Dear Ms. Sincere Jones,
I want to give up. When I was born, I had two strikes against me. The first strike was that I was black. The second strike was I was a man. As a young adult, I decided to add a third strike. My third strike was becoming a felon. I went to jail for selling drugs. While I was in jail, I decided to change my lifestyle. I know, it sounds very cliché, but it is true. I decided to take responsibility for my actions. I vowed to God that I would be a man that He wanted me to be. Ms. Sincere Jones, it is hard trying to fight a system that wants me to fail. Come on, let me keep it real. When most companies review my application, they throw it in the trash can because I checked that I was a felon. If I tell the truth, I am penalized. If I tell a lie, I am penalized. So, why should I try? I am doing the best I can, but I don’t know anymore. Do you have any suggestions?
Work in Progress
Dear Work in Progress,
First of all, I will be honest. I am not going to pretend to know what it feels like to be a black man. I am very happy that you changed your life. It is always a great feeling to have the courage to leave your past in the past. I do apologize for society’s stereotypes. I don’t know if some companies throw away their applications once they find out that a person is a felon. If that is so, then they lost a good person. You are much better than that. I want you to continue to keep your eyes on God. He has a good plan for you. You have to keep the faith.
There are several programs available for people who have a criminal record. Each state workforce agencies have their own programs to assist people with criminal records. Some companies receive a federal tax credit through the workforce agencies. Again, I know that each state workforce agency varies from state to state. There are grants that are available for people who have a criminal record. I would research their rules and regulations because there are some stipulations according to the crime committed.
Do you attend church? At some churches, there are people who specialize in helping others secure job employment. I hope this information will help you. I will be praying for you.
Ms. Sincere Jones
Inspirational Bible Verse: Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid or tremble at them, for the Lord your God is the one who goes with you. He will not fail you or forsake you. Deuteronomy 31:6