Appendix 2
The data sample of 1,124 cases was obtained primarily from newspaper reports of breach of promise claims 1780-1940, relating to England and Wales (I have defined a decade as 1841-50, 1891-1900 etc.):
Within the text I have also drawn on a few cases not analysed in the database. These include cases heard after 1940, cases heard in Scotland, cases where the press did not report the damages awarded, claims settled before court proceedings were instigated and some cases alluded to in hearings for debt or criminal activity.
Owing to the prominence given by newspapers to cases brought by men, it is considered that the number of cases identified will be much closer to the complete data set than for claims brought by women.
Average damages for female defendants (1780-1940)
Mean average (as awarded by juries) £364.69
Mean average (adjusted for appeals where known) £356.69
Median average £150
Mode average £100
Average damages for male defendants (1780-1940)
Mean average (as awarded by juries) £78.18
Median average £5.25
Mode average 1/4d. (one farthing)
At my discretion, I am willing to discuss my findings with researchers with a demonstrable interest in this topic.