–231

Chief: My Life in the LAPD (Gates), 96

Chissell, Noble “Kid,” 186, 238–239

chloral hydrate, 31, 33, 41–43, 68, 75

Christian Science, 116, 117, 135, 180, 374

Church Committee, U.S. Senate, 365, 366, 446

Church of the Foursquare Gospel, 107

Clark, Colin, 293–294, 295, 297–298, 300, 301–302

Clash by Night, 234–235

Clemmons, Jack, 4–8, 10–11, 13, 18, 43, 61–62, 67, 79, 81, 85, 89, 97, 101, 383, 453, 460, 463

Cleopatra, 370, 390, 406, 418, 425

Click, 184

Clift, Montgomery, 325, 328, 352–353, 363, 372

Clurman, Harold, 201

Cobb, Lee J., 281, 282, 369

Cohen, Ernest Phillips, 384

Cohn, Harry, 198, 203, 206

MM’s encounter with, 211–213, 227

Cole, Jack, 328

Coleman, Nancy, 126

Collier, Constance, 255

Colliers, 233

Columbia Pictures, 198, 209

MM at, 203, 206–213, 227

Comintern, 141, 163, 175, 201, 330, 366, 370, 384–386, 395

Communist Party, 138–139, 141, 163–164, 167, 168, 172, 173, 202, 228, 283, 303, 307n, 330, 384–386, 395, 434–435

Conference of Studio Unions, 164, 165

Conners Helicopter Service, 58

Conover, David, 155–156, 157, 159–160, 363

Consolidated Film Laboratories, 108, 113, 114, 220, 231

Cook, Alton, 234

Copeland, Joan, 256, 264

Cordova, Sam, 95–96

Coroner (Noguchi), 28

Cosmopolitan, 120, 429

Cotten, Joseph, 237

Cottrell, Richard, 7n, 453

Courtney, Elizabeth, 430

Court of Appeals, U.S., 316

Cowan, Lester, 217

Cox, Wally, 418

Crabtree, Virgil, 45

Craft, Roy, 194

Crawford, Cheryl, 201, 255

Crosby, Bing, 81, 399, 400

Crowther, Bosley, 265, 296

Crucible, The (Miller), 230, 336

Cukor, George, 404

Let’s Make Love and, 327, 328, 336, 337, 353

Something’s Got to Give and, 389, 406, 409, 413, 414, 415, 418, 419, 423, 432

Cummins, Peggy, 187, 196

Curphey, Theodore, 25–26, 27, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 40, 45, 73, 97

