The Rites of Initiation are generally those which mark a person’s progress within a Coven and the Craft. The only exception is the Rite of Self-Initiation or Self-Dedication which is usually conducted by the Solitary Witch outside of the Coven system. They are the Rituals which cross the divide between working and celebration as they contain elements of both. Whilst no spells are worked, a Circle is cast and power is raised.

My previous book, The Real Witches’ Coven, contains advice and guidance on the preparation and training of candidates for Initiation within a Coven, together with advice to the High Priestess on the preparation needed to perform these Rituals. In this chapter I have included the content of those Rituals, together with a few notes to aid understanding. I have also included a Rite of Self-Initiation, or Self-Dedication, as it is sometimes known, and the Coven Oath. But what do all these terms refer to?


Some Covens, who introduce newcomers to Circle work before their First Degree, will also ask them to make a commitment to the Coven when they first join. This is known as the Coven Oath, and marks formal entry to the Coven. It helps to ensure that the newcomer understands the requirements of the Coven, especially regarding secrecy. I would emphasize that this is the Candidate’s promise, made on their honour, to the Goddess and the God, and that neither the High Priestess nor the Coven has any power to enforce this, other than asking the person to leave the Coven.


Within a Coven there are usually three Rites of Initiation, known respectively as the First, Second and Third Degree Initiations. In each of these steps the Witch makes promises of commitment to the Craft. Although the High Priestess or High Priest may be the Initiator, the promises made in these Rituals are made to the Goddess and the God; the Coven simply facilitates this. The Degrees mark the Witch’s progress and correspond to many of the key aspects of the Craft, thus:

* The First Degree – The Aspirant’s statement of beginning to learn and walk the Path of the Witch. Here they start to learn. This relates to the New Moon, the Maiden aspect, youth and enthusiasm, knowledge of life, knowledge and understanding of the self.

* The Second Degree – The Initiate is considered ready to take the next step, that of learning to teach. It relates to the Full Moon, the Mother aspect, maturity and fruitfulness, knowledge of death, knowledge and understanding of others. Many Witches also choose to take a new or Witch name at the time of their Second Degree and this can be found here.

* The Third Degree – The Initiate is ready to start their own Coven when the circumstances are right. This is linked to the Old and Dark of the Moon, the Crone aspect, age and wisdom, understanding of the cycles of life, death and rebirth, combining the knowledge and understanding of self and others. Teaching to learn more oneself, for as we teach so we learn.


A Witch who chooses to work on their own as a Solitary may choose to make their own promise to the Goddess and the God, and this is termed Self-Initiation, or Self-Dedication. Sometimes a Coven will allow a Solitary who is known to them to perform this Rite within Circle, but their role is simply that of supporters and witnesses.


The basic format of any of these Rituals is similar to that of the Sabbats:












Those steps in the list marked * are essential. Details of those marked * in the text can be found in Chapter 3.


This takes place with the whole group standing in Circle. After the Sacred Space* has been created, the Candidate will be called to kneel before the Altar and will repeat the words after the High Priestess:

“I … (candidate’s name), undertake this Oath of my own free will, in the presence of the Old Gods and before all here present: I will not reveal the secrets of the Craft, nor use the knowledge I gain to impress the foolish, nor to frighten the childish. I will follow the Old ways, in humility and obedience, to the best of my ability, and uphold the Craft as best I may. I will not reveal the secrets of the Circle; the nature or detail of its workings, nor the names of its members.

As I do will, so mote it be. Blessed Be.’

The group will, as is usual, echo theBlessed Be’.

After they have given the Oath they are considered an Aspirant and are greeted by each of the other Covenors in turn. As this is a short Rite it often takes place within a Ritual, usually one to celebrate one of the Minor Sabbats in which case the rest of the Sabbat Ritual then follows.


This usually takes place at least a year and a day after the candidate has been introduced to the Coven. Only those Witches who have taken their First Degree will stand in Circle, this is to prevent those who have yet to do so from seeing the Ritual.

