Journeys on the Threshold of Memory
In About This Life, Barry Lopez takes us on a literal and figurative journey across the terrain of autobiography, assembling essays of great wisdom and insight. He questions why our society inevitably strips political power from people with intimate knowledge of the land such as small-scale farmers, Native Americans, Eskimos, and cowboys; vividly conveys into the beauty of the remote Hokkaido Island, the overexplored Galápagos, and the enigmatic Bonaire.
In this National Book Award–winning classic study of the Far North, Barry Lopez offers a thorough examination of this obscure world—its terrain, its wildlife, and its history of Eskimo natives and intrepid explorers. But what turns this marvelous work of natural history into a breathtaking study of profound originality is his unique meditation on how the landscape can shape our imagination, desires, and dreams. Its prose is as hauntingly pure as the land it describes, Arctic Dreams is nothing less than an indelible classic of modern literature.
Natural History/0-375-72748-5
A man comes to understand the serenity that guided his stepfather’s life by walking through filbert orchards. Prison inmates are afforded a kind of freedom when someone alerts them to their totem animals, walking free outside the prison walls. A mapmaker conjures the magic of cities by documenting their deepest layers. A couple on holiday in the Caribbean arrive at the crossroads of a region’s past and future with tragic results. Lopez’s masterful collection of tales resonate with knowledge of the world that transcends cultural and geographic borders.
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Five hundred years ago an Italian whose name, translated into English, meant Christopher Dove, came to America and began a process not of discovery, but incursion, “a ruthless, angry search for wealth” that continues to this day. Even as he draws a direct line between the atrocities of Spanish conquistadors and the ongoing pillage of our lands and waters, Barry Lopez challenges us to adopt an ethic that will make further depredations impossible. The Rediscovery of North America is an eloquent and ringingly persuasive call for us, at long last, to make this country our home.
In Winter Count, a flock of great blue herons descends through a snowstorm to the streets of New York, a river in Nebraska disappears mysteriously, a ghostly herd of buffalo sings the song of death, and a mystic raises constellations of stone from the desert floor. With breathtaking skill and a few swift deft strokes Lopez produces painfully beautiful scenes. Combining the real with the wondrous, he offers us a pure vision of people alive to the immediacy and spiritual truth of nature.
In Barry Lopez’s spellbinding book, the author travels through the American Southwest and Alaska, discussing endangered wildlife and forgotten cultures. Through his crystalline vision, Lopez urges us toward a new attitude, a reenchantment with the world that is vital to our sense of place, our well-being, and our very survival.
Vintage Lopez offers a comprehensive and compelling introduction to Lopez’s work to those unfamiliar with the scope of his writing. An unparalleled explorer of the relationship between humanity and nature, Barry Lopez has been published profusely. His essays and short fiction have appeared everywhere from Outside to Harper’s and The Paris Review. Vintage Lopez collects choice pieces of both his nonfiction and fiction including “Landscape and Narrative”; the prologue to his National Book Award–winning and bestselling Arctic Dreams, and such classic short stories as “The Entreaty of the Wiideema,” and “The Mappist,” and for the first time in book form the essay “The Naturalist.”
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