Adams, Phillip

Afghan War Logs

Aftergood, Steven

Al Jazeera

Alter, Jonathan


American Civil Liberties Union

Amnesty International

ANU computer system

Appelbaum, Jacob

Arbib, Mark


Ardin, Anna

ASIO (Australian Security Intelligence Organisation)

ASIS (Australian Secret Intelligence Service)

Assange, Brett

Assange, Christine,

Assange, Daniel

Assange, Julian: achievements; aims; appearance; attraction of; birth; celebrity after arrest; childhood; children; Economist Index on Censorship award; extradition request; fear for safety; Foreign Correspondent interview; intellect; journalist; on Keith Hamilton; ‘Lisa’; personality ; political beliefs; schooling; university; and women, ; world view; see also WikiLeaks

Assange, Julian, early hacking: AFP pursue; assists police; Cypherpunks; ‘ethical hacking’; first computer; idea for whistle-blowing site; interest in Cryptome site; International Subversives; IQ.Org blog; NASA Wank Worm hoax; obsession with; ‘The Prof’; registers Leaks. org domain name; ‘Rubberhose’ deniable encryption; sees future of Internet; wants recognition as ‘the best’

Australia: Assange’s biggest support base; Cablegate shows relationship with US; Government bans WikiLeaks site; news outlets support Assange; secret ‘blacklist’ sites

Australian Defence Association

Australian Federal Police (AFP)

Australian, The

Aweys, Sheik Hassan Dahir

Baquet, Dean

Beaugé, Florence

Ben Ali, Zine el-Adidine

Berlusconi, Silvio

Biden, Joe

Bleichwehl, Lt-Col

Borgstrom, Claes

Boyce, Christopher

Bradlee, Ben

Bradley Manning Support Network

Britain: Assange trial; bail hearing for extradition; press censured over Trafigura; racism; see also Guardian; Trafigura toxic oil disaster

Brooke, Heather

BSB (bulletin boards)

Buchanan, Theresa

Burns, John F

Cablegate (State Department Cables)

Carr, Brig-Gen Robert A

Carter, James


Cayman Islands exposé

Chmagh, Saeed

Clinton, Hillary

‘Collateral Murder’see Iraq War Logs

Conroy, Stephen

Cryptome website


Dalglish, Lucy

Dauth, John

Davies, Nick

Day, Ken

De Man, Lex

deniable encryption

Der Spiegel

document drop-offs

Domscheit-Berg, Daniel

Dreyfus, Suelette

Economist Index on Censorship award


El Pais

Electronic Frontier Foundation

Ellingham Hall

Ellsberg, Daniel

Ellsberg Paradox

Ellsberg Prize for Courageous Action

Elmer, Rudolf


‘ethical hacking’


Family, The

Farrelly, Paul

Federation of American Scientists

Felt, W Mark

Ferntree Gully

Fielding, Steve

Finkel, David

Finne, Eva

Flanagan, Tom

Foreign Correspondent

Four Corners

Frankel, Max

Frontline Club

Fulda, Hendrick

Gaddafi, Muammar

Gates, Robert

Gerard, David campaign

Gillard, Julia

global financial crisis


Goetz, John

Gonggrijp, Rob

Greenwald, Glen

Guantánamo Bay

Guardian, The

Gudmundsson, Ragnar

Hamilton, Keith

Hamilton-Byrne, Anne

Hamilton-Byrne, Sarah

Harrison, Sarah

Hawkins, Warren

Hersh, Seymour

Hinke, CJ

House, David

Hrafnsson, Kristinn

Hubbard, L Ron

Huckabee, Mike


Iceland embassy cable


International Subversives

IQ.Org blog

Iraq War Logs (‘Collateral Murder’); investigation

Johnson, Dr Raynor

Jolley, Mary Ann

Jonsdottir, Birgitta

Julius Baer Bank

Katchadourian, Raffi

Kaupthing Bank

Keller, Bill


Kernell, David

Kibaki, Mwari

King, Larry

Kingara, Oscar

Koh, Harold Hongju

Kroft, Steve

Lamo, Adrian

Laurie, John

Le Monde

Leigh, David

Leos (low earth-orbiting satellites)

