Bruce pulled up to the farmhouse. Sarah was asleep with her head against the window of the passenger door. He grabbed her purse and shook it. A smart man never reached into one of those booby traps. Guaranteed to pull out a tampon. A jingle came from the front pocket, and he fished out the keys. He unlocked the house and came back to the passenger side of the truck. “Come on, Sleeping Beauty, time to get to bed.”
Sarah opened her eyes and blinked. “Where are we?”
“Back at the suite. Let me help you.”
She put her hands on his shoulders and slid down. “Mmm, you’re warm.”
“Let’s get you inside.” He tried to lead her, but she clung to him and didn’t move her feet. “Never mind. We’ll do it this way.” He picked her up, and she buried her head in his chest.
“You smell so good. I might want to kiss you again. But you—”
“Maybe tomorrow, if you still want to.” They were not going through the whole kissing conversation again. He smiled despite the situation.
When he unlocked the door, the dog ran over and whined.
“Hey, guy. Gimme some room here.”
Bruce carried Sarah into the bedroom. The scent of cologne hung in the air. Probably Maddie’s, although not very feminine.
Fluffy ran up to him and whined again, blocking his way to the bathroom.
“What’s wrong with you?” He glanced around but didn’t see any messes on the floor. Maybe the dog had been lonely or was jealous because Bruce was holding Sarah and not petting him like usual.
He took Sarah into the bathroom and set her on her feet, keeping an arm around her for support. “Do you want to clean up or just go to bed?”
She squinted under the lights. “There’s two of me.”
Someone was going to hurt in the morning.
She gave the wig a hard tug and it came off, scattering a bunch of pins. Her hand shook as she reached for the mouthwash on the counter.
“Here.” He poured a bit into the lid and handed it to her. She managed to get some in her mouth, swished it around, and then spit into the sink.
“Okay. Night, night.” She stumbled to the bed and flopped down on top of the covers.
Good enough. He opened the window to let air into the stuffy room and then went upstairs to make sure she’d locked the door to the main house. When he came back to the bedroom, he gazed at her, now curled into the fetal position. His shoulders dropped. He’d hurt her so many times. Unable to resist, he bent down and kissed her cheek.
She murmured something and shifted.
He closed the window and twisted the lock.
An engine hummed and gravel crunched up the drive. Scott and Maddie must be returning. Bruce went outside and held a hand up to shield his eyes from the headlights.
Maddie jumped from the truck and sprinted to him. “What’s going on? Is Sarah all right?”
“Yes, but she had too much to drink.”
Scott got out of his car and came to stand beside Maddie. “You guys need help with anything?”
“No. Everything’s under control now, thanks,” Bruce said.
“This is all my fault. I made her go out. She doesn’t drink much. I just wanted her to have some fun. Damn it.” Maddie stamped her heel in the dirt. “I knew if she was with you, it would be fine. I mean, she’s obviously…”
Bruce raised an eyebrow. “What?”
“Never mind.” She gazed at him with fierce eyes. “Sarah wasn’t drunk when I left her. What happened?”
The woman had missed her calling as an interrogator. “I don’t know.” He shrugged. “She went downstairs, and when I caught up to her, that’s how she was.”
“What do you mean when you caught up to her? Why did she leave you?”
Shit. He’d had enough for one night. “Look, it’s late. She’s safe, and that’s all that matters. Tell Sarah I’ll be over tomorrow morning.”
Maddie placed a hand on his arm. “I’m sorry.” She gave him a soft squeeze. “Thanks for taking care of her. I’m mad at myself, and I didn’t mean to take it out on you. I got so scared when we couldn’t find her. I thought the stalker—”
“It’s okay. I promise no one will get to her here. Make sure you lock up.”
“I will.” Maddie waved to Scott. “Thanks for following me back.”
He gave her a warm smile and nodded. “Anytime.”
She hurried into the house.
“Stalker?” Scott raised an eyebrow.
Bruce frowned. “It’s a long story. I’ll explain tomorrow. I’m sorry. I owe you for tonight.”
Scott shook his head. “Like hell, I owe you. Maddie gave me her number. She’s something.”

Sarah opened one eye as sunlight poured through the crack in the curtains. She half raised, then put a hand to her head and sank back down. Throbbing pain. Not good. The night came back in bits. Cosmos. Dancing with a strange man. Throwing up.
Ugh. No.
She covered her face with her hands. Bruce had been with her. He must be so disgusted. Nothing worse than being around a puking drunk.
As if things weren’t bad enough before, now he would avoid her like roadkill. She tried to sit up, slower this time. Better. His scent clung to the blouse she still wore. Well, they had danced together at least for a little while.