Curtis, Tony, 315, 317, 318, 346

“kissing Hitler” comment by, 319–320

Cusack, Lawrence, 204–205

cyanosis, 75


Daily Worker, 384

Daley, Richard, 326, 357–358

D’Amato, Paul Emilio “Skinny,” 345, 355, 398, 439

Dangerous Years, 202

D’Antonio, Henry, 453

Davis, Frank, 385

Davis, Sammy, Jr., 298, 344, 347

Day, Eddy, 26

Death of a Salesman (Miller), 227

Delaney, Frank, 246, 253

Democratic Party, 346, 354, 376, 402, 408

Deri, Francis, 168, 173

Des Rosier, Janet, 342–343, 355

Dexter, Brad, 371

Diamond, I.A.L., 315, 320–321

Dickinson, Angie, 371

Dienes, Andre de, 176–178, 221

DiMaggio, Joe, 37

Cal-Neva weekend and, 441–442

courtship of MM by, 235–236, 237, 239

friendship between MM and, 247, 253–254, 269, 311, 313, 374, 377, 393

marriage of MM and, 241–245, 252, 409

MM mourned by, 17, 53–56

reconciliation as hope of, 355, 361–362, 427–428

rescues by, 364, 365, 390–391

temper and jealousy of, 238, 240, 241, 244, 245, 258–259, 265, 375, 428

DiMaggio, Joe, Jr., 20, 23, 47, 55, 85, 428, 460

Dinesen, Isak, 327

Dmytryk, Edward, 228

Dobish, Grace, 244

Doctors Professional Group, 385

Donovan, Robert, 154

Don’t Bother to Knock, 234

Dougherty, Ethel, 143, 144–145, 149, 155, 156, 160, 161, 162

Dougherty, James, 18, 133, 142–143, 144, 209

MM’s divorce from, 184

MM’s marriage to, 141, 145–150, 157–158, 160, 178–180, 184

Dougherty, Marion, 146

Dougherty, Patricia, 209

Downs, Hugh, 91–92

Duncun, Betsy, 371

Durgom, George “Bullets,” 21, 47, 87, 459


East of Eden, 256

Ebbins, Milt, 21–22, 23, 399, 404–405, 410

Eisler, Hanns, 169

Eley, Gladys Monroe Baker, 53, 110–121, 206, 209, 220

marriages of, 112–113, 194, 374

mental illness of, 117–118, 119, 121, 231, 247, 252, 374

MM and, 108, 110, 111, 114–115, 120–121, 128, 157, 178, 179, 180, 194, 205, 374

Eley, John Stewart, 194

Ellsberg, Daniel, 383n

Endfield, Charles, 423

Endfield, Cy, 370

Enemy Within, The (R. F. Kennedy), 49, 52, 277, 424, 430, 455

Engelberg, Esther Goldstein, see Maltz, Esther Goldstein Engelberg

Engelberg, Hyman, 384n

communism and, 138, 163, 228–229, 385

Greenson and, 72, 173, 330, 385, 422, 436

MM’s death and, 4–8, 10–11, 18, 74, 85, 462, 463

as MM’s doctor, 27–28, 75, 330, 355, 373, 406, 422, 436, 453

Entertainer, The (Osborne), 292, 297

Esquire, 310, 351

Ewell, Tom, 244, 273

Exner, Judith Campbell, 344–345, 358, 378, 400, 416

Explorations in Psychoanalysis (Greenson), 407


Fairbanks, Douglas, Jr., 139

Famous Artists Corporation, 195, 196

Farberow, Norman, 37–38, 41

Fast, Howard, 284

Fay, Paul “Red,” 51, 187

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 49, 50, 65, 70, 100

communists investigated by, 384, 385, 395, 434–435

documents, 432n, 461

JFK investigated by, 70, 153–154, 326, 344, 345, 354, 358–359, 400, 421

Mafia investigated by, 379, 442

RFK investigated by, 51

Feldary, Eric, 187

Feldman, Charles, 186, 195, 227, 245, 246, 265

JFK and, 196–197, 243–244

Feldman, Phil, 422

Fell, Fifi, 404

Fenichel, Hanna, 382, 391–392, 461

Fenichel, Otto, 167–169, 173, 175, 307, 329, 382

Ferguson, Frank, 408

Feuchtwanger, Leon, 169

Field, Frederick Vanderbilt, 141, 163, 171, 385–386

MM’s meetings with, 394–395, 399–400, 435

Field, Nieves, 394

Fielding, Lewis, 383

Fields, Leila, 128, 133

Final Summer of Marilyn Monroe, The, 66

Fiorini, Frank (aka Frank Sturgis), 366

Fireball, The, 222–223

Firestone, Sanford, 17–18

Fischetti, Joe, 398

Fischetti, Rocco, 398

Fisher, Eddie, 343, 373

Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 370

Flanagan, Agnes, 350, 354

Formosa, John, 398

Frank, Barbara, 207, 215, 226

Frank, Bruno, 169, 207

Franklin, Lynn, 4, 463

Fraser, Don, 80

Freud, Anna, 300, 307

Freud, Sigmund, 63, 307

From Right to Left (Field), 394

Frosch, Aaron, 338, 362


Gable, Clark, 137, 246, 354, 419

death of, 360–361

as father figure to MM, 111, 129

Misfits and, 325, 350–352, 356

Gable, Kay, 352, 361

Gang Tyre Rudin and Brown, 330, 385

Garcetti, Gil, 73

Gates, Daryl, 36, 64, 70–72, 84, 96–97, 100, 224, 277

RFK and, 346, 455

Gay, Peter, 173

Geisler, Jerry, 245

General Dynamics Corporation, 342

Genovese, Vito, 204

Gentleman’s Agreement, 193–194

Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, 237, 239, 240

Geraldo, 92

Giancana, Chuck, 326

Giancana, Sam, 357, 366

JFK and, 326, 343, 345, 354, 358, 437

Sinatra and, 355, 379, 398, 439–440, 441, 442

Gifford, Lillian, 113–114

Gifford, Lorraine, 232

Gifford, Stan, 113–115, 129, 157, 158, 220, 231–232, 247

Gimbel, Mary, 126–127

Glamour Preferred, 203–4

Globe, 76

Goddard, Bebe, 133, 134, 142, 143, 144, 145, 156, 180, 209, 247

Goddard, “Doc,” 122, 128, 130, 133, 142–143, 144, 145, 156, 180, 209, 240, 247

Goddard, Grace McKee, 53, 142–143, 144, 145, 160, 206

advice to MM by, 129, 161, 189, 194, 204, 221

drinking problems of, 133, 156, 180, 240

friendship with Gladys Baker of, 114, 117–118, 119, 121–123, 157, 179, 220

MM’s attachment to, 116, 128–129, 130–131, 156–157, 178, 208, 209, 247, 368

MM’s living with, 121–123, 132–133, 142–143, 144

Goddess: The Secret Lives of Marilyn Monroe (Summers), 70, 83–84, 89, 95, 100, 101, 447

Goldberg, Alex, 171

Goldberg, Robert, 285, 286

Golden Dreams calendar, 220, 234–235

Golden Globe Awards, 47, 340, 435

Goldstein, Robert, 369–370, 389, 390

Goldwyn, Sam, 246, 261

Goodbye, Norma Jean (screenplay), 66

Goodman, Ezra, 281

Gould, Milton, 390, 408, 422, 424, 426, 430, 431, 432, 437–438

Gould, Stanhope, 90, 91, 92

Grable, Betty, 239

Graham, Sheilah, 154, 187, 423

Grainger, Charles, 107, 108, 112, 113

Grainger, Della Monroe, 107–109, 112, 113

Grandison, Lionel, 26, 27, 29, 35–36, 40, 44–45, 70, 74

Grant, Arnold, 430

Grant, Cary, 236, 273, 388

Great Lakes Carbon Corporation, 424

Greco, Juliette, 369

Greene, Amy, 251–253, 259, 270, 278, 287, 298, 301, 306, 366

Greene, Milton, 266, 270, 298, 301–302, 303

business advice from, 263, 271, 272, 276, 294

drugs and, 259–260, 300, 306, 312

Marilyn Monroe Productions and, 246–247, 259–260, 306

at Miller/Monroe marriage, 286, 287, 288

MM’s disillusionment with, 295, 301, 305–306, 307

Greene, Nancy Maniscalco, 204

Greenschpoon, Joel O., 169–170, 172, 173

Greenschpoon, Katharine Goldberg, 169–170, 171, 172, 383, 385

Greenschpoon, Romeo, see Greenson, Ralph R.

Greenschpoon, Washington Irving, see Greenson, Walter

Greenson, Danny, 283, 382, 392, 402, 420, 421

Greenson, Hildegard Troesch (Hildi), 63, 72, 172–173, 175, 329, 330, 382, 391, 407

Greenson, Joan, 382, 391, 402, 421

Greenson, Ralph R., 55, 182, 283

associates of, 27, 34, 37, 38, 84, 169, 307, 370, 382, 391, 394

background of, 169–175

business and personal advice to MM by, 388–389, 391, 392, 393, 400, 406, 422

communism and, 138, 165, 330, 384–386

on day of MM’s death, 4, 10–11, 13, 18, 20–21, 22, 23, 38–40, 46, 58, 77, 80, 86, 88, 90, 99, 101–102, 458–459, 460, 462, 463

departure during Something’s Got to Give, 407, 420

Engelberg and, 72, 173, 330, 385, 422, 436

impact of MM’s death on, 62–63, 72, 84

Kris and, 18, 329, 330, 331, 372, 459

M’s disillusionment with, 449

as MM’s psychiatrist, 72–73, 84, 94, 313, 329–331, 337, 355, 362, 366–367, 372–373, 377, 382, 390, 403, 420, 423, 435, 436, 446, 458

