Suggested Reading
Andrist, Ralph K., The Long Death. Macmillan, 1964.
Brown, Dee A., Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee. Bantam, 1970.
Buecher, Thomas R., ed., The Crazy Horse Surrender Ledger. Nebraska Historical Society, 1994.
Hardoff, Richard G., The Oglala Lakota Crazy Horse: A Preliminary Genealogical Study and an Annotated Listing of Primary Sources. J.M. Carroll and Company, 1985.
Kadlecek, Edward, and Mabel Kadlecek, To Kill an Eagle: Indian Views on the Last Days of Crazy Horse. Johnson Books, 1995.
Sandoz, Mari, Crazy Horse: The Strange Man of the Oglalas. University of Nebraska Press, 1942.
Scott, Douglas D., Richard A. Fox, Jr., Melissa A. Conner, and Dick Harmon, Archaeological Perspectives on the Battle of the Little Bighorn. University of Oklahoma, 2000.