Sincere thanks to the following people for the various contributions they made during the making of this book. First to Louise Adler, who had the original idea; Publisher, Elisa Berg, who not only kept me on the straight and narrow but seemed to relish telling this story as much as I did; Kate Torney, the ABC Director of News who enthusiastically endorsed the project; Steve Taylor, Foreign Correspondent program’s Executive Producer, who was equally supportive; Jane Burridge, who helped me negotiate the new world of publishing; Le Monde’s Florence Beaugé for her insight into the WikiLeaks affect in North Africa and the Middle East.; Daniel Ellsberg, for his objective analysis; Suelette Dreyfus, for her historical perspective of the Melbourne hacker scene; Mary Ann Jolley, Guy Rundle, Heather Forbes, Lorelei Vashti, Gillian Hutchison, Mark Davis, Paul Williams, Peter Cronau, Phil Dorling, Wayne Harley and Pete Curtis for their assistance and encouragement; also to Julian Assange for challenging the orthodox. And my wife, Pamela and our daughters, Elouise and Sophie, who kept me sane and provided invaluable feedback.