Appendix 4


A Lady v A Gentleman (1788) 7

Abrahams v Rosenberg (1858) 78

Algar v Lewis (1896) 55

Allan v Chivers (1900) 143

Andrews v Morrison (1801) 9-10

Atcheson v Baker (1797) 161, 169

Baker v Harrison (1827) 122

Barber v Fenton (1863) 149

Barlow v Yates (1876) 71

Barritt v Hollamby (1802) 12

Bartle v Roe (1844) 28

Barnett v Abrahams (1870) 115-6

Beathe v Pearson (1820) 96

Bessila v Sterne (1877) 105-6

Berry v Wilkinson (1899) 35

Beyers v Green (1936) 111

Bishop v Robinson (1810) 96

Black v Carr (1848) 143

Blundell v Cropper (1868) 146

Booth v Hudson (1868) 91

Bourne v Crequy Canapale (1787) 9-10

Bower v Ebsworth (1910) 165

Brice v Pemberton (1893) 148

Burton v Dresden (1916) 117

Capper v Horton (1825) 49, 58

Carr v Watermeyer (1908) 104

Cartwright v Cartwright (1893) 129-30

Chester v Soames (1914) 167

Chick v MacCauliffe (1878) 37-8

Clampitt v Pridham (1861) 115

Clarkson v Eisenberg (1870) 91

Coates v Cromwell (1921) 119

Colebrook v Ralli (1876) 105

Cooper v Chapman (1915) 111

Cooper v Everton (1817) 39

Coulden v Lyle (1864) 101

Cunningham v Kemp (1905) 126

Currie v Currie (1871) 157

Daniel v Bowles (1826) 21, 140

Darbon v Rosser (1841) 151

Davies v Bomford (1860) 73

Dawson v Newton (1819) 58, 75-6

Deane v Oldacres (1877) 117

Deany v Broadbent (1828) 88

Delves v Holder (1837) 159

Dudley v Rowley (1899) 92

Elkington v Copeland (1826) 22

Ellis v Gale (1793) 7

Elliott v Nicklin (1818) 13

Etheridge v Croxford, (1826) 27-8

Evelyn v Hurlbert (1891) 115-6

Faulkener v Day (1841) 87

Faulkener v Turnpenny (1894) 107

Fender v St John Mildmay Bart (1935) 45

Finney v Garmoyle (1884) 65, 102

Fisher v Crane (1886) 146

Fleming v Thompson (1869) 141

Foote v Hayne (1824) 141

Forster v Hoblin (1805) 12, 140

Fowke v Hornby (1880) 163

Frost v Knight (1870) 36, 148

Gamble v Sales (1920) 77

Gardener v Chate (1901) 99

Gars v Land (1915) 165

Gibbs v Packwood (1819) 162

Goodman v Pegg (1853) 103

Gray v Green (1900) 125-6

Green v Paty (1887) 75

Hall v Schillizi (1879) 147

Hall v Wright (1857) 76, 78

Hammond v Belton (1873) 141

Handley v Smith (1861) 32

Harbottle v Rylands (1845) 96

Hardum v Causton (1818) 96

Harris v Vincent (1890) 57

Harrison v Morgan (1851) 29, 141

Hartley v Fothergill (1930) 44

Hastings v Ashley (1840) 151

Hazeldene v Hampton (1857) 160

Heap v Morris (1878) 167

Hedge v Barrett (1861) 29-30, 32, 141

Hester v Hiatat (1823) 90

Hewittson v Rowson (1856) 148-9

Heydon v Hutchings (1789) 11

Hobson v Ismay (1824) 158

Holder v Josling (1855) 163-4

Hope v Blakeley (1935) 45

Hore v Duke (1853) 30

Horne v Miller (1823) 21-2

Hunt v Chick (1837) 80

Hunt v Smith (1804) 1031

Huntly v Master (1896) 70

Irwin v Luxmore (1839) 26, 28

Jacobs v Woolf (1880) 118

Jones v Brockwood (1800) 10

Jones v Ensor (1870) 36, 60

Jones v Greenwood (1882) 64

Jones v Wilson (1896) 42

Joseph v Myers (1870) 148, 172

Kempshall v Holland (1895) 129-136

Kelly v Williams (1896) 58

King v Pringle (1900) 97

Knight v Ricardo (1903) 165

Knights v Thistlewood (1861) 82, 141

Knowles v Duncan (1890) 97-9, 142

Lamb v Fryer (1881) 60, 73, 147

Lamb v Marsh (1869) 141, 148

Lancey v Hunter (1816) 19, 140

Langley v Parton (1849) 58