Prior to any Initiation Ritual, the Aspirant or Initiate should have fasted for at least 6 hours, unless there are medical reasons why this period should be shorter. You might also like to insist that they have drunk nothing other than water or milk for 24 hours, to free the body of all stimulants such as caffeine, etc. Immediately before the Ritual they should wash their hair and bathe, using no cosmetics, lotions, unguents, etc. They should also remove all jewellery, including sigils of the Craft, although you may have to allow any rings which cannot be physically removed!

In addition to your usual Altar equipment you will need:






The First Degree is usually performed at, or just after, the New Moon.

When the Aspirant arrives at the Covenstead they are not permitted to meet the other attendees, but are kept separate and are prepared. If they are to be skyclad, as is usual, then this is the time for them to remove all their clothes, jewellery, etc. Bind them and blindfold them, and leave them sitting; if your location is seriously cold you might like to cover them with a cloak or blanket. The traditional method of binding the Aspirant requires three red cords, one 9 feet long and two 4 feet 6 inches long. The long cord is used to tie their wrists behind their back with the centre of the cord. The ends are then brought over the shoulders and knotted loosely in front, in such a fashion that the Aspirant cannot strangle her/himself! One of the short cords is knotted around the right ankle, the other just above the left knee. They should be instructed to meditate on why they seek Initiation and upon the Goddess and the God. Whilst the Aspirant is being prepared the other Covenors should be getting themselves and the Altar ready, if they have not already done so.

After the Sacred Space is created and Energy raised,* the Initiator opens a doorway in the Circle and the Sponsor leaves to collect the Aspirant. The doorway is closed, and the Coven waits in silence. The Sponsor brings the Aspirant to the doorway, guiding them from behind, usually with their hands upon the Aspirant’s shoulders. En route to the Circle the Aspirant should be gently disorientated to increase the feeling of going from the mundane world to that of the Craft. We achieve this by making them walk a circuitous route, sometimes going in and out of a room more than once. You can also turn them around several times, so that they cannot tell which direction they are going.

At the edge of the Circle the Aspirant and Sponsor halt.

Initiator:Who stands at the gateway of the Circle?

Sponsor:Here stands … (Initiate’s name), seeking Initiation to the First Degree.’

Initiator:Who stands for this person?

Sponsor:I … (Sponsor’s Witch name or name), Witch and Priest(ess) of the Third (or Second, if that be the case) Degree.’

Initiator:Have they been properly prepared?

Sponsor:On my honour as a Witch I vouch that they have.’

Initiator (challenging the Aspirant):O thou who standest on the threshold between the world of man and the domain of the Old Gods, hast thou the courage to make the assay?(Places the point of his/her Athame to the Aspirant’s breast)Better you should fall upon this blade than enter this Circle with fear in your heart.’

Aspirant:I have two passwords: Perfect Love and Perfect Trust.’

Initiator:All who have such are welcome, I give thee a third to pass through this dread door.’ (Kisses the Aspirant on each cheek.)

The Initiator hands the Athame to the sponsor, goes behind the Aspirant and pushes them gently into the Circle. The Sponsor closes the gateway in the Circle and returns the Athame to the Initiator. The Aspirant is then presented to each of the quarters in turn. The Initiator says,

Take heed ye Lords of the East (South, West and North), that … (Aspirant’s name), here presented, is properly prepared to be initiated as Priest(ess) and Witch.’

The handbell is rung three times and the Aspirant is led to stand before the Altar, where the Initiator gives the Aspirant the Five-fold Blessing:

In other religions the postulant kneels while the Priest towers above him. But in the Craft we are taught to be humble and we kneel to welcome him and say: Blessed Be thy feet (kisses right foot then left), that have brought thee in these ways. Blessed Be thy knees (kisses right knee then left), that shall kneel at the Sacred Altar. Blessed Be thy womb (where the Aspirant is female or phallus for a male), (kisses the lower belly), which brings forth the life of man. Blessed Be thy breasts (kisses right then left), formed in strength and in beauty. Blessed by thy lips (kisses once on lips), that shall utter the Sacred Names. Blessed Be.