Murray family and, 164, 165, 174–175, 228, 330, 379–381, 386–387, 454, 456

Sinatra and, 329–330, 343, 372, 375, 377

unorthodox treatment of MM by, 383–384, 428

Greenson, Walter, 170, 173

Group Theatre, 201, 369

Guilaroff, Sidney, 46, 47, 54, 85, 95, 350, 354, 431, 456, 459, 460

Guiles, Fred Lawrence, 66–67, 100, 264, 309, 313

Gurdin, Michael, 221, 428

Guthman, Edwin, 376–377, 402


Hackett, David, 37

Haley, Jack, 346

Hall, Harry, 17, 442

Hall, James, 76–78, 79, 80–81, 87, 88, 462

Hal Roach Studios, 155

Halsman, Philippe, 188, 233

Hamilton, Charles, 205

Hamilton, James, 14, 49–50, 52, 61, 64, 70, 97, 223–224

RFK and, 277, 346, 462

Hammett, Dashiell, 281, 284

Hanna, Lee, 406

Hard Copy, 204

Harriman, Averell, 424

Harrison, John, 80

Haspiel, Jimmy, 258–259, 305

Haver, June, 199, 233

Hayworth, Rita, 206

Healey, Dorothy, 138

Hecht, Ben, 119–120, 121

Hellman, Lillian, 281, 283, 382

Henie, Sonja, 187

Herald of Freedom, 65

Hitler, Adolf, 153, 167

Hockett, Don, 1, 9, 14, 15, 29

Hockett, Guy, 9, 10, 14, 15, 27, 28, 29, 35, 53, 85

Hoffa, Jimmy, 91, 92, 276–277

MM’s diary entries about, 36, 60, 437

RFK and, 92–93, 446

Hogan, Frank, 458n

Hogan, Tilford Marion, 116

Hohenberg, Margaret Herz, 263, 300, 307, 366

Hollywood in a Suitcase (Davis), 298

Hollywood Reporter, 211

Holm, Celeste, 370, 382

Home Town Story, 223

Hong, Wilson, 68, 69

Hook, The, 227–228

Hoover, J. Edgar, 64, 65–66, 153, 154, 258, 305, 434

JFK and, 49, 50, 358–359, 395–396, 399–400, 416, 421

RFK and, 49, 50, 64, 65–66, 435, 436

Hopper, Hedda, 187, 206, 247, 318, 340, 423

“hot shot,” 75, 88, 462

House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC), 138, 283, 330, 393

Hollywood and, 228, 384

Miller and, 281–284

Howard, Jean, 196

Howell, Chester, 145

How to Be Very, Very Popular, 246

How to Marry a Millionaire, 239, 240

Hronek, Frank, 346, 348

Hughes, Howard, 187, 409

Hunt, E. Howard, 394

Hunter, Ken, 78–79

Hurok, Sol, 171

Huston, John, 221–222

Misfits and, 325, 338, 350–355

Hyams, Joe, 9–10, 14, 15, 49, 58, 79, 322

Hyde, Johnny, 31, 220–223, 231

MM’s feelings toward, 222, 225–226, 312


Iannone, Marvin, 8, 15, 61–62, 64, 77, 346

International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE), 117, 164, 165

Isherwood, Christopher, 169

Israel, Lee, 448


Jacobs, Arthur, 13, 81–82, 85–86, 88, 277, 432, 440

public relations firm of, see Arthur Jacobs Public Relations

Jacobs, George, 398–399

Jacobs, Natalie Trundy, 82, 85–87, 88

James, Arthur, 13, 244

Jasgur, Joe, 180

Jaycox, Earl, 457

Jean-Louis, 376, 407, 408, 419, 430, 445

Jefferies, Keith, 393

Jefferies, Norman, 393, 408, 417, 427–428, 431, 453

on communism and Murray family, 163–165, 174, 175, 228, 394

on day of MM’s death, 6, 8, 10, 13, 15, 19, 36, 59, 101–103, 454, 455–456, 458, 459, 461–462

on Greenson, 384, 386

Johnson, Nora, 427

Johnson, Nunnally, 239, 246, 389, 390, 405, 425, 427, 428, 432

Jones, Harmon, 226

Jones, Jennifer, 370

Judaism, 285

Justice Department, U.S., 51, 70, 84, 358, 444



Karger, Anne, 210, 214–215, 247

Karger, Fred, 209–211, 214–217, 259

Karger, Max, 210

Katz, Otto, 169

Kautzky, Rudy, 350, 376, 406, 417

Kazan, Elia, 194, 369

HUAC and, 228, 281, 282

Miller, MM and, 227, 230, 311

MM’s affair with, 231

Strasberg summed up by, 261–262

Kelley, Tom, 219, 220

Kelly, Gene, 444

Kelly, Grace, 360

Kennedy, Caroline, 57, 343

Kennedy, Edward (Teddy), 298–299, 343, 344, 346, 347, 378

Kennedy, Ethel Skakel, 51, 64, 92, 276, 277, 392, 410, 412, 424, 426, 446, 452

Kennedy, John F, 284, 362, 444–445

affairs of, 92, 152–154, 186–187, 196, 325–326, 343, 344, 400, 416, 437, 445

birthday gala for, 59, 407–411, 413, 416, 445

childhood of, 125–126

contempt for women of, 126–127

death of, 64, 71, 448n

Exner and, 344–345, 400, 416

FBI investigation of, 70, 153–154, 326, 344, 345, 354, 358–359, 400, 421

Feldman and, 196–197

Giancana and, 326, 343, 345, 354–355, 378, 437

Hoover and, 49, 50, 358–359, 395–396, 399–400, 416, 421

knowledge about MM’s affair with, 330, 355, 359, 373, 376, 401, 405, 408–409, 457

Lawford and, 85, 92, 299, 378, 398, 443

Loeb and, 390

marital problems of, 68–69, 299, 326

MM’s affair with, 65–66, 72–73, 83, 197, 298, 325–326, 327, 361, 365, 393, 400–401, 405, 445

MM’s daughter and, 204–205

MM’s death and, 57–58, 65, 345

MM’s diary entries about, 36, 60

MM shut out by, 59–60, 68, 93–94, 416, 420–421, 448

MM’s plans of marriage to, 328–329, 350, 401

naval service of, 152–154

as president, 358–359, 365

presidential campaign and election of, 329, 342–348, 357–358, 379, 398

Rosenman and, 424, 437

Sinatra and, 343, 344, 345, 346, 362, 377–379, 397–399

witnesses of MM with, 81–82, 244, 259, 346–347, 359, 376, 401, 412

worries about MM by, 91, 345, 355, 360, 437

Kennedy, Joseph P., 124–126, 141, 152, 154, 196, 203, 299, 358, 379, 393

affairs of, 125–126, 342, 355

Gould and, 390

JFK’s campaign and, 346, 347, 354–355

Kennedy, Kathleen “Kick,” 152–154

Kennedy, Robert F., 37, 71, 365, 402, 443

as attorney general, 65–66, 358–359, 392

on day of MM’s death, 4, 46, 51–52, 61, 62, 69, 70, 90, 91, 93, 94, 96, 101, 102, 455, 456–458, 460–463

