Dear Reader,

A funny thing happened while I was writing this book about a woman struggling with a move from California to Missouri. I moved! Unlike Laurel, my family moved from Missouri, which has always been home for me, to California, which is a whole new experience. When I began the idea for this book, I had no idea that when I would be writing it, I would be in the process of moving five people and two animals across the country. It’s been a fascinating experience.

So far the most fascinating thing about my new locale is that we have mountains. We’re near a Christian university campus, and when I want real inspiration I climb to the cross…not just in prayer, but actually putting on my hiking shoes and going up a nearby hill where a twenty-foot wooden cross dominates the landscape.

I hope that you have a way to “climb to the cross” for inspiration in your daily life. It certainly makes a difference in my life, and what gets accomplished when I come back down to reality.



I love to hear from readers. You can write me at P.O. Box 2067, Thousand Oaks, CA 91358.