There are many terms associated with the working of magic: spells, incantations, charms, rites, rituals, and so on. Before we look at actually how to create magic, I’d like to examine some of these terms, so that we all know what we are talking about!


A Ritual is a series of thoughts, words and actions performed to bring about a specific result. A series of Rites can go to make up a Ritual. Rites and Rituals are not confined to Witchcraft or magical working, although these are the contexts to which we tend to relate these terms. To clarify: your ‘Ritual of getting up’ could be broken down like this: ‘the Rite of waking’, then ‘the Rite of visiting the bathroom’, ‘the Rite of making a cup of tea or coffee’, and so on. In the Craft we use the term Rites to define pieces of magical working such as creating the Sacred Space, raising power, working a spell, and so on. These Rites can then be placed together to form a Ritual for a specific purpose which could be the working of magic, the celebration of a life event, or maybe a festival.


Magic is often defined as the ability to create change through the application of will. A spell is defined by the dictionary as a magical formula, but in the Craft we consider it to be more of a process, as magic is not just the doing or saying of things in a certain order. Many Witches do not use the word ‘spell’ to describe their magical working as it tends to conjure up somewhat simplistic images from fiction and mythology rather than expressing the true process of harnessing and focusing internal and external energies to create change.


Many people expect a ‘spell’ to be, or at least to include, a few rhyming lines which are repeated or even chanted to make something happen. This would be an incantation, and some Witches do use them as a part of their magical process. But it is not necessary to have poetic ability to make magic work.

Chants are verses or songs, usually chanted by Witches working in a group. They are most often used in the Craft as a technique for raising power, that is the harnessing and focusing of the energies of the group. Some Solitary Witches also use chants, but often within their heads rather than out loud.


These are objects which are magically charged so that they may be placed where the magic is desired to work or which may be carried on the person. The definitions between them are often blurred but frequently Talismans are paper or parchment with symbols to represent the magical intent, whereas Charms are frequently jewellery, stones or other objects. Totems are usually a group of objects which are kept together, often in a Totem Bag, which represent a grouping of things or people. A Totem Bag may contain objects to represent each of your family members with the intent of bonding the family together. You may also come across other terms used to describe these kinds of magical artefacts, such as Amulet – usually a charm, which is worn with a protective intent. Sometimes you will have to assess the meaning of a term by the item and the purpose for which it is intended.


From time to time you may hear, or read, about ‘words of power’, and some people do believe that there are, out there somewhere, special words which if said in a special way will create magical effects. This belief is more appropriate to the realm of the Ritual Magician than that of the Witch. It is true that resonances and vibrations, which are found in many things, can be utilized to help make change. However, their magical ‘power’ comes from the way in which the practitioner can bring those energies into balance with the elements both within and without.

Having said that, it is worth remembering that all words can have the power to make change, depending on how you say them and who you say them to! How many times have you said something that you later regretted? This is why in the Craft we tend to emphasize the need to think before you speak or, for that matter, act.


Briefly speaking, magic works when you can harness, balance and focus the five elements of Air, Fire, Water, Earth and Spirit, both within yourself and from outside. This is a complex ability, which comes more easily with practice, so we usually start by using a number of visual links and cues to help bring all these elements together. The elements exist inside us and outside of us and they have many symbolic representations, visual and mental links, which may be used and which are often termed correspondences.

Understanding of the five elements is one of the most important concepts of the Craft, and the foundation of working magic. Together with visualization, which I’ll talk about later in this chapter, this is what makes Magic work. All the candles, incense, cords, images and other tools are just that; tools that you use to implement and enhance your understanding of the elements and your ability to visualize.

So what are the elements?


Air is within us as our thoughts, and as such should be the first element to be brought into use, for thought should always precede anything else! Air represents the thinking and planning stage of any proposed action, magical or otherwise.

