I would like to thank the people who have supported me in many and varied ways while I wrote this book. Thanks to Douglas; thanks to my family—Richard, Patsy, Janet, and Eden, and the Repettos; thanks to my friends who critiqued and encouraged—Catie, Lisa, Susan, Nancy, and Dennis; thanks to Kerry Klett; thanks to my former students and colleagues at Northwest Missouri State University; thanks to the teachers who have changed me: Robin Behn, Donald Callen, Elizabeth Meese, Darius Ogloza, Thomas Rabbitt, and Richard Rand; thanks to the people who very tangibly have made this possible—Ted Conover, Michael Collier, the Katharine Bakeless Nason Prize, Bill Clegg, and the team at Houghton Mifflin, most importantly Deanne Urmy, Melissa Grella, Corrina Lesser, and Alison Kerr Miller; and, finally, thanks to the people I knew in the Upper Peninsula for sharing their home.