Weather the Weather

Running consistently also means running through all kinds of weather. (Unless you live somewhere like, say, San Diego, where you have to adapt to it being sunny and 72 when just the other day it was sunny and 78.) Succeeding in running throughout all the seasons is mostly a matter of your mental outlook, with the right clothing choices in a supporting role.

Through lack of exposure and a Weather Channel ethos that portrays climate as something that descends from above to prey on us, most people are weather wimps. Run long enough, and you’ll eventually be asked after some non–San Diego day, “Really? You run in this?” What these people don’t realize is that one of the great joys of being a runner is experiencing nature through all the seasons. The variety of temperature and how the air feels and quality of light, whether trees are in bloom or the leaves are starting to fall, those sorts of things make running outside year-round a treat that most people don’t appreciate until they experience it.

When given reason to be, humans are amazingly adaptive to a wide range of climates. So, yes, I do “run in this.” So should you. The weather is never as bad as it appears from the other side of your office or car window.