Continue Loving Your Man

Dear Ms. Sincere Jones,

My boyfriend is driving me crazy. He whines more than our daughter. She is five. He complains about how I don’t leave sexy messages in car. He complains about how I don’t send him sweet text anymore. He gets frustrated when I don’t wear sexy lingerie at night. He works nights. I work days. He misses how I used to wait for me to hear about his day. Well, we didn’t have children. I am tired. Sometimes, he is tired of seeing my flannel pajamas. He is worse than a girl. I thought I was the female in the relationship. I don’t have time for that anymore. I am raising his daughter. I am running a household. It seems like he is not appreciating me for what I do on a daily basis. He claims that he is not asking for it every night, but he would appreciate a little spice in our life. I give him spice when I make that jerk chicken. He gives me no complaints. What is up with him?


Confused Girlfriend

Dear Confused Girlfriend,

I am so glad you didn’t use your real name. If your boyfriend read this letter, he might leave you. He is not whining. He is calling out for help. When you first met him, you put your best foot forward. You pulled out all the stops to catch this man’s heart. You left messages for him. You wore sexy lingerie for him. You used to get your hair done for him. I could go on and on, but I won’t. You cannot use the “mom” card as an excuse. You are still his girlfriend. I understand that you are a mother, but you can at least take one night out of the week to be sexy. It won’t kill you. He is not asking for much. He wants your attention. He wants your time. He wants you. Now, if you don’t compromise, he could seek out other females for the list of demands that he is requesting. It sounds horrible, but as his girlfriend, you cannot rest on your morals.

You cannot expect that your man will never cheat on you. That’s why a lot of girlfriends lose their relationship. They forget what it took to keep their men. You let a single female get a hold on this information. That is a window of opportunity. Some females would love to have a man like yours. They keep their ears open and their eyes on the prize. These single females hang around in bars. They are undetected by men like yours. When your man is telling his boys about how you are not doing certain things listed in your letter, a single female hears this information. She makes her move. Do not fall prey. Think about it.


Ms. Sincere Jones

Bible Inspirational Verse: But the goal of our instruction is love from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith. I Timothy 1:5