When you’re running with others, don’t be the annoying person who’s always ever so slightly ahead of everyone else, a.k.a. a one-stepper. Doing so has an insidious way of putting people on edge, and it often contributes to the pace escalating incrementally on what should be a nice, relaxed social run.
As a reformed one-stepper, I know that you can be one without knowing it until you’re told by irritated running partners. Now I’m always conscious that my shoulders aren’t two, then three, then four inches ahead of my running partner’s.
It’s especially uncourteous to one-step when you’re running with someone a lot slower than you. Make that person’s run a more positive experience by letting him get out in front and set the pace. If you find your momentum carrying you more toward your normal pace, ease back on the throttle and save it for your next solo run.