Externally, Air is everything from the gentle breeze that ruffles the leaves to the destructive force and power of the hurricane or tornado. Air is all around us and without it we cannot breathe. We take the external air into our being with every breath and, with practice, learn to draw on that external energy to fuel our internal thoughts.

Air also represents and is represented by the direction East, incense or a feather on the Altar, the season of Spring, the morning, and often the colour yellow.


Fire is our passions and enthusiasms, it is present when we become enthusiastic and excited by an idea. It is the difference between having an idea and really wanting to put that idea into action, or the difference between needing something to read and wanting to buy that particular new book!

Fire is everything from the spark that falls from a match to the full energy of the Sun, or the inferno of a volcano. Without fire there would be no heat, no light and no life.

Fire is represented by the direction South, a candle or crystal on the Altar, the season of Summer, midday and the afternoon, and usually by the colour red.


Water is our emotions. It is when we become emotionally involved in an idea or project, when it actually becomes important to us.

Externally, it encompasses the gentlest raindrop, the streams, rivers and oceans, the torrential downpour of a summer storm to the awe-inspiring tidal wave or tsunami. Water is essential to all life; we drink it, bathe in it and use it daily with little thought.

Water is represented by the direction West, a bowl of water or a shell on the Altar, the season of Autumn, the evening, and often by the colour blue.


Earth is our physical self, our body. It is the stage in a process when we move from the mental aspects to the physical and ‘make it real’ in the world.

Externally, it is the land, the soil, rocks, stones and mountains. It is the foundation from which all life springs and to which it ultimately returns for rebirth.

Earth is represented by the direction North (often called the place of power), salt or a stone on the Altar, the season of Winter, the night, and often by the colour green.


The essential self that makes us who we are, sometimes called the soul, is our Spirit.

Outside of us the Spirit is the Goddess and the God, and that Divine essence permeates all things.

Spirit is represented by the centre of the Circle and by the Circle itself as it is all places at all times. In the Circle we ourselves also represent Spirit, as do the Goddess and God we call upon in our workings. On the Altar, Spirit may be represented by statues or pictures of the Goddess and the God, by a gold and a silver candle, or not at all because it is everywhere. It has no time and no season for it is present in all times and seasons. It is often represented by the colour violet, or by the electric blue of the Circle itself.

When preparing to work Magic we commence by setting the Altar with representations of the elements, so that they are indeed present in actuality. We then invoke the elements in the Quarters (the four compass points) and invite the Goddess and the God to complete the five elements. These steps are part of creating the Sacred Space, which is not just an area, but a key step in making Magic work. In Ritual we call upon the elements externally. But we also need to evoke the elements within, and often this starts before the practical steps of creating the Sacred Space. It begins when we think carefully about the Magic we wish to perform, and continues as we become enthusiastic and emotionally involved in it. The process culminates in the Circle when we put those mental steps into action in the actual creating of the Magic, by whichever means we select, and when we imbue it with the spiritual energy of our inner self.

I have mentioned that we need to have the elements in balance. This is essential; you can easily see the problems that might be caused if your actions are powered by emotion and passion, but lack thought. Magic without any passion will be flat and without energy, magic without emotion will be weak and uninvolved, and so on. Where one element is in greater strength than another you also get imbalance, which is why it is a bad idea to work Magic when ill, very angry or upset. This is one of the reasons why it is so difficult, for even the most experienced Witch, to work magic for those people and things which are closest and most important to them, because their emotional involvement can be overwhelming.

