This book began like many of my others did—with me pestering Carrie Ryan and Megan Miranda to tell me what book I should write next. Of all my ideas, this was the one they leaped on, and for that I am grateful. I never knew I’d have so much fun writing about a maid who might (or might not) have started life with a tail.
As always, big thanks to Josh Adams at Adams Literary for finding the perfect home for Anouk’s story. To Cat Onder, Gabriella Abbate, Sarah Landis, Helen Seachrist, Cara Llewellyn, Samantha Bertschmann, Veronica Wasserman, Tara Shanahan, Tara Sonin, and everyone at Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, thank you for your passion, your enthusiasm, and your grace during the sometimes-unpredictable publishing journey. I knew I adored your team when you served champagne and French pastries at the office meet-and-greet. Merci!
I’m massively grateful to everyone who helped me get the details right: Victor Dixen, Rishi Chopra, and Ashley Lauren Rogers. This story is much stronger for your knowledge and keen eyes. Special thanks to April Tucholke for her encouragement, and to Courtney Stevens, whose tarot readings helped me find the heart of the story.
Finally, thank you to my friends, family, and to my true lovelies: my readers across the world. Ne cessez jamais de rêver de plus beaux lendemains.