Sarah’s gaze dashed around the empty dance studio. Mirrors lined the walls, with a barre embedded along one of them. A large observation window on the right overlooked the room from the second floor. Black speakers were mounted near the ceiling in the corners. She turned to Bruce. “I don’t understand.”
“I rented it for you.”
“You wh-what?” She brought a hand to her chest.
He shrugged. “I knew you’d need privacy. They close at seven thirty, so it’s yours for as long as you want after that any night but Saturday and Sunday when they sometimes have evening classes.”
Her heart threatened to burst. She could put her slippers on and dance again. The space, the mirrors, the perfect floor. Her muscles quivered with pent-up energy.
“I figured the timing was perfect with the summer help at the farm and you only needing to do the housework and a couple hours in the stables.” He stroked a hand down her hair.
She glanced around the room. Renting a private studio had to be expensive. As much as she wanted this, she couldn’t accept it. Her lungs whooshed out a breath of air. “I-I can’t afford to pay you back for this.”
He grasped her hands and pressed the key in one. “I have more money than I know what to do with. It means nothing to me. This. This means something.”
“It’s too much.”
His gaze burned into hers. “Let me give you back a little of what that bastard took from you. Please. For me.”
Tears misted her eyes. Dance. She could dance again.
“Hell. Don’t cry on me now.” He wrapped his arms around her.
“I’m sorry. It means so much to me. I—”
“Shh.” He pressed his lips to the top of her head. “Just promise me one thing.”
“What?” She clung to his shirt, one hand fisted with the key inside.
“That you’ll let me watch you. I want to see you dance.”
She nodded against his chest.
Yeah. She loved him.

Bruce drove Sarah back to her suite and kissed her at the door. “I’ll see you tomorrow, bright and early.”
“You coming for breakfast?” she asked.
“Do you want me to?” He cocked his head. “I can’t promise not to touch you.”
She snaked her arms around his neck. God, he smelled amazing. Like the fresh, salty sea. “I don’t care what anyone thinks.”
“But you said you didn’t want me to stay because of Debbie.”
“I meant overnight. People knowing we’re dating is different than them hearing us having sex.”
“Okay.” A smile played at the corners of his mouth.
He leaned down, his lips brushing the lobe of her ear. “Think I’m about to ruin Greg’s day tomorrow.”
Sarah laughed and drew her hands back. She pulled out her keys, went to unlock the door, and tensed.
“What’s wrong?”
Her stomach knotted. “It wasn’t locked.”
“Maybe you forgot to lock it.”
She shook her head. “I never forget.”
“Stand back.” He opened the door and flicked on the lights.
Fluffy jumped up and ran over to him. He whined and sniffed around the room, snout to the carpet.
“Stay here.” Bruce entered the suite and checked the rooms. “All clear. It’s safe to come in.”
Sarah shut her eyes. She’d left from the front of the house.
“It’s okay.” Bruce stroked her arm.
“I don’t remember when I used this door last.”
“Maybe Joe let the dog in through it and forgot to lock up. No one’s here.”
She glanced around. Sometimes Joe did take care of the dog. “Everything looks the same as when I left.”
“So relax.” He took her hand. “Do you want me to stay with you?”
“No. I’ll be fine.” She rubbed her arms and glanced around the room again. “I have Fluffy with me.”
“All right. Then I’ll see you tomorrow.”
He brought his lips to hers for a soft, tender kiss. “Thanks for coming today.”
“Which time?” She raised an eyebrow.
“Naughty girl.” He gave her butt a playful slap. “I better go.”
She followed him to the door and locked up.
Sleep didn’t come easy, but at some point, she must have drifted off because her alarm awakened her bright and early.
She topped off a bowl of fruit for the breakfast she’d prepared in the main kitchen. Her gaze shot to the door every time someone opened it.
Joe sauntered in and went to the coffee maker. The man had his focus on caffeine first every morning.
Greg had already loaded his plate with food and ate at the table.
Debbie had some paperwork out and wrote notes while drinking her coffee. She glanced up when Bruce entered, and went back to writing.
Greg yelled out a hello as Bruce crossed the room. Bruce nodded to him and stopped next to Sarah.
Her stomach flipped and sizzled like a pancake on a hot griddle.
“Morning. You sleep well?” he asked.
She cleared her throat. “Yes, and you?”
“I was up all night, after leaving you,” he said low enough that no one else could hear.
Oh God. Maybe she wasn’t so ready to let the world know about them.
“I warned you.” He leaned over and kissed her.
Silverware clattered to the floor. Sarah shot a glance at the table. Greg bent down to pick up whatever he’d dropped.
“About time,” muttered Joe from his station at the coffee machine.
Bruce snatched a plate and serving spoon. “This looks awesome. I’m really, really hungry this morning.”
Debbie slapped her pen down and stood, grabbing her empty coffee mug. “For God’s sake. Get a room, you two.”
