
Main Resources

By far the main source of information for this book was George Peto himself, an extraordinary individual who, even at 93 years old, retained a remarkable, consistent memory for detail, including events that occurred over eight decades before. Most of his memoirs were obtained through a series of interviews with him in his home in Columbus, Ohio by Pete Margaritis between June 1915 and June 2016. A second good source of information was an audio set of two interviews taken of Mr. Peto on March 31, 2015, by Fairbanks Middle School teacher Claudia Bartow, also a veteran. Claudia’s excellent, detailed interviews augmented to a considerable extent the information subsequently obtained by Mr. Margaritis.

In addition, Mr. Peto’s sources include articles over the years that he has either written or contributed to. These include his “Combat Action Report” of November 1, 2014, “The Hard Luck Kid,” “The Real Heroes,” “The Long Voyage Home,” and “The Battle for Peleliu” (August 25, 2011). Also helpful were a few sources in which his personal actions have been included, including several books listed below.

A few additional sources for Mr. Peto’s unit detailed a good deal of information that was so valuable in filling in a few holes of Mr. Peto’s accounts. One useful resource was Russell Diefenbach’s privately published Autobiography of a Common American, R. E. Diefenbach, c.1997. This work, although at times (according to Mr. Peto) slightly more imaginative than accurate, provided a fairly good account of many of the day-to-day, intricate details of the 3rd Battalion’s heavy mortar platoon.

George P. Hunt’s Coral Comes High, Harper & Brothers, NY, NY, c.1946, gave excellent first-hand details of Company K (K/3/1) at Peleliu, to which George was briefly attached.

Curtis Beall’s Memoirs of a Marine Dawg: From Rose Bowl to Pacific Theater, Indigo Custom Publishing LLC, Macon, GA, c.2006, provided additional accounts of the mortar platoon’s combat experience on Okinawa.

Albert C Cook’s Between Shots—A Memoir: Experiences and Reflections, South Pacific, World War II, Albert C. Cook Publishing, c.2009, provided a fair amount of additional information on George’s mortar platoon starting from 1943.

Unless otherwise indicated, most of the informational footnotes came either from Mr. Peto or crosschecked open Internet sources such as Wikipedia.

Additional Sources

Albers, Col. Ron, USAF Ret., “FOCUS FEATURE: Sgt. George Peto, Jr., 3rd Battalion, 1st Marines, 1st Marine Division, Pacific Theatre, WWII,” From the Trenches: Official Newsletter of Motts Military Museum, Inc., Fall issue, 2012, Groveport, OH.

Alexander, Joseph H., Col., USMC, Storm Landings: Epic Amphibious Battles in the Central Pacific, Naval Institute Press, Annapolis, MD., c.1997. (A)

Alexander, Joseph H., Col., USMC, “What Was Nimitz Thinking?” Proceedings: U.S. Naval Institute, Vol. 124/11/1,149, November 1998. (B)

Appleman, Roy E., Burns, James M., Gugeler, Russell A, and Stevens, John, Okinawa: The Last Battle, U.S. Army in World War II—The War in the Pacific, Center of Military History, United States Army, Washington, D.C., c.2000.

Bevilacqua, Maj. Allan C., USMC (Ret), “Brothers in Arms,” Leatherneck Magazine, April, 2007, Vol. LXXXX, No. 4.

Cameron, Craig, M, American Samurai—Myth, Imagination, and the Conduct of Battle in the First Marine Division, 1941–1951, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom, c.1994.

Camp, Dick, Last Man Standing: The 1st Marine Regiment on Peleliu, Zenith Press Division of MBI Publishing, Minneapolis, MN, c.2008

Davis, Burke, Marine! The Life of Chesty Puller, Bantam Books, NY, NY, c.1962.

Deen Jr., Braswell D., Trial by Combat, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, c.2011.

Fox, Fred K., “My Ten Foot Circle of Space,” The Transfer Case Magazine (Lone Star Military Vehicle Preservation), Austin, TX, reprinted from The Old Breed News, August, 1997, Beaufort, SC, c.1996.

Frank, Benis M. and Shaw Jr., Henry I., History of U. S. Marine Corps Operations in World War II. Vol. V. Victory & Occupation, Historical Branch, G-3 Division Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps, Washington, DC, c.1968.

Gailey, Harry A., Peleliu 1944, The Nautical & Aviation Publishing Company of America, Annapolis, MD., c.1983.

Garand, George W. and Strobridge, Truman R., History of the U.S. Marine Corps Operations in World War II, Vol. IV: Western Pacific Operations, Historical Division, Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps, Washington, D.C., c.1971.

Gayle, Brig. Gen. Gordon D., USMC, Bloody Beaches: The Marines at Peleliu, Didactic Press, c.2015.

Haines, LCDR Joseph D., Medical Corps, USN, “Planting the Confederate Flag at Shuri Castle, Okinawa”, Confederate Digest, January 4, 2012.

Hallas, James H., The Devil’s Anvil: The Assault on Peleliu, Praeger Publishers, Westport, CT, c.1994.