Gates and, 346

Hamilton and, 49, 50, 64, 277, 346, 462

Hoffa and, 92–93, 446

Hoover and, 49, 50, 64, 65–66, 435, 436

JFK campaign and, 346

MM’s affair with, 50, 66, 68, 72–73, 83–84, 91, 92, 93, 440, 444, 445, 448, 450

after MM’s death, 57, 58, 65–66, 67, 68–69, 99, 100

MM’s diary entries about, 36, 60, 366, 437

MM seen with, 81, 376–377, 392–393, 401, 409–410, 411–412, 432, 447

MM’s fear of, 18, 46, 456, 460

MM shut out by, 60, 435–436, 450

MM’s information gathering on, 445–446

Newcomb and, 64, 66, 360, 441

pacifying attempts between MM and JFK by, 60, 69, 93, 421, 430–431

Parker and, 49, 64, 346

political career of, 277, 439, 446–447, 458n

Rosenman and, 408, 424, 425, 431, 432, 437

Sinatra and, 379, 397–398

Western Union message to, 426

Kennedy, Rose, 125, 126–127

Kennedy Library, 49, 64, 416, 440

Khrushchev, Nikita, 327

Kilgallen, Dorothy, 63, 237–238, 339, 408, 412, 447, 448, 450

Kilgallen (Israel), 448

Kingsley, Sidney, 201

Kinnell, Murray, 118–121

Koder, Henry, 80

Kohner, Paul, 207

Korea, 242–243

Kornblum, Ronald, 28

Krasna, Norman, 327, 328

Krekes, Tibor, 211

Krim, Arthur, 411

Kris, Anton, 330n

Kris, Ernst, 307, 330

Kris, Marianne Rie, 307, 322, 325, 330, 362, 363, 364–365

Greenson and, 18, 329, 331, 372, 459

Kupchik, George, 306


Labor Lyceum, 170, 171, 172, 383

Ladies’ Home Journal, 66

Ladies of the Chorus, 210–211

Laff, 184, 187

Landau, Mr. and Mrs. Abe, 3, 61, 62, 78, 461, 463

Landreth, Ted, 89, 101, 409

Lang, Fritz, 169, 234

Langford, Joe, 441–442, 443

Langford, Ray, 441

Lardner, Ring, Jr., 138, 284, 370

Lawford, Patricia Kennedy, 18, 45, 55, 57, 61, 71, 244, 373, 378, 392, 399, 426, 440, 448

Lawford, Patricia Seaton, 87, 416, 430, 436

Lawford, Peter, 355, 410

on day of MM’s death, 4, 21, 22–23, 45–46, 47–49, 51, 69, 70, 77, 80, 86, 87, 88, 93–94, 101, 455, 456, 457, 458, 459–460, 461, 462, 463

JFK and, 61, 85, 299, 378, 398, 443

MM, Kennedys and, 59, 68, 85, 92, 93, 325, 346, 347–348, 373, 376–377, 392, 395, 400, 402, 404–405, 407, 409, 416–417, 420–421, 426, 430, 432, 434, 435, 443, 450, 457

after MM’s death, 18, 45, 55, 57–58, 62, 71, 72, 74, 84–85, 439, 443

Sinatra and, 344, 347, 378, 397–399, 440, 441

surveillance of, 91, 435, 443, 446

Lawson, John Lawson, 138, 141, 163, 164, 165, 201, 202, 384, 394

Leib, Murray, see Liebowitz, Murray

Leigh, Janet, 378

Leigh, Vivien, 139, 255, 290, 291–292, 297, 298

Leites, Norman, 383n

Lemmon, Jack, 315, 317, 318, 319, 321

Leonardi, Peter, 305

Lesar, James, 434

Let’s Make It Legal, 231

Let’s Make Love, 327, 331, 335–340, 350, 353, 405

Levathes, Peter, 390, 423, 431

Lewis, Al, 170, 171–172

Liebowitz, Murray, 76, 78, 79, 81, 462

Lieto, Barbara, 443

Life, 9, 11, 32, 100–101, 233, 340, 429, 449, 450, 458n

Life and Curious Death of Marilyn Monroe, The (Slatzer), 67, 70

Lincoln, Evelyn, 378

Lipton, Harry, 183–184

Litman, Robert, 37–38, 83–84, 100, 377

Livingston, Dick, 446

Loeb, John, 390, 424, 432, 438

Loewenstein, Rudolph, 307, 325, 330

Logan, Joshua, 289, 291, 296, 444

Bus Stop and, 267, 269, 272–275, 278–279

Long Beach Star, 45

Longest Day, The, 425–426

Look, 233, 246, 340, 377

Look Back in Anger (Osborne), 297

Lorenz, Marita, 366

Lorre, Peter, 169, 329

Los Angeles Board of Supervisors, 27, 74, 95, 97

Los Angeles Communist Party, 138

Los Angeles County Coroner, 26, 27, 33, 67–68

Los Angeles Hall of Records, 41, 67, 69, 164n

Los Angeles Herald-Examiner, 17, 37, 423

Los Angeles Orphans’ Home, 123–124, 127–130, 133, 193

Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD), 67, 68, 70, 71, 100, 347