Now we shall take your measure, that thou shalt be known to us and to the Old Gods for all time.’

The Sponsor takes the fine cord from the Altar and measures the Aspirant around the head and ties a knot in the cord, around the chest and ties another knot. Lastly, with the help of the Initiator, the Aspirant is measured from head to toe and the Sponsor ties a final knot. During this process they say,

These are the measurements of your body in life, so that in death your shroud and coffin will be fit.’

The cord is then placed on the Altar. The Initiator asks,

Before thou are fully sworn, art thou ready to pass through the ordeal and be purified?

The Aspirant will hopefully give a positive response. There are a number of ordeals which you may choose to put the Aspirant through, and as High Priestess you can select one or several, or add variations of your own. Please remember that this is intended to emphasize the meaning and solemnity of this step, it’s not an excuse to vent the frustrations of the last day, week, month, etc. Nor is it an excuse to terrorize your Aspirant! You could try, or adapt, one of the following:

* A series of light symbolic lashes with the Scourge, usually administered with the Aspirant kneeling and the number of strokes being indicated by the ringing of the bell. The traditional number is 3, 7, 9 and 21 lashes. The Initiate should feel the scourge, but not be marked by it. To get it right, practise on your own leg in advance and then err on the side of caution.

* Pushing the Aspirant from person to person and questioning their ability to keep the secrets of the Craft, their willingness to learn, their potential conduct as a Witch and so on.

* Splashing them with very cold water and even some flecks of melted wax; again practise on yourself first.

* Asking searching questions about why they wish to enter the Circle and become a Witch.

* Some traditions used to prick the Initiate and place a drop of their blood onto the measure. These days this really is unnecessarily risky, both for the Initiate and for you.

Once the ordeal(s) is (are) over the Aspirant is made to kneel before the Altar. The Initiator asks,

Thou hast bravely passed the test. Art thou ready to swear that thou wilt always be true to the Art?

After a positive response from the Aspirant, the Initiator asks,

Art thou always ready to help, protect and defend thy brothers and sisters of the Art?

After a positive response from the Aspirant, the Initiator says,

I hereby sign thee with the Triple sign, I consecrate thee with oil. (Anoints the Aspirant with oil on the belly, right breast and left breast.)I anoint thee with wine.’ (Anoints with wine.)I anoint thee with my lips.’ (Anoints with kisses.)

The Initiate is unbound and the blindfold is removed. The Initiator says,

I hereby salute thee … (name of Initiate), (kisses on each cheek) in the name of the Old Gods, newly-made Priest(ess) and Witch. Art thou ready to take the Oath?

After a positive response from the Initiate, the Initiator says,

Then repeat after me (Note: it is a good idea to read this line by line and let the Initiate repeat each bit after you.):

I … (Initiate’s name), duly consecrated Witch and Priest(ess), here in the presence of the Old Gods, do, of my own free will and accord most solemnly swear; that I will keep secret and never reveal the secrets of the Art, except it be to a proper person properly prepared, within a Circle such as I am in now. And that I will never deny the secrets to such a person, if he or she has been properly prepared and vouched for by a brother or sister of the Art. I swear that I will not use the Craft to impress the foolish or to frighten the childish, and that I will uphold the Craft in health or sickness, weary or bright, in dark days and light days till I reach the Summerlands. All this I swear by my hopes of a future life, mindful that my measure has been taken and that my weapons will be turned against me if I break this my solemn oath. Blessed Be.’

The Initiator now takes the Initiate around and presents them to each of the Quarters, saying,

Hear ye Lords of the East (South, West, North)… (Initiate’s name) is now consecrated Priest(ess), Witch and child of the Goddess.’

The Ritual now pauses while the Initiate is welcomed by everyone in the Circle.

