
Emotional Energy Entering the Body 83

Qabalistic Tree of Life 90

Prana Mudra 108

Rudra Mudra 109

Prithvi Mudra 110

Anjali Mudra 111

An 1888 Depiction of Adam Kadmon 131

Vesica Piscis Shield 149

Anahata Chakra 219

Double Heart and Eye 220

Empathy Symbol 221

Sign of the Empath 222

Sei He Ki 223

Inguz 224

Chalice Well 225

Mirror 226

Water Yod 227

Alchemical Copper 228

Hand Spiral 229

Protection Symbol for Empaths 230

Quintupled X 231

Baphomet by Eliphas Lévi 277

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs 310