July 16, 1981



The girl lay on the examining table with her feet in the stirrups, her shiny black leather boots striking an incongruous note. Stacy could see the fear in her eyes. She was obviously trying to act tough, but the look on her face betrayed her pain. Moreover, the hardness of her features couldn’t hide the fact that she was just a child. Probably no more than sixteen or seventeen, Stacy figured. Poor kid. The nurse gently pushed the girl’s thighs farther apart.

‘Who came with you today?’ Dr. Van Patten asked.


Damn, what kind of fucking world was this anyway? Mark Van Patten swore under his breath as he palpated the girl’s swollen fallopian tubes. Just a kid and already a veteran two-bit hooker for some son-of-a-bitch pimp who couldn’t even be bothered to bring his damaged property to the hospital.

‘Ouch, that hurts.’

‘What’s her temperature, Nurse?’

‘One-oh-three, Doctor,’ Stacy reported.

Van Patten turned away from the examining table, shaking his head. ‘It doesn’t look too good, young lady.’

The girl began to shiver, although her face was flushed with fever.

And she’s supporting a habit, too, the gynecologist thought bitterly, noting the fresh tracks on her thin arms.

‘What’s wrong with me?’

‘You’ve got badly infected tubes. This isn’t the first time you’ve had V.D., is it?’

She shook her head.

‘Your abdomen is rigid. Peritonitis. That means the infection has spread.’

‘Will I did?’ she asked in the dull, matter-of-fact tone of someone who was used to hearing bad news.

‘No, the antibiotics will probably control the infection. If they don’t, we may have to operate.’

‘Operate?’ The girl looked at Stacy, her fear now showing opening on her face.

‘A complete hysterectomy,’ he said. ‘I’m sorry, but we may have no choice.’

The girl shut her eyes against Van Patten’s words, but even so, tears slipped out, her face whitened, and her hands shook.

Van Patten quickly looked away, peeling off his rubber gloves, aware of the fact that he was being curt. He remembered when he’d been warmer, more caring. Not that he was indifferent to the girl’s suffering. But as he’d progressed upward through the medical hierarchy, he had gradually acquired a somewhat cynical view of the world — what one of his mentors had called a ‘more realistic’ view.

‘You can’t change things,’ the professor had said, ‘so don’t waste your time and energy trying to be noble. Besides, sensitivity isn’t worth shit to a search committee looking for a new chief of Ob-Gyn.’

Van Patten smiled to himself. He’d learned his lesson well. Yes, indeed. He was now well on his way to becoming chief. Only one more step up the ladder.

‘Nurse, tell Admitting this patient will need a bed on the ward.’

‘Yes, Doctor.’

‘Oh, and have Dr. Morgan take her history and do a physical. I’m late for a meeting.’

After Van Patten left the room, the girl let go, her tears gushing forth as though a dam had burst, sobbing in despair.

Marie heard the sobs and came rushing in. She looked at the girl and then at the nurse. ‘What happened, Stacy?’

Stacy drew her outside the examining room and spoke softly. ‘Van Patten told her she might need a pelvic cleanout. The kid’s freaking.’

Marie’s face clouded with anger. ‘Men,’ she seethed, her hand clenched into a tight fist. ‘If he had his way, every woman would have a cleanout.’

‘Hey, you act as if it’s Dr. Van Patten’s fault.’

Marie snorted derisively. ‘Sure. What does he care? Another uterus yanked out. It’s not his problem.’

Marie remembered the scalpel she’d seen lying on the counter in the examining room, the light playing off its shiny blade. She must be calm. She would show him yet. There was still time.

She smiled weakly at Stacy. ‘You’re right, honey. Of course it’s not his fault. It’s just that I’m mad, mad that this kind of thing has to happen. I needed someone to yell at. That’s all.’