Intelligence Division, 14, 45, 49, 52, 61, 64, 70, 84, 224, 277, 462

Los Angeles Psychoanalytic Institute, 27, 37, 38, 63

Los Angeles Suicide Prevention Team, 37–38, 40–41, 83–84, 377, 458

Los Angeles Times, 17, 50, 75, 85, 93–94, 95, 100, 154, 223–224, 306, 445, 457

Losey, Joseph, 370

Love Happy, 218, 219, 221, 259, 326

Lovell, Gloria, 371, 377

Lowenfeld, Henry, 166

Lower, Edith Ana Atchinson, 122, 142

death of, 53, 208–209, 247, 368

as MM’s surrogate mother, 134–135, 145–146, 162, 177, 180, 188, 194

Lyon, Ben, 184, 188, 189, 197, 198, 202

Lytess, Natasha, 207

coaching by, 31, 206–207, 208, 209, 210, 222, 230–231, 234, 245

dismissal of, 270–271

friendship between MM and, 215–216, 226, 231–232, 240, 247


McCarthy, Kerry Kennedy, 92

McCarthy, Kevin, 262, 325

McClellan, John L, 277

McIntyre, Alice, 351–352

McPherson, Aimee Semple, 107, 108

McSwane, Mack, 393

Mafia, 197, 198, 343, 344, 347, 358, 366, 367, 379, 397–398, 437, 441, 442

Mailer, Norman, 70, 100

Maltz, Albert, 384, 394

Maltz, Esther Goldstein Engelberg, 138, 173, 228, 384, 436

Maniscalco, Mr. and Mrs., 204

Mankiewicz, Joseph L., 223

Mann, Thomas, 168–169, 207

March, David, 235

Marie Claire, 328

Marilyn (Mailer), 70

Marilyn: The Last Months (Murray and Shade), 12, 101, 174, 381, 387

Marilyn: The Last Take (Brown and Barham), 96

Marilyn and Me (Strasberg), 96

Marilyn Files, The (Slatzer), 96

Marilyn Monroe: The Biography (Spoto), 11, 72, 86, 98–100, 163, 392n

Marilyn Monroe Productions (MMP), 246–247, 253, 265, 267, 276, 295, 301, 325, 327, 351

management change of, 305–306

Marilyn Remembered, 7n

Martin, Dean, 55, 344, 373, 406, 413, 414, 418, 429, 440

Martin, Ida, 133–134

Martin, Jeanne, 344, 373, 375

Marx, Groucho, 217–218

Marx, Harpo, 217–218

Massary, Fritzi, 207

MCA, 389, 429

Means, Marianne, 57

Medical Tribune, 383

Melson, Inez, 11, 36, 53, 54, 55, 58–59, 84, 117, 231, 310, 393

Meryman, Richard, 429, 449

Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM), 221

Metty, Russell, 355

Mike Todd’s Celebrity Circus, 257–258

Miller, Arthur, 275

business advice to MM from, 305–306, 314–315, 321

career of, 227, 230, 310–311, 324

dislike of Strasbergs by, 264–265, 301, 353–354

HUAC and, 281–284

Inge Morath and, 352, 362

marital difficulties of, 31, 298, 299–302, 303–304, 311, 322–324, 326, 328, 331, 335, 336, 340, 350, 351, 353–354, 355, 367

Misfits and, 278, 312, 324–325, 326, 338, 350, 351

MM’s death and, 18

MM’s divorce from, 361, 362, 375

MM’s marriage to, 284–288, 290, 294, 295–296, 298, 304–313, 323, 325, 395

MM’s reminiscences and, 209

Olivier and, 297

politics of, 229, 336

pre-marital relationship between MM and, 227–231, 243, 256, 258–259, 266, 278, 280, 281

rewrites of Let’s Make Love by, 327, 328

Miller, Augusta, 284–285, 286, 304

Miller, Isadore, 284–285, 286, 304, 393, 411

Miller, Kermit, 288

Miller, Mary, 227

Minardos, Nico, 237

Miner, John, 27–30, 34–35

interview of Greenson by, 38–40, 72–73

Minnelli, Vincente, 338

Miracle, Berniece Baker, 53, 54, 55, 112, 113, 114, 116, 117, 121, 156, 194, 205, 374–375

Miracle, Mona Rae, 194

Miracle, Paris, 157

Mirisch, Harold, 316

Misfits, The, 31, 54, 66, 278, 311, 327, 338, 340, 359, 363

filming of, 346, 350–356, 405

Miller’s gift to MM of, 312, 324–325, 326, 350, 351

Monkey Business, 236

Monroe, Ida Mae, 134

Monroe, Marilyn:

acting technique of, 272–274, 279–280, 294, 315, 317–318, 319–321

as alternate delegate to Democratic Party, 346

ambitions of, 161, 183, 185, 367

autopsy exam of, 28–30, 31, 70

birth of, 108, 114

cause of death of, 4, 10, 37, 102–103

childhood of, 107, 117, 121

cover up of death of, 35, 50

daughter of, 203–204, 371–372

diary of, 35–36, 59, 60, 74, 252, 366, 437

drug use by, 259–260, 300, 312–313, 320, 322, 330, 331, 351, 355, 361, 363, 371, 372, 373, 413, 414, 417, 421, 423, 436, 442, 443, 450, 452–453, 459

early acting career of, 183–184, 188–189, 195, 199

evidence missing in death of, 34–35, 49–50, 52

father of, 111, 114–115, 143, 157, 158, 231–232

funeral of, 54–56

hair and, 180–181, 350

health problems of, 7n, 236, 350, 373, 405–407, 411, 413, 419–420, 421–422, 425, 428, 453

institutionalization of, 363–364

Kennedys feared by, 18, 46, 456, 460

last photographs of, 16, 32

live performances by, 242–243, 409, 410–411

marriages of, see DiMaggio, Joe; Dougherty, James; Miller, Arthur; Slatzer, Robert

miscarriages of, 308, 322

modeling experiences of, 155, 161–162, 176–177, 180–181, 184

molestation of, 119–121, 127, 442

motherhood and, 203–204, 303, 304, 307–308, 310, 316, 320

mother of, see Eley, Gladys Monroe Baker

name changed to, 66, 189–190, 193

Neva-Cal Lodge weekend of, 415–416, 439–444

nightmares and “night terrors” of, 129–130, 159, 363–364, 451

nude modeling of, 219, 220, 234–235

in orphanage, 120, 127–130, 382

overdoses of, 312–313, 323, 355

political views of, 202, 283, 392–393, 395, 402

religion and, 215, 285

reviews of, 211, 234, 247, 265, 296, 306, 363

sex and, 146, 147

sister of, see Miracle, Berniece Baker

suicidal behavior of, 30–31, 226, 361, 363

telephone and, 44, 311, 366, 374, 441, 451

telephone calls on night of death of, 10, 12–13, 21, 22–23, 45–49, 86, 87, 88, 93, 100, 102, 459–461

telephone calls to the Kennedys by, 45, 59–60, 70, 359, 365, 435–436, 444, 450

toxicology reports on, 31, 33–34, 41–43, 73

Monroe, Marion, 134

Monroe, Olive, 133–134

Monroe, Otis Elmer, 107, 108, 109

Monsky, Mark, 457

Montand, Yves:

affair between MM and, 329, 338–341, 350, 361

Let’s Make Love and, 335–338

performances by, 327–328, 338

Montgomery, Robert H., Jr., 306, 325

Moore, Terry, 238–239, 392, 420

Moran, Chuckie, 137

Moran, Earl, 180

Morath, Inge, 352, 362

Moriarty, Evelyn, 350, 418

Mortensen, Martin Edward, 114

Mosby, Aline, 235

Motion Picture Herald, 211

Mr. President, 444–445, 450

Muir, Florabel, 50, 84

Murder One (Kilgallen), 448n

Murray, Churchill, 165, 228, 385, 394–395, 435

Murray, Don, 272, 279–280

Murray, Eunice, 36, 74, 99, 394

book written by, 12, 101

changed statements about MM’s death from, 89–91, 94–95, 100, 455, 458

communism and, 163, 165, 228

on day of MM’s death, 4–8, 10–13, 15, 18, 19–23, 46, 81, 88, 101–102, 453, 456, 458, 461–462