The Initiator now presents the Initiate with each of the working tools. It simplifies the process if the Initiator takes the tool from the Altar, hands it to the Initiate whilst explaining its purpose, then the Sponsor takes it from the Initiate and replaces it on the Altar. The tools you should have are the Sword, Athame, Boline, Wand, Chalice, Pentacle, Censer of Incense, Cords and Scourge (even if you do not use it). This is because the Scourge is symbolic of suffering and its presentation is usually accompanied by the statement and question,For it is written that to learn one must suffer and be purified. Art thou ready to suffer to learn?To which the Initiate should answer in the affirmative.

If you choose to give the Initiate a gift, perhaps the sigil of the First Degree, this is now the time to do so. Some Covens pause here and allow the Initiate to consecrate their own Athame, if they have one and have not already done so.

The High Priestess and High Priest now perform the Rite of Wine and Cakes,* the Initiate should stand to the left of the High Priestess in order to be the first Covenor to whom the Chalice is handed after consecration.

The Circle is now removed. It is usual for an Initiation to be followed by a feast.


The Second Degree takes place when the High Priestess considers that the individual is ready to take on the responsibility of passing on their knowledge of the Craft. Only those Witches of Second Degree and above will be present in the Circle.

A significant part of the following Ritual represents the Initiate’s own journey to the realm of Death. For this you will need to assign a number of people to play the roles of Portal Keepers (referred to in the text of the Ritual as PK1, PK2, etc) and of Death. This journey commences on the arrival of the Initiate at the Covenstead where they are met by a senior Covenor who plays the role of the first Portal Keeper. Where you do not have enough Witches of Second Degree or above then you may need to assign this role to the Initiator, and double up on subsequent roles.

In the period approaching the Ritual, the Initiate should be encouraged to read and reflect on these legends and their inner meanings, and also to meditate upon how this is reflected in everyday life. Close attention to these legends will enable the Initiate to answer the questions of the Keepers of the Portals and Death during the first part of the Ritual.

Some Covens work this Ritual with everyone skyclad, others with only the Initiate skyclad, yet others prefer to provide the Initiate with a special ‘Initiation Robe’. This represents the garment that the Initiate wears when they meet Death. As such it is better that it is loose fitting, made of coarse cloth and roughly finished. Something in the way of a knee-length shift is ideal.

In addition to the usual Altar and Ritual equipment you will need:







This Ritual is best performed at the Full Moon.

As in the First Degree the Initiate should be kept apart from the other Covenors until they actually enter the Circle. Ideally, the Initiate will arrive last, after the Circle has been cast* and energy has been raised, and will commence the Ritual literally on the doorstep.

The Initiate is met at the entrance to the Covenstead by the first Portal Keeper who commences the Initiate’s preparation. Key to this preparation is the Initiate’s ability to answer the questions to the satisfaction of each Portal Keeper, Death and the Initiator. This means giving honest answers as the Initiator will, by this point, have a good idea of the Initiate’s personality and actions in the Craft and will have communicated to the others the answers he or she deems acceptable. If you have insufficient Witches of Second and Third Degree to take all these roles, then you can have individuals taking multiple roles.

While the Initiate is being prepared, the remainder of the Covenors present will prepare the Altar and Create the Sacred Space,* taking care to invite* the Goddess in her Aspect of Crone and the God in his aspect of the Hunter. Although the Initiator may not be playing a role, they may wish to step in to the preparatory area to hear the Initiate’s answers. Note that each Portal Keeper should go to the Circle as soon as they have completed their allotted role. In order to prevent multiple opening and closing of a gateway in the Circle it is a good idea to hold off actually Casting the Circle until the sixth Portal Keeper arrives.

PK1:Who are you?

Initiate:I am … (Initiate’s name), Witch, Priest (ess) and child of the Goddess.’

PK1: Why do you come here?

Initiate:I seek Initiation to the Second Degree.’

PK1:By what right do you seek such?

Initiate:I come by right of Initiation to the First Degree.’

PK1:How do you come?

Initiate:Freely, by my own will and accord.’

PK1:Then enter the underworld and begin your descent, for this is but the first of seven portals which you must pass, before you attain that which you seek. Do you have the courage to make this journey?

Initiate: ‘(Answers in own words.)

PK1 then admits the Initiate into the Covenstead, blindfolds them and leads them to the next portal.

