
Did I feel bad? There’s Lily calling after me and I’m riding away. Sure I felt bad. I’m not a monster. But here’s the thing she doesn’t get: it’s no big deal. Nothing strange is going on here. Nothing evil. Nothing tragic. The only thing going on here is growing up. When guys get older they start to hang with each other. It’s, like, the herd instinct. It’s normal. No big deal. She thinks I’m the villain. I’m not the villain. I’m just a kid trying to grow up.

What does she want? Does she want me to spend my whole life with nobody but her? Oh look, there’s Jake and Lily. They’re seventy-nine years old and they still play poker and ride bikes together. They still hear each other five miles away. Still sleep in the same bedroom. You can’t tear them apart. Aren’t they adorable. Twinny-twin twins.

Personally, I think Lily is starting to lose her marbles. Maybe she’s allergic to something in the air and it’s making her goofy. When Bump reminded her she’s a girl and told her to scram and we rode away, she says she called after me, right? Called my name. That’s not the only thing she called. She called, “I’m not a girl!”

You believe it?