Greenson’s contact with, 174–175, 380–382

after MM’s death, 54, 55, 56, 58–59, 62

MM and, 400, 406, 416–417, 420, 430–431, 435, 446, 451

MM observed for Greenson by, 386–387, 394, 421, 436, 449, 454, 456, 459

work for MM done by, 382, 391, 417, 445

Murray, John M.:

and communism, 163–165

Greenson and, 228, 330, 382

and World War II, 174, 175

Murray, Patricia, 164, 228

Murrow, Edward R., 253

My Favorite Wife, 388

My Story (Exner), 345


Naar, Joe and Dolores, 21, 47–49, 86, 87, 459, 461

National Concert Artists, 183

National Football League, 64, 224

National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), 164, 165

Navy, U.S., 51

NBC-TV News, 457

Neary, John, 458n

Negulesco, Jean, 239

Neill, Frank, 455

Nelson, Sam, 318

Nembutal (pentobarbital), 7, 27–28, 30, 33, 41–43, 68, 75

Neuman, Bob, 81, 359

Newcomb, Carmen Adams, 276

Newcomb, Margaret Patricia, 55, 344

background of, 276, 277

Bus Stop and, 277–278

on day of MM’s death, 10, 13–14, 15, 18, 19–20, 22, 77, 80, 85, 86–87, 88, 101, 452, 454, 456, 458, 462

drugs and, 360, 417, 421

JFK and, 346

after MM’s death, 57–58, 62, 74, 99

as MM’s publicity rep, 277–278, 359–360, 362, 373, 376, 409, 413–414, 429, 449–450