In order to be able to harness, balance and focus the energies of the elements we need to spend some time actually getting to know and understand them. For some people this can be done by spending time simply experiencing them in the natural world, and this is one of the reasons why so many Witches like to work with plants and nature, even if that means just keeping a couple of pot plants. Others may find that they need to spend time using visualization or meditation techniques, such as pathworking. All tend to find that they need to do some mental and spiritual ‘housekeeping’ from time to time, to ensure that they clear away the ‘baggage’ caused by daily life and relationships. It used to be common in the Craft to hear the term ‘tests of the Elements’, and this referred to actual tasks, often set by the High Priestess of the Coven, which had to be completed before the Witch was considered to be accepted for the next level of learning. These ‘tests’ seem to have died away in modern times, but it is still a good idea to set yourself tasks which will expose you (safely) to experiences of the elements in their natural state. These might include going to a hilltop to experience strong winds, lying down in strong sunlight to meditate (not just to sunbathe!), immersing yourself fully in the sea, or visiting a deep dark cave and turning your torch off for a few minutes. Deliberately seeking to experience the Spirit is somewhat harder to envisage, but often the best way to set about this is to devise a meditation which can be performed in Circle or to perform a Self-Blessing.


After understanding, harnessing and balancing the Elements, the next most important technique in being able to work Magic is that of visualization. Visualization is simply being able to imagine so strongly, that what you imagine seems as ‘real’ as the ‘real world’. It is not just a matter of seeing the ‘picture’ in your mind, but also of being able to experience the other senses of sound, taste, touch and smell, too. Whilst a lucky few find that this comes naturally, many people find it extremely difficult at first, but it really is just a matter of practice. The secret is not to expect too much too soon. Start by bringing to mind recent, mundane events, such as the last meal you ate, or the experience of watching TV last night. When you can conjure these up in your mind’s eye so clearly that you can remember sounds that you may not have been aware of at the time, then it is time to move on to less personal experiences. Many people soon realize that the technique of visualization is something that they practise in an unformed way when they daydream. For them it is more a question of learning to direct their ‘daydreaming mode’, rather than learning a new technique.

Visualization is important in the practice of magic because the more strongly you can visualize your magic actually working the more effective it will be. In many cases it is best if you actually visualize the whole process which will bring about the desired change, rather than just focussing on the end result. For example, if someone has an infected finger, it can be more effective if you can visualize the white blood cells rushing to the site to destroy the infection, rather than simply focusing on a healed finger. Likewise if you can visualize two warring parties meeting and agreeing to talk things through, then visualize their discussion, with both sides being patient, your chances of bringing about a reconciliation are far greater than if you just hope that they will ‘make it up’.

The ability to visualize means that, after much practice, you will be able to perform magic without tools and equipment. There comes a time when you can learn to utilize the elements, create your Sacred Space and work your magic with no Altar, words or actions, other than the visualization within your mind.


Having talked about how to make Magic work we need to look at the things we need to do before we can actually start doing it. We’ve already seen why you need to have your ‘internal elements’ in balance, but there are other things you need to consider before you start waving that ‘magic wand’! As I’ve said before, one of the sayings of the Craft, which seems to have made it into everyday speech, is ‘Be Careful What You Wish For’. This is because, first, there can be sometimes quite a large gap between what you ask for and what you really want. ‘I want gold’ could result in your being given a gold sheet of paper or a gold-coloured flower. Secondly, you need to think carefully through all the potential consequences. ‘I want gold’ could result in inheriting money through the loss of a loved one. So you need to formulate your magic very carefully. You’ll find other cautions later in this chapter, but don’t expect these to cover all eventualities. Personal responsibility is one of the key tenets of the Craft and you are personally responsible for all the effects of your magic, whether you foresaw them or not!

In order to prepare your magic it is a good idea carefully to think through not only what you want to happen, but also what might happen, good or bad, as a result. A good many Witches place a spell of protection over their car. Done carefully this can help to avoid accidents (although careful driving is still a prerequisite!), damage and theft. But done without due thought it can also result in a car which seems, from the actions of other road users, to have become less visible, resulting in several ‘close calls’ on the road!

