San Antonio

July 14, 1975


The light above labor room number two blinked. She rose and walked toward it as if in a trance, step by step. ‘I don’t know...’ She paused as if to reconsider. ‘I’m not sure...’

The night nurse watched, disgusted. Such a ninny. After all the planning, the woman wanted to back out.

‘Please put out that cigarette. It makes my head ache.’

She’s afraid, the night nurse thought. Well then, she’d just have to do it herself. She wasn’t afraid of anything.

The light above number two blinked again.

Grabbing a pail, the night nurse entered the brightly lit sterile room where Amanda Hodson, nine months pregnant, lay naked and exposed in the labor bed. ‘How’s the little mother coming?’

Spreading the patient’s thighs, the nurse noted that the baby’s head was very low, well lodged in the birth canal, the cervix dilated almost the full ten centimeters. Smiling to herself, she knew it was almost time.

‘I... the contractions... Every minute.’ Amanda took quick shallow breaths as the contractions began anew. Tiny beads of perspiration covered her forehead and upper lip.

Preoccupied with her pain, she never noticed the colorless liquid the nurse injected into her intravenous line. Soon she felt an overwhelming desire to close her eyes. ‘Did you call Dr. Van Patten?’

‘Don’t worry, honey. We’ll call him when we need him. Now come on. One more push and you can go to sleep.’

Amanda barely understood the words. They seemed to echo through a tunnel.

With the next contraction, a big, blood-smeared head emerged from between Amanda’s swollen thighs. The nurse quickly reached for a scalpel and deftly sliced through the vagina, making a long vertical episiotomy like those she had seen performed many times before. She eased her gloved fingers inside, seconds later pulling out a healthy-looking baby girl, howling with gusto.

Massaging the woman’s large stretched-looking abdominal mound, she delivered the placenta with its white, yellow, and blue umbilical cord, thick and gelatinous in the bright light. She cut the cord, and blood spurted halfway across the room. Her heart beat with excitement. She was thoroughly enjoying this drama.

From the pail, she pulled a foul-smelling male fetus weighing less than four pounds. It had been dead at least three days, but that couldn’t be helped. Tonight was the first opportunity the nurse had had to carry out her plan. She scooped the fresh placenta into the bucket, planning to discard it later and placed the dead fetus between Amanda’s legs. Someone would wake this poor mother and explain that she had delivered a stillborn son. These things happened every day. She would probably be pregnant again in no time.

Just before exiting the room, the nurse dropped a note on the pillow. A message for the little mother.

She emerged, carrying the pink baby girl wrapped tightly in a blanket. ‘Here she is—the kid you always wanted.’

The other woman cradled the baby in her arms —a dazed look in her eyes.

‘It’s unbelievable how easy it was,’ the night nurse said. ‘I might just go into the baby business.’ She felt triumphant. ‘Oh, and don’t thank me. Just forget this — and I mean everything. Understand?’ The tone was menacing.

The other woman nodded vaguely.


Footsteps invaded the silence.

‘Damn, I’d better get out of here.’ The nurse grabbed her cape. ‘Hey, smile. We’ve just had our baby!’

Moments later, a hooded figure carrying a small bundle emerged from the side of the hospital and hurried off into the night.





July 24, 1978


Janet Evans stirred beside her husband Bill, who was just nodding off. She lay on her side, long dark hair cascading over his bare chest. Kissing his ear, she snuggled closer, her warm breath caressing his face.

‘Are you asleep?’ she whispered.

He opened his eyes, sliding his hand over her full breasts, which almost spilled out of her silk nightie.

‘Um.’ One warm leg slid over his. He felt her nipples rise as he ran his fingers lightly over her breasts again.

‘I’ve missed you,’ he murmured. ‘Are you sure it’s okay?’

‘The baby’s almost three weeks old.’

‘I thought the doctor said we had to wait six weeks. Don’t want to damage the merchandise.’

‘Doctor’s don’t know everything. Besides, you didn’t wait this long after Jason was born.’

‘Two years ago we both were a whole lot younger,’ he said with little conviction.

‘Shut up and come here.’ She silenced him with a long, lingering kiss.

A piercing wail from down the hall. Pulling away from his embrace, Janet sat up in bed. ‘I’d better pick her up.’

‘Can’t you let her cry for a minute? You’re spoiling her.’

‘She’ll wake Jason.’ Leaning over her husband, Janet kissed him lightly on the mouth. ‘I’ll just be a second. Then we’ll pick up where we left off.’ As much to herself as to Bill, she continued, ‘I’d better check Jason first. Make sure he hasn’t smothered in his Linus blanket. We’ve got to wean him away from that thing.’

‘He’s your son.’ Bill teased. From the bed he watched appreciatively as Janet pulled on a robe and headed for Jason’s room. He took the last cigarette from a crumpled pack on the nightstand, lit it, and inhaled deeply. A moment later, the baby’s crying stopped — probably because Janet was rocking her back to dreamland. She really spoiled that kid, he thought sleepily.

He wasn’t sure how much time had passed when the nighttime quiet was shattered by a blood-curdling shriek he would never forget. Janet screaming the baby’s name over and over: ‘Justine! Justine!’ Bill didn’t bother to put on a robe. He ran naked down the hall to his daughter’s room.

The coverlet was pulled back, and three-week-old Justine was not in her crib. He could still make out the imprint of her tiny body on the mattress. Near the open window his wife stood, whimpering, her eyes wide, staring vacantly.

Taking her by the shoulders, Bill shook her frantically. ‘Janet, where’s the baby? What happened?’

It was no use. Her lips formed words, but no sound came. He noticed an envelope clutched in her hand and took it. Removing a handwritten note, he read the words scrawled in red lipstick, but didn’t comprehend their meaning — “Eye for eye.”

His mind reeled, rejecting the seeming finality of the message. He felt a ghastly hollowness deep in his gut, the sickening sensation of teetering on a high wire with only infinite darkness below. Someone had taken their baby. Why, dear God?

Turning back to Janet, now obviously in shock, he watched with a kind of bizarre fascination as her body trembled, and fell in a swoon at his feet.

When she regained consciousness, Janet could not describe the figure in the hood. The room had been too dark, and she’d had only a fleeting look as she ran to the window and watched the stranger carry her baby daughter off into the night.

There was one instant when the stranger turned and stared back at her. Janet knew that as long as she lived, she would never forget the torment she saw in those eyes.




Atlanta, Georgia

June 28, 1981


Timothy Hill’s rhythmic rocking back and forth on the playground’s wooden pony was hypnotic, and his mother, watching the three-year old with an expressionless gaze, soon felt her eyelids grow heavy. The child’s motion, couple with the soothing warmth of the Georgia sun overhead, was anesthetic.

Drifting off to sleep, she didn’t see the hooded figure in the distance or hear the footsteps creeping nearer. Only a frightened cry from her newborn infant in the carriage beside her aroused her to a level of drowsy consciousness.

‘Timothy, it’s time to go home,’ she called, her eyes still shut tight.

‘In a minute,’ replied the energetic three-year-old. ‘I’m not finished playing.’

She smiled to herself, yawning and stretching languorously, savoring the feeling of relaxation. She would see to the baby — just one more minute. She didn’t want the day to end either.

‘Mommy, where’s Shannon?’

The young mother’s heart skittered. ‘What?’ she cried, suddenly at full attention, her eyes wide open. Timothy was peering into the baby carriage. My God! It was empty!

Even as she ran frantically around the playground, she knew. Just like the time they’d called to say her dad was dead. She had known, but she’d denied the reality.

Exhausted, she stopped, her mind processing the truth she couldn’t accept — Shannon, her baby, was gone!