RFK and, 64, 66, 360, 392, 421, 441, 454, 456

Newsweek, 358

New York Daily Mirror, 254

New York Daily News, 50, 258

New York Herald-Tribune, 9–10, 18, 49, 58

New York Journal-American, 19, 258, 447

New York Post, 94–95, 100

New York Times, 265, 296, 345, 383n

New York World-Telegram, 234, 258

Niagara, 11, 237

Nixon, Richard, 66, 357–358, 383n

Noguchi, Thomas, 7n

inconsistancies noted by, 28, 29–31, 40, 42, 75, 77n, 95

MM’s autopsy by, 25–31, 33–35, 68, 89

Norma Jean: The Life of Marilyn Monroe (Guiles), 66–67

Norwalk Mental Hospital, 121

Novak, Kim, 206, 392, 423


O’Casey, Sean, 61

Odets, Clifford, 201, 228, 234, 281, 282, 369

O’Donnell, Kenny, 359, 399, 400, 447

O’Doul, Frank “Lefty,” 242

Office of Naval Intelligence, 152

Olivier, Laurence, 139

acting technique of, 293

MM’s distrust of, 295–296, 299

Prince and the Showgirl and, 267–268, 289–298, 301–302, 306

Onassis, Jacqueline Kennedy, 53, 57, 68, 244, 299, 346, 410

MM’s opinion of, 326, 329, 444–445

Sinatra disliked by, 378

One, Two, Three, 321

Organized Crime Intelligence Division (OCID), 36

Osborne, John, 297

Otash, Fred, 91, 92–94, 95, 100, 445–446, 457, 458n


Papp, Joe, 201, 202

Paris-Match, 286, 341, 449

Parker, William, 3, 47, 44, 49, 50–52, 64, 70, 71, 91, 97, 455

Hamilton and, 223–224, 277

RFK and, 64, 346

Parsons, Louella, 200, 230

Pataki, Ron, 17, 45, 447–448

Patten, Corrinne, 278

Patterson, Cissy, 152

Peck, Gregory, 174, 193, 233, 327, 328

Peery, Charles, 241

Pentagon Papers, 383n People’s Education Centers, 163, 228, 385

Pepitone, Lena, 204, 311, 313, 314, 322, 360–362, 374, 375–376

MM’s comments about Greenson to, 331, 366–367

MM’s comments about JFK to, 326

MM’s comments about Miller to, 284, 313, 315, 325, 360

MM’s comments about Sinatra to, 375

Pepper, George, 394

Person to Person, 253

Phillips, Gladys, 135

Phillips, Marion, 64

Photoplay, 271

Pic, 184

Pierson, Arthur, 202

Pink Tights, 241

Playboy, 453–454

“Please Don’t Kill Anything” (Miller), 304–305

Plecher, Marjorie, 445

Pollard, Betty, 461

Pollard, Elizabeth, 61, 62, 460–461

Powers, Dave, 378

Preminger, Otto, 240

Prince, the Showgirl, and Me, The (Clark), 294n

Prince and the Showgirl, The, 267–268, 281, 289–298, 300–302, 304, 305, 306, 315

Profiles in Courage (J. F. Kennedy), 327

psychiatry, 166–169, 263

Psychoanalytic Institutes, 386, 391

PT-109 (Donovan), 154, 187

Publishers Weekly, 67

Pucini’s, 346–347, 371


Quick, 233

Quinn, Jack, 67–70


Radioplane Company, 155, 159, 160, 161, 162

Randall, Peggy, 440–441

Rand Corporation, 383n

Rathman, Richard, 36

Rattigan, Terence, 267, 291, 292, 297–298, 300

Rauh, Joseph, 283, 284, 362

Rauh, Olie, 362

Reagan, Ronald, 155

Redbook, 429

Reddin, Tom, 49, 52, 102, 455

Reilly, Irma Lee, 47

Reimer, Susan Gifford, 232

Reiner, Ira, 95–96, 97

Reis, May, 311, 314, 315, 323, 325, 350, 354

Reis, Pamela, 428

Remick, Lee, 429

Right Cross, 223

Rivera, Geraldo, 90, 91, 92

River of No Return, 240

RKO Studios, 117, 124–125, 187, 234, 235

Robbins, Alfred, 19

Roberts, Henry, 345–346

Roberts, Ralph, 55, 354, 364–365, 371, 375, 387, 440, 441, 449–450, 453

on day of MM’s death, 459

knowledge of MM/JFK affair by, 373, 401

as MM’s masseur, 66, 337, 350, 372, 379–380, 406

Robin and the Seven Hoods, 399

Rockhaven Sanitarium, 53, 374

Roemer, Bill, 354, 442

Romanoff, Gloria, 344, 364, 393, 440

Rosenfeld, Henry, 46, 47, 85, 259, 328, 359, 444, 460

Rosenman, Samuel, 390, 408, 422, 424, 425–426, 431, 432, 433, 437–438

Rosselli, Johnny, 197, 198, 203–204, 344, 366, 371, 379, 442

Rosten, Hedda, 254–255, 288, 298, 301, 323, 328, 401, 450

Rosten, Leo, 169, 174, 382

Rosten, Norman, 9, 304, 458

friendship between MM and, 12–13, 254–55, 260, 329, 402–403, 450

MM/Miller marriage and, 266, 284, 288, 311, 323, 324, 328, 375

MM’s affairs confided to, 340, 377, 401

poem by, 316

Rothberg, Howard, 447, 448

Rothmiller, Mike, 36, 70

Rudin, Elizabeth Greenschpoon, 170, 173, 330, 382

Rudin, Milton “Mickey,” 10, 13, 15, 18, 21–22, 23, 55, 74, 391

Greenson and, 173, 330, 422

as MM’s agent and lawyer, 388–389, 408, 422, 432, 437

MM’s death and, 21–22, 47, 86, 87–88

Sinatra and, 330, 346, 355, 415

Ruhe, Jeff, 92

Rule, Janice, 63, 72, 366

Rundbriefe, 167, 168, 307

Russell, Jane, 239–240, 273

Ryan, Robert, 234

Ryman, Lucille, 221–222


Saffir, Joyce, 252

St. John, John, 347

Salinger, Pierre, 58, 276–277, 360, 365

RFK and, 277

Sandburg, Carl, 3, 327, 451, 463

Sanders, George, 196

San Francisco Chronicle, 51, 276, 446

Santa Monica Evening Outlook, 80

Saturday Review of Literature, 296

Say Goodbye to the President (BBC), 89–90, 95, 409, 455

Schaefer, Walter, 62, 77, 78, 79–82

Schaefer Air Ambulance Service, 81–82, 359

Schaefer Ambulance Service, 62, 76, 79, 80, 462

Schenck, Joe, 197–198, 203, 210

Schermerhorn, Jack, 94–95

Schiller, Lawrence, 413–414, 415, 453–454

Schlesinger, Arthur, Jr., 359, 411–412

Schulman, Arnold, 353

Schur, Max, 63, 72

Schwartzberg, Phil, 36

Scudda-Hoo! Scudda-Hay!, 199

Secret Service, 412, 430

Selznick, David O., 370

Seven Year Itch, The, 244–246, 265, 272, 316, 351

Shade, Rose, 12, 174

Shalam, Jane, 259

Shamroy, Leon, 188, 189

Shaw, Sam, 254

Sherbatoff, Myra, 286

Shocking Miss Pilgrim, The, 195

Shoopman, Mae, 441

Siegel, Lee, 406, 413, 414, 421

Signoret, Simone, 327, 335–336, 338, 340, 341, 361

Simmel, Ernst, 167–168, 173, 307

Sinatra, Frank, 55, 58, 85, 241, 253, 354–355, 359–360

Giancana and, 355, 379, 398, 439–440, 441, 442

Greenson and, 329–330, 343, 372, 375, 377

JFK and, 343, 344, 345, 346, 362, 377–379, 397–399

Lawford and, 344, 347, 378, 397–399, 440, 441

Mafia and, 379, 398–399

MM and, 311, 344, 354, 393, 415, 440–442

MM’s affair with, 367–371, 372, 373, 375, 376

MM’s diary entries about, 36, 60

Rudin and, 330, 346, 355, 415

Sir, 184

Skakel, George, Jr., 276, 424

Skolsky, Sidney, 200–201, 235, 239, 243, 247, 260, 335, 437, 453

Skouras, Spyros, 233, 282, 369, 424, 426, 437–438

SLATE, 283, 382

Slatzer, Robert, 89, 100

books by, 67, 70, 72, 96

first meeting of MM and, 185–186, 195

friendship between MM and, 210, 271, 366, 414, 428, 447–448, 449

investigations into MM’s death by, 11–12, 44–45, 50–51, 58–59, 62, 67–70, 74, 79, 81, 84, 97, 453, 454

MM/Kennedys relationships known by, 45, 59–60, 326, 359, 436–437, 440

MM’s affair with, 237

MM’s death and, 17–18, 55

MM’s living with, 219–220

MM’s marriage to, 238–239

Sleeping Prince, The, 291, 292

Smathers, George, 91, 100, 299, 345, 355, 359, 365

Smith, Jean Kennedy, 84, 100, 373, 393

Smith, Liz, 91

Smith, Merriman, 412

Snively, Emmeline, 159, 160, 161–162, 176, 177, 180–181, 183

Snyder, Allan “Whitey,” 54, 55, 193, 236, 245, 350, 353, 354, 381, 413, 418, 423, 425, 431, 445