You also need to consider your environment. You will be less likely to be able to focus if there are distractions, both physical and mental. This is why you should have a clear and tidy working space, should turn off the TV, radio and phone and ensure that you will be free from disturbances from others. If possible lock the door, ensure the children are abed and any pets are settled out of the way. You also need to ensure that you yourself are prepared, that you are neither hungry nor thirsty, nor likely to need the bathroom halfway through. Then you need to be able to clear your mind of all the worries and concerns of daily life. For this we often use the Rite of Banishment of Unwanted Influences (see here), which allows us to rid ourselves of outside thoughts. Many Witches find that the best way to personally prepare is to bathe, and then dress in special clothes, which they reserve for Ritual and Magical work. This has the effect of helping you to distance magical work from daily life. For some, the setting of the Altar helps to enhance this process as it is a Rite in itself which focuses the mind on the work to come.

Speaking of setting the Altar, it is essential to ensure that you have everything to hand which you will need. It is very distracting, whether working on your own or in a group, to have to pause to leave the Circle to collect something. For this reason many Witches write a short summary of what they are about to do, together with a list of the tools they will need. For some, this writing of their intent becomes not just part of the preparation but also part of the Magic itself.

When working in a group or Coven it is also important that everyone present is aware of the intention of the Ritual and that they agree with the Magic to be worked. If just one person in a group disagrees with the purpose of the Magic they can have an adverse effect on the outcome. At the least they weaken the Magic, at worst they can prevent it happening at all. Everyone needs to be aware of exactly what is going to happen, and their role in it, as the energy flows more freely when everyone can move smoothly and knowledgeably throughout the Ritual. Hence in Coven working it is usual to find that a copy of the Ritual, with roles assigned, is available to everyone on their arrival at the Covenstead. In addition, the High Priestess will then go through that Ritual with the whole group prior to the start of working, to ensure that everyone understands exactly what is supposed to happen and what is expected of them.


Having looked at what makes magic work we also need to look at the things that can prevent it from working.

Asking for the Wrong Thing

As mentioned above, you must be careful what you wish for, otherwise you may get what you asked for, not what you actually want. Generally speaking, the more time you spend considering what you really want to achieve, and considering all the potential outcomes, the better you will be able to formulate your wishes and direct your intent.

Insufficient Belief

It is not necessary for your subject to believe that magic works for it to happen, this is not a form of faith healing. Although having said that, if your subject, or any participant in the Ritual, actively disbelieves that it will work, that will have a negative effect on the outcome. Think of it this way; you are applying positive thought towards making something happen, and if someone else is applying negative thought then the two thoughts may cancel each other out, or the lesser of the two energies will weaken the stronger.

However, it is essential that you believe that your magic will work. If you have doubts about your ability, or the ‘rightness’ of your actions, then these will weaken or even stop your energy from working.

Too Much Talk

Although I have said that in a Coven everyone must be aware of what is to happen, talk about magical working should not extend beyond those actively taking part. First, for the reason above, the more people who are aware of your magic the more likely someone will hear about it who will have negative thoughts towards the outcome. Please also remember that however cautious you are about who you tell, and however much they promise to keep it quiet, secrets are only secret when no one knows about them. You must have heard someone say ‘can you keep a secret?’ just before telling you something they are not supposed to be communicating!

The second reason is because talking about your magic can actually reduce the energy and focus you can put into that magic. Think back to the last time you felt really strongly about something, perhaps an injustice or some gossip – the more you talked this over with your friends and family the less outraged or strongly you felt. This actually shows the way your energy is being dissipated by simple communication.

Need as Against Desire

Many people confuse what they need and what they want; you may ‘need a drink’, in which case water will suffice, whereas you want, or desire, champagne. Hence in Magic, if you say you ‘need a Porsche’, the result may cover your need for transport, resulting in a free bus pass, rather than your desire for a fast smart car. I have often been asked if it is possible to change a flat tyre by magic? The answer is yes, but your request is more likely to be granted through the arrival of someone who will help you to change your tyre, rather than by some kind of conjuring trick in which the jack leaps out of the car, the screws undo themselves, and the wheel is replaced by some invisible agency! However carefully you phrase your wishes there are some times when you get what you need rather than what you desire. This is because there is a part of your mind which, rather sensibly, is aware of what is required to solve your ‘problem’, and will function at that level. This is an integral part of the kind of magic performed by Witches rather than other kinds of less acceptable practices where self is considered to be all.