Note: Where you have limited space you may have to select one or two points in a room and lead the Initiate to and fro in order to increase the perception of distance in the ‘journey’. Alternatively, you may choose to lead them from room to room, even into the garden. Also spinning a person around, or leading them backwards and forwards, can add significantly to their disorientation and the drama of the rite.

PK2:I am the keeper of the second portal and I challenge you. Do you have the strength to make this journey, for the weak will surely wither and fade away?

Initiate: ‘(Answers in own words.)

PK2:You may only succeed by your own strength of will. If you wish to continue you must remove all sigils of protection and all other finery, for it has no place here.’

(The Initiate removes all jewellery, including Craft symbols and talismans, and is then disorientated.)

PK3:I am the keeper of the third portal and I challenge you. What have you given of yourself to the Craft?

Initiate: ‘(Answers in own words.)

PK3:If you would continue then you must go barefoot along a path of thorns, for the way you seek is hard and beset with difficulties.’

(The Initiate removes footwear and is disorientated.)

PK4:I am the keeper of the fourth portal and I challenge you. Do you believe that you can succeed upon a quest that many fail, for with failure may come madness and despair?

Initiate: ‘(Answers in own words.)

PK4 (handing the Initiate the cup or glass mentioned above):Then take this cup and drink, but be aware that it contains a powerful potion that brings madness and incomprehension to those who are not ready, and having partaken of this you pass the point of no return.’

(The Initiate drinks and is disorientated.)

PK5:I am the keeper of the fifth portal and I challenge you. Are you prepared to be changed? For this journey will change you and your perceptions, and you will never again, be the same as you are now.’

Initiate: ‘(Answers in own words.)

PK5:Then cast off your outer garments for you must leave all that you are behind you.’

(The Initiate removes outer garments and is disorientated.)

PK6:I am the keeper of the sixth portal and I challenge you. I believe that you are selfish and unworthy, and fear to look upon Death. What say you to Death?

Initiate: ‘(Answers in own words.)

PK6:None may come before Death unless they are naked and bowed, remove all that remains to you.’

(The Initiate removes remaining garments and is again disoriented. The Initiate remains temporarily skyclad, even if you do intend to use an Initiation Robe.)

Death:I am the keeper of the seventh and final portal and I challenge you (puts Athame to Initiate’s breast). Do you have the passwords, for if not then this blade shall end you here and for all time?

Initiate: ‘(Answers in own words.)

Death:Kneel before me for I am Death, the keeper of the dark realms. I hold the secrets that you seek, if you have the wisdom, the courage, the strength and compassion to pass the tests of the underworld. Do you have these qualities?

Initiate: ‘(Kneels and answers in own words.)

Death:I recognize you as a Witch of the First Degree and bid thee welcome to my realm. Are you willing to accept the Death of the body, of the mind and of the spirit?

Initiate: ‘(Answers in own words.)

(Death now hands the Initiation Robe to the Initiate, who puts it on. Where the Initiator has also been present to observe the Initiate’s responses, they will return to the Circle at this point.)

Death:I anoint thee with an unguent that will give your spirit flight to face the dangers and to accept the knowledge of the spirit realms.’

(Anoints the Initiate on the wrists, ankles and temples with the unguent.)

Death:I bind thy body for the sacrificial altar, where your lifeblood may be spilled to attain the blessings of the Old Ones.’ The Initiate is bound with the 9-foot cord in the same way as for the First Degree, but the two shorter cords are not used.I shall lead you to the temple of the Crone where your faith will be tested and where you will be judged to be suitable, or not.’

(Death leads the Initiate to the Circle, which has been prepared and where everyone is waiting. The Initiator waits on the edge of the Circle for Death and the Initiate to arrive.)

Initiator:Identify yourself so that all present may know you.’

Death:I am … (Witch name), Witch of the Third Degree, and stand here as Death. I have one here who seeks to journey in the realms of the underworld.’

Initiator:By what right do they seek entry?

Death:By right of the First Degree and the courage to make the assay.’

Initiator:Are they properly prepared?

