
Then Career

Dear Ms. Sincere Jones,

I want my wife to understand. She needs to understand that I am working for our family; I am not asking her to work. I want to give my wife the world. That’s why I request overtime. I want to put my wife and children into a house. I mean, I am not knocking our apartment, but I want our children to grow up with a backyard. It makes me proud to provide for my family. My wife does an excellent job taking care of our children. I know it is not easy raising our two children. That’s why I am working overtime. I do not want her to work. She is always talking about how if she had a job, she would be able to contribute to the home. I just need a little time to give her the house she has dreamed about since she was a little girl. I don’t think she gets it. She is taking care of our home and our children. That is more than enough. I have respect for mothers who have the opportunity to stay home with their children. Being a stay-at-home mother is a full-time job. She wants to continue her education which I support her decision. I am very proud of her. How come she cannot see what I am doing?



Dear Confused,

I respect all men that take care of their family. I say, “Thank you.” I respect that you want to give your wife the house that she has always wanted. If your wife has always been a social butterfly, being a stay-at-a-home was not her major. You told me, “She wants to continue her education.” If she is telling you that statement, you might want to listen to her. It sounds like you are ignoring the part about her having a life outside the children.

Being a former stay-at-home, I know it can be very exhausting taking care of little ones. Being that you work overtime, she is probably there with the children all the time. Don’t you think she needs a break? I don’t know her, but I know she wants you home. Her translation, “If I work, my husband will be able to spend more time with me.”

I suggest you have a heart-to-heart with your wife. I would suggest you listen to her. I know you listen to her because you are working hard to provide the house she desires. It sounds like her main goal is to spend quality time with you. I am not saying she doesn’t want her dream house. It sounds like her priorities have shifted. I believe you will make the best decision for you and your family...together.


Ms. Sincere Jones

Inspirational Bible Verse: He who trusts in his riches will fall, But the righteous will flourish like the green leaf. He who troubles his own house will inherit wind. Proverbs 11:25