You are Asking for Something Outside of Nature

This is especially pertinent in the case of money spells. Money does not exist in the natural world. In nature, effort is rewarded in practical terms; you plant then you can reap, the bat flies at dusk and hence can catch his dinner. Hence money magic is likely to either give you what you asked for in an unpleasant way – inheritance, for example, or in a useless way – you crash your car and get paid on the insurance, leaving you financially no better off. If you work for the opportunity to earn money, then you are working within the natural course of things, whereby your effort can be rewarded with payment in the way in which the world works.

It’s Not Meant to Be

There are also occasions when magic will not work at all. In short, I believe that this is because the Goddess and the God know best and, once we have taken the step of dedicating ourselves to them, they do in fact watch over us and step in to prevent some of our greater follies. They also have their own plans and purposes and sometimes it is not for the individual to be allowed to interfere with them. The sort of magic which falls into this category tends to be associated with serious illness, and we just have to accept that in some cases that person’s time to move on has indeed come. This is not to say that you shouldn’t work for the remission of major illness, but that it will not always work. Do also remember that you can also work for the relief of pain, and for the emotional healing and comfort of that person’s near and dear.

You are Too Close to the Problem

It is sometimes very hard to work magic for yourself and for those close to you, not because of any natural laws against it, but simply because your focus and concentration will not be all they should be. It is hard enough to remain focused on dressing a bad cut which is bleeding heavily if this is someone you care for deeply, let alone bringing the elements into balance, raising energy and working magic. Similarly, if you have pressing physical or emotional concerns in your own life, you will find it almost impossible to become mentally and physically prepared for any kind of magic unless you can put them aside. If those very concerns are to be the focus of your magic then you will find it nigh on impossible to put them aside as well as focus on them at the same time! In these circumstances you need to find someone else, who you trust implicitly, to work magic for you.

Love Magic

This is an area where magic can go wrong even if it works perfectly! If you work magic to make someone love you, sooner or later you will be wondering whether it is you they love or the spell which is working. If you work this kind of magic for someone else you will then be perceived as being responsible for their relationship, a bit like being the instigator of an arranged marriage where one partner is not aware that it has been arranged. At the least you will find yourself drawn into every hiccup in the relationship, at the worst you may find yourself being blamed for every argument or problem, or even the fact that person B did not turn out to be exactly what person A had hoped for some ten years down the road! If you must get involved in relationship magic then stay with some of the less direct options, such as increased confidence, the opportunity to meet a person with whom you can be happy, and so on.

You Fail to Pay for What You Have Received

Magic should be seen as an exchange of energies. Whilst you put some of the energy into the spell, much of it comes from outside of you, from the elements, the Goddess and the God. This energy should be repaid. This is not to say that you are going to give them money, but rather that you should do something to repay the energy. This should be something which expresses your thanks, whereby you put your energy back into the land, or into honouring the Goddess and the God. Tending growing things, be they plants, pets or children, is one way. Creating something in honour of the Divine is another. But whether you choose to trim your hedge, clear litter from a local park, take your child to the swings, or paint a picture, it should be done with the intent of giving thanks to the Goddess and the God and to the elements. Every act of magic should be repaid in some way, and as soon as possible, it is a part of making the magic work. It is not a question of a bargain where you will pay for it if it works; it is more a question of giving thanks for being able to access the energies and for the attention of the elements, the Goddess and the God. Should you fail to repay the energies, your magic will decline over time and, in due course, fail.

Having looked at the ways in which magic does and doesn’t work, let’s move on to some of the Rituals into which we put our spells and magics.