Death:By my word, honour and all that I hold true.’

Initiator:Then both be welcome.’

(The Initiator opens a gateway in the Circle and then kisses Death as he/she enters. Death then leads the Initiate into the Circle. The Initiator closes the gateway. Death disorients the Initiate and makes him/her kneel facing one of the Quarters.)

High Priestess:Behold here you find the Dark Mother, the Lady of the darkest night, Keeper of all that men shun and cower from in the light. Death is my servant and if you wish to seek me you must first suffer the pain of death, the fear of death, and cross the abyss. If you have the substance to pass the tests of the elements, then you may enter my realm and seek my wisdom. Are you prepared?

Initiate: ‘(Answers in own words.)

Initiator:A sigil is marked upon you. Greet the element it signifies with its proper name and ask its blessing upon you.’ (Inscribes invoking Pentagram of the appropriate element upon the Initiate’s back.)

Initiate: ‘(Answers in own words.)

(The Initiate is made to rise, led around the Circle and made to kneel before a different Quarter. The question is repeated and the Initiate should answer. This process continues until the Initiate has visited and identified each Quarter in turn. The High Priestess may also wish to add, or substitute, other tests in the same way as was done for the First Degree.)

Initiator:You have borne the tests of the elements, but now you must face the final and greatest test, the test of the spirit. Do you believe you are worthy?

Initiate: ‘(Answers in own words.)

(The Initiate is untied and lain across the Circle with their head to the North. The blindfold is left on.)

The High Priestess reads the Second Degree Pathworking, which takes the form of one of the stories of the Descent of the Goddess.

After the Pathworking, the Initiate is made to kneel in the centre of the Circle and receives each, or a smaller selection, of the working tools. They must identify and describe the use of each.

The Initiator raises the Initiate to their feet and says,

Before you seek that which you attain, you must answer one last question: If granted the Second Degree what will you do with it?

Once again, the Initiate answers in his or her own words. Assuming each test is passed, the Initiate is then sworn to the oath of the Second Degree, and is anointed with oil, wine and kisses in the sigil of the Second. Now the blindfold is removed and the Initiate is greeted by the High Priestess and everyone else in the group.

The Rite of Wine and Cakes* is then conducted by the High Priestess and High Priest with the Initiate being the first to receive the Chalice as in the First Degree Initiation. The Sacred Space is now removed* and a celebratory feast* is held.


The Third Degree Initiation is given when the High Priestess considers that the Initiate is ready to take on the responsibility of running a Coven. It is not, however, to be inferred or assumed that this means that they know everything! None of us in the Craft ever stop learning; in fact the more you learn, the more you become aware of what there is still to learn. I am not giving the full text for this Ritual, as it should not be read by anyone who is not already a Third Degree Witch. There are some published Third Degree Rituals, a few in whole, more in part, but if you want to maintain the secrecy of this Ritual you will need to alter those anyway.

You will need:


This Ritual often takes place during the Waning Moon to honour the Goddess in her aspect of Wise One. This reflects the third aspect of the Goddess as well as the third stage of Initiation.

The main steps in the Third Degree Initiation are the Great Rite,* the Anointing of the Initiate, the Willing of Power, the giving of the Secret Names of the Goddess and the God, and the Rite of Wine and Cakes.* Unlike the First and Second Degree Initiations there is no reason for the Initiate to wait in order to avoid meeting the other Covenors who will be attending, as these can only be of the Third Degree anyway. Not only can the Initiate be present when the Circle is created, but also they can take an active part in this.

After creating the Sacred Space* and raising energy,* everyone other than the Initiate and Initiator leaves the Circle and does not return until they are called after the Anointing.

After the Great Rite,* the Initiate is anointed in the symbol of the Third Degree with water, wine and kisses. After this the rest of the celebrants are invited to return.

For the Willing of Power, the Initiate kneels and the Initiator places one hand on the Initiate’s head, the other under their right knee. The Initiator focuses all their energy, and calling upon the power of the Divine which was invoked into them, then focuses and directs that power into the Initiate. With that energy also comes knowledge and instinct for the Craft.