Joe snorted.
Bruce’s mouth twitched as he piled food on his plate. His gaze darted to Sarah, and she fought the urge to smack that smug look off his face. Good thing he was so freaking amazing in bed, or she’d kill him.
He picked up a strawberry. “These look fresh. Did they come from the farmers market?”
Sarah tapped her foot. Prickly heat singed her face. Now he was swapping recipes and having fun quizzing her about the food while everyone stared at her.
“Yes, as a matter of fact.”
“How about the maple syrup? Looks like a new—”
She kicked her foot against his. “Could I have a word with you?”
“Sure. Which one?”
Another snort came from Joe.
“Out there.” She pointed to the porch and stomped past him. When he followed her out, she whirled around to face him.
“What do you think you’re doing?” She crossed her arms.
“You’re gorgeous when you’re angry.” He swaggered over, and she took a step back. “Why are you so upset?”
“You know damn well. Why don’t you wear a T-shirt that says, ‘I slept with her’?”
“I would if I could.” He smiled. “You told me you didn’t care if they knew.”
She frowned. “Well, I didn’t realize how embarrassing it would be.”
“Sorry.” He put a hand on her arm. “I’ve wanted you for so long. I can’t act like nothing happened, and they were going to figure it out sooner or later anyway.”
“I suppose.” She had to get used to them as a couple.
He brought his face close to hers.
“I wasn’t kidding. I barely slept.” He traced a finger along the line of her neck, and she shivered. “All I could think about was making love to you again.”
His arms came around her, and heat blasted through her body.
He covered her mouth with his for a long, sensual kiss. “Better get used to this. I intend to do it a lot.”
The door opened, and Debbie stepped onto the porch. Sarah tried to move away, but Bruce had her in a vise grip.
Debbie waved a hand in their direction and shook her head. “Geez. I’m heading to the stables.”
Bruce’s lips curved, and Sarah took a deep breath.
He kissed her again. “My trip is this Saturday. We’ll have to make the most of our time this week before I leave.”
She frowned. Morgan. Alone with Bruce for two days.
“What’s wrong?” he asked.
“I wish you weren’t going with Morgan. She…bothers me.” Sarah’s jaw tensed.
“We’re just friends, and this horse looks really promising. It’s exactly what we’ve been searching for from what I can tell, or I wouldn’t go so far to see it.” He stroked her cheek. “I can take on more patients if I get another horse. I already have two more vets interested in the program.”
That mattered much more than her jealous peeve with Morgan. “I’m sorry. I really hope it works out.”
“I am worried about leaving you, though.” He frowned.
“It’s only for one night.” She shook her head. “I’ll be fine. I haven’t heard from the stalker in over three weeks. Besides, you don’t sleep here anyway. What’s the difference?”
“Well, I asked Joe to stay here the night I’m gone.”
She winced. “That wasn’t necessary. Now I feel stupid. Like I need a babysitter. I’m surrounded by people all the time, and I have the dog.”
“Joe sleeps over sometimes anyway. Just an extra precaution. Debbie has a shotgun, and they both know how to use it.”
“Okay.” She would feel safer. “Thank you.”
He smiled. “Now are you done chastising me so I can get some food? You did invite me.”
“Yes, but go easy on the PDA.”
“You wanna start tossing around acronyms? That’s a battle you’ll never win against a military man.” He brought his lips to hers and she smiled against them.

Leonard placed the tarp on the dirt, knelt, and pulled out his binoculars. All weekend with no sight of Sarah. His eyebrows twitched. Since it was Monday, she’d be back to her routine and he could keep track of her.
After drawing a tissue from his pocket, he dabbed at the sweat under his eyes. He raised the binoculars and trained them on the front porch where Sarah stood in front of a man. The guy stepped closer to Sarah, his Sarah, and kissed her.
Leonard flinched and gripped the binoculars tighter. His heart jackhammered in his chest. The rubber lens hoods dug into his eye sockets. No. She didn’t fight or slap the man. Impossible. She appeared to kiss him back, letting him hold her like a lover. Leonard’s stomach lurched. This man must have seduced her. He’d soiled her. Ruined her. Somehow made Sarah forget how much she loved Leonard.
Tiny, bright pinpoints of light appeared before his eyes, and he became dizzy. He lowered the binoculars and leaned against the tree. He’d warned her. Told her how much he loved her. She’d had the chance all along to come back, to admit her love. He shook his head and dragged a hand down his face.
Traitor. A complete fake. He couldn’t allow her to live and be a walking reminder of his misplaced faith. They would have been perfect together, only she was flawed. His world crashed down around him. He gasped for air and bent over, squeezing his eyes shut as he rocked. No way out. She’d left him no choice now. He wouldn’t need the closet or the locks.
She’d made a fatal mistake in betraying him.
Just like Audrey.