3‘Die Natur ist nur einmal da’ [Nature Is There Only Once]
5The Resonance of Disparates: Spinoza, Damasio, Deleuze and the Ecology of Form
6Media Entangled Phenomenology
7On Reason and Spectral Machines: Robert Brandom and Bounded Posthumanism
8Circuits of Desire: Cybernetics and the Post-natural According to Lyotard and Stiegler
9History as an Ecological Niche: Beyond Benjamin’s Nature
10Nature, Technology and Conscious Evolution: A Post-human Constructive Philosophy
11Being without Life: On the Trace of Organic Chauvinism with Derrida and DeLanda
12Returning to Text: Deconstructive Paradigms and Posthumanism
13Primary and Secondary Nature: The Role of Indeterminacy in Spinoza and Bartleby