The Initiator then whispers the secret name of the Goddess and that of the God into the ear of the Initiate.

Initiator and Initiate then perform the Rite of Wine and Cakes,* with the Initiator’s partner being the one who receives the Chalice first. The Sacred Space is removed as usual, and celebrations can commence.


In advance of your Ritual you should meditate on your reasons for taking this step as it should represent as deep a commitment to the Goddess and the God and to the Craft as any Initiation taken within a Coven. I recommend that for the three nights preceding the Ritual you perform a Self-Blessing* and then spend around 10 minutes in contemplation of the step you are taking. Also, take time to phrase the wording of the promise you intend to make to the Goddess and the God. I have included a suggestion below, but you may wish to rephrase this. You might like to write this out clearly so that you are not struggling to remember it at the time.

Take time to consider whether you will choose to take a Witch name, and what that might be. In addition, you might like to select special clothing and/or jewellery which you will consecrate in Circle, and reserve for your Craft workings. All your Altar equipment and your Athame should be consecrated in advance.

You will need:



This Ritual should be performed at the Full Moon.

After creating your Sacred Space,* perform the Rite of Banishing Unwanted Influences.* Next perform a Self-Blessing,* during which you should focus on the strength and energy of the Mother Goddess being directed into and around you. This should be sufficient for you to feel empowered, but you can also chant a little if you feel this adds to the energy of your Circle.

Kneel in front of the Altar, facing North. Raise your arms up to each side of you and visualize the Goddess and the God, standing before you. When you feel ready say,

I … (your usual name), call upon the Goddess and the God, upon the Elements of Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Spirit, and upon all the Witches of past, present and future to witness that I choose the path of the Witch. I dedicate myself and all my works to the service of the Goddess and the God. I promise that I will not use the Craft, nor the knowledge I gain, to impress the foolish or to frighten the childish. I promise to uphold the Craft, and the Wiccan Rede to the best of my ability, and to keep silent about the secrets I may learn and the knowledge I gain. I undertake that I take this promise of my own free will and accord and that I will hold myself to it, come what may. As is my will, so mote it be. Blessed Be.’

If you choose to take a Witch Name, continue,

In token of my promise I take unto myself a new name, that of … (Witch name). May I grow in its likeness and may it aid me in my service of the Goddess and the God. May the Old Ones know me by this name and help me always to be faithful to it. Blessed Be.’

If you wish to consecrate* any clothing or jewellery, stand up again and do so in the usual way. Hold it up before the Goddess and the God, saying,

I dedicate this … (name the item/s) to the service of the Goddess and the God, that it may serve to remind me of this my sacred promise. Blessed Be.’

Immediately put the item(s) on.

Now perform the Rite of Wine.* After you have taken a sip replace the Chalice on the Altar. Kneel again and dip the forefinger of your strong hand into the wine and anoint yourself on the forehead in the shape of a pentacle, saying,

With this wine, consecrated and blessed by the Goddess and the God, I anoint myself in earnest of the promise I have made this day. May the Old Ones watch over me, guard me, guide me and protect me in my chosen path. May they bring enlightenment and understanding, knowledge and control. Blessed Be.’

Remain and meditate for a few moments before removing the Sacred Space.*

If you have performed this Rite in Circle with other Witches then they should also share in the Rite of Wine and follow it with the Cakes.* If you are on your own then make a point of having something to eat and drink to ground yourself fully.

Rituals of Initiation do not usually take place all that often, so you might like to consider doing as we do in my Coven. Prepare a special book, which contains the full ‘script’ of each of the Rituals, in a font and format which will make reading by candlelight easy. Prior to the Ritual, have a rehearsal with all the active participants (except the Initiate, unless this is a Self-Initiation) where you ‘walk through’ all the actions. This helps to ensure that you have everything you need to hand and that you are familiar with the Ritual. Either have the book of the script placed on the Altar in such a way that it can be read, or appoint a ‘book holder’ who carries it, together with a candle, throughout the Ritual in case it is needed.