She shuffled to the bathroom, splashed water on her face, and brushed her teeth. Hairpins littered the floor and counter around the wig next to the sink. She shook her head. Not a clue what had happened. She plodded to the kitchen to find Maddie brewing coffee and toasting a bagel.
“I heard you get up. Thought you might like something in your stomach.”
Sarah smiled. “Thanks. I need carbs.”
Maddie took a step closer and brushed a strand of Sarah’s hair back. “I’m sorry. I take the blame for this.”
“Not your fault. You didn’t force the cosmos down my throat.”
“But I should have stayed with you. I thought you and Bruce would, you know, be better off if I left you alone.”
“You don’t get it, Maddie. We’re done. I tried to kiss him, and he shoved me away. Can’t get much clearer than that.”
Maddie poured two cups of coffee and handed Sarah a mug. “You’re wrong about him.”
“How so?” Sarah pulled the bagel out of the toaster.
“He’s crazy over you. He drove you home, tucked you in bed. No guy does that if he’s not interested.”
Sarah wrinkled her nose and glanced up. Another piece of the night slipped into her memory of him holding her up in the bathroom. “You don’t know Bruce. He thinks he’s responsible for everyone.”
Maddie shook her head but didn’t argue further. “How do you feel?”
“Like shit.” Sarah took a sip of coffee and picked up a glass from the drying mat. “I should drink some water.” She filled the cup. “Thanks for cleaning up. I meant to wash these before we left.”
“Huh?” Maddie cocked her head.
“The dishes. Thanks for cleaning them.”
“I didn’t.”
Sarah choked on her water. “What do you mean? If you didn’t, who did?”
“Dunno. Maybe you did before we left. Don’t worry about it.”
“I don’t remember doing that.” Sarah’s stomach balled.
Maddie rubbed Sarah’s arm. “Sweetie, I’m sure there’s a lot you don’t remember about last night.”
“Yeah. I guess.” Sarah glanced at the empty cup on the drying towel, and took a deep breath. Maybe Bruce had cleaned up.
Maddie said, “Want to go get a warm shower? You might feel better.”
“Okay.” Sarah took a step toward the bathroom, breakfast in hand.
“Wouldn’t hurt to put on a touch of makeup so you don’t look like death when Bruce shows up.”
Sarah spun around. “What?”
“He said to tell you he’d be by this morning.” Maddie stuffed a piece of bagel in her mouth.
“Why?” Nerves fluttered in Sarah’s stomach.
Maddie pointed to her full cheeks and shrugged.
Sarah shook her head and made her way to the shower. Damn Maddie. She knew more than she was telling.

At the sound of Bruce’s truck, Sarah’s heart jumped. Apparently, that organ hadn’t gotten the memo last night. She rinsed with mouthwash and swiped on some lipstick.
When she trudged back to the family room, Maddie sat in front of her laptop.
“Give him a chance,” she said.
Maddie smiled her annoying know-it-all smile. “He’s hot. He cares about you. Don’t miss out.” She stood. “Think I’ll take a walk. Come on, Fluffy.”
The dog leaped up and chased his tail.
Maddie laughed. “Leave a towel on the doorknob if—”
“That’s not funny.” Sarah scowled and crossed her arms. Bruce sure as hell wasn’t coming for any action after last night. But at the same time, he was the one who’d insisted they play darts, and she hadn’t asked him to bring her home. She’d tried to get away from him, so it really wasn’t her fault.
Maddie opened the door and said hello to Bruce, who stepped back to let her pass. He bent down to rub the dog’s head and accept a lick.
Fluffy trotted off after Maddie.
“Hi, Sarah.” Bruce entered and shut the door behind him.
She shot a glance at him, and her hormones came to life. He wore a cool blue T-shirt that matched his eyes.
“Thanks for bringing me home. I’m sorry about last night.”
“I’m not,” he said.
He came across the room and stopped in front of her. “Sorry about last night.”
“I don’t understand. I—”
“You said a lot of things that weren’t true. I’m here to set them straight.”
Oh God. Her mind raced, but she came up with nothing. “What did I say?”
The corners of his mouth turned down. He placed his hands on her shoulders and rubbed his thumbs under her collarbones.
Her unsettled stomach fluttered. She hadn’t expected him to ever touch her again.
“You told me about Mark and how he thought you were too much work.”
She winced. “I’m sure you didn’t want to hear about that.”
“Actually, I did.” He moved a hand to the side of her neck. “I’m not him.”
Her head hurt. He couldn’t possibly mean he thought they had a shot at anything together. But his warm hand on her skin was giving her other ideas. “Look, I don’t need you to feel sorry for me. I’m over it. He was a jerk. So don’t—”
“Agreed. Only a dick would let you go.”