Lawson v Foulder (1820) 57

Leeds v Cook (1803) 7, 156, 158-9

Leighton v Simmons (1900) 165

Letts v McGrath (1873) 60

Lister v Wray (1864) 162

Lomax v Norton (1861) 164

Loveday v Moore (1863) 116

Lummis v Taylor (1914) 82

May v Crotton (1878) 80-1

Male v Halkett (1899) 145

Marshall v Jack (1833) 164

Master v Master (1896) 70

Matchiff v Dixie (1816) 19

Mathiason v Eccles (1874) 149

Maunder v Brenton (1897) 81

Mavro v Craven (1900) 97

McCarthy v Kennedy (1905) 119

McHale v Smith (1884) 80

Mendoza v Ruben (1901) 117-8

Mighel v Sultan of Johore (1893) 117

Miller v Joy (1884) 93-4, 148, 174

Miller v Moryjoseph (1883) 149

Milner v North (1911) 112

Mons v Compton (1913) 102

Myers v Large (1886) 73-4

Nicholson v Turnbull and Wife (1850) 160-1

Nightingale v Perry (1875) 139

Orford v Cole (1818) 20, 54, 95, 100, 140

Otte v Grant (1868) 77

Owen v Mobberley (1900) 106

Oxley v Zeal (1914) 82

Palmer v Wootton (1880) 71

Partridge v Woosnam (1881) 80

Peake v Wedgwood (1826) 55-6

Pilbeam v Clemence (1882) 87, 141-2

Pilcher v Hawkins (1872) 38

Pizzey v Boulter (1821) 156

Potts v Lancaster (1895) 58

R v Cook (1920) 129

R v Francis (1914) 117

R v Grand and Demay (1889) 127

R v Kempshall (1897) 131, 134

R v McGill (1842) 126

R v Polombi (1901) 122

R v Reynolds (1886) 129

R v Watson (1904) 128

Redhead v Banks (1875) 90

Reeves v Joplin (1867) 81

Reynaud v Martin (1919) 111

Riches v Pugh (1832) 167

Ricketts v Gaskell (1903) 42-3

Ridley v Stirkazer (1858) 82

Roberts v Mayell (1899) 125

Rooke v Conway (1842) 28

Rose v Ollier (1824) 58

Ross v Levy (1884) 106

Rowley v Acres (1828) 63

Samwans v Winch (1893) 55

Sands v Sayer and Wife (1793) 157

Savage v Thacker (1920) 77

Sayer v Fuller (1900) 128

Scott v Wickenden (1827) 20

Sealy v Creed (1896) 68-9

Settle v Crumbleholme (1818) 13

Sewell v Strange (1900) 53

Seymour v Gartside (1822) 156

Sharpe v Duffus (1915) 44

Shaw v Baker (1800) 161-2

Shepherd v White (1893) 69

Shuttleworth v Kirkman (1864) 150

Simpson v Timperton (1828) 23

Smith v Clapham (1868) 88

Smith v Colton (1847) 114

Smith v Ferrers (1846) 112-4, 141, 174

Southerton v Byrne (1802) 10

Spenser v Cole (1819) 19-20, 58

Spicer v Moss (1865) 37

Spiers v Hunt (1907) 109-11

Storey v Eagle (1802) 11

Strange v Pope (1850) 160

Sutton v Lucas (1878) 60

Sutton v Pearce (1921) 44

Taylor v Woodhead (1863) 104

Thomas v Shirley (1862) 106-7

Thompson v Bush (1886) 87

Thorpe v Bright (1866) 67

Timmis v Birch (1892) 164

Townsend v Syms (1847) 28

Tredwell v Flack (1873) 53

Turner v Dennis (1817) 63

Turner v Rollinson (1834) 75

Tyndall v Short, (1873) 143

Vaughan v Albridge (1801) 58, 68

Valentine v Scanlon (1934) 77-8

Vigier v Smith (1917) 165

Wadsworth v Brighouse (1874) 79

Want v Hunt (1834) 104

Watson v Fitzhugh (1904) 128

Weaver v Forsyth (1828) 59

Webber v Symes and Wife (1850) 50-1

Webster v Williams (1874) 149

Weidermann v Walpole (1888) 108-9

Wells v Hooker (1891) 114

Wharton v Lewis (1824) 58

Whalley v Ellis (1894) 125-6

Whittam v Smith (1823) 23

Wilde v Atherton (1838) 118

Williams v Haines (1875) 70

Williams v Staples (1886) 975

Wood v Gartside (1857) 148

Woodley v Pickburn (1869) 101

Wright v Weekes (1827) 141