Edward Boorstein, An Inside View... Allende’s Chile, International Publishers, New York, 1977
Brody & Ratner (eds.), The Pinochet Papers: The Case of Augusto Pinochet in Spain and Britain, Kluwer Law International, The Hague, 2000
James D. Cockcroft and Jane Canning (eds.), Salvador Allende Reader: Chile’s Voice of Democracy, Ocean Press, Melbourne & New York, 2000
Joan Jara, Víctor: An Unfinished Song, Jonathon Cape, London, 1983
Pablo Neruda, A Call for the Destruction of Nixon and Praise for the Chilean Revolution, West End Press, Cambridge, 1980
Walter Lowenfels (ed.), For Neruda, For Chile: An International Anthology, Beacon Press, Boston, 1975
Patricia Verdugo, Chile, Pinochet, and the Caravan of Death, North-South Center Press, Miami, 2001
Films, Videos
“The Battle of Chile,” widely acclaimed two-part documentary film by Patricio Guzman, 1973-1978
“Chile, Obstinate Memory,” documentary film by Patricio Guzman, 1997
“Chile: Hasta Cuando,” documentary by David Bradbury, 1986
“Missing,” feature film directed by Constantin Costa-Gavras, 1982
Víctor Jara, “Vientos del Pueblo,” Monitor International Compact Disc, 1993
Inti-Illimani, John Williams and Paco Peña, “Fragments of a Dream,” 1999
Quilapayún, “Lo Mejor de Quilapayún en Chile,” 1999
Violeta Parra, “Las Ultimas Composiciones,” 1994