She gazed into his eyes and wrinkled her brow. He wasn’t making any sense because twice he’d kicked her to the curb. And on that subject, he’d lost the right to touch her. Her traitorous body heated up from the smallest contact. She tried to step out of his reach, but he tightened his grip on her shoulder.
“I’m not done.”
“Well, then talk with your hands off me because—”
“Point taken.” He let go of her, and she backed up, crossing her arms.
“Let’s get this over with. What else did I blurt out last night?”
“That you wanted to kiss me all the time.”
Shit. Those cosmos had sure loosened her tongue. She blew at her bangs. “I don’t see what purpose this is serving. I babbled like an idiot. I’ve apologized. Can you please go now?”
“No. Not until I ask what I came to.” He moved closer.
She dug her nails into her arms, his proximity making her pulse speed up. “What?”
“I don’t deserve it, but I want another chance with you.” His eyes burned with intensity.
She stared into them and fought for control of the feelings warring inside her. He couldn’t be serious, yet he’d come to talk, and the grave lines on his face screamed of sincerity. A little voice squelched the hope in her soul. Been there and done that. She uncrossed her arms and rubbed her neck. “Why? What’s different now than the last two times you’ve told me this?”
“I realized I fucked up and made you think the wrong things.”
“Like what?”
He extended his hand but stopped short of touching her arm. “May I?”
The room seemed to shrink, and the space between them charged with energy. The sound of her own breathing filled her head. She should say no. She should step away and tell him to leave. She should give him a push right out the door. Only, her hands ached to touch him. And all she wanted was to wrap her arms around him and take the leap. She gave him a tiny nod and held her breath.
His eyes lit, and he stepped closer. He brushed her cheek with his knuckles, sliding them down to her jaw. Her skin quivered under his touch.
“You told me you thought I didn’t want you.” He circled her waist with his other arm and pulled her close.
His hard length pressed against her.
“Don’t ever think that again.”
She rested a hand on his soft shirt and pushed back, raising her gaze to his. “I don’t doubt your attraction. But that hasn’t been enough before to keep you from shutting down.”
His eyes pleaded with her, and a tiny vein jumped in his cheek. “It’s not just physical. I see who you are. You’re caring and kind. Generous and beautiful.” He rubbed his fingers up and down the curve of her waist. “Last night when I saw you with that other guy, I lost control.”
She winced. She’d never seen him so unhinged. “Yeah, about that—”
“You had a right to be pissed.” He shook his head.
“I don’t understand. I thought this whole stalker thing was too much for you. You told me on the hike I was right about it being a mistake for us to go out.”
“It didn’t have anything to do with you or the stalker.”
“Then what?” She frowned. “You said it was a bad idea for us to be together.”
“Doesn’t matter now. I was wrong. And I promise, if that bastard comes near you, he’ll regret it.”
The fierceness in his eyes caused her to blink. “I don’t know.”
“Please.” He threaded a hand through her hair. “Can you give me another shot?”
His warm breath caressed her cheeks. He pressed a soft kiss on her forehead and stroked her side.
She wanted to believe him. She’d be risking it once again, but she couldn’t walk away without knowing. Resting her head on his chest, she sunk into him. “Okay.”
He let out a breath and squeezed her tight. “You won’t regret it. I promise.”
When Fluffy barked outside the door, he loosened his grip.
His mouth curved with a smug smile, and he traced a finger along her cheek. “Now that you told me how much you want to kiss me all the time, I’m going to find it hard to hold back.”
Ugh. She had talked his ear off last night.
“You’re gorgeous when you blush.” He ran his thumb over her lips. “When does Maddie leave?”
“Wednesday. Why?”
“Because I want to take you on a real date. How about Sunday?”
“You know I can’t do a real date out in public.” She bit her cheek.
“How about going out on my boat? We’d be alone.”
Alone. That conjured up all sorts of possibilities. Her insides warmed. “You have a boat?”
“Yes. I live by the water and keep it at the marina next door.”
“I had no idea.”
“Are you up for it?”
“Sure.” As long as they weren’t in public, she’d be fine.
“Great. I’ll come by around nine?”
“Promise I won’t hurt you again.” He touched his lips to hers. “Sorry I ever did.”
She swallowed hard.
The doorknob jiggled for a few seconds. Maddie giving notice.
“I better get going.” He crossed to the door and stopped. “You might want to get a bathing suit. Or not. We’re going swimming with or without one.”
He gave her a heated look and let himself out, saying goodbye to Maddie on his way.
Sarah blew out a long breath. Bruce stripped down to bare skin. She could barely control herself with him fully clothed.
Her knees went soft.