Solotaire, George, 236, 245, 374

Some Like It Hot, 251, 314–322, 326, 338, 340, 405

Something’s Got to Give, 10, 21, 59, 201, 320, 370, 388–390, 393, 426, 429, 431–432

filming of, 404, 405–407, 408, 413–415, 417, 418–419, 432, 438, 440, 445

Song, Mickey, 409–410, 445

Sorrell, Herb, 163, 164, 165, 228, 382

Southern California Psychoanalytic Study Group, 173

Spalding, Chuck, 186, 196, 355, 359

Spindel, Bernard, 445–446, 457, 458n

Spoto, Donald, 11, 51, 72, 86, 98–100, 163, 392

MM death theories of, 99–100

Stack, Robert, 187

Stanislavsky, Konstantin, 230–231, 273

Stanley, Kim, 269

Stanley, Olin, 114, 117, 133

Stanwyck, Barbara, 234, 235

Stapleton, Maureen, 268–269

Star, 99

Stein, Irving, 246, 265, 270, 287, 306

Stekel, Wilhelm, 173

Sten, Anna, 269

Stern, Bert, 429

Stevens, George, Jr., 64

Stevens, Liz, 64

Stevenson, Adlai, 347, 365, 411

Stewart, Donald Ogden, 138

Stolley, Richard, 9

Strange Death of Marilyn Monroe, The (Capell), 65–66, 163, 386

Strasberg, Ana, 322

Strasberg, John, 262

Strasberg, Lee, 18, 63, 201, 261–262, 273, 300, 307, 337

eulogy by, 55–56

MM and, 255, 263–264, 286, 294, 304, 364

MM’s classes with, 255, 262–263, 268–269, 271, 315, 319, 327, 367, 405

showdown between Miller and, 353–354

Strasberg, Paula Miller, 18, 31, 55, 201, 263, 264, 281, 286, 299, 300, 304, 339, 355, 363, 364, 409

coaching by, 271–274, 278, 289, 293, 294, 315, 318–319, 337, 350, 405, 422, 449

Misfits and, 353–354

Strasberg, Susan, 96, 286, 353, 387

MM and, 260, 263, 264, 268, 285, 326, 354, 363, 366, 371, 441

Strauss, Ted, 389

Studio Club, 210

Sturgis, Frank, see Fiorini, Frank

Styne, Jule, 444

Sullivan, Ed, 247

Sullivan, William, 153, 154

Summers, Anthony, 17, 39–40, 46, 70, 79, 83–84, 85, 89–90, 100, 101, 239, 255, 277, 359, 392, 435, 439, 447, 456, 457

Summers, Peter, 346, 347

Sunday Express (London), 83

Swanson, Gloria, 125–126

Szulc, Tad, 365


Tabachnick, Norman, 37, 458

Taylor, Elizabeth, 291, 373, 418

Taylor, Frank, 66, 349–350, 353

Taylor, Maxwell, 432

Teamsters Union, 276–277

Technique and Practice of Psychoanalysis, The (Greenson), 383

Tender Is the Night, 370, 390

There’s No Business Like Show Business, 243, 244, 247

This Week, 276

Thompson, J. Lee, 444

Thompson, Tommy, 9, 11

Thorndike, Sybil, 293, 294–295

Ticket to Tomahawk, 221

Tierney, Gene, 183, 185, 186–187, 196, 325, 326

Time, 9, 11, 81, 270, 299, 412

Timebends (Miller), 229, 305

Times (London), 17, 296

Timilty, Joe, 346

Tobin, Jack, 50

Tomich, Alan, 75–76, 78

Trafficante, Santo, 366

Travilla, William (Billy), 272, 450

Tree Grows in Brooklyn, A, 444

Tretick, Stanley, 377

Tryon, Tom, 406, 414–415, 417

20th Century-Fox, 7, 52, 55, 59, 184, 188, 270–271, 328, 335, 455

Gould, Loeb, and Rosenman interest in, 390, 424–425, 432, 437–438

MM at, 193, 195, 197, 202, 221, 223, 226, 231, 233, 235, 243, 244–247, 267, 269, 271–273, 282, 321, 350, 370, 406–407, 414, 418, 444

MM’s firing and fight with, 422–426, 428–430, 437, 443, 449

MM’s legal wrangling with, 247, 253, 259, 265–266, 327, 388, 408, 422–423, 431–432

20/20, 90–91, 94, 95, 100, 204, 457



Medical Center, 76

School of Medicine, 34

United States Information Agency, 64, 66

United Studio Technicians Guild, 164

UPI, 235

Ure, Mary, 297


Valmore Monette Corporation, 427

Van de Kamp, John, 74–75, 97

Variety, 265, 296

Vaughan, Frankie, 328

Vidor, Dorris, 338–339

Vienna Psychoanalytic Society, 173

View from the Bridge, A (Miller), 230

Viner, Mort, 344

Vogue, 176, 429


Wagner, Marion, 198

Wald, Jerry, 327, 328, 337, 430

Wallach, Eli, 254, 261, 325

Walt Disney Studio, 164

Walters, Barbara, 91

Wanger, Walter, 142, 370

Warner, Jack, 246

Washington, Hazel, 405, 411, 415, 417, 430

Washington Star, 299

Washington Times-Herald, 152, 154

Wasserman, Lew, 271

Watson, Philip, 376, 400

Weatherby, W. J., 44

Weber, Lois, 265

Weekly Variety, 423

Weinberg, Sidney S., 30

Weinstein, Hannah, 201, 281, 370, 382

Weinstein, Henry, 370, 389–390, 404, 405, 406, 407, 409, 414, 415, 419, 421, 422, 423

Westin, Av, 90, 91

Westwood Village Mortuary, 9, 15–16, 26, 34, 53, 240

Wexler, Milton, 337, 407, 421

What a Way to Go, 432, 440, 444

White, John, 153

Whitman, Walt, 185

Why England Slept (J. F. Kennedy), 152

Wiener, Leigh, 9, 32, 70, 75

Wilder, Billy, 273, 314

directing style of, 316–317

Seven Year Itch and, 244–245, 265, 316

Some Like It Hot and, 314–322

Wilkie, Jane, 271

William Morris Agency, 220

Wilson, Don, 64

Wilson, Earl, 432

Winchell, Walter, 55, 63, 245, 251, 258, 448

Winters, Shelley, 200–201, 338, 370

Wolff, Raphael, 180–181

Wood, Natalie, 27, 199

Wood, Ward, 58

Woodfield, William (Billy), 10, 14, 15–16, 58, 79, 276, 414, 442, 462

Worton, William, 223

Wurtzel, Sol, 202

Wyman, Jane, 217, 259


Years of Lightning—Day of Drums, 66

Yorty, Sam, 49, 91, 100, 102, 455


Zanuck, Darryl F., 118, 185, 193–194, 266, 369, 455

fight for 20th Century-Fox by, 430, 432–433, 437–438

MM and, 188–189, 221, 223, 231, 233, 234, 237, 241, 245, 253, 425–426

“Zelda Zonk,” 247, 254, 305

Ziegler, Harry, 371

Zimbalist, Efrem, 171

Zolotow, Maurice, 251, 271

Zona Rosa, 394