‘libel tourism’

Lieberman, Joe

Lindfield, Gemma


Lonsdale Telephone Exchange

Los Alamos nuclear research site

MacFadyen, Gavin

McCain, John

McCarthy, Smari

McClelland, Robert

McCord, Ethan

Magnetic Island

Manning, Bradley

Mascolo, George


media partners; see also specific newspapers


‘Millennium Bug’

Miller, Maj-Gen Geoffrey

Moi, Daniel arap

Mubarak, Hosnai

Mullen, Admiral Mike

Mullis, Alasdair

Murphy, Philip


National Press Club

National Security Agency

‘new journalism’

New York Times

New Yorker

Noor-Eldeen, Namir

Nortel network

Ny, Marianne

Obama, Barack

Oliver, Frank


Oulu, Paul

Overton, Iain

Palin, Sarah

Parent Inquiry into Child Protection

Pentagon ‘WikiLeaks War Room’

Pentagon Papers


Pilger, John

Pretty Good Privacy

Putin, Vladimir

Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press

Reporters without Borders


RMIT computer system

Robertson QC, Geoffrey

Robinson, Jennifer

Rosenbach, Marcel

‘Rubberhose’ encryption

Rudd, Kevin

Rusbridger, Alan

Sanchez, Lt-Gen Ricardo

Schmitt, Eric


Scobey, Margaret


Secrecy News

Shipton, John

Smith, Vaughan


Soros, George

Stark, Holger

State Department cables see Cablegate

Stephens, Mark

Strobe port scanner

‘Suburbia’ chat room

Sundy-Weitman, Britta

Susman, Louis


Swedish Pirate Party

Tencati, Ron

Trafigura toxic oil disaster



United States: accuses WikiLeaks of endangering lives; considers charging Assange; Defense Intelligence Agency; First Amendment issues; foreign policy after 9/11; military; WikiLeaks identifies key infrastructure; see also Afghan War Logs; Cablegate; Iraq War Logs; Manning, Bradley

Unseen, Unheard, Unknown


Warren, Christopher

Washington Post


Watson, Sam

Wau Holland Foundation

White, Judge Jeffrey

WikiLeaks: accuracy and detail; achievements; advisory board; Aftergood’s attack and warning; aims; alternative domain names; Amazon disconnects; Assange accused of mismanaging funds; Assange becoming isolated; Assange locked out by Domscheit-Berg; Assange’s contribution; auctioning documents fails; authenticity of documents; award for Kenyan police killings exposé; a ‘banned’ site; choosing stories; concept; copied worldwide; credibility; criticises newspaper security; criticisms of; Cryptome to publish membership list; danger of unravelling; decentralised operations; denial-of-service attack; Domscheit-Berg alienated from; Domscheit-Berg funding; Domscheit-Berg takes codes and servers; donations, ; editorialising; efficiency promised; Ellsberg failure to join board; Ellsberg on; exclusivity; fake documents; finances; financially assists Manning; first US foreign policy document; funding; future; hubris; and human rights; Iceland safe haven; impact; internal disputes; legitimacy; master servers location secret; material; media partners; name; ‘new journalism’; one-man band; ‘online newspaper’; organisational advice refused; philosophy; pledges; readers able to alter text; recruitment; registered by Young; Riseup; secrecy and security; shuts down when cash short; site banned by Australian government; sloppiness; source anonymity; source protection; spokesman; staff; staff payment; success; targets; under US surveillance; US claims lives endangered; whistleblower submission system; world stage in Nairobi

WikiLeaks ICT

WikiLeaks Insiders

Wilen, Sofia

Wilkie, Andrew

Wired magazine

Young, John

Your Computer Has Been Wanked

Zimmerman, Phil

‘zombie lie’