Hoffman, Lt. Col. Jon T., USMCR, Chesty: The Story of Lieutenant General Lewis B. Puller, USMC, Random House, NY, NY, c.2001.

Hough, Maj. Frank O, USMC, The Seizure of Peleliu (also printed as The Assault on Peleliu), Historical Branch, G-3 Division, Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps, c.1950.

Johnstone, Maj. John H., USMC, A Brief History of The First Marines, Historical Branch, G-3 Division Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps, Washington, DC, c.1962.

Makos, Adam, Voices of the Pacific: Untold Stories from the Marine Heroes of World War II, The Berkeley Publishing Group, London, England, c.2013.

McEnery, Jim, and Sloan, Bill, Hell in the Pacific: A Marine Rifleman’s Journey from Guadalcanal to Peleliu, Simon & Schuster, NY, NY, c.2012.

McMillan, George, The Old Breed—A History of The First Marine Division In World War II, Infantry Journal Press, Washington, DC, c.1949.

Mikel, Cpl. Albert William, “A Salute to Lt. Haggerty,” The Old Breed News, Vol. LXIV, No. 3, July–August–September, 2015, Beaufort, SC, c.2015.

Mikel, Cpl. Albert William, “The Rest of the Story,” c.2009.

Miller Jr., John, United States Army in World War II: The War in the Pacific—CARTWHEEL: The Reduction of Rabaul, Office of the Chief of Military History, Department of the Army, Washington, D.C., c.1959.

Miller, Thurman, Earned in Blood: My Journey from Old-Breed Marine in the Most Dangerous Job in America, St. Martin’s Press, NY, NY, c.2013.

Moran, Jim, and Rottman, Gordon L., Peleliu 1944: The Forgotten Corner of Hell, Osprey Publishing, Oxford, England, c.2002.

Nalty, Bernard, Cape Gloucester: The Green Inferno, Marines in World War II Commemorative Series, United States Marine Corps Historical Center, Washington, DC, c.1994.

Nichols, Major Charles S. Jr., and Shaw, Henry I. Jr., Okinawa: Victory in the Pacific, Historical Branch, G-3 Division, Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps, Washington, DC, c.1955.

North, Oliver L. and Musser, Joe, War Stories II: Heroism in the Pacific, Regnery Publishing, Inc., Washington, DC, c.2004.

Parks, Kevin, “Peto beats the odds again—as he’s inducted into vets’ Hall of Fame,” Northland News, ThisWeek Community News, November 16, 2009, 2:24 p.m.

Potter, E.B., Bull Halsey: A Biography, U.S. Naval Institute Press, c.1985.

Potter, E.B., Nimitz, U.S. Naval Institute Press, Annapolis, MD, c.1976.

Robinson, Claudia (compiler), Heroes from the Heartland, Union County, Ohio, Copy Source, Marysville, OH, c.2002.

Ross, Bill D., Peleliu: Tragic Triumph, Random House, c.1991.

Rottman, Gordon L., Okinawa 1945: The Last Battle, Osprey Publishing, Oxford, England, c.2002.

Shaw, Henry I Jr., The United States Marines in North China, 1945–1949, Historical Division, Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps, Washington, DC, c.1960. (A)

Shaw Jr., Henry I. and Kane Major Douglas T., USMC, History of the U.S. Marine Corps Operations in World War II, Vol. II: Isolation of Rabaul, Historical Division, Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps, Washington, D.C., c.1963. (B)

Shisler, Gail P., For Country and Corps: The Life of General Oliver P. Smith, U.S. Naval Institute Press, Annapolis, MD, c.2009.

Simonsen, Robert A., Marines Dodging Death: Sixty-Two Accounts of Close Calls in World War II, Korea, Vietnam, Lebanon, Iraq and Afghanistan, McFarland & Company, Inc, Jefferson, NC, c.2008.

Sledge, E.B., With the Old Breed: At Peleliu and Okinawa, Presidio Press Division of Random House, NY, NY, c.1981.

Sloan, Bill, Brotherhood of Heroes: The Marines at Peleliu, 1944, Simon & Schuster, NY, NY, c.2005. (A)

Sloan, Bill, The Ultimate Battle: Okinawa 1945—The Last Epic Struggle of World War II, Simon & Schuster, NY, NY, c.2007. (B)

Standring, William, “Everyone Knew Ernie,” Marine Corps League Magazine, Vol. 51, No. 1, Spring, 1995, pp.28–32, Merrifield, VA.

Stockman, Capt. James R, USMC, The First Marine Division On Okinawa: I April–30 June, 1945, Historical Division, Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps, Washington, DC, c.1946.

Yenne, Bill, Tommy Gun: How General Thompson’s Submachine Gun Wrote History, St. Martin’s Press, NY, NY, c.2009.

(No editor), H-3-1: The Life and Times of H-3-1, USMC, (private publishing), c.2000.

(No editor), Civilian Conservation Corps Camp of Vernal records, 1937–1939,